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Very Important Text-Based D&D discussion

So it looks like I have a good AC. So I'll be hard to hit? Will it be easier to hit others? Both? One of?

Sorry for all the questions. Especially if they're basic.

I'm starting to get pretty into this and I want to understanding.
Your ability to hit something else will depend on what your hitting and with what. If something has a high AC you may choose to use a spell instead. Spells very on how they hit, but a lot require a spell save against your Spell DC. So let's say you have Spell DC of 15 and you cast a spell that requires a wisdom save. The monster your fighting rolls a dice and adds its wisdom modifier. If it doesn't beat your Spell DC of 15, your spell hits in full. If it does beat it some spells will do nothing and some will do like half damage. You'll have to read the description. You may have spells that require dexterity saves or intelligence saves, so you can judge by what you are fighting what might be the best to use. If you are fighting a cat, it probably has high dexterity. In summary having a higher Spell DC means you are more likely to hit something with your spells, but also choosing what kind of spell you are using can increase and decrease this chance as well.
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ES COO Shitposting Dept. of GWF
Nothing will protect you from my Eldritch Blast.
star wars turtle GIF


Jawneh is possibly The Sorcerer
So it looks like I have a good AC. So I'll be hard to hit? Will it be easier to hit others? Both? One of?

Sorry for all the questions. Especially if they're basic.

I'm starting to get pretty into this and I want to understanding.
You'll be harder to hit. Each being has their own AC.
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Jawneh is possibly The Sorcerer
So, a lot of things are DM Discretion Things. The way I was taught to play, and that I usually do in my games, is that the player says what they'd like their action to be and then the DM will prompt if a die roll is necessary.

A perception check very well may be what the DM calls for here (it makes the most sense) but also the DM may feel that the action doesn't even require a check based on the difficulty of the action.
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Jawneh is possibly The Sorcerer
Makes sense. Would we RP for our posts or mostly just the action we want to perform after reading the DM’s post?
(Just consider everything I say to these kind of questions to be preceded with "IN MY GAMES" because I don't want to set rules for any other DMs)

Whatever you're comfortable with. I've played with people who prefer to say "My wizard asks the guard where a bookstore is" and others that will literally act out everything while putting on a voice and everything. Personally I prefer the way you and TD were doing things in that Tavern thread, but that might not be for everyone.
(Just consider everything I say to these kind of questions to be preceded with "IN MY GAMES" because I don't want to set rules for any other DMs)

Whatever you're comfortable with. I've played with people who prefer to say "My wizard asks the guard where a bookstore is" and others that will literally act out everything while putting on a voice and everything. Personally I prefer the way you and TD were doing things in that Tavern thread, but that might not be for everyone.
Makes sense. Probably depends on how much time I have. If I’m responding while at work, it will probably a few sentences at most and then my action


Jawneh is possibly The Sorcerer
Is this to say you'll have a tavern or hub equivalent for your campaigns, or will you be sharing this tavern?
My intent when coming up with the idea was that each campaign would have a corresponding Tavern thread for both in-depth party conversation and game observers to chat in.

Ben has a good point that things could feel a bit cluttered in a thread with both of those lines of conversation happening...but I kinda see it like a Dead Thread in wolf where there's game theory going on alongside shitposting and whatnot.


Jawneh is possibly The Sorcerer
Also, my campaigns are going to be broken up in "Chapters", with each Chapter having its own Campaign Thread and Tavern Thread. Kind of like "Day/Night" threads in Wolf. Thus things shouldn't get TOO unwieldy. But its something I may change in the future if I'm wrong and convert to Ben's outlook.
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ES COO Shitposting Dept. of GWF
My intent when coming up with the idea was that each campaign would have a corresponding Tavern thread for both in-depth party conversation and game observers to chat in.

Ben has a good point that things could feel a bit cluttered in a thread with both of those lines of conversation happening...but I kinda see it like a Dead Thread in wolf where there's game theory going on alongside shitposting and whatnot.
I think I'm seeing a difference with intent unless I'm fully misunderstanding the statement below.

I thought it was almost like a hub to kick off any campaign that may exist, maybe I'm wrong, maybe it has to be decided.
This thread is for in-character discussion and will serve as the point of recruitment for any campaigns that require more players. You may still converse here even if you're part of an active campaign, but your character is not able to participate in more than one campaign at once.

Dungeon Master

Blind Guardian
@Ben @VashTheStampede did I do this correctly in the tavern thread?
Yes, although I wasn't really pushing for people needing to roll checks and things in the tavern threads. I really just wanted to get one up and going so that people can have a chance to actually get into character ahead of being thrown into a campaign. Your characters should have some semblance of backstory, why they're even going on adventures and not living a simple life as a pig farmer, etc.

But you've got the idea, and it was very easy to pick out the action with them being emphasized with bold/color even in the middle of RP, so I'm good with continuing to use that method. Vash might want to do things a little differently but I'm sure we'll clarify that in the beginning of whatever campaign thread gets started.

The general approach to actions would be you getting an idea and then asking the DM "Can I do X?", be it "Can I climb that wall to get a better vantage point?", "Can I seduce that tree ent with my legs made of a lady-ent", whatever. The general response from the DM would be "You can try!", but I think we can gloss over that back and forth at least from my perspective I'll assume if you post something in the magic colors, then you're wanting to try it. If it's something trivial that anyone could accomplish, you'll just get the outcome. If it's something that'd take some skill to accomplish, you'll be asked to roll whatever skill check is relevant. I'd say perhaps hold off on the rolling until the DM confirms what you should be rolling for, as there are often slight differences in what you'd need to roll for a given situation.

Say if you're trying to get a gate guard to let you into a city, and you don't have a valid pass. You'd more than likely need to roll a charisma skill check, but that will vary and the modifier you use will depend on if you're trying to persuade them, intimidate them, deceive them, etc.

Ergo I think better to just state what you want to do and then wait for the DM to ask you for the roll.

Is this to say you'll have a tavern or hub equivalent for your campaigns, or will you be sharing this tavern?
I can see Vash's angle that one single thread for all campaigns could get out of hand. I personally don't mind if we end up with separate taverns per DM (there are, of course, a great many taverns across Faerûn), a new one for each campaign, or just end up sharing one single one to pull adventurers from.

My intent when coming up with the idea was that each campaign would have a corresponding Tavern thread for both in-depth party conversation and game observers to chat in.

Ben has a good point that things could feel a bit cluttered in a thread with both of those lines of conversation happening...but I kinda see it like a Dead Thread in wolf where there's game theory going on alongside shitposting and whatnot.
My thoughts for keeping the OOC (out of character) discussion and meta-game questions about how D&D works separated are so as not to take people out of the roleplay vibe. While in-person D&D kind of requires you ask your questions and other things there at the table, we've got the benefit of splitting stuff up and organizing things in a more coherent fashion. Particularly for any of the "how does D&D work" questions, since the Adventurer's Academy thread is locked, it could be useful for anyone playing to be able to read an OOC thread and perhaps get answers to things they're not sure about, without having to wade through all the RP fluff to find it.

I think I'm seeing a difference with intent unless I'm fully misunderstanding the statement below.

I thought it was almost like a hub to kick off any campaign that may exist, maybe I'm wrong, maybe it has to be decided.
As above, I'm good with however Vash ultimately wants to handle things. We've tried to build this up together but his point that every DM is going to run things differently is poignant. Just assume everything isa work-in-progress that's trying to edge ever closer to the cliff-edge before taking flight.

I took that thread to be the "practice your RPs" thread as a way for newcomers to get into the feel of things. It seemed appropriate, but happy to operate in a different way.
Nailed it. With a small enchanted hammer.


Jawneh is possibly The Sorcerer
@Ben , I was thinking we'd open the Academy thread once we've got all the pertinent posts all made right there at the beginning of the thread, and that could be where people could ask the kinds of questions this thread has largely been used for thus far?


ES COO Shitposting Dept. of GWF
Short Order approaches Tronte.

"You seem lost" he said to the man. "Are you sure you're up for this? A few people also seem new to town, but an interesting crew seems to be forming. Would you like a drink, or perhaps a bite of this apple?"

Short Order sneakily hits the apple with his hammer, hoping the barkeep won't notice
View attachment 5569

edit: oh shit a nat 20 lmao. guess that apple is all boozy for you @Tommy Boy
What the actual fuck!?!?
Happy Jimmy Fallon GIF by The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon
But really was that good? I know you all were talking about not needing to roll and to check first but I figured dexterity would be the right one and it would make sense to try and hide it.


ES COO Shitposting Dept. of GWF
Well I loved it and it's getting me more pumped to try this so..


I'm gonna say it...


Doesn't Suck.
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Jawneh is possibly The Sorcerer
Just read up on that and that makes total sense. Says to roll dexterity so I picked the right one?
Assuming you don't have any bonuses to Sleight of Hand from racial abilities, backgrounds, or feats then yes, it would be akin to a straight Dex check.

Back in 3.5 if you were untrained in Sleight of Hand you wouldn't be able to succeed a skill check with a DC higher than 10. But that's one of the reasons 5th edition is superior IMO.
Assuming you don't have any bonuses to Sleight of Hand from racial abilities, backgrounds, or feats then yes, it would be akin to a straight Dex check.

Back in 3.5 if you were untrained in Sleight of Hand you wouldn't be able to succeed a skill check with a DC higher than 10. But that's one of the reasons 5th edition is superior IMO.
So much more to learn. But long story short...did I boozy the apple for @Tommy Boy ?


ES COO Shitposting Dept. of GWF
Gazing around at the menagerie of drunken beings occupying seats around the tavern, you quickly discern that none of them care to pay you much regard. Everyone is nursing their chosen beverage and only appear to have looked up upon your entrance because you let in a cold draft. This is a little surprising, considering you're standing next to an enormous turtle who seems to be off their rocker from smoking some kind of Efreeti-lettuce.

Mixed Martial Arts Wow GIF by UFC

@Crystal @Mark
We hired the right Chief Artitecht.


ES COO Shitposting Dept. of GWF
It is wild seeing how his skills have evolved over the years, from the early memes before they were called that to the ridiculously detailed stuff he’s cooking up now with robots brains.
homer simpson GIF

This is the only comparison I could think of for what I'm trying to say.


ES COO Shitposting Dept. of GWF
I have no clue what Christina just did with this apple business but holy shit am I here for it.


ES COO Shitposting Dept. of GWF
Is she saving him?
Murdering him?

Are these the thoughts I'm supposed to be having?
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