Sony The PlayStation Platinum Club

Sorry, that is a valid point. My save file had beaten the game but done 0 side content. I had all of the story characters except for one. I had 0 of the 21 animals. And I had 0 of the 12 special characters. I guess the story characters could take a while, but I genuinely have no idea at what point in the story you'd have them all unlocked.

I would say not to risk it if you plan to go for these trophies/achievements and start working on them ASAP.
Finally stopped being lazy, and connected my PS3 and PS4. Apparently for the first time in 5 years. Got those updating, working on reconnecting the X360 and Xbone... need to figure out where the hell I'm going to find room for the Series X...

But whee, one step closer to actually playing a god damn video game! :rofl

inb4 my save files are corrupt or some shit. I swear on everything unholy if I ever have to do Drakengard 3's Ending E again... 👀
yeah it was refreshingly short, main story is only 5 chapters and the plat is not time consuming at all.

…i get the feeling infinite wealth might take a little bit more time
Would this game be a good place to start the series then? I know you recommended Yakuza 0 before (IIRC?) but this looks a bit more manageable for a first-timer

Fire Queen

official GWF wolfmistress (sometimes) | she/they
GW Elder
Would this game be a good place to start the series then? I know you recommended Yakuza 0 before (IIRC?) but this looks a bit more manageable for a first-timer
so, it depends. y0 was (and is) my recommended starting point for the series, although you could also go with yakuza kiwami 1 (a remake of the original first game in the series) or yakuza: like a dragon (the first game in the series with the new protagonist)

gaiden is a tricky place to start because it is very much a game for people who have played or at least have some knowledge of all of the kiryu games that came before it. for example there's an emotional payoff at the end that got me sobbing but it won't really have any weight if you haven't played yakuza 3. the end sequence of gaiden also spoils basically the entirety of yakuza: like a dragon, so if you ever wanna play that, i'd just keep that in mind


ES COO Shitposting Dept. of GWF
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GW Elder
#54: Final Fantasy

I bought the Pixel Remaster bundle on sale so I'm currently working through I through VI. I was originally going to try to get it done by March 22 but that feels unlikely.

That said, FF was really fun to replay mainly because I just played SoP which provided a lot more context and backstory to a game that didn't do a great job developing the story albeit it was a very old game. to 2.
Finally got all of the GTA5 editor trophies. It's not a platinum, but I started from scratch a couple weeks ago so it took a WHILE to get here -- especially since I have been following a 100% guide and had a lot of diversions along the way. Now that the time sensitive stuff is out of the way I can chill a bit more. I plan on getting all of the gold medals on all missions at some point too, and doing the online trophies (which always suck ass).
Put me down for The Last of Us Part II Remastered. Not my proudest one (since it was an auto pop). There was only one DLC trophy that didn't auto pop and it was for beating the game with permadeath enabled. Obviously, I had planned to replay the game, so this isn't a terrible one to have missed, but permadeath is not my favourite setting (largely because there's an entire section of the game where it's very easy to fall down).

Even once I complete that, I have the No Return trophies to do before getting the 100%


ES COO Shitposting Dept. of GWF
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GW Elder
#56: Final Fantasy III
I'm now officially done replaying the first three, been a long time since I played III. This game was a big step in the evolution of final fantasy, it has an insane amount of jobs and insane versatility for party composition. It's also easily the hardest of the three, I actually died a few times and that difficulty curve compared to the first two? Yup.

I adore FF3, though obviously to date I've only played the 3D NDS remake. Thing is definitely hard quite often though, and the final dungeon in particular is a doozy if you aren't well prepared. Although... mayhaps that's mitigated, somewhat, pending what QoL options the Pixel Remasters have on offer. 🤔
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ES COO Shitposting Dept. of GWF
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Yeah I died 4 times in that final dungeon alone, I forgot how intense it was and I thought I was pretty well prepared. At least the Pixel Remasters have quick save.

The fact you have to do all the monster-in-a-box (if you're going all chests), kill 4 bosses, and then the final boss which just spams party nuke attacks? Sheesh. All 5 bosses are also very tanky.

Not sure if it'd qualify as QoL but the Pixel Remasters do have boosts for things like XP Gain and Gil Gain, I stuck to 1x for both though.


ES COO Shitposting Dept. of GWF
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GW Elder
That sounds about right, yeah. I died once in the final dungeon on the NDS... and there's no saving mid-dungeon in that version. So, dying meant redoing everything. I was not a happy camper considering I think I died in a really dumb way more than an hour into the journey. :chuckle
Most of the dungeons are short... but that final dungeon with no quick save?



ES COO Shitposting Dept. of GWF
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GW Elder
#57: Final Fantasy IV
Easily my favourite one of the Remasters and I suspect only passed by VI. The story and the characters on this one are still among my favourites. The fact that the game is 33 years old now is crazy to me. It was the first RPG I played with a very significant story and at the time, it set a new bar for stories in RPGs. The game also set a precedent for "wtf moments" and twists, it's littered with them AND can get you in the feels.
Finally finished all trophies for Dead Space 3 and DLC. What a fucking slog. Getting platinum requires you beat the game four times. By the end of my second legitimate playthrough, I couldn't be arsed anymore and just blew through the game using an OP OHKO weapon you get from finishing the game.

Returning to **Resistance 3** to finish off my trophies there. After that, I'll probably 100% Heavenly Sword while my PS3 controllers are still semi-functional
Just plat'd A Short Hike. Wasn't expecting to enjoy myself because I finished Lil Gator Game not that long ago, and wasn't too impressed, and this one just seemed like a top-down version of that. I'm also not really a fan of games without fail states. But damn, it was actually really enjoyable. Movement and exploration was fun and rewarding, the characters and interactions were charming. Highly recommend this game if you need something chill to play.
I don't think I've got a platinum trophy yet. I don't have a large collection of games for the PS4, nor do I get a whole lot of time to myself to game like I used to.

If I did though, chances are I did it in Ghost of Tsushima. Gonna have to check it out tomorrow and see if I did. If not, I'll have to make it a mission to get it.
Put me down for Bayonetta. More thoughts incoming tomorrow once I've had some sleep :D
Much to my surprise, I was able to power through the remainder of the game yesterday. In total, it took me 32 hours for the platinum across 4 playthroughs. Only 3 are required, but my first one was just for the story. I do understand how to play the game now, but like with most games, this one gets more fun the more powerful you get. Once you have a ton of health and the best weapons/upgrades, it's way more fun to fight enemies. The harder difficulties are actually easier as a result.

I definitely wouldn't recommend this one unless you have some burning need to try out the game. Neither the campaign nor the platinum are particularly fun.

I have some friends coming over later today to help me with Call of Duty WWII. The only remaining trophies I've had for months are the zombies ones - we used to play zombies a ton growing up, but the Easter Eggs are more complicated than ever, and it's tough to find randoms online who know what they're doing (not that I do either). I don't think I'll get the platinum today, but if we somehow accomplish both of the Easter Eggs, I might be able to get the remaining trophies by myself.


ES COO Shitposting Dept. of GWF
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GW Elder
Just in time for DD2's release.

#59: Final Fantasy VI
Not a whole lot to say. This game is still the GOAT to me. The platinum is definitely the most pain in the ass of the six, but I had fun doing it. Aside from reverting to backup saves maybe a dozen times.
Updated through here! :^

Also, saw this while poking around. Big oof.

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1 more platinum for me: Dragon Age Inquisition. My game says I've put in about 95 hours. It can definitely be done in less than that. That time includes completing all 3 DLC (though I still have some trophies left in the last DLC). Also, you can beat the game in one play through instead of doing two. I would guess if you are insanely good, you could get the platinum in 50-60 hours.


ES COO Shitposting Dept. of GWF
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GW Elder
1 more platinum for me: Dragon Age Inquisition. My game says I've put in about 95 hours. It can definitely be done in less than that. That time includes completing all 3 DLC (though I still have some trophies left in the last DLC). Also, you can beat the game in one play through instead of doing two. I would guess if you are insanely good, you could get the platinum in 50-60 hours.
Nice. Inquisition is one of those games that I came very close to getting the Platinum on but then moved on and never got back around to it.

I'd say I should but don't know that I will, although could be a good way to prepare for DA4.
Nice. Inquisition is one of those games that I came very close to getting the Platinum on but then moved on and never got back around to it.

I'd say I should but don't know that I will, although could be a good way to prepare for DA4.
Looking at the trophies you have left - you should definitely do it. The slaying 10 dragons won't take too long on your existing file, and then beating the game on nightmare is vastly overstated in difficulty. The PSN Profiles guide gives the platinum a difficulty of 8/10 - I would say it's a 4 or 5 out of 10 at best. I don't know if I even died 10 times on my nightmare play through.

Also, I personally got nothing from the story, so I had no problem skipping through all the dialogue/cutscenes on my nightmare play through. That would save you hours if you choose to do the same.
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ES COO Shitposting Dept. of GWF
10K Post Club
GW Elder
Looking at the trophies you have left - you should definitely do it. The slaying 10 dragons won't take too long on your existing file, and then beating the game on nightmare is vastly overstated in difficulty. The PSN Profiles guide gives the platinum a difficulty of 8/10 - I would say it's a 4 or 5 out of 10 at best. I don't know if I even died 10 times on my nightmare play through.
Hmm. Yeah maybe I will then - only thing with Nightmare is it's been almost 10 years since I've played since I'm so rusty.

I'm assuming my save is on the cloud but guessing Nightmare would require a brand new save.

Hmm. Yeah maybe I will then - only thing with Nightmare is it's been almost 10 years since I've played since I'm so rusty.

I'm assuming my save is on the cloud but guessing Nightmare would require a brand new save.

Let me know if you decide to try it. I'll give you a more detailed write-up on how to make it easier.
270 hours in GTA5 and a bunch of online trophies aren't popping for me. Deleted the game even and redownloaded the massive 50-some gig file over two days, and the problem still doesn't seem to be fixed. Been in contact with Rockstar support for over a month. Tearing my hair out, here.
Oof that sucks. I was thinking about going for GTA 5 next, so that is not encouraging.
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