@Ben can mechanical constructs like Boltzmann be repaired or are they just dead for good?Ah okay, that does make more sense. But at the same time Ice Knife will likely kill the mechanical pup that wolf order became friends with. It can do more damage now as well.
@Ben can mechanical constructs like Boltzmann be repaired or are they just dead for good?
They can be repaired, and even if they 'die', he can rebuild it. Even if it's not fixed within 1 hour of dying, I'd let him make another new steel defender over a long rest.

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I did. Not within 5 ft of any of the party at all.20 feet up you say?
Also as I just posted, I'm retconning Aims having dodged death. I'm now of the opinion that he should have gotten advantage on that DEX saving throw, so he'll take 1/2 damage from the attack instead of the full thing.
Also as I just posted, I'm retconning Aims having dodged death. I'm now of the opinion that he should have gotten advantage on that DEX saving throw, so he'll take 1/2 damage from the attack instead of the full thing.

I really enjoy killing you, but I wanna do it the right way.

20 feet up you say?

My other idea for Nac's turn wouldv'e been to use Step of the Wind, to use Dash as a bonus action AND to double his jump distance for the turn. Then he would've ran and jumped up onto one of the statues and from there jumped up and punch the dragon. But it kinda failed due to not knowing how tall the statues ate, and that he can't really get a running jump from the top of the statue.. But it would have been sooo cool if it had worked!
The statues themselves would be 8 feet tall, on a 2 foot high base. Conveniently making math easier.My other idea for Nac's turn wouldv'e been to use Step of the Wind, to use Dash as a bonus action AND to double his jump distance for the turn. Then he would've ran and jumped up onto one of the statues and from there jumped up and punch the dragon. But it kinda failed due to not knowing how tall the statues ate, and that he can't really get a running jump from the top of the statue.. But it would have been sooo cool if it had worked!
I don't think you'd actually need to take the Dash action at all...
It's 15 feet to the statue. Your high-jump is 3+ your STR mod (+2), so you can jump 5 ft up at base. With Step of the Wind, that'd double to a 10ft vertical jump. So with the 15 ft run up, you'd be able to leap high enough to land atop the statue.
Now... Since that's only 25ft total movement (15 ft horizontal, 10 ft vertical), you'd not need to use dash as a bonus action to get there. I find it feasible that you could instead use your Dash not to move twice as far, but to jump twice. I'll even rule that doing it right after the first will maintain momentum from the first 15 foot run and you don't need a new 10ft off of the statue...

So... Let's do what you really wanted to do.
Might have been a touch directive, forcing combat to end at least momentarily, and I know it slightly robbed Moonsprout of coming in like a wrecking ball, but as I said this seems like a decent roleplay situation.
Even if you end up killing Sparkrender anyway, there's at least potential for something not so stabby. I started feeling I didn't super emphasize the ritual thread, which might tickle Aim's pickle for character story.
Restraining Sparkrender outright definitely wouldn't have been a thing without the owlbear being present. Still dunno if you'll work out a way to translate what he's saying though.
I'm just hoping I can maybe squeeze some character development out of the last little bit of the campaign. But ultimately, up to the party what you do.
Even if you end up killing Sparkrender anyway, there's at least potential for something not so stabby. I started feeling I didn't super emphasize the ritual thread, which might tickle Aim's pickle for character story.
Restraining Sparkrender outright definitely wouldn't have been a thing without the owlbear being present. Still dunno if you'll work out a way to translate what he's saying though.
I'm just hoping I can maybe squeeze some character development out of the last little bit of the campaign. But ultimately, up to the party what you do.
They certainly can.Can the Kobolds speak with dragons?
While grabbing Sparky's dick mightve stirred something within the lizard, Aims ain't into that. Best leave it for Tumblr.
What Aims is about is beatings. Good ol' fashioned beatings. What are beatings good for? Obedience training? Who needs some of that? Sparky needs some of that.
So all in all the plan is not to murder the sexually assaulted dragon, but to make him feel pain and suffering until the shock of it takes his consciousness away. Once it returns, the same may repeat once or twice more if needed.
What is the grand plan of this all? Dunno. Aims just wants a dragon. Is he just a dragon fan boy now? Does he feel petty for slaying a small dragon instead of a large one? Is he planning on fattening this one up for later? We all have questions and sadly so little answers.
I do have ideas on what Ben will have happen if some of this scenario plays out, but we'll leave that in the dark for now. I'm not gonna put words into his mouth even if I can potentially predict some things.
Blah blah blah, once I get to it, maybe a bit later today, Aims will ready his fists for a beating. Some RP will also ensue.
What Aims is about is beatings. Good ol' fashioned beatings. What are beatings good for? Obedience training? Who needs some of that? Sparky needs some of that.
So all in all the plan is not to murder the sexually assaulted dragon, but to make him feel pain and suffering until the shock of it takes his consciousness away. Once it returns, the same may repeat once or twice more if needed.
What is the grand plan of this all? Dunno. Aims just wants a dragon. Is he just a dragon fan boy now? Does he feel petty for slaying a small dragon instead of a large one? Is he planning on fattening this one up for later? We all have questions and sadly so little answers.
I do have ideas on what Ben will have happen if some of this scenario plays out, but we'll leave that in the dark for now. I'm not gonna put words into his mouth even if I can potentially predict some things.
Blah blah blah, once I get to it, maybe a bit later today, Aims will ready his fists for a beating. Some RP will also ensue.
I knew I was missing something.
I mean, you essentially turn my character into Dr. Strange for a meditative hour. And all I need to do is reflect on a time of great regret? Check!How plausible are the attunements sounding for you? I tried to ballpark what would be tolerable at this level, although I completely spaced on potentially having to run combat for 1 hour, or... 600 turns to keep Aims'a'ragin...
Call me the Supreme Artificer.
Mine works for me!How plausible are the attunements sounding for you? I tried to ballpark what would be tolerable at this level, although I completely spaced on potentially having to run combat for 1 hour, or... 600 turns to keep Aims'a'ragin...
@A Semen Surfer - Question... Obviously I was playing to your using Mortal Kombat calls all the time, with giving you a Scorpion ring that can pull things to you... However I do acknowledge it's not very druidy, and beyond that it's not very cold druidy like you've been going.
My original idea was something way more in line with that;
Satchel of Sprouting

Short of giving a full write-up, it would let you pick a seed/bulb from a plant you've seen or learned about out of the bag once per X. Probably I'd let you use it to cast Goodberry as well. My main intent was to give you this to use as a way to get the rarer plant components needed for your spells.
So if you'd rather have received something druidy and not just Alu-y, I'll retcon you receiving this instead (maybe with a Ctrl+Z test.) That being said, I totally have ideas as to how you could pull off some neat combo moves using a few of the magical items you've found.
My other thoughts that I don't think I'd go with included a copper root that tapers off into wire filaments, which was going to act like a nature/tech crossover and let you (Short) remote control Boltzmann. And the other was a baby's board-book of arctic animals. But there aren't a ton that you'd really find super useful now so I figure you can just go to the cold places if you really want to pick up those animals.
My original idea was something way more in line with that;
Satchel of Sprouting

Short of giving a full write-up, it would let you pick a seed/bulb from a plant you've seen or learned about out of the bag once per X. Probably I'd let you use it to cast Goodberry as well. My main intent was to give you this to use as a way to get the rarer plant components needed for your spells.
So if you'd rather have received something druidy and not just Alu-y, I'll retcon you receiving this instead (maybe with a Ctrl+Z test.) That being said, I totally have ideas as to how you could pull off some neat combo moves using a few of the magical items you've found.
My other thoughts that I don't think I'd go with included a copper root that tapers off into wire filaments, which was going to act like a nature/tech crossover and let you (Short) remote control Boltzmann. And the other was a baby's board-book of arctic animals. But there aren't a ton that you'd really find super useful now so I figure you can just go to the cold places if you really want to pick up those animals.
For the attunements, other than me and potentially Nac, it's all basically rp territory. They all seem pretty great in terms of being character specific.
Would it be fair to say we all have to do a short rp write up on how we get all the attunements done, and if good enough, you deem the thing done?
Like, we go back to town, level up, chat with towns folk, make plans against Sparky, go do attunements, and next day we go do last fight?
Where as linking dice rolls would be kind of a crazy sounding thing to do, maybe just having our skills open in a drop-down or small pop-up window or something. Attacks would be weird for anyone who changes weapons, and would eventually become quite nasty for all the spell wielding folks. And then account for all druid transformations too.
Would it be fair to say we all have to do a short rp write up on how we get all the attunements done, and if good enough, you deem the thing done?
Like, we go back to town, level up, chat with towns folk, make plans against Sparky, go do attunements, and next day we go do last fight?
Looks great so far!Messin' around with stuff. I built a small addon to display the stat custom-fields I put in a while ago. Nothing ground-breaking, but I wonder if I could link it to the dice-roll in any way to make it easier to roll for X.![]()
Where as linking dice rolls would be kind of a crazy sounding thing to do, maybe just having our skills open in a drop-down or small pop-up window or something. Attacks would be weird for anyone who changes weapons, and would eventually become quite nasty for all the spell wielding folks. And then account for all druid transformations too.
Yeah, that's where I figured it'd go. You can all split up to handle your attunements separately if you chose, or however you want to do it. Thematically I like the idea of Aims having to keep his rage up for an hour, but realizing it'd be bloody hard to get through it I don't think I'm going to actually make you do any combat during attunement. I was going to find some spirit statblock and make you fight some ghosts, but honestly you could just RP all that as well as everyone else. I guess I kinda boned Nac making his need to take meditation over two separate nights... I could be swayed to it only needing to be over 1 night. That way potentially you could all knock them out at the same time.For the attunements, other than me and potentially Nac, it's all basically rp territory. They all seem pretty great in terms of being character specific.
Would it be fair to say we all have to do a short rp write up on how we get all the attunements done, and if good enough, you deem the thing done?
Like, we go back to town, level up, chat with towns folk, make plans against Sparky, go do attunements, and next day we go do last fight?
(I am making these real easy to begin with. Attunements seem to be lengthy 3+ step processes, in general. I wanted you guys to arguably be able to get this done and use the items now, not have to go on another quest to wash your keyboard-keys in a magical fountain or something.)
Maybe if Sprouty sings me a Bard's song?
Or if I get as many Blind Guardian song titles into the rp as possible?![]()

No one will ever know our names
But the bards' songs will remain
Tomorrow will take it away the fear of today
It will be gone due to our magic songs
As you said, we're brewing stuff now, so there could even be a slightly longer time period before we find Sparky somehow. He needs to recover too, yes? I'm pretty sure the gang is fine with you coming up with something fun in the mean time. Unless you'd prefer moving onto a new adventure. Either way, I would've been fine with a bit longer thing for my attunement as long as there was opportunity for it at some point. Like bonus objective or choosing to do your thing versus skipping a thing with others. Whatever is reasonable or just feasible.Yeah, that's where I figured it'd go. You can all split up to handle your attunements separately if you chose, or however you want to do it. Thematically I like the idea of Aims having to keep his rage up for an hour, but realizing it'd be bloody hard to get through it I don't think I'm going to actually make you do any combat during attunement. I was going to find some spirit statblock and make you fight some ghosts, but honestly you could just RP all that as well as everyone else. I guess I kinda boned Nac making his need to take meditation over two separate nights... I could be swayed to it only needing to be over 1 night. That way potentially you could all knock them out at the same time.
(I am making these real easy to begin with. Attunements seem to be lengthy 3+ step processes, in general. I wanted you guys to arguably be able to get this done and use the items now, not have to go on another quest to wash your keyboard-keys in a magical fountain or something.)
Too bad he wasn't around to see your clothes fly off and explode. That definitely would've given him some inspirationMaybe if Sprouty sings me a Bard's song?

Maybe we'll just say he heard about it after three fact.
I really just want to get the bonus part working correctly on the dice roller, so you don't need to add shit manually. There's an option, but it seems to sum the total and not show your roll separately.For the attunements, other than me and potentially Nac, it's all basically rp territory. They all seem pretty great in terms of being character specific.
Would it be fair to say we all have to do a short rp write up on how we get all the attunements done, and if good enough, you deem the thing done?
Like, we go back to town, level up, chat with towns folk, make plans against Sparky, go do attunements, and next day we go do last fight?
Looks great so far!
Where as linking dice rolls would be kind of a crazy sounding thing to do, maybe just having our skills open in a drop-down or small pop-up window or something. Attacks would be weird for anyone who changes weapons, and would eventually become quite nasty for all the spell wielding folks. And then account for all druid transformations too.
Also need to fix it to work better on mobile too.

I was just checking, out of curiosity than anything, if DnDB had an API access of some sort to latch onto. And sadly no. That could've potentially made things more convenient to leverage at least our character stat blocks.
Oh well. I mean... sure it's still possible, but not officially lol.
Oh well. I mean... sure it's still possible, but not officially lol.
This makes sense though, because then they wouldn't be able to monetize D&DB in any way.I was just checking, out of curiosity than anything, if DnDB had an API access of some sort to latch onto. And sadly no. That could've potentially made things more convenient to leverage at least our character stat blocks.
Oh well. I mean... sure it's still possible, but not officially lol.
Though I suppose charging for API access wouldn't be a bad way to go.
Oh yeah, I knew they didn't. They don't even let you log in through in iframe it's that locked down. There may be some core 5e things out there though...I was just checking, out of curiosity than anything, if DnDB had an API access of some sort to latch onto. And sadly no. That could've potentially made things more convenient to leverage at least our character stat blocks.
Oh well. I mean... sure it's still possible, but not officially lol.
Yes. It's that kind of tavern.I don't see any jiggle. I want jiggle.
There's an option that makes the dice jiggle. Alu found that if you end up highlighting them, they fade out like some Marty McFly fuckery. I just turned it off until I can work out why.
Damnit Alu. Made me provide the back up jiggle.Yes. It's that kind of tavern.
There's an option that makes the dice jiggle. Alu found that if you end up highlighting them, they fade out like some Marty McFly fuckery. I just turned it off until I can work out why.

That's besides the point!You're not really that upset about it
Well go save Myla in the main thread. I already did non murdery work.That's besides the point!
He's got to stop crying long enough to see the screen, first.Well go save Myla in the main thread. I already did non murdery work.
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