• This News Doesn't Suck!

    Everyone stop what you're doing! It's happening! GW's own Alu is having a baby!! Come and congratulate him here: Need some help identifying this picture.

    We're so happy for you, Alu!

Discussion Tavern: The Wary Wolf

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Zesty Zapcrackle

Diplomatic Immunity
@Ben - in case you beat me to it, I'm putting my orginal post here, because I thought it was funny. I'm gonna edit something in as a what the hell why not action.

Way to go, murder machines! Keep wiping out another sentient species! I'm sure that won't backfire on us later!

Zesty casts Snarky Sarcasm and continues to read his book. Boltzmann audibly snickers.

((I think that about does it! :link))
D&D Character

Dungeon Master

Tea Wrecks
@Ben - in case you beat me to it, I'm putting my orginal post here, because I thought it was funny. I'm gonna edit something in as a what the hell why not action.

Way to go, murder machines! Keep wiping out another sentient species! I'm sure that won't backfire on us later!

Zesty casts Snarky Sarcasm and continues to read his book. Boltzmann audibly snickers.

((I think that about does it! :link))
I was dropping my next response, but I can hold it until you do the thing.
D&D Character

Dungeon Master

Tea Wrecks
Death Butterfly Swarm.

Automata Devil

Swarm of Wolf Spirits.

Happy Shaquille O Neal GIF by Papa Johns
Noticed that. It was specifically after Nae posted, so... I have no idea what the fuck, but I'll be trying to work on that shit today. Worst case you can drop back to the default style and it'll work for now.
I’ve always been on the default style. Is it the issue with too many images on the page that happened before? (The reason why we limit the number of badges? If so, try to fix that)
  • Hmm
Reactions: Ben
D&D Character

Dungeon Master

Tea Wrecks
I’ve always been on the default style. Is it the issue with too many images on the page that happened before? (The reason why we limit the number of badges? If so, try to fix that)
It... Could be. Thanks for reminding me that was a previous thing.

Kinda aligns with what I'm getting back from debugging the HTML markup validity... Lots of errors related to the img tags, and seemingly badges again. Some others related to iframe elements.


Zesty Zapcrackle

Diplomatic Immunity
I mean, they watched Aims and Nac murder all the other kobolds, I doubt we're going to convince them to be silent. We're going to be stuck fighting the dragon either way now. But even if you don't kill them, Aims is. He's intent on it. Which is really going to hurt the whole party's standing in Dragon Reach.

I'll adjust. I'm just curious how this turned from talking and being on the good side of Mek and Minn to "let's murder everything. Because beer."
Mmm... Beer...

In Aims' eyes, only one kobolt up there who was jeering at him deserved to be punished. It was unfortunate that the loss of leggies also cost it its life. Then the rest attacked him, so he retaliated. As for Mek and Minn, at worst the rage induced bloodthirst can come in the way of things, but they're not a target for murder currently. If they get too far / too close to alerting the others, well... Aims still has one very large ax that I can probably make a case to throw with disadvantage.

The life of a 6 int barbarian is simple.

Zesty Zapcrackle

Diplomatic Immunity
Sounds like you got a case of the murderhobos.
Sure, and I was one earlier too. But to me there is a difference between doing it to random creatures vs. named, and relevant ones.

Everyone in our group is chaotic. I get it. But these actions are ALL chaotic EVIL alignment actions... and no one is supposed to be evil. There is no motivation behind these killings other than funsies. And it's kind of derailed completely actions my character has taken to build a relationship with and NPC. So, this is a case of other peoples action indirectly affecting my character without my character being able to do anything about it. Little frustrating, ngl.
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ES COO Shitposting Dept. of GWF
Yeah - I mean, I don't know how much people had been following the campaign I was in but I was getting frustrated with some stuff too.

From some uh... probably biased internet research, certain amounts of... I'll call it conflict seems to be par for the course because inevitably people will have different playstyles, want to do things differently, and quite bluntly... not always agree.

Sometimes communicating (like you just did) is the key, since it looks like both Alu and Jawneh don't have intent on murdering said characters (my understanding of your campaign is minimal, haven't followed in case I ever play a version of it).
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Zesty Zapcrackle

Diplomatic Immunity
Hey now, I was talking about going straight to the dragon instead of the camp. Sure, we all may have died faster but we wouldn't have attacked any kobolds in the process.
Who is to say the dragon would have been immediately hostile to us? Maybe we could have talked to it and found where Aidron is. Maybe we help him escape without fighting the dragon...

Maybe... and call me crazy... if we have to fight the dragon, maybe we could have had a dragon of our own to fight WITH...

That's ALL out the window now. Because beer.
Unless... Unless we murder Mek and Minn and the others will never know! Or we freak the living shit out from them and they scurry back to the other place.

(my understanding of your campaign is minimal, haven't followed in case I ever play a version of it).
Aims is the murderhobo of our campaign. Nac may or may not be in it to follow up on murder and also finally at least a little drunk. Short is... probably the most chaotic one of us and voted #1 most likely to kill a party member. Mooney resident pacifist mushroom enjoyer, and Zesty is becoming the voice of reason in the second half now. Boltzmann is a good boy.
  • Cheers!
Reactions: TD
I guess a good thing to note and probably carry on with moving forward is to ask to have short pauses in between our actions and Ben resolving them in case there's ideas, criticism, comments, you name it. We technically have unlimited time over here, but also we're losing the more intimate part of sitting around a table or in a voice call while playing this where it's easy to gauge what we're planning on doing or what we feel our characters want to do.

So something like just ask Ben to hold up and we come here for a quick chat.

Who is to say the dragon would have been immediately hostile to us? Maybe we could have talked to it and found where Aidron is. Maybe we help him escape without fighting the dragon...

Maybe... and call me crazy... if we have to fight the dragon, maybe we could have had a dragon of our own to fight WITH...

That's ALL out the window now. Because beer.
Maybe. But I'm not sure why you're including trying to paralyze the people attempting to get a dragon to fight us is me trying to kill them when I could have had Short just cast Ice Knife and destroy them both in a single shot.
  • They’re Right, You Know?
Reactions: Ben


ES COO Shitposting Dept. of GWF
Unless... Unless we murder Mek and Minn and the others will never know! Or we freak the living shit out from them and they scurry back to the other place.
See - there's always multiple options to consider!

In our campaign - two of ours haphazardly rushed into a combat scenario, one got knocked unconscious, things were looking dire until a bard brought the combat scenario to a screeching halt so everyone could recover and we negotiated the idea of the goblin group leaving the cave or they die too.

Options! There's always many and it's not final until it's final... or... you're all dead.

Aims is the murderhobo of our campaign. Nac may or may not be in it to follow up on murder and also finally at least a little drunk. Short is... probably the most chaotic one of us and voted #1 most likely to kill a party member. Mooney resident pacifist mushroom enjoyer, and Zesty is becoming the voice of reason in the second half now. Boltzmann is a good boy.
I appreciate the rundown of the roles people are playing - the voice of reason has an uphill (but not impossible) battle of making the others see his way.

Zesty Zapcrackle

Diplomatic Immunity
I guess a good thing to note and probably carry on with moving forward is to ask to have short pauses in between our actions and Ben resolving them in case there's ideas, criticism, comments, you name it. We technically have unlimited time over here, but also we're losing the more intimate part of sitting around a table or in a voice call while playing this where it's easy to gauge what we're planning on doing or what we feel our characters want to do.

So something like just ask Ben to hold up and we come here for a quick chat.

I think you're right. Part of it is theorycrafting goals of encounters. Like, in person or a call, we could discuss what the upcoming actions would do for our characters.

We get that a lot BETWEEN missions, but once we're in a mission, we seem to go room to room individually. I didn't think how much Aims' search for booze after hurting his dick would affect Zesty. Because in reality, it shouldn't have. But it did now. I do not want anyone to not act or play the way they want. But Zesty is not going to be the kind to NOT tell Myla either. He promised her he'd look for her brothers. So, it's affecting him more than anyone else at this point.

Like even with the owlbear, this is two encounters now Zesty couldn't protect the kobolds... but from his own party's actions. So he's been completely neutralized and trivialized as a character. And his own development is now having to be reactionary to the decisions of his team.

Zesty Zapcrackle

Diplomatic Immunity
Maybe. But I'm not sure why you're including trying to paralyze the people attempting to get a dragon to fight us is me trying to kill them when I could have had Short just cast Ice Knife and destroy them both in a single shot.
No, that's fair. It's me making an assumption, for sure. I think I'm seeing it from a bigger picture. Like, they've made clear they support Sparkrender. They aren't going back to Dragon's Rest. We MIGHT be able to convince them to not go to him and tell him, but I think that's unlikely at this point. And they won't let us just walk in to him either. This is a dilemma. And interesting one I wouldn't mind playing out if not for the overaching affects it has on my character.

So, yes, the SITUATION can play out a million ways. None are appealing to my characters development I worked on.
D&D Character

Dungeon Master

Tea Wrecks
Awkward Pop Tv GIF by Schitt's Creek

I did entirely expect this to go tits-up, as soon as I decided to bring the rotgut back up. My bad for 'taunting' Aims with that.

I mean, there are so many ways that it could have worked out differently, going to the North East tower first, if Aims intimidate roll hadn't been whack, etc. But it is what it is.

But I do think Short has the right idea;

What I want to remind/share is that non-lethal damage is a thing, for melee attacks only. Before you attack, you can declare that you're dealing non-lethal damage (it must be before the attack is rolled), but doing so will knock something unconscious at 1hp instead of killing it.

So while I try really hard to not influence what you guys actually want to do, subduing Mek and Minn is the only action that will 'solve' everyone's problem. Well, not the dead kobolds problems, they're a little permanent. But if you catch the brothers and knocked them unconscious, then they don't get to the tower and don't die. There's potential that can be spun in a non-horrid way to Myla.

I'm entirely cool with giving you guys more time to talk about actions though, as if we were around the table. I know I've been kinda slow to get on resolving things anyway so that space is already there to a degree, but I can be more deliberate in making sure you're all ready.

We are also very close to the end of this, so if things went relatively smoothly up until now and we're only hitting real conflict at the climax... It somewhat fits thematically...


ES COO Shitposting Dept. of GWF
Sounds like Zesty just needs to shoot a party member in the leg to stop them in their tracks and send a message that he will be listened to.

Do It Episode 3 GIF by Star Wars
Doesn't Zesty have a nifty way to incapacitate people as well? Can get the two of them tied up and then figure out what to do then, while having Zesty and Moonsprout try to calm Aims down. Nac is basically out of this in the water. Short has shown he's not feeling the murder right now.

Nac McWeeble

Keeper of the Seven Cheese
The thing with Nac, atleast how I envisioned him from the start, is that he doesn't really think that much ahead. He is easily distracted and can turn on a dime in situations. I get that that can be frustrating for you guys, and it isn't my intention to take away from your fun and experience with the game. If that's the case I'm sorry!
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