Ok, Ok, Let's Talk Trans


Orangekat, not Aphrodite
GWF Sponsor
GW Elder
Damn right! Throw it in their face!
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Orangekat, not Aphrodite
GWF Sponsor
GW Elder
Damn right! Throw it in their face!
You caught the "friend" part, right? Like the article you linked said, a lot of people without malicious intentions buy into this rhetoric because it seems correct intuitively. And after reading the study, it's not completely baseless to say trans women have an advantage over cis women in some cases.

I found this bit to be particularly interesting: "Furthermore, two transgender women and one cisgender woman were excluded from all analyses due to testosterone concentrations exceeding recommended female testosterone concentrations (2.7 nmol/L15)."

I'm sure y'all know it's a thing that some cis women have higher testosterone than is typical for women, and it certainly affects performance. I bet those women are overrepresented among professional athletes. Is that "fair" to women who have naturally lower and more typical levels?

The big advantage that trans women seem to have, based on this study, is their larger than average size. The article mentioned they have better grip strength, but the study says they don't if you control for hand size. So it's just a matter of them having larger hands on average. Again, plenty of cis women are bigger and taller than average, and they're probably overrepresented in sports where that's an advantage.

On the face of it, it seems like maybe sports should be segregated by testosterone levels and body size rather than gender. It does leave the question of where people who are above average in one and not the other should be grouped though.


Formerly Apollo
GW Elder
You caught the "friend" part, right? Like the article you linked said, a lot of people without malicious intentions buy into this rhetoric because it seems correct intuitively. And after reading the study, it's not completely baseless to say trans women have an advantage over cis women in some cases.
Absolutely, I'm just being a smug bitch, lol. That ideology irks me because it was based on assumption, and now we see that while, yes, there are some advantages, grip strength and such, it is a mostly inaccurate approach.
I found this bit to be particularly interesting: "Furthermore, two transgender women and one cisgender woman were excluded from all analyses due to testosterone concentrations exceeding recommended female testosterone concentrations (2.7 nmol/L15)."

I'm sure y'all know it's a thing that some cis women have higher testosterone than is typical for women, and it certainly affects performance. I bet those women are overrepresented among professional athletes. Is that "fair" to women who have naturally lower and more typical levels?

The big advantage that trans women seem to have, based on this study, is their larger than average size. The article mentioned they have better grip strength, but the study says they don't if you control for hand size. So it's just a matter of them having larger hands on average. Again, plenty of cis women are bigger and taller than average, and they're probably overrepresented in sports where that's an advantage.

On the face of it, it seems like maybe sports should be segregated by testosterone levels and body size rather than gender. It does leave the question of where people who are above average in one and not the other should be grouped though.
It's going to be an exceedingly difficult thing to find an adequate solution for scientifically, let alone politically. Hopefully at least now we can stop the blanket bans...though that's unlikely.
'Tis why they flood the airwaves with garbage, by the by.

Oh, what's that? Actual research being performed? And by more than a single individual, you say? Madness.

Researchers invited 23 trans women and 12 trans men to undergo a series of performance tests in laboratory conditions, while also putting 21 cis women and 19 cis men through the same tests.

In certain cardiovascular tests, the trans women performed worse than the cis women, and were found to have less lower-body strength, according to the study published Wednesday in the British Journal of Sports Medicine.
Among the results was a determination that the trans women athletes had decreased lung function compared to the cis women athletes.

In addition, the bone density of the trans women athletes was found to be equivalent to that of the cis women. Bone density is linked to muscle strength.

Pitsiladis believes the newly-published study can have an impact on inclusion, but is cautious over how others will interpret the results.

“It’s my expectation that it may become a little easier for some federations developing their policies to reject the default position adopted by some of the large federations to ban trans women athletes in the absence of scientific data to support such a position.

“But I suspect most will follow the positions of the large federations to ban. Also, it’s unlikely that those large federations will change their position as they are now too invested and they don’t really look at the science or evidence.

“Their wish is mainly to appease their membership and the decisions being taken are mainly justified by politics and dictates, rather than science.”

The timing of the Cass Review[Citation Needed] releasing and the Catholic Pope doing his bullshit completely drowned it out even in decidedly progressive spheres.

The study won't change anything. For starters, the bans and fearmongering for sports does not apply solely to competitive events. People don't want literal prepubescent children playing kickball together at school. It has nothing to do with a fair, even and level playing field. That is a myth. A lie. Even things that are not sports, like the All Elite Wrestling thing on the last page, are being targeted.

Further, even if it were strictly about competitive sports, then as stated previously and as Kat brings up - there would/should already be rigid weight and size and hormonal divisions being accounted for. The fact that some sports have them and others don't speaks volumes. The fact that "doping" is a known problem going back decades and yet "legitimate" organizations don't properly/ever crack down on it speaks volumes.

And my personal favorite, none of this explains why women aren't allowed to play sports with men. 'Cause it ain't got nothing to do with sexual assault/harassment, given how many people don't believe women's claims and/or the fact that they're the ones doing the assaulting. And it ain't got nothing to do with worrying about hurting women, because men - large and small - get hurt all the time and no one gives a fuck about them either nor will allow for the rules/game to be changed. Oh big man got too many concussions and now suffers from permanent brain damage/CTE? QQ go walk it off, mirite?

No, it's just the same old song and dance about the special boys club and men needing to rule the world and hoard the money. Always has been, always will be. God forbid we let a woman even beat the little fuckers at Chess lest they piss their pants crying to their fucking mother about it.
You caught the "friend" part, right? Like the article you linked said, a lot of people without malicious intentions buy into this rhetoric because it seems correct intuitively. And after reading the study, it's not completely baseless to say trans women have an advantage over cis women in some cases.

I found this bit to be particularly interesting: "Furthermore, two transgender women and one cisgender woman were excluded from all analyses due to testosterone concentrations exceeding recommended female testosterone concentrations (2.7 nmol/L15)."

I'm sure y'all know it's a thing that some cis women have higher testosterone than is typical for women, and it certainly affects performance. I bet those women are overrepresented among professional athletes. Is that "fair" to women who have naturally lower and more typical levels?

The big advantage that trans women seem to have, based on this study, is their larger than average size. The article mentioned they have better grip strength, but the study says they don't if you control for hand size. So it's just a matter of them having larger hands on average. Again, plenty of cis women are bigger and taller than average, and they're probably overrepresented in sports where that's an advantage.

On the face of it, it seems like maybe sports should be segregated by testosterone levels and body size rather than gender. It does leave the question of where people who are above average in one and not the other should be grouped though.
Yep, that is a thing in cis women that a lot of people don't realize. I know cis women out there who actually have to take hormones in order to compensate for this.


ES COO Shitposting Dept. of GWF
10K Post Club
GW Elder
Not exclusively trans but it's part of the message, Canada will be having lots of rallies and they're set to be pretty huge from the sounds of everything.

It's nice to see that Canadians that are either in or support this community are not just taking this one lying down.

Not exclusively trans but it's part of the message, Canada will be having lots of rallies and they're set to be pretty huge from the sounds of everything.

It's nice to see that Canadians that are either in or support this community are not just taking this one lying down.

Agreed, it's nice to see people making it known that the lives of LGBTQ+ people matter. We should never let anti-LGBTQ+ policies take root and spread like wildfire like what's happening down in the US.


Formerly Apollo
GW Elder
Not exclusively trans but it's part of the message, Canada will be having lots of rallies and they're set to be pretty huge from the sounds of everything.

It's nice to see that Canadians that are either in or support this community are not just taking this one lying down.

Now if only people would listen
And now Colorado's Supreme Court has allowed for an anti-LGBTQ+ group to begin collecting signatures to approve a measure that would see it being mandatory trans students are outed to their parents. If they get enough, it will be on the ballot during the election.



Formerly Apollo
GW Elder
More rules being implemented by the NHS as they're now set to define one's gender as one's biological sex, as well as remove trans women from being legally recognized as women.

Demoralize, dehumanize, desensitize. I swear we saw something like this happening in the 1930s->40s...hmm...


Formerly Apollo
GW Elder
Leaked NHS documents revealed that trans kids could be forced to detransition.

Hey, you know how awful it was living as a gender you aren't? Yeah, well you're going back to that because we're ignorant fuck heads and we want to torture you.
It was evident from the onset that genocide was the point. They can wring their hands, hem and haw, pretend whatever they want - that's the simple truth of the matter.

Won't just apply to kids, there is no may or could. There have been constant reports since last month of "journalists" trying to ask trans folk about DIY methods/avenues and everyone instantly and intrinsically knew what that meant.

...That's about all I got in me at the moment. Sad state of affairs when you hope it's just about the Professional Darts Icon™ story and still wind up disappointed by society. :giggle
Yeah, fuck Target. You don't get to show support only where it's popular.
They can also take their "We support the LGBTQ+ community" statement and shove it up their ass. No, you don't support the community. That statement went out the window the moment you decided to pull merch off the shelves as if you were ashamed of it. If you truly supported the community, you would've taken a stand. You would've stuck your necks out for them and made it known that there's no place in the world for bigotry. To hell with the backlash, do something good for once.

But they won't because corporations don't give a shit unless it involves the bottom line, and Target among others proved that without a shadow of a doubt. So no, they don't have the right to say they support LGBTQ+ individuals, nor do they deserve the endorsement.
Not being a member of the community, I can’t actually answer the question I have: would it still come across as insensitive and twofaced if they framed the decision purely as a business decision? Something like: “We fully support lgbtq+ and plan on continuing to sell those products and sponsor events. Unfortunately, in some stores the products did not sell, so we will not be stocking in those stores. This will allow more resources to be donated to xyz charity”

Whoever was their PR person, makes it seem like they don’t actually care about the lgbtq+ community. I was just wondering if there was a way it could have been presented differently that didn’t give that impression
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ES COO Shitposting Dept. of GWF
10K Post Club
GW Elder
In my opinion - framing it like that, as you alluded to their PR person would still make it seem like it's all about capitalism and public image.

Hypothetically in a world where Target did care (spoiler: they don't), it would be something along the lines of - all Targets will be stocked with Pride merchandise and all profits will be donated to organizations to further support the LGBTQ+ community. Or something like that.

This is all about public image and money, which obviously - is not what Pride is about.


Formerly Apollo
GW Elder
Correct -- there's no way to frame it that doesn't make it look like Target just flat out don't care for the LGBTQ+ community. That's understandable, they're a business, they need to make money. My response would be don't sell the pride stuff to begin with. It's not like the community was "fooled," as it were, we didn't suddenly think Target was out there backing us and taking a stand, it was always corporate positioning trying to capitalize on a marketing opportunity. Just don't sell the stuff to begin with or, as @TD said, donate everything to charity and SHOW you give a damn.
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If you're gonna withdraw support from the community, then I suggest you pull merch from all your stores. Fuck you and fuck rainbow capitalism.

Yeah, fuck Target. You don't get to show support only where it's popular.

Gonna play some devil's advocate here, it also puts employees in tough situations and have to clean up the mess both literally and figuratively.

Though there is probably more corporate could do to keep it in all their stores and ease the job of the employees


Orangekat, not Aphrodite
GWF Sponsor
GW Elder
Not being a member of the community, I can’t actually answer the question I have: would it still come across as insensitive and twofaced if they framed the decision purely as a business decision? Something like: “We fully support lgbtq+ and plan on continuing to sell those products and sponsor events. Unfortunately, in some stores the products did not sell, so we will not be stocking in those stores. This will allow more resources to be donated to xyz charity”

Whoever was their PR person, makes it seem like they don’t actually care about the lgbtq+ community. I was just wondering if there was a way it could have been presented differently that didn’t give that impression
If the only issue really was lack of sales in some areas, and their response was to scale back merch but still have a small display in a prominent place or signage showing support or something similar, I doubt we'd even be hearing about it.

But the problem wasn't lack of sales, it was bigots throwing temper tantrums over Target acknowledging queer people exist. And their reaction is stop acknowledging queer people in those areas, where something as small as stores carrying pride merch would actually help.

Obviously I don't expect a corporation to actually care about anything or anybody except money. It still helps if major stores show support though, assuming they do so in areas and situations where there's pushback. If they only sell pride merch in places like Portland, then it's not doing any good.

What they're doing is dumb financially. It won't be good enough for the bigots, and it won't be good enough for the LGBT community, so they will lose the money of both.

I do sympathize with their concerns of safety. Minimum wage employees didn't sign up to be on the front lines of a culture war. However, IMO the better thing to do would be to hire security in areas where it could be an issue, and have them deal with anybody who is being threatening or intimidating. They'd lose violent bigots as customers, but that's hardly a loss. Sending that message would be valuable, and I'd spend extra money there in response.


Orangekat, not Aphrodite
GWF Sponsor
GW Elder
Gonna play some devil's advocate here, it also puts employees in tough situations and have to clean up the mess both literally and figuratively.
Yeah, true. However, imagine you are a queer people who works for Target: some assholes came in and demanded Target remove pride merch because queer people are the devil or whatever, and Target capitulated. How safe are you really going to feel there?

Plus I'm sure employees are put in tough situations all the time. I used to work retail and customers would throw stuff at me when they got mad, and management never cared. Shit, one woman was bit by a customer once, and management didn't even ban the biter from the store. I doubt Target is any different. They just didn't like to be in the press about it and are using safety as an excuse IMO. At best, they're worried about liability.
Correct -- there's no way to frame it that doesn't make it look like Target just flat out don't care for the LGBTQ+ community. That's understandable, they're a business, they need to make money. My response would be don't sell the pride stuff to begin with. It's not like the community was "fooled," as it were, we didn't suddenly think Target was out there backing us and taking a stand, it was always corporate positioning trying to capitalize on a marketing opportunity. Just don't sell the stuff to begin with or, as @TD said, donate everything to charity and SHOW you give a damn.
Precisely, it's not like anyone believed Target ever backed the community to begin with. Not that they ever will because as I said, if it doesn't involve the bottom line, they're not going to give a shit.

The way I look at it, yeah, don't bother putting pride merch on the shelves. If you're gonna pull it, pull it altogether.
But the problem wasn't lack of sales, it was bigots throwing temper tantrums over Target acknowledging queer people exist. And their reaction is stop acknowledging queer people in those areas, where something as small as stores carrying pride merch would actually help.

Obviously I don't expect a corporation to actually care about anything or anybody except money. It still helps if major stores show support though, assuming they do so in areas and situations where there's pushback. If they only sell prid
Yes, this is exactly why I was wondering if a different PR move would have come across better. Everyone would know why the sales were bad (bigots), but a company’s job is to make money. Thanks for your perspective


Orangekat, not Aphrodite
GWF Sponsor
GW Elder
Yes, this is exactly why I was wondering if a different PR move would have come across better. Everyone would know why the sales were bad (bigots), but a company’s job is to make money. Thanks for your perspective
I guess I'm saying I don't think sales of pride merch were even bad, so I just wouldn't believe that reason.
This is all about public image and money, which obviously - is not what Pride is about.
Not at all, and that's the part that's quite frankly, insulting. I know it's how capitalism works, but it's sad nonetheless to see the community dragged through the mud like that.

Even more so when you consider the consequences of entities capitulating in the face of bigotry has on public perception of the LGBTQ+ community. Perception is everything, and if the community is seen as toxic, which is what the goal is, then less likely people are gonna want to be associated with LGBTQ+ people, and the more negatively they're gonna be portrayed.
WRT the Target thing - playing the middle ground is what's universally stupid. Either pull it all, or don't pull anything. Without rereading anything, IIRC Target was using the Pride merch boycott as a pathetic excuse for why their sales had slumped? When, in reality, these alleged boycotts never move the needle and nobody actually gives a fuck unless/until a crazy shows up in the store harassing somebody.

So when Target's sales fail to recover from this revolutionary idea of half-appeasing bigots, I'm sure they'll magically have the stuff back in all the stores for next year. I don't shop at Target to begin with, so I can't even have the satisfaction of boycotting them. :shrug

Back to positivity:


This is a great story! Glad for Zoe, and kudos to her coworkers. :giggle:


Orangekat, not Aphrodite
GWF Sponsor
GW Elder

That's so wonderful to read!

I was nervous coming out as a lesbian at work (which I know is a much more accepted thing than being trans, but one of my co-workers once went on an unsolicited rant about how pro-choice people were somehow responsible for mass shootings in schools, so... you never know), and it was a complete non-issue. People can surprise you in good ways sometimes.
We need more of this. Sadly, even in my neck of the woods, trans people are often fired from their jobs when they come out. I remember when there was a trans woman working at a local gas station. I had no issues with her and thought she was a nice person. But the place would often get complaints about her and eventually, they ended up letting her go.
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ES COO Shitposting Dept. of GWF
10K Post Club
GW Elder
but one of my co-workers once went on an unsolicited rant about how pro-choice people were somehow responsible for mass shootings in schools
Season 6 What GIF by The Office

I mean, I shouldn't be surprised by people I guess, but somehow I sometimes still am?

But I agree, nice heartwarming story. It was nice to see it happened in Ontario too, especially because recently we've been trending uh... the other way.
But I agree, nice heartwarming story. It was nice to see it happened in Ontario too, especially because recently we've been trending uh... the other way.
Yeah, and things are about to get even more turbulent with what they have planned in the agenda. Doug Ford getting elected was one of the worst things to happen to the province.
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ES COO Shitposting Dept. of GWF
10K Post Club
GW Elder
And given that Doug Ford already talked about parent's rights and said schools shouldn't be indoctrinating children, I'm very concerned that Ontario might be following suit with Alberta soon.
The last that came out about that was back in February where Ford was asked if he'd be following what Smith introduced and it was a flat-out No. At the time he was applauded for it, but what is to come remains to be seen as he's broken his word many times already.

Aside from legality, Poilevre has been causing massive issues here at a cultural level. Saw some "Poilevre 2025" flags the other day so it's starting to ramp up.


Formerly Apollo
GW Elder
That's so wonderful to read!

I was nervous coming out as a lesbian at work (which I know is a much more accepted thing than being trans, but one of my co-workers once went on an unsolicited rant about how pro-choice people were somehow responsible for mass shootings in schools, so... you never know), and it was a complete non-issue. People can surprise you in good ways sometimes.
Absolutely, it's a difficult thing to come out to anyone, but the workplace is always going to be the hardest, you spend time working in close proximity with people and need that relationship to continue for obvious reasons. I'm so glad everything went well for you!
The last that came out about that was back in February where Ford was asked if he'd be following what Smith introduced and it was a flat-out No. At the time he was applauded for it, but what is to come remains to be seen as he's broken his word many times already.

Aside from legality, Poilevre has been causing massive issues here at a cultural level. Saw some "Poilevre 2025" flags the other day so it's starting to ramp up.
I don't trust Ford one bit, nor do I trust any of those shady Tory fuckers. I'm willing to bet they'll do the same, use something like the Cass report to suggest there isn't enough evidence to claim that trans healthcare is beneficial, and then use that to push legislation through.


ES COO Shitposting Dept. of GWF
10K Post Club
GW Elder
I don't trust Ford one bit, nor do I trust any of those shady Tory fuckers. I'm willing to bet they'll do the same, use something like the Cass report to suggest there isn't enough evidence to claim that trans healthcare is beneficial, and then use that to push legislation through.
Oh don't get me wrong, I don't trust them (or quite frankly any current Canadian political party to varying degrees), but for now I'm willing to remain um... hopeful that it doesn't get that far?


Orangekat, not Aphrodite
GWF Sponsor
GW Elder
I mean, I shouldn't be surprised by people I guess, but somehow I sometimes still am?
Yeeeah. The line of thinking was abortion is baby murder -> a society that allows baby murder doesn't value life -> a society that doesn't value life encourages children to murder other children.

He might actually be on to something with the "a society which doesn't value life results in many mass murders" thing, but his foundation could use some work.

And given that Doug Ford already talked about parent's rights and said schools shouldn't be indoctrinating children, I'm very concerned that Ontario might be following suit with Alberta soon.
Funny how it's not "indoctrination" when the message is trans people don't exist/are child groomers/whatever the nonsense they're pushing nowadays is.
Mississippi passed a law that will now ban trans women from women's spaces. The law, entitled the Safer Act, mandates that public institutions such as schools, colleges, universities, public housing, etc... are to adhere to the policy which defines one's gender as their assigned sex at birth.

Trans women will no longer be allowed to use women's spaces.

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Orangekat, not Aphrodite
GWF Sponsor
GW Elder
Mississippi passed a law that will now ban trans women from women's spaces. The law, entitled the Safer Act, mandates that public institutions such as schools, colleges, universities, public housing, etc... are to adhere to the policy which defines one's gender as their assigned sex at birth.

Trans women will no longer be allowed to use women's spaces.

How do they plan to enforce that? They going to check birth certificates?
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