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Character Creation discussion

Dungeon Master

Blind Guardian
Also wouldn't it be good to have non-chaotic goods on the team too? My character will be chaotic neutral but surely a lot of fun would come from how different character types want to approach different situations, right?
This is really the thing that's going to add some spice to the roleplay; when characters disagree about how to approach a situation and have to talk it out, or whatever the outcome is.

I'd guess if we're approaching it with everyone loitering around the the tavern waiting for a quest to come up, you can decide if it's something your character would participate in or not. If there's a party with 4 chaotic evil players already in it, the lawful good paladin might just choose to sit it out.

But a mix of alignments would be best, for sure.

Magni Kragtail

Smart fella by day, fart smella by night
I usually go for the more questionable alignments, but I'm currently running with Neutral Good. My grasp on the Law-Chaos side of the scale has never been great, so we'll see how accurate that ends up being though.

Also holy shit, it's tempting to change my entire plan after seeing the race list. Probably sticking with aarakocra, but at least now I can use the updated version of them.

Do we have Xanathar's stuff? Was looking at my options for subclasses last night and noticed both of the ones I was looking at were from there. (If not that's fine)


Jawneh is possibly The Sorcerer
I just updated the available options for Races under the profile fields. I hooked Vash and I both up with Mordenkainen's, so that should mean we both have access to all of the following additional races;

Air Genasi
Deep Gnome
Dwarf (Hill and Mountain)
Earth Genasi
Elf (Dark, Eladrin, High and Wood)
Fire Genasi
Gnome (Forest and Rock)
Halfling (Lightfoot and Stout)
Sea Elf
Water Genasi

We both now also have Tasha's, so will both be able to allow Artificers as well as the other base classes.

(Edit: Yes, this means I caved to the allure of shiny books.)

May as well give give all the descriptions/racial traits, too:

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And the extra from Mordenkainen;
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... this is what the races post in the Academy should be.

Lot less work than my nonsense too :link
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Dungeon Master

Blind Guardian
Lot less work than my nonsense too :link
The Simpsons GIF by FOX TV

Feel free to hijack my attachments, and/or I can do it. My slight-OCD would probably appreciate if I made sure each of those was the same size, so they fit together nicely rather than the fast screenshot job I did...

I finally realized I got added as a moderator in this forum, without being told I had been, so... Whaddup co-mod.

I'm currently working on making a flowchart to map out the general way these campaigns might work on the forums, including when to use the dice-module, etc. I'll run it all by you for a sense-check before I drop anything for these guys though. Lest it look like this:

(ChatGPT out here making us all read like shortkut.)

Tuberius of Wadawurrung

CFO of Shitposting, Head of Data & Insights
I did an alignment test and got True Neutral so that's what I'm going to go with. I assume the alignment like people in real life can change over time if itis obvious you favour another alignment more regularly?


Dungeon Master

Blind Guardian
...is Chaotic Evil objectively bad for jolly co-operation?

I'd say, play whatever you want to play. Outside of any classes/spells that specifically require a certain alignment, it's really up to us how black and white we are on these things. Being evil more so means you're always looking to benefit yourself, and don't have qualms about stepping on others to get there. Likewise for Lawful/Chaotic.

  1. Good: Characters who are good typically act altruistically, without regard for personal gain. They are often compassionate, benevolent, and committed to helping others. Good characters strive to do what they believe is right and may go out of their way to battle evil. Examples of good actions include protecting the innocent, fighting injustice, and providing aid to those in need.
  2. Evil: Evil characters are often selfish, harming others for their gain. They might prioritize personal power, wealth, or status over the well-being of others. Evil characters can range from those who break the law for personal gain to those who actively seek to harm or oppress others. Examples of evil actions include harming the innocent, oppressing the weak, and engaging in malicious schemes.
  3. Neutrality: Between these extremes lies neutrality, where characters might show a mix of good and evil tendencies or may act predominantly out of self-interest without the extreme behaviors of evil characters. Neutral characters might value their own moral code, balance, or pragmatism over notions of good and evil.
  1. Lawful:
    • Attitude Toward Rules and Order: Lawful characters believe in the importance of order, structure, and rules. They tend to follow a code, whether it's a personal, legal, or ethical one. They respect authority and tradition and often believe that a well-ordered system leads to a well-functioning society.
    • Behavior Predictability: Lawful characters are generally consistent in their actions and decisions. They have a clear sense of right and wrong according to their code, and they usually stick to their principles.
    • Examples: A lawful character might be a soldier who follows military protocol, a judge who adheres strictly to the law, or a cleric who abides by the tenets of their deity.
  2. Chaotic:
    • Attitude Toward Rules and Order: Chaotic characters value individuality and freedom and are skeptical of authority and hierarchy. They prefer to follow their instincts and passions rather than conform to a set of external rules.
    • Behavior Unpredictability: Chaotic characters are often unpredictable and may act impulsively. Their actions are guided more by their momentary desires and personal feelings than by a structured set of principles.
    • Examples: A chaotic character might be a free-spirited bard who values creative expression over tradition, a rebel fighting against an oppressive regime, or a rogue who lives by their wits and flouts the law.

  • Cheers!
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Dungeon Master

Blind Guardian
Whenever there is danger, @TD just retreats into his shell
Actually, yes.


There is no Tortle on this Beyond page.

Does that mean I can't be a Tortle?

It's not a base race. You'd have to be part of a campaign where the DM owns that particular book, but it should then allow you to make one as it'll share all the source materials. So you may have to wait until we've at least got a dummy campaign up, but Vash and I might be able to get that hooked up to accommodate for people wanting to use those races.
  • Cheers!
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ES COO Shitposting Dept. of GWF
Tortle Dude

Chaotic Good Tortle Bard

Is this.. a terrible idea?

Something about a tortle in a business suit that plays music and sings speaks to me.

Dungeon Master

Blind Guardian
Here, let's at least give this a shot:

This link should let you join the dummy campaign I just started, that has nothing set up in it but will let you use all of the source materials I have. I'm not 100% on whether you can transfer a character to a different campaign as long as it also supports Tortles, etc. but I would assume yes. I'd trust that your characters wouldn't get deleted, even if I axed this dummy campaign, it'd probably just make them uneditable unless you regain access to those source materials either yourself or in another campaign.
  • Cheers!
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ES COO Shitposting Dept. of GWF
I can select Tortle but I have no clue what this other stuff means that I have to choose from.
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Dungeon Master

Blind Guardian
I can select Tortle but I have no clue what this other stuff means that I have to choose from.

This might help.

The main thing to change with any of the character builder options would be to change them to 'Public', so that they can be viewed outside of the specific campaign.


And for anyone, I think the easiest way to make your character would be to use "Quick Build". It asks you for things like your desired race and class, and for a few other choices as you go through, but it'll do the bulk of the work for you. You could even go "Premade" and just edit it after you've got to the character sheet, to change the race, etc. I was able to pick the Elf Bard premade and then back up to change it to a Tortle. Doing "Standard" will give you most customization, but it's probably not necessary until you want to make something that's 100% yours.

  • Cheers!
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