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Character Creation discussion

Lok Ahl

Senior Member
...I'll run a seminar
kate mckinnon snl GIF by Saturday Night Live

Dungeon Master

Blind Guardian

Tommy Boy

noob cannon

Physical Appearance:
Tronte Berrywood cuts a figure of unassuming charm, his medium build belying the nimbleness that comes with a life of clandestine activities. His chestnut brown hair, peppered with hints of silver, falls messily over his forehead, adding a touch of rugged charm to his otherwise average appearance. Tronte's hazel eyes carry a glint of mischief, and his well-groomed beard frames a confident, affable smile that seems to have a perpetual presence.

Abilities and Skills:
Tronte is no stranger to the art of speech craft and charisma. Despite being a newcomer to the world of adventuring, his gift of gab is unrivaled. He possesses an innate ability to connect with others, making him a persuasive force in any situation. However, Tronte is a rogue with a difference – he is unable to deceive. His moral compass points him toward honesty, even when faced with the shadows of trickery that often accompany the rogue's path.

Background and Motivation:
Hailing from a modest background, Tronte Berrywood's journey into the realm of adventure is marked by an unquenchable curiosity about the world beyond his familiar surroundings. His charismatic nature, honed through years of engaging in less-than-legal activities, makes him a captivating storyteller. Despite his lack of experience in the open world, Tronte's determination to explore and make a name for himself is unwavering.

Tronte sports well-worn leather armor that speaks to his past encounters, a trusty short sword strapped to his side, and a satchel filled with a mix of legitimate and less savory tools of the trade. His attire is practical, allowing him to blend into crowds or slip through shadows with ease.

Tronte exudes a warm and friendly demeanor, always ready with a quick joke or a reassuring word. His honesty, even in the face of danger, has won him the trust of those willing to listen. Beneath the charisma lies a genuine desire to learn and grow, and a sense of responsibility that guides him through the uncharted territory of his first adventure.

Inexperienced but undeterred, Tronte Berrywood is a rogue with a heart of gold, armed not only with blades and cunning but also an unyielding commitment to truth in a world often shrouded in shadows.

Dungeon Master

Blind Guardian
I can't just put the numbers of my character sheet in my profile, it's saying it's an invalid URL.
Ah, that was on me. I still had the field set as needing a URL. I just switched it to be a whole-number, so it should be good to go.

I'm going to try to knock out my own character, so I can double check it works.

Zesty Zapcrackle

Diplomatic Immunity
Can someone give me a cliff's notes run down of what I need to do?

Like, what's the website(s) I need to go to, is it self explanatory to create a character, is anything off limits, etc.

I'll try to get some stuff put together tomorrow. But I don't have images or anything like that so I'll be winging it mostly.


Jawneh is possibly The Sorcerer
Can someone give me a cliff's notes run down of what I need to do?

Like, what's the website(s) I need to go to, is it self explanatory to create a character, is anything off limits, etc.

I'll try to get some stuff put together tomorrow. But I don't have images or anything like that so I'll be winging it mostly.

I'll be working on a tutorial later today


Senior Member

I don't know what I'm doing
I would make sure select your starting spells, your spell list is empty. Same for starting inventory, I think there was a choice to take starting equipment or 25 gold but I think you didn't select anything. This will be where you'll get your starting weapon, some random gear, pocket change, and a spellcasting focus if you need one
I would make sure select your starting spells, your spell list is empty. Same for starting inventory, I think there was a choice to take starting equipment or 25 gold but I think you didn't select anything. This will be where you'll get your starting weapon, some random gear, pocket change, and a spellcasting focus if you need one
How'd my spells and equipment list look? I picked what I thought would be appropriate, including a hammer based on our previous discussions here.
Vash will go more into this but to give a summary of spells.

If you are a spell user you will have a list of available spells. You will be able to prepare spells for each day. So you can't just use whatever spell you want, you have to think about what you might be doing that day and plan for it. When you take a long rest (go to sleep for the night) is when you can wake up and prepare new spells. You will have a certain amount of spell slots to use. You will get more spell slots as you go up in level. You will end up having to choose are you casting a spell at lvl 1 and using a lvl 1 spell slot or lvl 2 and using a lvl 2 spell slot. Spell levels are separate from character level. Lots of strategy here. Failing a spell save still uses that spell slot for that type of spell. Life sucks.

You may have concentration spells, which means your character has to be holding that spell in their mind. While you can do other things while you concentrate on that spell you can only concentrate on one spell at a time. As soon as you try and use another concentration spell it will stop your first concentration spell. Also if you get hit on the head too hard that may break your concentration too. So maybe taking all concentration spells could be a bad thing.

Cantrips are spells that you know super well and are special as in you don't have to prepare them, you just always have them, and they don't use up a spell slot when caste. Something to think about if you are a class that is choosing what cantrips you want.
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