Very Important Text-Based D&D discussion

So something I began to figure out with adding the color text on mobile. It's easier to type everything out than highlight what you want changed and change it that way. I also just learned via Vash that the eraser looking thing changes back to default. I have dark mode set and know I messed up some of you with white backgrounds trying to fix color stuff.

Dungeon Master

Bingo! Dino DNA.
Posting this here so those that didn't see it can note we now have an "Action" button so you can just click it and type out your action and you don't need to format anything:

View attachment 5826
Click that button, then it does this:

View attachment 5827
View attachment 5828

It then does this:

This is an action!
Will Ferrell Reaction GIF

Thank yooooooou.

Nootie Plucker

Smart fella by day, fart smella by night
My timeline:

- Finish the Academy Thread (very close)

- Start a Tavern thread to collect a party for my first campaign

- Commence a Session 0 thread to set expectations, assess character sheets, and coordinate possible backgrounds amongst the party and/or the campaign story.

No progress will be made today because today is AEW Dynamite

However I plan to get finished up with the first two bullet points Thursday evening.
So is there any particular plan as to how we're going to decide who will be in whose game? When you guys were describing what the differences would be, it sounded like I was probably more suited for yours, but if it's first come, first served to a particular thread it might not shake out that way. That is at least assuming I even make it in before both fill up.

I guess I also don't fully understand the tavern thread(s) to begin with though. Right now it just seems like a place to play around and practice for the game, but not necessarily canon to anything? Or half-canon? But if it doubles as a sign-up thread it seems kind of weird to me that there'll be a second one where we all walk in and pretend we haven't all met each other in the first tavern already. I assume characters can't be in the tavern if they're in an active game, but if I'm wrong about that I'm even more confused.

Unrelated note, but I feel like those of us who are active in the tavern are going to be so spoiled by how fast-paced it is once we get into an actual game considering how much back and forth there is between both players and the DM in a typical game. :giggle We're all busy people from different timezones, so if two people aren't active at the same time I'd imagine it could take a full day just to do a single thing at times.

Dungeon Master

Bingo! Dino DNA.
So is there any particular plan as to how we're going to decide who will be in whose game? When you guys were describing what the differences would be, it sounded like I was probably more suited for yours, but if it's first come, first served to a particular thread it might not shake out that way. That is at least assuming I even make it in before both fill up.

I guess I also don't fully understand the tavern thread(s) to begin with though. Right now it just seems like a place to play around and practice for the game, but not necessarily canon to anything? Or half-canon? But if it doubles as a sign-up thread it seems kind of weird to me that there'll be a second one where we all walk in and pretend we haven't all met each other in the first tavern already. I assume characters can't be in the tavern if they're in an active game, but if I'm wrong about that I'm even more confused.

Unrelated note, but I feel like those of us who are active in the tavern are going to be so spoiled by how fast-paced it is once we get into an actual game considering how much back and forth there is between both players and the DM in a typical game. :giggle We're all busy people from different timezones, so if two people aren't active at the same time I'd imagine it could take a full day just to do a single thing at times.
I'm less inclined to do first come first served, for the very reason you pointed out. There are some players, like yourself and GwJumpman, who actually know what they're doing already. It makes 100% more sense to get you guys rolling with Vash, to reduce frustration for both you and him. It's got the most potential to speed up the flow of things.

Inversely, *I* don't have a great grasp on all the different spells people are going to have and be using, etc. So my checking on that stuff as we go is going to make it flow slower. It makes more sense for me to get the newer players so we can go through all that together.

I'd say once everyone has a fairly good grip on the mechanics and there's more of a level footing, we can go with more of a first-come-basis for future campaigns.

The Tavern threads aren't really intended to be part of the game world. Nor is there an explicit goal to keep continuity between the campaigns and DMs. While we'll certainly try to accomplish that and make everyone's backstory and past adventures copacetic, there's no doubt going to be some flexibility needed. For now mine really just served as a way to get people into the role-playing mindset while we're trying to button-up the rest of the information and structure, as I know people are antsy to get their boots/feet/wooden-prosthesis on the ground.

In so far as the Tavern threads and not realistically being able to talk in there while out on adventures, that's why I'd posed keeping the out-of-character discussion/questions and such to a separate thread, rather then treating the Taverns like the dead-threads for Wolf games. But I get that others, even those who aren't going to roll a character themselves and just want to follow along with the escapades, will want somewhere to chat. I would say that for the sake of knowing this is an internet forum with people all over the world, there's just going to have to be some wiggle-room.

*Casts Suspension of Disbelief*

I think Vash and I can probably post up our usual hours that we're on GWF, and can try to align the action rotation around that. I'd also proposed a time-limit for how long people have to take their turn, so as not to drag things out too long. I'd think everyone should be able to check in every 12 hours or so, even if they're in APAC or wherever. We could say that if the player doesn't take action in X time, then the DM can control their character for that turn, or we just say they're spaced-out and don't act at all. It's still a work in progress. What I think is going to be a little tricker is the regular discussion/adventure, as that's perhaps more where being able to interject in a situation is more poigniant, without a set initiative order.

The culmination of all that above is: 🤷‍♂️
It may be worth noting on your character thread in the guild or in session zero, what your normal operating hours are. Giving either time zone or maybe by GMT or by whatever timezone with DM is in so they don't have to maths too much.

People always do better with waiting when they have an idea of how long the wait may be. I also like people being able to post in the Tavern whenever. Even if you are on a campaign just for the fact that it gives people something to do while we wait.

Another suggestion is doing an @ at the end of your post for the next person or persons who are supposed to respond so that they get an extra notification. Or if you are using a spell to give people bonuses so that are more likely to notice and help keep track.

Casts thaumaturgy and makes all the windows and doors blow open, because it's funny.

Tortle Dude

ES COO Shitposting Dept. of GWF
Random reminiscing of when Facebook first came out and people just poked eachother back and forth for no other reason than just a playful hello.

Dungeon Master

Bingo! Dino DNA.
What was the roll needed here? I just rolled a 19 on a dex check to be safe from it coming close to me.
It would have been a Wisdom (Potter's Tools) proficiency check on the actual craft, though the requirements for crafting are less strict in 5e.

I'd say whoever tries to wield the +1 Cursed Butt-Plug needs to roll a Constitution save, else they fall prone and unconscious for 1d4 hours. The wielder gains Frightful Presence while carrying the item.

EDIT: Guys my campaign is going to be SUPER SERIOUS, ok!? :crossarm

Tortle Dude

ES COO Shitposting Dept. of GWF
It would have been a Wisdom (Potter's Tools) proficiency check on the actual craft, though the requirements for crafting are less strict in 5e.

I'd say whoever tries to wield the +1 Cursed Butt-Plug needs to roll a Constitution save, else they fall prone and unconscious for 1d4 hours. The wielder gains Frightful Presence while carrying the item.

EDIT: Guys my campaign is going to be SUPER SERIOUS, ok!? :crossarm
Tortle Dude thinks he has good Constitution.


Rolled a 19? Doesn't show in Campaign but I think cause dummy one is gone.
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Aims'Orreh Mwuh'Bwadd

Full-time time waster
A mischievous little gremlin that shuffles about and upon the first sign of danger shapeshifts into buttplug of all things.

Or a magical one that can float around and deal 1 blunt damage.
  • Haha
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