Discussion Tavern: The Wary Wolf

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Zesty Zapcrackle

Diplomatic Immunity
As I just demonstrated, I've got ideas for days.

And maybe you just gotta fail a few times before you succeed. That's kinda how invention works, my dude.
I mean more timing and such. I know you've said I can try to learn things, but I've forgotten to make notes about when and how I do it. So... gentle reminders, like a smack upside the head, wouldn't hurt. Those gloves look cool AF.
With the way my rolls have been you'll be waiting a while for me to do anything cool.

Also, I'm not creative enough to come up with shit, so if you have idea, please... hit me up. lol
That shit easy.

Tired of seeing only grey colors in the dark? How about you make the Lightenator to see colors!

Can't hit your enemies for shit? Strap an Autoaimenator on your weapon!

Too freaking hungry in the morning? Just turn on the Bacon-Eggs-n-Toastenator!

D&D Character

Dungeon Master

Tea Wrecks
((Fuck, this is the first think I want to make. Something to help my hit chances :link ))
I do have an idea for something along those lines.


Maybe I'll just throw all of my invention ideas into a table and number them, then pick which one "you" think of based on a roll. Unless you specify a problem you're trying to solve.

Basically I think the gist of what I said before is that each long rest you can spend time tinkering and trying to invent something. If you can write up a convincing explanation of how something would function, I'll probably make the DC to accomplish it easier. If you don't and want one of my ideas, I'll just make it a little harder to accomplish.

You can try/retry something every long rest, no limit on how many times you try to get something to work, etc.

But yeah, lean on this. There's absolutely room for you to invent something that lets you somewhat circumvent shit rolls.
  • Cheers!
Reactions: Jon

Zesty Zapcrackle

Diplomatic Immunity
Speaking on long rest study, casters can do that too. So Short Order could try to learn how to make ice knife not explode at the end, but deal slightly more damage on the hit, etc.

... Please stop killing everyone.
Hey, in his defense he hasn't so much as hit me with a single shard. Shorty and Zesty are BFFs. I miss, he kills indiscriminately. We're the odd couple.
D&D Character

Dungeon Master

Tea Wrecks
Hey, in his defense he hasn't so much as hit me with a single shard. Shorty and Zesty are BFFs. I miss, he kills indiscriminately. We're the odd couple.
Wait until you roll a high enough perception check that you find the cursed charm he snuck onto you on the boat, to siphon your luck, and also that Alu hacked the forums to adjust the probability rates on your rolls.

Nac McWeeble

Yvan eht nioj
Mike Myers Leprechaun GIF

All I think of when I hear halfling luck... :link
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D&D Character

Dungeon Master

Tea Wrecks
Just as an aside share, and perhaps of interest to @VashTheStampede, I'm going to try using this app I just found out about to track all of this campaign stuff better.

https://obsidian.md/ Obsidian seems like it's just a pretty useful note-organization app to begin with, but there are a few things that set it up to work pretty well for organizing a campaign...

I only started tinkering with it, but I've got zoom/pan maps with customizable pins, a calendar of Harptos to track the passage of time, and all of the pages can be interlinked, etc. I believe there are some more addons to Obsidian that I didn't look at yet, like actual character sheets and such, but this seems like it's probably going to help my ADHD ass far more than just tracking shit in Excel will.

There's also a paid feature through Obsidian which I'm considering, which basically automatically publishes whatever I'd create here to a wiki-style site that everyone could access. So if I made a note on Ur'kokk, it should just automatically make a wiki page about Ur'kokk. I believe it doesn't work with the addons like the app does, so the maps likely wouldn't carry through, but I could work-around that.

Do you even think you guys would benefit from having wiki-information around everything?

Oh, I also adjusted the theme to make it look like a 5e book.


Zesty Zapcrackle

Diplomatic Immunity
If nothing else it's a great way to call back memories of the campaign. I like it. Would never ask you to spend (more) money on this hobby, but I like the idea for sure!

Everyone needs an update on Ur'kokk. He's special enough to have his own wiki page. He's a shining example of perseverance.
Y'all are speaking like you know everything about Mai'cokk? YOU KNOW NOTHING JON (and kut) SNOW! I'm the one who's lived with Mai'cokk, ate with Mai'cokk, BLED with Mai'cokk! All this garbage about Ur'kokk? Ur'kokk is nothing. I wouldn't even be able to tell if Ur'kokk came along and hit me in the face.

Mai'cokk is the original. The legend. Ur'kokk wishes it could be the next big thing. At best it's a tribute to the one they all want to become. But don't lie to yourselves. If you had the privilege of being in the presence of Mai'cokk you'd know the shivers it sent down your neck just by being there.

But don't fret it. I'd put Ur'kokk on a shelf and admire it with its fancy little thingamajigs. It looks pretty.
  • Shocked
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D&D Character

Dungeon Master

Tea Wrecks
I appreciate your patience, boys. I've been circling the drain the past few days, and despite sitting down to work on this several times, my brain just wasn't in it.

Wife and kids are gone for the weekend though, and I just slept for more than 4 hours last night (12, actually), so I'm going to try to get my head back in the game.

Bruce Lee Meditation GIF
D&D Character

Dungeon Master

Tea Wrecks
One thing I do need to bring up with @Smacktard is Moonsprout's height. In going back through the character sheets and trying to think about them more long-term, as in what your characters could do beyond this campaign, I actually registered this time that Moonsprout's height was listed at 4'11".

But halflings are small, with their height maxing out around 3'. At 4'11" you'd be a veritable giant among other halflings. And though I can't find it, I could swear I saw you describe Moonsprout as slightly shorter than average.

As such, I bumped Moonsprout's height down to 2'11" and his weight to 45lbs, to actually fit what it should be as a halfling. If you want to change it some we can do that too, but I think we need to recalibrate the idea of what size halflings are. You're closer in height to the Gnome than to the Dwarf.

My fault for not giving the sheets more scrutiny in session 0.

I do 100% want our halflings to just be regular proportioned people, just sized down. I'm not all about the actual D&D "canon" for halflings, which is either 1970s LOTR cartoon Bilbo, or the weird baby-hands bobble-head thing they've got going on in 5e.


Halflings were literally supposed to be hobbits though... I think in the original editions, they were called Hobbits, until the Tolkien estate rolled a nat-20 on their copyright intimidation.
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