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Discussion Tavern: Sleeping Giant

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Nac McWeeble

Yvan eht nioj
@VashTheStampede after planning an epic boss fight and it's negated by a crossbow bolt
Google Pout GIF

T'anks Kiraine

Chief Liquid Officer, Shitposting Dept.
I'll allow the one-shotting of the boss.

But only if it's Dude and his hulking sword that does it.

And only if T'anks scores a nat20 for something useful for once. :tease
  • Haha
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ES COO Shitposting Dept. of GWF
I'll allow the one-shotting of the boss.

But only if it's Dude and his hulking sword that does it.

And only if T'anks scores a nat20 for something useful for once. :tease
I've buttered up Kutshort now I want to butter up Dude.

Fun current campaign trivia:
Dude has never addressed T'anks by name when speaking to her.

ryan reynolds hd GIF

T'anks Kiraine

Chief Liquid Officer, Shitposting Dept.
If Jumpy ever starts doing FFXI storylines I fully expect him to wander in one day speaking either like a Tarutaru, or just Shantotto herself.

And when he does, I'm going to have to backhand him. :giggle
  • Wut?
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ES COO Shitposting Dept. of GWF
...and says exactly what needs to be said when it needs to be said.

He's a legend in the making and all the people in [insert D&D town name] will know his name.

T'anks Kiraine

Chief Liquid Officer, Shitposting Dept.
@TD randomly pulled quotes, you will immediately get the idea.


Shantotto said:
Shantotto : Well, well, well...look who finally decided to show.
Shantotto : The adventurer, (name), Who lends her/his name to the definition of "slow."
Shantotto : And while introductions are utterly unnecessary on our part, We shall do so out of courtesy, from the goodness of our heart.
D. Shantotto : Domina Shantotto is our name, and our occupation thus:
D. Shantotto : The first and eternal empress of the Shantotto Empire; in effect, its sturdy truss.
D. Shantotto : From this day forth all adventurers are our minions.
D. Shantotto : For all things beneath the heavens are under our dominion.
D. Shantotto : Now as we are royally busy, we shall hop straight to the point. We comission you on your inaugural mission--do try not to disappoint!
D. Shantotto : Seek out the protocrystals that lie scattered across the land. Affix to them these enchanted seals as securely as you can.
D. Shantotto : Of the six we shall entrust you, three or more must be attached To their corresponding protocrystals; our brilliant plan shall then be hatched.
D. Shantotto : With the enchanted seals in place the crystals' power shall be amplified. Thence, we can expand our borders and conquer away 'til satified.
D. Shantotto : For she who controls the protocrystals and their energy controls the world. In every corner or Vana'diel our resplendent banner shall be unfurled!
D. Shantotto : Know that a reward awaits you upon completion of your task. The amount is performance-based, if thats the question you would ask.
D. Shantotto : Now then, (name), look smart, stay sharp, go forth and do our will.
D. Shantotto : Our empire shall reign in glorious might--oh golly, what a thrill!
D. Shantotto : Upon completion of your mission, return here with all due haste. Be brave, stay strong, keep heart no matter what dangers you might face.
D. Shantotto : For the glory of your empress and her immortal empire,
D. Shantotto : be prepared to lay down your life, fear not the day you might expire.

Tarutaru said:
Yoran-Oran: Can I help-ethy you?

I am Yoran-Oran, former Minister of the Rhinostery...

Cherukiki: Father!

Kukki-Chebukki: Dad, we missed you!

Makki-Chebukki: Daddy, your beautiful children are here!

Yoran-Oran: Wh-wh-what...what-ethy?

Yoran-Oran: What is the meaning of this barging-ethy into people's homes?
And why are you calling-ethy me "Daddy"?

Makki-Chebukki: You probably didn't know it, Father, but we were in Mother's tummy when you were separated.

Cherukiki: In Mommy's tummy!

Kukki-Chebukki: And that's why we've been looking for you all this time!

Cherukiki: Looking for you, Daddy!

Koru-Moru: Why, Doctor-doodly Yoran-Oran! Who would've thought you'd have such cute-tootlin' kiddly-winks!?

Shantotto: So many children, you devious creature!
We must have the Tarutaru times write up a feature!

Yoran-Oran: I have-ethy no idea what's going on here!
There must-ethy be some sort of mistake!

Shantotto: Ohoho!
You men are all the same.
Not one of you ever wants to take the blame!

Yoran-Oran: I understand-ethy now.
Yes, I did travel to Tavnazia once, many years ago.

Yoran-Oran: But that was only for the purpose-ethy of appraising a rare discovery.

Yoran-Oran: Pirates, thieves, and all kinds of treasure hunters had brought-ethy unusual items from all over the world to the marquisate...

Yoran-Oran: These items had been hidden-ethy in a chamber beneath the Tavnazian Sacrarium.

Yoran-Oran: I was led-ethy to that reliquiarium only after agreeing-ethy to never speak of the objects I would see.

Yoran-Oran: When we entered the chamber, I was asked to look at a frightening-ethy statue that had been dug up from some goddess-forsaken labyrinth...

Koru-Moru: Frightening statue?
Well, spring-spillingly-spill it, man! What kind of slap-daddily statue was it?

Yoran-Oran: I...I'm not sure.

Shantotto: You were invited to the faraway land of Tavnazia and you gave them a "not sure"?
All I have to say is, "What an amateur!"

Shantotto: An embarrassment to the ministers of Windurst, an absolutaru disgrace.
You've gone and smeared mud on our collective face.

Shantotto: And now hear these poor fatherless children's wailings.
Is there no end to your dismal failings?

Yoran-Oran: I'm telling-ethy you, I am not their father!

Yoran-Oran: And I was not called-ethy to Tavnazia to appraise the nature of that statue.

Yoran-Oran: My task was to discern-ethy where it had been excavated from by analyzing the traces of soil that still clung-ethy to its surface.

Koru-Moru: And did you flang-fig-figurey out where the soil was from?

Yoran-Oran: Of course I did.
It was silt from the bottom-ethy of the sea.
From the Sea of Shu'Meyo, I believe.

Koru-Moru: The Sea of Shu'Meyo...
The inland-ified sea north of Jeuno.

Koru-Moru: Isn't that body of water non-stoppingly-notorious for ships sinking on even the calm-balmiest of days?

Yoran-Oran: It is indeed-ethy.
What's more, the statue was said to be found-ethy not in the sea, but deep-ethy within the earth.

Shantotto: What a fascinating tale, I must conclude.
And after unfurling this mystery, you were elated enough to start your own brood?

Yoran-Oran: Would you give it a rest-ethy!

Yoran-Oran: Do you see-ethy what you've done!
My reputation is in ruins!

Yoran-Oran: Now explain-ethy yourselves!

Cherukiki: We're sta~rving.

Kukki-Chebukki: I feel...faint.
No energy...to talk.

Makki-Chebukki: I feel dizzy...

Yoran-Oran: Fine! There's a restaurant in Windurst Waters.
Come back-ethy after you've had something to eat!

Makki-Chebukki: Yay!

Kukki-Chebukki: All right!

Cherukiki: Food!

Yoran-Oran: Why me...?

Yoran-Oran: What-ethy a calamity!
My pristine-ethy image has been sullied!

Yoran-Oran: No good-ethy! No good-ethy!
I must restore-ethy my high standing in the community!

Yoran-Oran: That's it!
The Mimeo Mirror!
Its memory-viewing powers are perfect-ethy for this situation!

Yoran-Oran: I'll use the mirror to show-ethy all my memories of Tavnazia!
I'll prove-ethy my innocence to the world!

Yoran-Oran: Now if I can just remember-ethy the person who owned a Mimeo Mirror.
I seem to recall-ethy a rather unpleasant personage boasting about his possessions a while back...

Yoran-Oran: Calm-ethy yourself, Yoran-Oran.
You're too worked up-ethy to think straight...

I believe I can count on your support for backhanding him and keeping him in line. :tease
  • Mind Blown!
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I wanna be the guy who talks to every NPC in every building for world building reasons and trying to find side quests.

...wait that's a thing right?

I Know Right Tonight Show GIF by The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon
That’s how I play all games. I explore every map and try to complete every available side quest before moving on to the main story. You never know when a side quest will disappear or when the map will lock and prevent you from returning to a place


ES COO Shitposting Dept. of GWF
I could see it going both ways... absolutely.


I'm sure an enormous monologue would subside Dude's current goblin blood rage.
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