Campaign Stormwreck Isle; The Forgotten Clifftop Observatory (1-4)

Part 4 - The Forgotten Clifftop Observatory
DM Screen | Initiative | Map




  • Investigate the abandoned Clifftop Observatory.
  • Find out what happened to Aidron.


Level 3 Beast Path Barbarian​
Level 3 Drunken Master Monk​
Level 3 Lore 'College' Bard​
Level 3 Arctic Circle Druid​
Level 3 Battle Smith Artificer​

ImageNameValue (per) copper.pngsilver.pnggold.pngWeight (per)Description
Wind Spore Mushrooms
30 gold.png0.06 lbsA rare fungus with a unique magical property. When a creature squeezes a wind spore mushroom's cap, it releases a small cloud of spores. For 1 hour, the creature doesn't need to breathe, as the spores provide it with oxygen.
Obsidian Chunk
10 gold.png1 lbAn uncut opaque black gemstone.
Heart Cap Mushrooms
30 gold.png0.2 lbsThese mushrooms bear an unsettling resemblance to human hearts.
Potion of Healing
50 gold.png0.5 lbsThis potion's red liquid glimmers when agitated. You regain 2d4+2 hit points when you drink this potion.
file-Wvp782vE4qJWR2QTy1tcpOXR.pngA Fine LuteThe guy at Guitar Center told me this was the best one.
file-qUiTfpHVb3SLLXv10Ep2Xyya.pngBoots of ElvenkindWhile you wear these boots, your steps make no sound, regardless of the surface you are moving across. You also have advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks that rely on moving silently.
file-EF5LK9mU1tyc9CrzMQNFhGQq.pngSpell Scroll of CommandThis scroll can be used to cast the spell Command once, without requirement for components or a spell slot, as long as this spell is on your class spell list.
file-LVnezJxtbEHmlCxy9bTYz2rS.pngBeany-BjörnThis is a harness sized to carry a halfling, or a child, but what's the difference?

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Aims'Orreh Mwuh'Bwadd

Full-time time waster
You could--with a run-up--reach ~15 ft high.

...I'll let you roll a STR-Athletics check, to see if you can get another 5ft of height. If you succeeded, you could either try to hit it, or grapple it to the ground.
Aims had a great idea. The best idea ever that he came up by himself. If the damn annoying fiendish flying fucks try to get away from him, what's stopping him from getting right onto the fucking fiend fliers, right? It's simple. Straight-forward. It. Just. Works.

He takes a couple steps back to to make some more room, starts running and at the last moment jumps up to try to grab and bring the fucking fuck fuck to the ground with him.
D&D Character

Dungeon Master

Bingo! Dino DNA.
Aims had a great idea. The best idea ever that he came up by himself. If the damn annoying fiendish flying fucks try to get away from him, what's stopping him from getting right onto the fucking fiend fliers, right? It's simple. Straight-forward. It. Just. Works.

He takes a couple steps back to to make some more room, starts running and at the last moment jumps up to try to grab and bring the fucking fuck fuck to the ground with him.


Aims'Orreh Mwuh'Bwadd
| Your muscles tense as you watch Nac's nimble ascent and successful strike against Sparkrender. Inspired by his acrobatics and determined to bring your own brute strength to bear in this fight, "you" decide it's your turn to take to the air. You position yourself, feeling the solid stone beneath your feet in the ancient observatory, and ready yourself for a leap.

With a deep, guttural roar, you take a few bounding steps and launch yourself upwards. Your powerful legs propel you 15 feet off the ground, a formidable jump, but still short of reaching the hovering dragon. Undeterred and quick to adapt, your feet connect with and kick off the nearby wall of the tower as you ascend, pushing yourself an additional 5 feet higher. The maneuver is clumsy but effective, fueled by raw power rather than finesse.

As you reach the apex of your leap, Sparkrender's tail swings within your grasp. Or you think it's his tail. Your large, calloused hands close around the scaled appendage, gripping it tightly. With a grunt of effort, you use your considerable 450-pound mass to your advantage, pulling sharply downward. The sudden weight in an unexpected location catches the young dragon off guard.


Sparkrender lets out a surprised and desperate screech as it loses altitude rapidly. Its wings beat frantically, but the force of your pull combined with your weight drags it inexorably down. With a thud that sends vibrations through the floor, you and the dragon crash to the ground together.

Now on the observatory floor, you tighten your hold, grappling the dragon's "tail" more firmly. Your position is precarious but advantageous, and you hold Sparkrender on the ground, restricting its movements and preventing it from taking flight again. The dragon struggles against your hold, thrashing and scraping its claws against the stone, but your grip is unyielding as you temporarily grapple with the dragon.



Xbox One Nintendo GIF


Moonsprout Beandirt
| With the whistle held tightly between your lips, you give a sharp, practiced blow. The sound, barely audible to human ears, is clear and commanding to it's intended audience. The owlbear, to whom you returned after parting with the group, acknowledges the familiar call and lowers itself to allow you to climb off of its broad back. Together, you cram into the rickety elevator leading up to the observatory tower. The structure groans under the weight of your unexpected cavalry, but holds, ascending slowly with a cacophony of creaks and clanks. How the elevator rises does not occur to you, as you accept the god from the machine.

As the elevator reaches the top, the chaos of the ongoing battle immediately conveys itself. Aims'orreh has just managed to drag Sparkrender out of the air and onto the ground mere feet in front of you. The scene is one of pandemonium, with the observatory's ancient artifacts and scattered papers fluttering about in the commotion.

The owlbear roars—a deep, thunderous sound that reverberates off the stone walls, startling friend and foe alike.


Your entrance does not go unnoticed. Sparkrender, already grappling with the sudden disadvantage of being grounded, turns its head towards the new threat. Its eyes widen with a mix of fear and defiance. Aims'orreh looks up, surprise etched across his face, but there's also a hint of pride in his eyes, knowing well the added strength your ally brings.

With the whistle still in hand, you prepare to direct the owlbear into battle. Its massive form stands ready, muscles tensed, as it awaits your command to strike. |

((Moonsprout has entered the battle.


@Smacktard You are up. Gimme an animal handling roll if you want to command your buddy.

D&D Character

Dungeon Master

Bingo! Dino DNA.
((I expected it actually. I almost took the key out of the bridge just for fun to see how he'd get around it being gone but decided to just leave it in))
((Except, you didn't. Zesty took the key out and deactivated the bridge. (As @Jon posted while I was writing this up.)))

Zesty walks back over to the statue, removes the moonstone key once again in case it's needed
((My guy Moonsprout just Dukes of Hazzard'd himself back to the tower.

I'm going to drop all of the side-stuff that went on with Moonsprout so you can all retrospectively read some more. Obviously this is out of order for this moment, but I want to drop it in the campaign thread instead of the tavern.))


Moonsprout Beandirt
| You tread softly through the wilderness of Stormwreck Isle, a place teeming with natural wonder and quietude that starkly contrasts the chaos and violence often wrought by your companions. You've left the Forgotten Observatory behind, the pungent smell of salt and the echoes of battle slowly fading as you delve deeper into the serene embrace of the island's untamed landscapes.

The sun, a fiery orb hanging low in the sky, dapples the ground through the thick canopy overhead, casting mosaics of light and shadow that dance upon your path. Around you, the island is a riot of color: wildflowers in hues of deep violet, fiery orange, and the palest yellow sway in the gentle breeze. You stoop to inspect a Twilight Bloom, its petals shimmering with an iridescent sheen, reminiscent of the sky as day gives way to night. This rare flower is known not only for its beauty but also for its ability to soothe the nerves when brewed into a tea.

Nearby, a cluster of Snapleaf plants catch your eye. Each leaf is a vivid green, edged with tiny teeth-like protrusions. When touched, they snap shut, trapping inside any small insects to slowly digest. As a bard who cherishes all forms of life, you marvel at such ingenious natural traps, yet choose not to collect them, respecting the balance of this ecosystem.

Your wanderings bring you to a clearing where the sunlight warmly blankets the earth. Here, you discover a patch of Heartroot, a valuable herb known for its potent medicinal properties. The roots are knotted and thick, pulsing faintly with a warm glow beneath the soil. You carefully unearth a small bundle, the roots exuding a sweet, earthy aroma that fills the air, reminding you of peaceful evenings spent by the fire with tales and tunes.

As you traverse this vibrant landscape, the wildlife observes you curiously. A Sun Skimmer, a small reptile-like creature with translucent wings tinged with blue, flits around a nearby pond. Its scales catch the light, throwing prismatic colors across the wet stones. Watching it, you feel a kinship with these creatures, all merely trying to survive, much like yourself.

High in the branches of a gnarled Ironwood tree, a family of Crested Starlings flit amongst the leaves. These birds are resplendent in feathers of green and gold, their eyes small yet knowing. They chip softly, a sound like a harp through the leaves, and you feel comforted, as if being told secrets in a language only the forest understands.

Your heart heavy with thoughts of your companions—Aims'orreh's brash temper, Zesty's drive for invention, Short's wild transformations, and Nac's drunken wisdom—you wonder why they consider the path of violence and conquest as the only way. Perhaps, through these small acts of gathering and learning from the land, you might find a different way to make your mark on the world.

As you continue your journey back towards Dragon's Rest, the pocket of herbs and flowers against your chest feels like a tiny, pulsating heart—each beat a reminder of the life that thrives in peace and the life you yearn to lead.


  • Healing Elixir: Over a short rest, you can prepare a ground mixture of Heartroot to create a Healing Elixir. Consuming this elixir as an action restores 2d4+2 hit points. Once you use the Heartroot to create an elixir, it is destroyed.
  • Soothing Glow: The Heartroot emits a faint, warm light, providing bright light in a 5-foot radius and dim light for an additional 5 feet. If used during a short rest, it gives an additional 1d6 hit points to any hit dice rolled for healing.

Moonsprout goes and chills with the owlbear for a while while contemplating the violence of Aims and other sentient creatures capable of rational thought. He ponders whether Aims is a rational creature, or if he, like the owlbear, is driven purely by emotion and instinct. In this case, he wonders if Aims ought to be forgiven or given some slack -- as much as he interferes with the group's plans.


Moonsprout Beandirt
|As you continue your solitary journey across the verdant wilderness of Stormwreck Isle, your thoughts are intermittently punctuated by the faint, melodic whistles from the wooden instrument around your neck. This whistle, a relic from the owlbear's past life, carries with it thoughts of a traveling circus that once brought joy and wonder to many—a stark contrast to the harsh realities of your adventuring life. With each gentle blow, the whistle's melancholy tones echo through the trees, a sad reminder of the joyous performances that ended in tragedy when the circus ship wrecked on this very island.

The path leads you back to the edge of the thicket where, nestled within a clearing, lies the nest of the owlbear. This majestic creature, harassed by kobold until our party intervened just in time, saving the creature in a rare moment of mercy and teamwork, yet still wrought with conflict over the lost draconic humanoids. As you approach, the owlbear stirs, its large, golden eyes reflecting a complex mixture of curiosity and caution.

The owlbear recognizes the sound of the whistle, a sound it associates not with captivity but with the kindness of its handler who once cared for it. It softens, its initial wariness fading as it recognizes you and memories of a gentler life surface. You carefully step closer, whispering soothing words and playing the melodic whistle with a practiced hand. The notes seem to calm the beast, and it shifts to make room, a silent invitation into its sanctuary.


The nest itself is a large, makeshift structure of branches and foliage, surprisingly tidy and comfortable. Within it, you see items the owlbear has collected: a tattered piece of canvas from a circus tent, a few scattered feathers of a lustrous purple hue, and an array of bones from recent meals. As you sit beside the creature, sharing the space of mutual understanding and peace, you pull out some Heartroot from your collection and begin to prepare a healing salve for the owlbear's still-healing wounds.

While you apply the salve, your mind wanders to your companions—Aims'orreh's fierce loyalty masked by violence, Zesty's inventive brilliance shadowed by destructiveness, Short's deep connection to nature marred by necessary ruthlessness, and Nac's disciplined serenity disrupted by the chaos of conflict. You ponder the possibility of changing the group's path, steering their moral compass towards celebrating life rather than ending it. Perhaps, with empathy and patience, you could guide them as you have this gentle giant beside you.

As the sun begins to dip in the sky, painting it with strokes of crimson and gold, you feel a profound connection not just to the owlbear but to all life on the island. You resolve to carry this newfound understanding back to your companions should your paths cross again, hoping to influence their hearts with the stories of the creatures they've too often seen only as foes or obstacles.

With the owlbear now resting comfortably, you prepare to return to the camp at Dragon's Rest. The whistle around your neck, once a tool for commanding performances, now serves as a reminder of the bonds that can form even in the unlikeliest of circumstances.

As you prepare to leave the nest, you wonder what lessons you plan to share with your party. |

I'm still trying to stay away from directing things too much, but... [...] if he inspected that fucking item that he's been carrying around the entire campaign and worked out what it actually does, before the game ends. 😭
I swear we did this already and didn't get much info. I also presented it to Tarak and he just threw some shade. Could you give a hint as to what Moonsprout could possibly do with the dick dagger? Just inspect it again?
I fully accept that. Initially from the zombie's loot table, it was just a plain ordinary dagger. Then Short tried to inspect it and I decided to tell everyone it was a dick. I think it was still just a dick up through the first visit to Dragon's Rest, hence the Tarak stuff. Although, he wouldn't necessarily have been able to identify what it was either.

It was probably around the entrance of Seagrow Caves that I realized I could actually do something with it, when you attacked the octopus and the handle broke off the blade.

Honestly, at this point, I'm just gonna give it to you. If I made you roll to investigate it I'd be giving it a stupid low DC anyway, may as well just cut that out...


Moonsprout Beandirt
| As you walk, hands in your pockets, your fingers brush up against the broken dickdagger handle. Absentmindedly, you pull it out and turn it around in your hands. While it was formerly forged into the handle for a seaman's shiv, you can tell this was not by original design, It's about eight inches long, robust in build, but you now notice a curious button near its tip. As any curious halfling would be, you feel drawn to this mysterious artifact while nestled beneath a canopy of ancient trees.

"What secrets do you hold, Lil' Dicky?" you whisper, pressing the button with a gentle flick of your thumb. To your astonishment, the rod suddenly becomes as immovable as the great oaks surrounding you, causing you to walk into it and steadfastly resisting your attempts to move it.


It dawns on you that this is a modified Immovable Rod, a magical item spoken of in song, designed to freeze in place upon activation. Some are rumored to support a staggering 8,000 pounds, only relenting if the load surpasses this threshold or the button is pressed again to deactivate the enchantment. When the light bridge between the towers was turned off and--much to your confusion--you did not fall towards the rocks below, your halfling luck must have activated this magical device and supported you until the bridge reactivated.

With a curious grin, you experiment further, lifting the rod and pressing the button once more before letting go. It hangs suspended in midair, defying gravity—an enchanting horizontal line amidst the vertical splendor of tree trunks and hanging moss. "Ingenious," you muse, thinking of how this device could secure a makeshift shelter or serve as a tether point while scaling the countless cliffs encircling the island.

Your mind brims with potential tales and songs inspired by this enchanted rod—stories of cleverness triumphing over brute strength, all sparked by a simple yet profound magical item. With a nod to the poetic, you secure the Immovable Rod in your pack, the melody of a new song taking shape in your heart about the day you defied gravity. |

A thought crosses Moonsprout's mind. Though he is still furious with the orc, he does care about the remaining members of the party. He shudders to think what might happen to them if they go up against that electrical dragon he had heard about... What was its name? Sparkeater? Thundersaur? Jolteon?

While pondering this, it suddenly occurs to Moonsprout that he has conceived of a new way to reign in Aims' murderous tendencies.

With this new strategy in mind, and fearing for the lives of his companions, Moonsprout rushes back toward Zapdragon's lair.

To the owl-mobile! he shouts, and runs back to the owlbear while blowing his whistle.


Moonsprout Beandirt
| As the owlbears nest comes into view, you issue forth a new melody upon the whistle, a few bars from an old marching song. The wooden instrument, despite being small, produces incredibly clear notes that travel amongst the trees away from you.

The owlbear rises as you near it's nest, but it again recognizes you by the music you're creating. It seems uncertain at first, compelled to protect it's terriory as much as it has been trained to obey the whistle.

You begin to weave gentle words into the song, in between breaths. The owlbear's strange ears stand up, it's head tilting side to side as it listens to the unfamiliar song. Your melody conveys an unfamiliar trick that it is not sure how to follow. |

((Alright, gimme a WIS-Animal Handling check if you want to try to actually ride it. And/or otherwise, let me know what you're specifically going to do once you get back to the observatory, as I can work off of that in the morning.))


Moonsprout Beandirt
| This new trick is "RUN REALLY FUCKING FAST THAT WAY", and your new friend is rather good at it.

((Scale a little off))

It takes but a few minutes for the powerful beast to crash through the woodland and reach the observatory, it's enormous paws digging into the earth as it skids to a halt. You hear the distant roars of some beast within the furthest tower, and the unmistakable sound of battle, again.

The magical bridge is gone, clearly deactivated from the other side, as these two statues hold no hexagonal key. You gauge that the distance from the clifftop to the Northwestern tower is roughly 25 feet, perhaps on the very upper-end of what the owlbear could clear with a running jump.


At the base of the furthest tower, you note the caved in portion of wall below the level the elevator leads to, that the kobolds mentioned Sparkrender commanded them not to clean up.

((You could attempt to leap across the chasm with the owlbear to reach the closest tower, or you could dive down and swim to any of them, climbing back up from the water.)) |

...Need you even ask? :afro

Rally Raid Jump GIF by Red Bull


Dungeon Master
| The owlbear backs up as far as it can on the clifftop, which while small is still wide enough for it to get a 10ft run-up.

With a determined hoot, it shows complete trust in you (or at least the whistle) and launches into the air, forgetting the 1/2 bear in its genetics. For what feels like an eternity, the large beast sails through the air passing over the vast span of ocean below.


With an enormous crash, the owlbear collides with the wall of the ruined tower and passes through it, causing an explosion of masonry as the outer wall crumbles and falls to the ocean below.


The owlbear lets out a startled and annoyed growl-hoot as it skids to a halt on it's side, coming to rest against an inner wall. While startled and dazed, it does not appear to have sustained any major injuries.

1713495888821.png |

So here's where the time continuum gets a bit funky. I'd like to join the battle with Sparkrender, but I'm not sure enough time has passed since I left the team.

If all's good, I want that owlbear muthafucka to leap up that elevator wall like a Globetrotter
Alright, I think I could let that happen without it making things *too* easy for everyone. It is entirely not how the campaign is supposed to flow, as I think potentially the owlbear could probably take on Sparkrender by itself (both CR3 creatures)... But I'll work something out because it's going to be epic as shit.
I may let the team get beat up some first, though... I'll find a good time to bring you into the initiative.
Hell yeah! Can't wait to deus ex machina up this bitch!
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D&D Character

Dungeon Master

Bingo! Dino DNA.


Dungeon Master
| As Aims'orreh grips the tail of the dragon, hauling the writhing Sparkrender from the sky to the cold stone below, his mind is a tumult of raw emotion and primal ambition. Each muscle fiber strains under the exertion, his massive frame a bulwark against the dragon's desperate flailing. In this moment, as he pins the beast with a grunt of exertion, a surge of pride swells within him—here he is, a half-orc of considerable strength, besting a creature of legend.


Yet, as the owlbear suddenly appears, an unbidden frustration boils in his gut. This creature, a powerful ally summoned by Moonsprout, now threatens to overshadow his own moment of triumph. Aims'orreh respects the owlbear immensely; its fierce independence and raw power mirror his own values and the struggle against his brutish nature. He does not wish harm upon this noble beast, yet he cannot, will not, let it usurp his victory.

In the moment before the melee, as he secures the dragon beneath his own weight, Aims'orreh's thoughts churn with a mix of admiration and competitive fire. He wants to be powerful, to surpass even the legendary might of a dragon. The idea of Sparkrender possessing secrets to greater power gnaws at him—what arcane mysteries could a dragon hold? What could he learn if he only knew how to ask? He ponders aloud in his gruff, simplistic manner, his words heavy with intent but light on eloquence. "You, dragon... you know things. Secrets to... big power. If I keep you alive, share that shit, will ya?" His voice, though rough and unrefined, carries a compelling determination.

He imagines the respect he would command if he were known not just as a dragon slayer but as something even greater.


In his mind, this battle is not just about survival, but about ascending to a new level of reverence and fear. "I'm not just strong, I am a legend," he ponders, his thoughts swirling with visions of future battles and the awe of his comrades.

Aims'orreh's internal dialogue is a tumultuous river of ambition and practical limitations. His speech may falter with the complexities of language, but his resolve is as sharp as a blade. He is driven not by a simple lust for power but by a deep-seated need to prove his worth, to rise above the stereotype of brutish half-orc strength and to forge his own path as a force to be reckoned with.

The observatory reverberates with the violence of battle as Moonsprout commands the owlbear into the fray. The whistle's command is sharp, igniting a savage intensity in the owlbear, its eyes aflame with the promise of bloodshed. With thunderous steps, it bears down on Sparkrender, who struggles furiously under Aims'orreh's iron grip. The owlbear's massive paws slam against the stone floor, each step a prelude to the carnage it seeks to unleash.

Sparkrender, head twisting to the new threat, screams in draconic, "Vethi xanar Nevrastix izjat? Jorveth fahliil, ji vur! Ji shilta vurix ulnin khi vothranix zuum astahi."

Aims'orreh, muscles bulging and veins standing out against his skin, holds Sparkrender's thrashing tail. He is determined to claim this victory, to prove his might against the formidable dragon. As the owlbear nears, its powerful jaws open wide, ready to tear into the dragon's flesh. Aims'orreh reacts with raw instinct—he shifts his weight, pressing the dragon more firmly against the cold stone, trying to shield it from the owlbear's impending maul.

The clash is brutal. The owlbear swipes at Sparkrender, its claws raking across the dragon's scales, drawing deep, bleeding gashes. Sparkrender howls in agony, a chilling sound that echoes off the ancient walls, mixing with the owlbear's primal roars. Aims'orreh bellows commands, his voice barely rising over the din, as he struggles to control the situation without relinquishing his hold.


For a moment, your forms--wrestling for dominance atop the star-map on the ground--are painted against a backdrop of the infinity.

DALL·E 2024-04-19 10.57.58 - A star constellation depicting an epic celestial battle featuring...png

In the heat of battle, amid the blood and roar, Aims'orreh and the owlbear lock eyes. An intense, raw understanding passes between them—a mutual recognition of the ferocity and survival instincts that define them. Sensing the determination in Aims'orreh's gaze, the owlbear's fury momentarily subsides. It reads the silent request in the half-orc's eyes, recognizing a fellow warrior's plea.

With a grudging growl, the owlbear alters its stance. It no longer seeks to kill but instead helps to subdue. It positions its hefty body next to Aims'orreh, adding its weight to pin the bloodied Sparkrender to the ground. The dragon, now battered and beaten, ceases its flailing as the life drains from its wounds, its breaths coming in ragged gasps.


As the tumult subsides, Aims'orreh maintains his fierce grip, and the owlbear stands vigilant, its claws retracted. Together, they pin the subdued Sparkrender, whose scales are slick with blood. In this harsh moment of calm, a new alliance is formed—not just of battle, but of blood and respect, forged in the fires of combat and sealed with the silent vows of warriors. |

((Took my time with this one. I know we were heading towards deathtown, population Sparkrender, but I feel there's an RP angle that I honestly at least want to give a small chance at life.))
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Aims'Orreh Mwuh'Bwadd

Full-time time waster
The sudden appearance of Moonsprout with the owlbear from before was a surprise wrought with both anxiety and excitement for Aims. He was very excited to see the ferocious friend yet again so soon, but also the same ferociousness is what might also steal away his current glory.

Luckily for Aims, the beast did relent and toned down its bloodlust before removing the dragon's spine. Maybe it was the short moment from earlier that some small bond was made. Maybe it was something more instinctual and primal both the beasts felt and let each other be. Thanks to that, they both could shift their attention back to the flailing dragon, now pinned under both the feathery beast and the leathery beast.

Alright you little fucker. You have only one option. If there was another option, my large friend here would be the executioner of that.

Aims gets up enough to keep the dragon pinned under his knees to free his hands for a moment.

Now, you will be beaten. You will be beaten more blue than you already are and you will like it. If you do not like it, you will be beaten again until you do. If you resist, you will be beaten. If you snap back, you will be beaten. If you so much as make a movement to avoid getting beaten, you will be beaten. Understand?

While explaining all the unreasonably violent conditions of the dragons surrender, Aims was playing out the scenarios of the dragon being beaten with his hands, with each and every beating signified with Aims pointing at the dragon and punching his hand harder and harder after each condition. To end it all, the half-orc is eyeing the dragon down, baring his teeth in a sickle grin and cracking his knuckles.

I sure hope for your sake that we are in an agreement, dragon.

Lads, everyone is welcome to join in. The first beating is on the house! Just make sure to keep him alive. Hahahaa!

Zesty Zapcrackle

Shitposting Development Manager
((FWIW, I'm unsure what the path is forward here, lol))

Zesty walks up to the defeated dragon. A mix of fear and defeat upon the face of the once confident foe. He doesn't know Draconic, so communication with the beast may be impossible unless it's picked up one of the languages Zesty does know. The artificer lays a gentle hand on the dragon's head. He begins in infernal, hoping the dragon understands, before moving on to common.

Xe clas laz uo haf flvyrwzilv fw vriqal, zmafqm xe iwwfpy haf va.

For this group to not outright kill you is a miracle in and of itself. I have a deep respect for the learned, for the sentient. This need not come to fatal blows, though I am sure you understand it can and will should you resist.

We were sent here to find Aidron on request of a bronze dragon you know as Runara. Both these names, I'm sure, anger you. Tell us where Aidron is and you may yet live to see tomorrow. I have a feeling we were on the right path with the statues, but you interrupted that. Does Aidron yet live?

Zesty steps back and awaits a response from the dragon.
D&D Character

Dungeon Master

Bingo! Dino DNA.
((FWIW, I'm unsure what the path is forward here, lol))

Zesty walks up to the defeated dragon. A mix of fear and defeat upon the face of the once confident foe. He doesn't know Draconic, so communication with the beast may be impossible unless it's picked up one of the languages Zesty does know. The artificer lays a gentle hand on the dragon's head. He begins in infernal, hoping the dragon understands, before moving on to common.

Xe clas laz uo haf flvyrwzilv fw vriqal, zmafqm xe iwwfpy haf va.

For this group to not outright kill you is a miracle in and of itself. I have a deep respect for the learned, for the sentient. This need not come to fatal blows, though I am sure you understand it can and will should you resist.

We were sent here to find Aidron on request of a bronze dragon you know as Runara. Both these names, I'm sure, anger you. Tell us where Aidron is and you may yet live to see tomorrow. I have a feeling we were on the right path with the statues, but you interrupted that. Does Aidron yet live?

Zesty steps back and awaits a response from the dragon.
((Yeah, I realize I kind of put you guys in a corner story wise, I suppose. It seems you're trying to interrogate the dragon without having any way to communicate with it at all.

Now... I have one invention idea to help you guys out, if Zesty and Short can both succeed on a relatively difficult Arcana check... Otherwise I suppose you'll have to leave the immediate area and come back with a translator.

EDIT: I won't even require a short/long rest for this invention idea. It'd be a spur-of-the-moment thing.))
D&D Character

Dungeon Master

Bingo! Dino DNA.
((Hmm, that's inspiring...

Hey @Jon, you're feeling inspired. You have inspiration (from the cosmos.) You can roll a 1d6 along with your Arcana check and add it to the total.

Let's say we're giving this a generous chance.))

Aims'Orreh Mwuh'Bwadd

Full-time time waster
((I also kind of see the shortcomings of what I wanted to do. Which is fine since it's on me for not giving anything other than "hey, come beat the dragon up, but don't kill it". Sure, but why? What if iduwanna? Also what if you don't?

Interactive storytelling is surprisingly hard to deal with I'm finding.))
D&D Character

Dungeon Master

Bingo! Dino DNA.


Dungeon Master
| Aims'orreh unleashes a fury that is both brutal and relentless. With Sparkrender pinned beneath the owlbear's massive weight, the half-orc seizes his chance. His fists, each a weapon honed by years of survival and combat, descend like hammers upon the beleaguered dragon. Blow after merciless blow lands, each more punishing than the last, driven by a raw desire to dominate and prove his strength.


The dragon's scales, though tough, are no match for Aims'orreh's brutal assault. Amidst the onslaught, a particularly savage strike to the head dislodges one of Sparkrender's eyes. The orb, a glistening gem of draconic anatomy, rolls free from its socket, coming to rest amidst the debris of shattered instruments and torn parchment.


Zesty, witnessing the gruesome turn, sees an opportunity in the midst of the disgust and violence. The half-orc is too far gone, brutally beating the sentient creature, the only hope being to forge some form of communication. Swiftly, he moves to retrieve the fallen eye, its mystical properties apparent even in its severed state. With careful hands, he cleans the orb of blood and viscera, then brings it to Boltzmann, his mechanical companion now central to a new strategy.

As he realizes Sparkrender doesn't speak Infernal—or Common—he makes a daring decision. Carefully, he extracts the inscribed glass orb that serves as the central core of Boltzmann. The light in the wolf's eyes flickers out as it powers off. With deft fingers and a mind racing with possibilities, Zesty adjusts the intricate mechanisms of the wolf to accept a different sized payload. He then takes a sharp tool from his belt and begins quickly scratching runic circuitry into the outer surface of Sparkrender's eye, intending to harness its innate magic and knowedge to understand and process languages. Once he reinserts the modified core into Boltzmann and reactivates the construct, the wolf only produces tinny, digitized barks and roars, not the breakthrough Zesty had hoped for.


Aims'orreh's brutal assault on the subdued Sparkrender escalates. Each blow is delivered with a raw force that echoes through the stone tower, the half-orc's fury almost tangible in the air. As he pummels the dragon, whose eye now lies severed and repurposed, the owlbear alongside him aids in keeping the beast pinned, its massive paws crushing down on Sparkrender's limp form.

At this moment, Short Order senses a call from an unfamiliar element. He sees the need to intervene—not just to harness the dragon's power, but to prevent Aims'orreh from crossing a line from which there could be no return. With a newfound purpose, he approaches Boltzmann. His hands outstretched, he channels the electric fury that Sparkrender inadvertently offers. The lightning, raw and wild, is directed through the mechanical wolf's circuits. The air crackles intensely around them as the energy surges through Boltzmann, causing the construct to emit fragmented howls in various languages, yet it fails to stabilize.


As Short Order manipulates the flow of electricity, it arcs unpredictably, a wild surge that cannot be fully controlled. The electrical energy lashes out, striking both Aims'orreh and the owlbear. The shock is immediate and severe—bolts of electricity course through their bodies, causing their muscles to seize and convulse.

Aims'orreh grunts in pain as the sudden jolt knocks him backward, the force of the shockwave pushing him away from Sparkrender's battered form. The owlbear, too, recoils from the shock, its body shuddering as it steps back, instinctively releasing its hold on the dragon. Both the half-orc and the owlbear are momentarily stunned, lying sprawled on the cold, hard marble floor.

This unexpected interruption halts the assault, providing a moment of clarity and a pause in the violence. Sparkrender lies unmoving, barely conscious, its form a testament to the ferocity of the conflict. With Aims'orreh and the owlbear temporarily incapacitated, the focus shifts back to Zesty and Short Order, who quickly resume their work on integrating the dragon's eye into Boltzmann's system.

Frustrated but not defeated, Zesty hastily inscribes calibrating runes onto Boltzmann's metallic shell, hoping to tame the chaotic energy now coursing through the wolf. As he works, Short Order hears the familiar, chilling voice of the cold—a call to use his mastery over frost and ice. Realizing that cooling the overheating circuits could enhance the flow of electrical currents, he conjures his cold magic, directing it delicately into Boltzmann's framework.


The combined efforts of artificer and druid create a spectacle of arcane engineering and natural magic. The dragon's eye now at the heart of Boltzmann flares to life, glowing with an electric blue light. The runes Zesty engraved begin to dance and change continually, reflecting the newfound intelligence housed within the orb.

What emerges from their efforts is a rudimentary form of a large-language model A-Eye, embedded within the mechanical wolf. This newly born A-Eye, capable of learning and translating speech, is initially trained on the languages of Draconic, Common, Infernal, and Druidic, and the A-Eye requires a mere action to translate phrases or texts from one language it knows to another.


As the A-Eye stabilizes, the battlefield quietens for a moment as, just before Sparkrender loses consciousness, he spits "Ji dirasti vurik Eldenemir naexi Vethraxis aar vokun laevis Tiamat ast, ji thurirl vurix vorastrix siila! Ji jahus vur uhnir zuumir laekan thurirlast at Dragon's Rest khil...". The dragon's head drops to the marble with a final thud, and it falls unconscious.

There is a tense moment of waiting, before Boltzmann's jaws open and an ethereal voice projects "I pledge by Eldenemir of the Whirling Winds and the five skulls of Tiamat, you owe a great toll for this offense! You shan't succeed to the explosive at Dragon's Respite timely..." |

((Boltzmann now has the ability to translate a few languages. It could be trained to translate more. This will require an action to process the prompt, and the result of the translation may be akin to translating something from English > Korean > German > English. You won't get an EXACT translation of what they said, word for word. Unless I impose some kind of roll for whether or not Boltzmann gets it right, and give a varying degrees of clarity based on the result.

Meta-game wise I feel everyone had the opportunity for a badass moment, even if a little shoehorned in at times. I think that's what I was trying to accomplish with *gestures broadly* this.

But Sparkrender is unconscious. What you do from here is back in your hands, don't worry about whether you're playing to whatever I'm thinking, etc. Just do what your character would do, that's the best way forward from here. I've not really set up a specific ending that I'm guiding you to, I've just tried to guide things to where any of the potential outcomes are plausible.))

Zesty Zapcrackle

Shitposting Development Manager
((That... was... fucking... AWESOME.

Pleasure working with you, Short Order. I need a cigarette. Gonna have to mull and think about my next move. I know what it is, but I need that cigarette.))
  • Cheers!
Reactions: Ben
D&D Character

Dungeon Master

Bingo! Dino DNA.
((Thread keeps going white-out on me from all the images, so I split a number of pages out to the archives.

  • Like
Reactions: Jon

Nac McWeeble

Incense & Iron
((A-Eye... lol.))

Nac drops down from the top of the statue, still only in his underwear.

Oh, tha's breezy.

He begins rummaging around in his pack, looking for his spare gi. He puts it on and goes back to the statue he was trying to turn, and gives it a shove.
  • They’re Right, You Know?
Reactions: Jon
D&D Character

Dungeon Master

Bingo! Dino DNA.
((A-Eye... lol.))

Nac drops down from the top of the statue, still only in his underwear.

Oh, tha's breezy.

He begins rummaging around in his pack, looking for his spare gi. He puts it on and goes back to the statue he was trying to turn, and gives it a shove.


Nac McWeeble
| With the immediate threat of Sparkrender subdued and the newly formed A-Eye stabilizing within Boltzmann, you turn your attention to the earlier puzzle within the observatory—the set of statues you struggled to interact with earlier.

The statues, the four alabaster scholars, stand solemn and silent around the observatory, each pointing eternally towards some heavens. But now, with a fresh perspective and the chaotic energy of the battle fading, you approach the southernmost statue once again.

This time, with a firm grasp and a determined twist, you rotate the statue on its axis. It grinds against its base with a sound of stone on stone, slowly turning to align with the others. As you adjust the final statue, a subtle but distinct click echoes through the room, the sound of ancient mechanisms engaging.

You step back, surveying your work. All four statues now point southeast, directing their sightline towards a depiction of the Dragon of Dawn, a mythical creature said to herald new beginnings and great change.

Moments after the alignment, the ground itself reacts. A semicircular section of the observatory’s floor, directly beneath the statues’ collective gaze, begins to emit a soft, golden glow. Intricate runes, previously unnoticed, illuminate along the edge of the circle, pulsing with a warm light.

The floor then starts to tremble, dust and small stones jittering on the surface as the section descends, revealing a staircase spiraling downwards into darkness. The party gathers at the edge of the newly revealed staircase, peering into the shadowy depths below.

This hidden passage, unlocked by the correct alignment of the statues, invites you to venture deeper into the mysteries of the observatory, as you hear a distant roaring and the clink of chains below.

1000006146.png |

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Aims'Orreh Mwuh'Bwadd

Full-time time waster
That was a helluva beating! Blood was splattered! Knuckles are sore! Even an eye ball popped out from the socket! And like a true professional, the victim of said beating is also still alive for more, if need arises. Though, the climax of it all was interrupted by a sudden jolt of electricity from the sidelines. Again, Aims finds himself on his ass on the ground. Why does it feel like there's a lot of things revolved around his ass these days?

After the shock subsides enough for him to get up properly, he wipes off his knuckles and walks on over to the unconscious dragon. He puts his hands on his waist, props up his chest and exclaims:

I might've had to wing some of this fight, but it'll still make a nice tail to tell! Hahahaa!

Proud of himself for that, he turns towards the rest with a slightly less happy face.

I know I can get carried away sometimes... Or a lot of times, but y'all could've at least told me to stop, or punched me in the face. For a split second I thought there was another dragon here to shock me off of this one!

Well then. I got some plans for this one. I'll tie him up for now. Snout, claws, tail, the whole thing. We wouldn't want him flying off now do we?

Aims grabs the whole length of rope from his backpack. He expertly ties up Sparkrender in a... somehow very peculiar and artistic way. Very obviously tied up from snout to tail, but there's almost something erotic about the way the rope curves around the scales of the dragon.

No wait, that's the tumblr talking again.

After his tie job, he stands tall again, seemingly in thought for a moment as the few last moments finally click inside his head. There was now a TALKING dog, who exclaimed something about Dragon's Respite exploding?! And there's suddenly a secret staircase in the middle of the room?! What in the what?!

D&D Character

Dungeon Master

Bingo! Dino DNA.
That was a helluva beating! Blood was splattered! Knuckles are sore! Even an eye ball popped out from the socket! And like a true professional, the victim of said beating is also still alive for more, if need arises. Though, the climax of it all was interrupted by a sudden jolt of electricity from the sidelines. Again, Aims finds himself on his ass on the ground. Why does it feel like there's a lot of things revolved around his ass these days?

After the shock subsides enough for him to get up properly, he wipes off his knuckles and walks on over to the unconscious dragon. He puts his hands on his waist, props up his chest and exclaims:

I might've had to wing some of this fight, but it'll still make a nice tail to tell! Hahahaa!

Proud of himself for that, he turns towards the rest with a slightly less happy face.

I know I can get carried away sometimes... Or a lot of times, but y'all could've at least told me to stop, or punched me in the face. For a split second I thought there was another dragon here to shock me off of this one!

Well then. I got some plans for this one. I'll tie him up for now. Snout, claws, tail, the whole thing. We wouldn't want him flying off now do we?

Aims grabs the whole length of rope from his backpack. He expertly ties up Sparkrender in a... somehow very peculiar and artistic way. Very obviously tied up from snout to tail, but there's almost something erotic about the way the rope curves around the scales of the dragon.

No wait, that's the tumblr talking again.

After his tie job, he stands tall again, seemingly in thought for a moment as the few last moments finally click inside his head. There was now a TALKING dog, who exclaimed something about Dragon's Respite exploding?! And there's suddenly a secret staircase in the middle of the room?! What in the what?!

((Gimme a DEX-Sleight of Hand check, to see how well you can tie a knot.))

Aims'Orreh Mwuh'Bwadd

Full-time time waster
Quoted Image
@Jawneh - You make your best attempt at a Prusik knot, recalling distant days of being screamed at by a drill sergeant in the barracks. Your fingers work the rope quickly, and after a few minutes you grunt with satisfaction.

View attachment 13837

((Seeing what I can do with a custom BB code to make putting these blocks together easier...))
(( Aims equips his Dragon Scale Boots. ))

Zesty Zapcrackle

Shitposting Development Manager
Zesty, after his and Short Order's quick thinking getting a translator into place within Boltzmann, crude as it is, leaves him both satisfied and worried at the slightly ominous warning from the dragon. He also has a bit of fear in the knot Aims' put to keep the dragon at bay, though he doubts it'll hold through little more than a fart.

With Nac opening up the secret passage Zesty had hoped to get before the fight with Sparkrender, a smile follows through his face that he at least knew there was a secret to be had in the room. With a mix of trepidation and excitement, Zesty bounds down the newly opened passage. Curious of the treasure, Zesty figures the group can divide and conquer that after his intellectual curiosity is piqued from the basement.

Zesty descends the stairs revealed by the secret passage.
D&D Character

Dungeon Master

Bingo! Dino DNA.
Dragon of Dawn

Secret Staircase

Zesty, after his and Short Order's quick thinking getting a translator into place within Boltzmann, crude as it is, leaves him both satisfied and worried at the slightly ominous warning from the dragon. He also has a bit of fear in the knot Aims' put to keep the dragon at bay, though he doubts it'll hold through little more than a fart.

With Nac opening up the secret passage Zesty had hoped to get before the fight with Sparkrender, a smile follows through his face that he at least knew there was a secret to be had in the room. With a mix of trepidation and excitement, Zesty bounds down the newly opened passage. Curious of the treasure, Zesty figures the group can divide and conquer that after his intellectual curiosity is piqued from the basement.

Zesty descends the stairs revealed by the secret passage.
Quoted Image
@Jon - As you take the first tentative steps down the ancient, rune-lined staircase, a sense of deep time envelops you. Each step echoes lightly in the narrow, spiraling descent, the faint glow from the runes casting shadows that dance on the walls. Finally, the staircase ends, opening into an underground chamber—a hidden library.

The air here is thick with the mustiness of age; the scent of old parchment and leather floods your nostrils, overwhelming yet oddly comforting. You step into the library, your eyes taking in the sight of walls lined with shelves burdened with old tomes and yellowing scrolls. It's a treasure trove of knowledge, untouched for centuries, now exposed by the shift of the observatory above.

Glass cases that once protected priceless artifacts lay toppled and shattered around you, their contents scattered across the cold stone floor. The quiet of this hidden sanctum is abruptly broken by the sound of splintering wood from the far corner of the room. Instinctively, you tighten your grip on your tools, ready for whatever danger this new environment might hold.

As the dust settles, you catch sight of a bronze dragon, about the size of a bear, clumsily picking himself up amid the remnants of an ancient desk. The creature's scales shimmer with a metallic luster, reflecting the dim light of the glowing runes from the staircase now behind you. The dragon looks around, clearly agitated, its eyes darting nervously as it senses your presence.

The dragon had apparently crashed into a desk, causing the commotion and the subsequent destruction around it. It shakes its head, seemingly trying to orient itself, and you notice a flicker of confusion—perhaps even fear—in its gaze.

You hold your breath, assessing the situation. Your mind races as you contemplate your next move, knowing that how you handle this encounter could mean the difference between making a new ally or giving Aims another punching bag.

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  • Haha
Reactions: Jon

Zesty Zapcrackle

Shitposting Development Manager
((No pressure, right?! :link))

Zesty loosens his grip on his crossbow as he recognizes the shimmering colors to be that of the bronze dragon clan. No doubt, this is Aidron, the one Runara sent the group to find. He is alive! The gods smile on Zesty for once.

Fear immediately grips him, though, knowing the blue dragon above, bloodied and beaten to within an inch of his life just up the stairs. The orc... Can't be allowed to attack this one too.

A little antsy, the artificer would love nothing more than to crack open every tome in the library and begin reading them. The knowledge that must be held here! But... the orc...

Zesty decides he should make first contact with Aidron. He knows Nac is on the stairs, likely descending. But so too will Aims' soon. Unless the shiny treasure detracts the orc.
Thus is the simply life of a barbarian, Zesty hopes.

But then the call... the orc is coming...

Perhaps you should make sure the treasure is secure first! He calls up. Maybe that'll buy him time?

The commotion though, startles the bronze dragon to Zesty's attention. Zesty hopes Aidron speaks common as Runara does, but he may need Boltzmann and his new accessory.

Be not afraid, bronze one! I am Zesty Zapcrackle, a friend sent by Runara to find her apprentice, Aidron. I presume this to be you? We have subdued Sparkrender above, but I feel I must warn you, the half-orc of our party, fierce and determined, a good creature, is but also a simple barbarian. He's faster to fisticuffs than logical calm thought. I shall try to remind him you are a friend, but I feel we must make way, post haste, to free to to Dragon's Rest. Your safety is paramount!

The last part lets air out of Zesty's lungs.... the books!
D&D Character

Dungeon Master

Bingo! Dino DNA.
Aims hears Zesty yell back from downstairs. Something about treasure? There's treasure down there! Amazing!

I'll be right down the-

Ohhhh, yeah! The cache that this sparky was resting on! Lets see now...

Aims goes loot Sparkrender's stuff.
Quoted Image
@Jawneh - You rifle through the fledgling hoard of the blue dragon.
  • It includes large piles of coins;
    • 4,500 copper pieces,
    • 2,200 silver pieces and
    • 130 gold pieces.
  • There are also 10 gems;
    • five pale blue quartz crystals,
    • five blue jasper stones.
  • A waterproof leather case holds a blue silk fan painted with powdered blue gems.
  • There is also a crude flute with a pleasing sound and an hourglass filled with sparkling sand, which--though mundane items--bring Sparkrender enjoyment.
D&D Character

Dungeon Master

Bingo! Dino DNA.
((No pressure, right?! :link))

Zesty loosens his grip on his crossbow as he recognizes the shimmering colors to be that of the bronze dragon clan. No doubt, this is Aidron, the one Runara sent the group to find. He is alive! The gods smile on Zesty for once.

Fear immediately grips him, though, knowing the blue dragon above, bloodied and beaten to within an inch of his life just up the stairs. The orc... Can't be allowed to attack this one too.

A little antsy, the artificer would love nothing more than to crack open every tome in the library and begin reading them. The knowledge that must be held here! But... the orc...

Zesty decides he should make first contact with Aidron. He knows Nac is on the stairs, likely descending. But so too will Aims' soon. Unless the shiny treasure detracts the orc.
Thus is the simply life of a barbarian, Zesty hopes.

But then the call... the orc is coming...

Perhaps you should make sure the treasure is secure first! He calls up. Maybe that'll buy him time?

The commotion though, startles the bronze dragon to Zesty's attention. Zesty hopes Aidron speaks common as Runara does, but he may need Boltzmann and his new accessory.

Be not afraid, bronze one! I am Zesty Zapcrackle, a friend sent by Runara to find her apprentice, Aidron. I presume this to be you? We have subdued Sparkrender above, but I feel I must warn you, the half-orc of our party, fierce and determined, a good creature, is but also a simple barbarian. He's faster to fisticuffs than logical calm thought. I shall try to remind him you are a friend, but I feel we must make way, post haste, to free to to Dragon's Rest. Your safety is paramount!

The last part lets air out of Zesty's lungs.... the books!
Quoted Image
As you cautiously approach the bronze dragon, its eyes wide and wary, you quickly assess the situation. The creature is a wyrmling, young and perhaps not fully aware of the dangers that have recently transpired above. You turn to Boltzmann and--activating the newly integrated A-Eye--you instruct the mechanical wolf to translate.

Introducing yourself, you carefully begin to explain the perilous state of affairs. Boltzmann's eyes flicker and circuits whir softly as he processes your words, and after a moment, a rough translation synthesizes into Draconic from the wolf's speaker:

**Boltzmann's Translation:** "Folaas nid, bronjun vahrukiv! Zu'u am Zesty Zapcrackle, a fahliil sendaan voth Runara wah mindok hiir do fen, Aidron. Zu'u ven kos ni ov? Zu'u fen tiiraaz Sparkrender fen, fah hin lost kogaan hi, a krif voth-ahkrin voth hi do fen zu'u tol, lahvuun ahrk detyrmnted, a nii los goed zu'u, nii nis ni golzah ahrk. Hees sivaar voth gronvahdin sos loxical, calm dojun. Zu'u fen niin viing hin hi los fahliil, fah hin fen niist wah vukein, hokoron vukein, wah hahnu hi to Dragon's Rest. Hiir krilot los pruzah!"

Aidron's eyes widen slightly as he processes the translated words. His expression shifts from initial excitement to see a rescuer to subdued caution at your ominous words. His scales bristle with apprehension as he absorbs your statement and his reply comes quickly, laced with a newfound urgency. "Rhun tiid! Fahdonne? Zu'u niist to gaav. Ejir solasta Sparkrender, juna geou. Geou svern uvearak, ir aklar brildrar ir mi ekess vwex. Sparkrender thricir ve ekess vurwargwin zu'u svern thricir henir Junaar Kriid cometsarr jacion Toril, sharvex vrig ekess tiichar ekess powik ti wer lon shafaer wux diedar ot Stormwreck Isle. Sparkrender faalok wah los wah dovaahsejun."

**Boltzmann's Translation:** "Thank you! Friends? I am grateful to meet you. I came here to confront Sparkrender, my kin. We fought fiercely, and he managed to trap me here in this library. Sparkrender planned to sacrifice me when the King Killer comet was closest to Toril, using a ritual to absorb the power of the other long-dead dragons that perished on Stormwreck Isle. Sparkrender seeks to become a draconic avatar."

You nod, understanding the gravity of the situation. It was no mere coincidence that brought you and your companions to this hidden library and to Aidron. The mission given by Runara—to save this young dragon—was more critical than you had first realized.
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Aims'Orreh Mwuh'Bwadd

Full-time time waster
Aims takes the hourglass, flips it around, and places it down.

He gazes into the glass as the sand slowly starts to flow down.

Sparkling, and glittering. Just like the half-orcs eyes as he stares the hourglass down.

Is it a quarter the way gone? Half way? Too soon to tell as the half-orc sits down.

Has an hour passed, or two, or many? None knows how this thing goes down.

He's now drooling. A puddle forms where he sits. His face relaxes and his jaw goes down.

Somewhere, in the back of his mind, he hears a voice from System of a Down...

"Wake up."

Hnnghheargh! WHA-! Huh?!

Zesty Zapcrackle

Shitposting Development Manager
Hoping the translation device is holding at least a semblance of realism in both directions, Zesty continues to communicate with the dragon.

Please, do consider us friends. This is... dire indeed... As I mentioned, Sparkrender is subdued upstairs. I doubt we can hold him long. We had... help. Our bard was able to pacify an owlbear to assist. Don't ask...

You said he planned to sacrifice you? We met a pair of kobolds, brothers to one I befriended at Dragon's Rest. They were installing crude effigies around a device that appeared to foretell this comet. Tell me, is there a way to stop this ritual? We cannot let Sparkrender succeed!

Stopping the ritual has become the most urgent task with Aidron's temporary rescue. His safety, obviously paramount as his sacrifice is desired for the ritual, but stopping the ritual altogether is the key. Perhaps, Sparkrender's death is the only way if he cannot be reasoned with.
D&D Character

Dungeon Master

Bingo! Dino DNA.
Aims takes the hourglass, flips it around, and places it down.

He gazes into the glass as the sand slowly starts to flow down.

Sparkling, and glittering. Just like the half-orcs eyes as he stares the hourglass down.

Is it a quarter the way gone? Half way? Too soon to tell as the half-orc sits down.

Has an hour passed, or two, or many? None knows how this thing goes down.

He's now drooling. A puddle forms where he sits. His face relaxes and his jaw goes down.

Somewhere, in the back of his mind, he hears a voice from System of a Down...

"Wake up."

Hnnghheargh! WHA-! Huh?!
Quoted Image
@Jawneh - You find yourself oddly mesmerized by an ordinary hourglass within Sparkrender's hoard. The sands flow with a soothing rhythm, drawing your gaze deeper into a trance-like state, the chaos of the battle momentarily forgotten.

In this lapse of vigilance, Sparkrender seizes his chance. The wyrmling, though severely weakened and barely conscious, musters the last of his strength. He wriggles and twists, exploiting the poorly tied knot you crafted in haste. With a desperate shove, he frees himself, scrambling towards the open wall where the elevator shaft beckons.


The owlbear, ever the vigilant guardian, senses the sudden movement and lunges with a predatory grace. Its massive form hurtles towards the fleeing dragon in a last-ditch effort to recapture its quarry. However, Sparkrender is not yet defeated; with a primal instinct for survival, he unleashes a bolt of lightning. The discharge crackles through the air, striking the owlbear squarely. The beast stumbles, stunned by the electric shock, its pounce halted mid-air. This allows Sparkrender, just barely, to slip past its grasp and tumble out of the tower, disappearing into the cold, foaming waves of the ocean below.


The loud crack of lightning snaps you out of your reverie. In your dazed state, the explosive sound morphs into a shouted command: "WAKE UP!" Confusion mingles with a sudden, inexplicable impulse—a strong urge to grab a brush and put on a little make-up. You shake your head hard, in an attempt to hide the scars to fade away the shake-up.

You turn and see the ropes you had expertly tied around Sparkrender strewn over the floor, with no dragon. You turn to Short Order and gesture in disbelief, "Why'd you leave the keys upon the table?" As the druid protests and bullshits you that there aren't even tables here, and you can't lock rope, you wander past Moonsprout and hand him the flute from Sparkrender's hoard. "Here you go. Create another fable, you wanted to."

Aims'Orreh Mwuh'Bwadd

Full-time time waster
Aims walks to the opening in the wall to see the what happened. The owlbear flies back in and knocks him on his ass. After getting up and hearing from Short that Sparkrender took off and plummeted into the waters below, he leans against the wall and looks down at raging waves.

That was a very self-righteous suicide.

It's all very weird and confusing. More than normal even in Aims' book. His mind is completely blank at this point, which is a stark contrast to the raging barbarian shouts, screams, bloodlust, etc. that fill it at the best of times. His instincts do kick in and he wanders back over to collect all the loot into his bag.

... I mean, it's the least I can do, right? I got no dragon now, right? Poor thing will be eaten alive in the wild without two working eyes. Sigh...
D&D Character

Dungeon Master

Bingo! Dino DNA.
Hoping the translation device is holding at least a semblance of realism in both directions, Zesty continues to communicate with the dragon.

Please, do consider us friends. This is... dire indeed... As I mentioned, Sparkrender is subdued upstairs. I doubt we can hold him long. We had... help. Our bard was able to pacify an owlbear to assist. Don't ask...

You said he planned to sacrifice you? We met a pair of kobolds, brothers to one I befriended at Dragon's Rest. They were installing crude effigies around a device that appeared to foretell this comet. Tell me, is there a way to stop this ritual? We cannot let Sparkrender succeed!

Stopping the ritual has become the most urgent task with Aidron's temporary rescue. His safety, obviously paramount as his sacrifice is desired for the ritual, but stopping the ritual altogether is the key. Perhaps, Sparkrender's death is the only way if he cannot be reasoned with.
Quoted Image
@Jon - The air is thick with the weight of ancient secrets and impending threats. The urgency of your mission presses upon you as you begin to unravel the complexities of the plot involving Sparkrender.

Boltzmann processes your words. The mechanical wolf's core glows faintly as it translates your Common speech into Draconic. Its voice, though mechanical and tinny, fills the room with the translated message: **"Vētrā fes'kan skahic zejir thurirl? Thric reth'unir, zil'thanakir kof'yah nes'tarihr vossa zil'turic voss'fahal. Thric zil'zjiraht vossa nes'rhikir sahkilir nek'tanikul thurirl voss'cassarah. Zhet, vharek nezrah zejir voss'julrah? Zek'shiral yth'aric nes'telir vharek zejir ssrakulir!"**

Aidron listens intently, his young eyes reflecting a mixture of sorrow and resolve. He replies in Draconic, his voice deep and resonant, "Zil'bahtar ssrakular, zek'shural thurirl ssragh fah'jhin. Tuor viing kular. Rikir zil'vossa vharek zil'jaharil nek'tiric, zek'shiral jih'rahk. Thric'turihr zil'rhikir zil'zjiraht xanphoss aril vossa cassarah--Viik narir suleyk se su'um--zil'qitar yth'aric zil'julrah vossa Sparkrender." Boltzmann processes this, his circuits whirring as he translates back into Common: **"The sacrifice involves, I fear, the very stars. I do not know exactly how it was performed. Even if we destroy the device and the effigies--unless you can halt the comet's approach--the surest way to end the ritual and the threat is to kill Sparkrender."

As Aidron's final words hang in the air, a sudden and violent crashing sound erupts from above. The floor trembles slightly under your feet—a stark indicator that Sparkrender has broken free. The sound of desperate, clawed feet scrambling and stone breaking punctuates the dragon's statement with alarming clarity.

There's a palpable, awkward pause as the reality of the situation sets in. Both you and Aidron share a look of grim understanding; the path forward is fraught with peril and moral ambiguity.

The silence stretches a moment longer before you nod slowly, determination setting into your features. You turn back to Boltzmann, ready to delve deeper into the dragon's knowledge, to unearth any detail that might offer an alternative to the grim solution proposed.

Neither of these are cannon.
What is that monk doing?
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  • Cheers!
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Zesty Zapcrackle

Shitposting Development Manager
With the sounds of the blue dragon escaping ever clear, only one thought can fill Zesty's mind...

You lot had ONE job...

Turning back to Aidron...

I doubt he will stay gone forever. This ritual feels too important to Sparkrender. He is likely to lick his wounds and return. I shall search the room for anything of use, but should then return to the group to inform them of this. Then it best maybe to destroy the effigies to slow Sparkrender. Then maybe we rest and recover ourselves and maybe plot a trap for him. You've been here a while. Is there anything of use in this room for us? Knowledge? Gear?

This feels like a solid idea, as another clash with the blue dragon seems inevitable at this point.

If you are a critical part to his ritual, as a sacrifice, Aidron, perhaps in this moment, you return to Dragon's Rest and allow us to fight in your stead? This way, he cannot sacrifice you.

Zesty knows the bronze dragon's pride is in play here, and he's unlikely to return, but the offer should still be made. Finally, the artificer decides to search the hidden library before setting off to inform the rest of the party.

Zesty searches the room for useful items/information.
D&D Character

Dungeon Master

Bingo! Dino DNA.
With the sounds of the blue dragon escaping ever clear, only one thought can fill Zesty's mind...

You lot had ONE job...

Turning back to Aidron...

I doubt he will stay gone forever. This ritual feels too important to Sparkrender. He is likely to lick his wounds and return. I shall search the room for anything of use, but should then return to the group to inform them of this. Then it best maybe to destroy the effigies to slow Sparkrender. Then maybe we rest and recover ourselves and maybe plot a trap for him. You've been here a while. Is there anything of use in this room for us? Knowledge? Gear?

This feels like a solid idea, as another clash with the blue dragon seems inevitable at this point.

If you are a critical part to his ritual, as a sacrifice, Aidron, perhaps in this moment, you return to Dragon's Rest and allow us to fight in your stead? This way, he cannot sacrifice you.

Zesty knows the bronze dragon's pride is in play here, and he's unlikely to return, but the offer should still be made. Finally, the artificer decides to search the hidden library before setting off to inform the rest of the party.

Zesty searches the room for useful items/information.
((Gimme an INT-Investigation, sir.))
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