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Campaign Stormwreck Isle; The Forgotten Clifftop Observatory (1-4)

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Part 4 - The Forgotten Clifftop Observatory
DM Screen | Initiative | Map




  • Investigate the abandoned Clifftop Observatory.
  • Find out what happened to Aidron.


Level 3 Beast Path Barbarian​
Level 3 Drunken Master Monk​
Level 3 Lore 'College' Bard​
Level 3 Arctic Circle Druid​
Level 3 Battle Smith Artificer​

ImageNameValue (per) copper.pngsilver.pnggold.pngWeight (per)Description
Wind Spore Mushrooms
30 gold.png0.06 lbsA rare fungus with a unique magical property. When a creature squeezes a wind spore mushroom's cap, it releases a small cloud of spores. For 1 hour, the creature doesn't need to breathe, as the spores provide it with oxygen.
Obsidian Chunk
10 gold.png1 lbAn uncut opaque black gemstone.
Heart Cap Mushrooms
30 gold.png0.2 lbsThese mushrooms bear an unsettling resemblance to human hearts.
Potion of Healing
50 gold.png0.5 lbsThis potion's red liquid glimmers when agitated. You regain 2d4+2 hit points when you drink this potion.
file-Wvp782vE4qJWR2QTy1tcpOXR.pngA Fine LuteThe guy at Guitar Center told me this was the best one.
file-qUiTfpHVb3SLLXv10Ep2Xyya.pngBoots of ElvenkindWhile you wear these boots, your steps make no sound, regardless of the surface you are moving across. You also have advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks that rely on moving silently.
file-EF5LK9mU1tyc9CrzMQNFhGQq.pngSpell Scroll of CommandThis scroll can be used to cast the spell Command once, without requirement for components or a spell slot, as long as this spell is on your class spell list.
file-LVnezJxtbEHmlCxy9bTYz2rS.pngBeany-BjörnThis is a harness sized to carry a halfling, or a child, but what's the difference?

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So you let the dragon go because you don't know how to tie knots and are now keeping all the loot? I think I'm going to go downstairs and check on how that's looking. Maybe you should try to figure out how to get that dragon again.

Short Order goes down the stairs to see what's up. (except down lol)
  • Hugs
Reactions: Jon
Aims scoffs at Short Order's remark.

Well, for one, a dragon is much more valuable than all of this here. Its barely even a horde of stuff. That asshole from before had more gold stashed away in his chest.

And and Im not jumping into the drink to find the dragon again! Maybe the dwarf can as he seems to be great with swimming.

He starts pouting.

I didnt even get to kill a dragon... I left him alive and everything, but everyone is up my ass about this now. I'll make sure to finish the job next time and get at least couple fangs and claws for a necklace.

Moonsprout Beandirt

Connoisseur of fine video games
Hey, look at the bright side. Maybe Sparkdragon fella changed his tune. Maybe you beat all of the evil out of him.

Moonsprout whispers the next part:
If only someone could do the same for you...
D&D Character

Dungeon Master

Blind Guardian
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@Jon - You speak to Aidron, and Boltzmann continues to whir softly as it translates "Kos du fin ven gein vokulne, nii los dii wahlaan, Aidron, fodreh ni kos, hid rezure wah Dovah-Vokun ahrk hin laan nust lost wah zeymah vokun? Hin sil fen ni kos nii." You know the young bronze dragon's pride may prevent him from retreating, but the offer must be made.

The wyrmling's deep tones envelop you as it speaks. "Ni fen kos daarum wah vukein nuz koraav ni fen kos gein nii, nuz wah lahney ko truth nii los hin dovah zok lot do pah fent kos. Nii nust kos wah tu'um wah jun do hin wo already pah hon. Hin mahfaeraak nol zey, koson wahnom ahrk lahvraan fahliil. Runara nis kos wah vokun do pah wah Sparkrender's rot, nuz ni kos nii. Ni fent kos kos nii, ful nuz het pruzah ni. Runara nis kos hin vukein wah zahkrii do stop nii."

Boltzmann pauses with it's mouth agape, emitting nothing but a quiet static. The translation is not forthcoming and the pupils of the mechanical wolf begin rotating.


The wolf emits a discordant sound.

View attachment modem.mp3

Aidron covers his ears, and just as you're about to reach for Boltzmann, his dimming lights stabilize and he clicks with determination.

A short buffering period later, the wolf continues, "I wish I could be boastful enough to say it needs ME but in truth, it'd be any dragon's death that suffices. He just needs to connect with the spirits of those who already passed here. Their magic still lingers here, causing anomalies and other hardships. Runara refused to do anything about Sparkrender's plan, but I couldn't. We should have killed him, as much as it pains me. Runara won't do what must be done to stop this."

The dragon moves towards the staircase leading out of the hidden library. "Nii los fahliil hokoron wah ko hin stinse vokul vodun ni... zu'u fahdon hokoron. Ni fen krent wah Dovah-Vokun, nuz kiir hi return wah zey wah Sparkrender, ni nis hin wah niin wah hi. Nii los niin krif wah zahkrii."
Boltzmann hums, "There were many things in the cases in this room before I... rearranged things. I'll make my way back to Dragon's Rest, but when you return to face Sparkrender, I want to come with you. This is my fight to end."

The air is thick as you all turn to scour the secret library for anything that could aid you against Sparkrender. The completely 100% surprising escape of the dragon is fresh in your mind, spurring you on with renewed urgency.

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@A Gradient - You descend the stairs just as a large bronze dragon wyrmling of comparable size to Sparkrender lumbers up the steps. You step aside and watch as Aidron passes.

At the bottom of the staircase, your eyes scan the room, noting the chaos caused by Aidron's struggle—the contents of display cases scattered across the floor. You join Zesty in poking through the chaos, looking for anything pertaining to the ritual. You find nothing pertaining to the ritual.

You do however find in the corner, draped over a fallen bookshelf, a length of beautiful red fabric. Embroidered along the hem, the name "Hansi" is inscribed in elegant script. The fabric is soft, almost otherworldly to the touch, suggesting a significance you can't immediately discern.


As you move to sit for a spell, believing you've found an interesting insect amongst the broken glass, you retrieve a small ring shaped like a scorpion. It's a curious piece; the scorpion seems to shift and move under the flickering lights of the library, its tail arching menacingly.


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@Jon - As you sift through the piles of ruined knowledge, a forlorn expression growing across your face, you discover a beautful harp-shaped silver shield leaning against a wall behind a painting. It hums a low, melodic tone as you pass by, reacting to the disturbance in the air. The sound it produces is oddly comforting, reminiscent of a bard's lullaby.


From a velvety draw-string bag, a set of cubes made from an odd material fall out into your hands. They are inscribed with the runes "CTRL" and "Z." The cubes emit a soft red/green/blue glow, pulsating gently in the dim light. Holding them, you feel a surge of potential energy, as if they could manipulate more than just light.


As you pocket these treasures, you contemplate your next steps. The dragon's escape signifies an impending return—Sparkrender's dedication to the ritual is clear. You resolve to destroy the effigies to disrupt whatever plans he may have, and the idea of setting a trap solidifies in your mind.

With your findings secured, you prepare to leave the library, ready to rejoin your companions and inform them of the developments. The clash with Sparkrender feels inevitable, and you are better armed for it now, both in knowledge and in g--

Your foot hits something in the rubble. You find a great-axe with a double-sided blade styled like dragon wings. The metal is an absorbing black, stark against the lighter debris dust. It feels unnaturally heavy in your hands, as if it could split the very air it swings through. You consider putting it back.


((This took me a while, obviously. Sorry, m'dudes.))

Zesty Zapcrackle

Diplomatic Immunity
Zesty hauls, difficultly, the large greataxe and the runic keyboard undoer symbols upstairs to the rest of the group.

He leans the greataxe against the nearest wall, as it was weighing him down.
Zesty gives the dragon axe to Aims.

Aims... a gift for you... he says patting the axe. I wish I could say I expect you to use it meaningfully and not to kill every sentient being you come across, but this axe is beautiful, and I feel likely steeped in magic. He can hope, but he doubts. The orc is a good person, Zesty knows this, but it's hard watching him not think at all before leaping into battle against certain creatures. Perhaps you'll split the treasure now? Zesty says this as he notices the chest devoid of all shinies once there. At least the ploy to delay him seeing Aidron worked... the tiefling thought.

He turns to Moonsprout.
Zesty gives the harp shield to Moonsprout.

Bard, welcome back and what an entrance! Your owlbear friend certainly helped changed the tide of battle. I found this shield harp below. I gift this to you. While I have use of a shield, this feels more apropos for your use than mine. I know not what it does beyond appearing to be both a shield and a harp.

Zesty retains the runic pieces for further inspection, but after handing the harp shield to Moonsprout, he relays his conversation with Aidron to the team. Stressing the importance that this ritual be stopped. The sadness in his voice noticeable, especially when looking at Moonsprout because both know that this needs to come to blows again, and capture is not an option this time around. Sparkrender must die. He will not give up on this quest.

So, I look forward to all of your thoughts on this matter, but it feels to me we should destroy the effigies, set a trap, and rest before returning here to stop Sparkrender. Aidron insists on joining us for this fight, so I welcome having a dragon on our side.

With that and awaiting discussion, Zesty decides to inspect the runes from the velvet bag a bit deeper.

((@Ben - First off, man that dial up brought me back PTSD :link It felt to me that you were trying to get us all something usable out of this. Hence me splitting up the three things you had me find. I assume the same for Alu, but he's free to do what he wants, though it feels logical the fabric is for Nac and the ring for Short. I shall let you explain how we should enter these things into our inventories. For now I'll try to identify what the runic ctrl + z (lmao btw) are/do and we can decide how we want to push forward.))
Short Order walks back upstairs

I got this soft piece of cloth that will help keep you warm the next time you pass out drunk, monk.

He hands the scarf over to Nac

Now for this ring...I need to think on what it might do before wearing it.

Short Order tries to thing of what symbolism this ring might have

((Does that require a roll? Arcana or potentially religion something?))
Oooohhh! New toy! I love it.

Aims grabs the ax to check it out.

Nicely sharpened. Very sturdy. Interesting wings on it. I wonder if i can throw it and it comes back... hmm...

Thank you tiefling. I'll definitely put this into good use! The loot from the horde, take all the gems. They're probably worth more than all the coin. I love a nice full jiggly sack myself.

As for the killing, I won't lie and say I won't. I live for the battle myself. But... just for you, I'll promise to try to kill people slower.
  • Haha
Reactions: Jon

Nac McWeeble

Yvan eht nioj
Sarcastic Shoot GIF by Tristen J. Winger
D&D Character

Dungeon Master

Blind Guardian
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You puzzle over the items, suspiciously numbered to mirror your party. Only one of you, to be fair the one poised to put a scorpion around their finger, seems suspicious of the timely boon this gear provides.

Zesty's arcane puzzling provides great success, in that an instruction manual falls off of a ruined shelf he nudges, which hits him squarely in the horny bits. This serendipitously happens to be a catalog of items that had been housed in this library.


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@Jon - Temporal Adjustment Bricks
Item Type:
Wondrous Item, Trinket (Requires attunement by an Artificer)
Required Level: 4

Description:The Temporal Adjustment Bricks are a pair of enigmatic blocks crafted from Chronoglass, a rare material mined from the veins of time-distorted geodes. The material has a subtle luminescence, pulsing softly as if breathing in the flow of time itself. Each block is engraved with a rune in bold, white lettering; one reads "CTRL" and the other, slightly smaller cube, reads "Z".

Properties: As a reaction, when the bearer witnesses an event such as an enemy's successful attack, a failed saving throw by an ally, or any similar discrete action, they can press these two blocks firmly together. By invoking their entwined magic, the user can reverse the last action witnessed, essentially "undoing" it as if it never happened. This could negate a critical hit from an enemy, revert a spell that just took effect, or cancel a disastrous skill check failure.

The power of the Temporal Adjustment Bricks is not without limits; the dramatic reversal of fate's flow can only be enacted as an immediate reaction following an event, and only once per long rest. Further, due to their chaotic nature and the strain they put on the fabric of reality, repeated use might attract unwanted attention...

  • Activation: Reaction
  • Use Conditions: Can be used once per long rest.
  • Effect: Reverses the last action that occurred within the reaction time, provided it happened within the last 6 seconds (1 round in combat).
Lore: The Temporal Adjustment Bricks were discovered by a wandering artificer named Iliara Maelstrom during a catastrophic event known as the Reality Convergence. This event briefly merged multiple dimensions, causing chaos and anomalies in the fabric of each participating universe. Iliara found the blocks amidst the wreckage of an interdimensional machine, pulsing with a strange energy that resonated with the temporal instabilities around her. Legends suggest that the Bricks are not just tools but sentient artifacts, aware of their effect on time and choosing their owner wisely. They are said to be bound by a cosmic duty to prevent temporal paradoxes and are thus inherently self-limiting. Only those who understand the gravity of their powers and the consequences of tampering with time can truly harness their potential.

Attunement: The would-be attuner must first enter a state of deep meditation, ideally during a lunar or solar eclipse, which symbolizes the convergence of different timelines. This meditation should last at least one hour, during which the user must remain undisturbed to align their mental frequencies with the pulsating Chronoglass of the Bricks. Holding each block in either hand, the attuner must then recite an oath, which binds the user to respect the sanctity of the timeline and to intervene only in ways that do not lead to catastrophic paradoxes. Following the oath, the attuner experiences visions of potential pasts and futures, a test to gauge their ability to handle the Bricks responsibly. They must demonstrate restraint, choosing to act only in a scenario that aligns with the greater good across these temporal echoes. Successfully navigating these visions proves their worthiness to control the Bricks' power. To complete the attunement, the user must press the two blocks together while envisioning a personal moment of significant regret or mistake. This symbolic act binds the user's own timeline to the Bricks, creating a metaphysical link that allows them to 'control' and 'undo' as necessary, albeit responsibly.


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@Smacktard - Echoing Aegis
Item Type:
Wondrous Item, Shield (Requires attunement by a Bard)
Required Level: 4

Description: The Echoing Aegis is a beautifully crafted shield made from gleaming silver, shaped and styled to resemble a classical harp. Its strings, crafted from a shimmering, ethereal material, resonate with a soft, melodious hum when struck by light or breeze. This shield is not just a protective device but also a symbol of artistry and defense, embodying the bard's dual nature as both performer and adventurer.

  1. Shield Bonus: +2 to AC. This is a standard bonus provided by a shield, enhancing the bard's defensive capabilities.
  2. Sound and Force Reflection: The Echoing Aegis has the unique magical property to reflect sound and force-based attacks. The first attack that deals force damage or is sound-based (such as the thunderwave spell or a thunderous strike)--and strikes the shield--will have its damage reflected in the direction of the bard's choosing, at a magnitude determined by a 1d4 roll. This can only occur once per long-rest.

Lore: The Echoing Aegis was forged during the twilight hours of the Harmonic Convergence, a rare celestial alignment celebrated by bards and musicians across the realms. Created by Elyndra Silverchord, a master bard and renowned artisan, the shield was her masterpiece, designed to protect her beloved troupe, the Wandering Whispers, from the perils encountered on their travels. The shield's core was said to be infused with a shard from the Mirror of Retorno, a mystical artifact that could reflect any force directed towards it. It was within the molten silver and the reverberating halls of the Echoing Caverns that Elyndra chanted ancient hymns and plucked ethereal melodies to imbue the shield with its unique properties. The Aegis not only protected its bearers with its sturdy frame but also mirrored their assailants' aggression, turning their own power against them. It has since become a coveted relic among bards, symbolizing the perfect harmony of beauty and resilience.

Attunement: The bard must compose and perform (during a long-rest) a piece of music that captures their spirit and journey thus far. This piece should be reflective of the bard's own experiences and emotions, played using their preferred musical instrument. The performance should be conducted in a place of significance to the bard, ideally somewhere that resonates with their past or aspirations. The ritual must be performed from dusk till dawn without interruption. As the first light of dawn illuminates the shield, the bard concludes their performance with a silent vow to uphold the balance between artistry and defense, sealing the attunement.


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@A Gradient - Scorpion's Grasp
Item Type: Wondrous Item. Ring (Requires attunement by a Druid)
Required Level: 4

Description: This magical ring is fashioned from dark, chitinous material that gleams with a faint greenish hue under direct light. The band of the ring twists and turns around the finger, culminating in a small but intricately detailed scorpion poised as if ready to strike. Its tail, elegantly crafted, serves as the centerpiece of this unique item.

Properties: Once per long rest, the wearer of the Scorpion's Grasp can activate the ring with a specific gesture reminiscent of a scorpion's pincers closing. Upon activation, the ring releases a shimmering, ethereal tether from the tip of the scorpion's tail. This magical tether can extend up to 20 feet and will latch onto the first solid object it contacts.

The tether is composed of a magical force that can support up to 8,000 pounds of weight without breaking. It remains connected until the user chooses to release it, or until the maximum duration of 10 minutes is reached. While the tether is active, the user can use an action to pull themselves toward the attached object or vice versa, depending on relative weights and anchor points.

Lore: In a time shrouded by the mists of forgotten histories, a tale of tragic devotion and demonic trickery birthed the Scorpion's Grasp. It began with two brothers, inseparable in life but divided by fate. The younger, lured by promises of power and prestige, foolishly struck a pact with a demon of the Nine Hells. As the pact was sealed, demonic chains dragged him screaming into the fiery abyss, leaving the elder brother, Morian, in despair. Morian's grief turned to resolve, vowing to reclaim his brother from the clutches of eternal torment. At the height of his desperation, the very demon who ensnared his sibling offered a twisted boon—a chitinous ring that formed around Morian's finger, its tail poised like a scorpion ready to strike. With a surge of dark power, the ring unleashed a magical tether that speared through dimensions and latched on to Morian's brother's form. But as Morian pulled, the tether did not rescue his brother; instead, it dragged Morian toward the hellish portal. Hellfire scorched Morian's flesh, searing his face as he glimpsed the horrors of the Hells. With a final, heroic effort, he retreated, the tether pulling back a gruesome trophy—his brother's charred skeleton. Morian, his face a mask of burned scars and his screams unending, became a spectral guardian of the ring. Thus, the Scorpion's Grasp was born—imbued with the power to draw two beings together, yet forever marked by the pain of a rescue that came too late.

Attunement: The individual seeking to attune to this ring must first locate a site of great loss or tragedy, such as a battlefield, a forsaken graveyard, or a place where the veil between the Material Plane and the Lower Planes is thin. At sunset, the would-be attuner must light a small fire using remnants found at the site (e.g., old battle relics, decayed flowers, bones) to symbolize the burning portal to the Nine Hells. As the flames rise, the individual must place the Scorpion's Grasp within the fire, allowing the fire's heat to activate the ring's dormant powers. While the ring lies in the fire, the attuner must recount aloud a tale of loss and sacrifice personal to them, connecting their own experiences of pain and desire for redemption to the story of the brothers. This narrative serves to align the attuner's spirit with the ring's essence, bonding their fates. To complete the attunement, the attuner must reach into the fire barehanded and retrieve the ring, symbolizing their willingness to face suffering for the sake of others, much like Morian braved the hellfire to retrieve his brother. As they clasp the hot ring, they should feel a spectral tether momentarily linking their spirit to the souls who suffered in that place, completing the attunement.


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@Nae'blis - Sash of the Blind Guardian
Item Type:
Wondrous Item, Trinket (Requires attunement by a Monk)
Required Level: 4

Description: This sash is crafted from a flowing red cloth, embroidered with subtle, silver sigils that flicker faintly in moonlight. It feels almost ethereal to the touch and carries a comforting warmth. When tied around the eyes as a blindfold, it grants the wearer a mystical sense of their surroundings.

  • Blindsight: While blindfolded with this sash, you gain blindsight out to a range of 30 feet. This allows you to perceive your surroundings without needing to rely on sight, within this radius. This extraordinary sense can detect shapes, textures, movement, and other nuances typically visible only to the sighted.
  • Enhanced Reflexes: When wearing the blindfold and utilizing your blindsight, you gain a +1 bonus to Dexterity saving throws against effects that originate from creatures you can detect with your blindsight.
  • Spiritual Transference: Once per long rest, as a bonus action, you can channel your inner calm and defensive mastery to another creature you can see within 30 feet. The chosen creature gains the benefits of the Dodge action for their next turn, mirroring the effect of your Patient Defense skill. This does consume a use of your Ki.
Lore: In the secluded Cloudspire Mountains, Hansi, a blind monk from the Monastery of the Heavenly Gaze, was renowned for his unique ability to perceive the world through his heightened senses. During a critical siege by mountain goblins, Hansi crafted the Sash of the Blind Guardian from enchanted silk and silver sigils, inspired by a vision granted by the monastery's ancient founder. This magical sash granted blindsight and defensive prowess to its wearer, mirroring Hansi's own mystical perceptions. Leading the monastery's defense while blindfolded with the sash, Hansi was instrumental in repelling the invaders. Following this victory, he placed the Sash in the monastery's reliquary, intending it for those who aspired to transcend physical sight and embrace spiritual insight. The Sash remains a revered artifact, symbolizing protection and enlightenment, embodying Hansi's legacy of overcoming physical limitations through spiritual strength.

Attunement: The character must spend a total of 8 hours in meditation with the sash, spread over a minimum of two days. This meditation involves the character blindfolding themselves with the sash, sitting in a quiet place, and focusing deeply on syncing their breathing and heartbeat. This process symbolizes the character's willingness to 'see' beyond their physical senses and to trust in their inner vision. To complete the attunement, the character must use the sash to successfully navigate a challenging environment or combat scenario without relying on their sight. This trial proves their mastery over their other senses and their ability to trust in the sash's power, fulfilling Hansi's legacy of overcoming physical limitations through spiritual insight, completing the attunement.


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@Jawneh - Junaar Kriid
Item Type:
Wondrous Item, Two-Handed Battleaxe (Requires attunement by Barbarian)
Required Level: 4

Item Description: This battleaxe is intricately forged in the likeness of a pair of large, majestic dragon wings. The metal gleams with a silver-blue hue, resembling the scales of a mighty dragon. During a barbarian's rage, the wings of the axe visually and magically expand, becoming larger and more fearsome, enveloping the axe in an aura of draconic might.

Magical Properties:
  • Enhanced Accuracy and Damage: As a +1 weapon, Junaar Kriid grants a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls.
  • Draconic Roar: Once per rage, the wielder can unleash a terrifying draconic roar as a bonus action. All enemies within 10 feet must make a Wisdom (DC14) saving throw or be frightened for 1 minute. A frightened target can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success.
Lore: Junaar Kriid, draconic for "King Killer", was forged by the Sect of the Dragon's Ascendancy, a cult devoted to harnessing draconic powers. Intended to sacrifice the powerful blue dragon, Sylthorion the Stormbringer, to claim his powerful essence, the ritual backfired when Sylthorion decimated the cult and took the battleaxe as a trophy. Stored in his hoard for centuries, the axe resurfaced in the trove of a young blue dragon, after Sylthorion's death.

Attunement: To attune to Junaar Kriid, a barbarian must undergo the Test of Rage. This ritualistic test requires the barbarian to enter a state of rage while standing within a tempest or severe storm, symbolizing the stormy power of the dragon Sylthorion. During this test, the barbarian must maintain their rage for a continuous hour, fighting against and overcoming spectral apparitions of the Sect of the Dragon's Ascendancy cultists. This challenge not only proves their physical prowess but also their ability to sustain rage under duress, aligning their spirit with the battleaxe's tumultuous history. The barbarian must willingly give a few drops of their own blood to the battleaxe while recounting a personal battle or conflict that tested their limits, akin to the battle Sylthorion fought against the cult. This offering symbolizes a pact of mutual respect and power sharing between the spirit of the battleaxe and its wielder. The blood acts as a conduit, mingling the barbarian's life force with the residual draconic energies within the axe, to complete the attunement.


Jim Carrey Reaction GIF
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((Aims reads the comically small instruction booklet for the ax where it says he has to rage for an hour straight. He then pulls out his battered and slightly torn and bloodied barbarian handbook, flips over to his class features, and finds Persistent Rage unlocking at lvl15. He lets out a deep long sigh.))
D&D Character

Dungeon Master

Blind Guardian
((Aims reads the comically small instruction booklet for the ax where it says he has to rage for an hour straight. He then pulls out his battered and slightly torn and bloodied barbarian handbook, flips over to his class features, and finds Persistent Rage unlocking at lvl15. He lets out a deep long sigh.))
((While fighting against ghost-cultists. As long as you're hitting/hitted every round for an hour, that's possible... Maybe you misread the instructions though and the author realized how long running combat for 1 full hour would take.))
D&D Character

Dungeon Master

Blind Guardian
((I reserve full rights to adjust some of those items if/when they prove to be ridiculously overpowered.

But if it's not obvious my intent was for you guys to go back to Dragon's Rest to recoup, and level up again. Whether you take the time to try to attune to these items, that's something you can choose to do.))

Zesty Zapcrackle

Diplomatic Immunity
((I reserve full rights to adjust some of those items if/when they prove to be ridiculously overpowered.

But if it's not obvious my intent was for you guys to go back to Dragon's Rest to recoup, and level up again. Whether you take the time to try to attune to these items, that's something you can choose to do.))
((Oh, interesting. I wasn't expecting a level up yet. Noice.))

Armed with items, information and a plan, Zesty packs up the book that horned him, and returns to the room where he met Mek and Minn originally. He stops at the effigies the two kobolds were working on and orders Boltzmann to break them down as best he can.

Hopefully, this at least slows Sparkrender down... And may the gods show favor to Mek and Minn.

With that, Zesty joins Short Order at the Dragon statues and inserts the moonstone key once more, ready to return to Runara and explain the groups' findings.

((I don't know if we have a way to retrieve the key this time, do we?))
D&D Character

Dungeon Master

Blind Guardian
((Oh, interesting. I wasn't expecting a level up yet. Noice.))
((I'm just kinda going off the rails on my own thing now. As per the adventure book, I should have let you kill Sparkrender and then that was that, end of campaign. But there's room to not do that and to squeeze a little more out of this teet, so we're mixing it up. Might as well give you a chance to use the level 4 stuff you get, rather than "lol campaign over".))

Zesty Zapcrackle

Diplomatic Immunity
((I'm just kinda going off the rails on my own thing now. As per the adventure book, I should have let you kill Sparkrender and then that was that, end of campaign. But there's room to not do that and to squeeze a little more out of this teet, so we're mixing it up. Might as well give you a chance to use the level 4 stuff you get, rather than "lol campaign over".))
((Well... I know you mentioned about having more stuff for level 5+ as well putting us in a dead zone at the end of this campaign, so I just assumed this was part of that too. Either way... call me giddy and give me a wet wipe!))
D&D Character

Dungeon Master

Blind Guardian
Well, this ring is pretty nifty. I may as well wear it as we may our way back to talk to Runara

Short Order puts the ring on and readies to go back
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@A Semen Surfer - As the ring slides over your small finger, you almost feel like the legs of the scorpion grip you a little tighter, but convince yourself it's your imagination.

((Oh, interesting. I wasn't expecting a level up yet. Noice.))

Armed with items, information and a plan, Zesty packs up the book that horned him, and returns to the room where he met Mek and Minn originally. He stops at the effigies the two kobolds were working on and orders Boltzmann to break them down as best he can.

Hopefully, this at least slows Sparkrender down... And may the gods show favor to Mek and Minn.

With that, Zesty joins Short Order at the Dragon statues and inserts the moonstone key once more, ready to return to Runara and explain the groups' findings.

((I don't know if we have a way to retrieve the key this time, do we?))
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@Jon - It takes a considerable amount of time for Boltzmann to break down the effigies, needing the full party's assistance to finish within a half hour. You must hand it to Mek and Minn, they build some sturdy things.

As the moonstone key slides into the dragon statue, the energy bridge sparks back to life, it's familiar shitily-drawn construction providing a path back to the mainland and out of this forsaken observatory.


A way to retrieve the key does not immediately present itself, although you wonder whether the bridge should be left up to allow the Owlbear to leave the observatory. Or perhaps not, if it's presence would hinder Sparkrender's return...

Your brain whirs softly, mimicking Boltzmann at your side.

((It's late afternoon. It'll take you about 2 hours to get back to Dragon's Rest.))

Moonsprout Beandirt

Connoisseur of fine video games
Welp, I'd say that's probably the end of Sparkshooter, or, like, whatever his name was. Electric dragons and water probably don't mix. Guess that's the last we'll see of him!

Moonsprout wraps his arms around the owlbear and gives it a hug.

C'mon owlybeary -- that's what I'm calling him -- come back to Dragon's Rest with us. You can have your own cave and get fed every day! Probably! I bet you'd be a big hit there.

Moonsprout coaxes the owlbear to follow them back to Dragon's Rest.
While basking in the glory of getting some nice loot and a NEW DAMN AXE, Aims remembers there's more loot to be had!

You lads can keep heading back. I'm gonna go over there real quick.

Aims heads to the tower where the other kobolts were mutilated to check the area for even more loot. Or a snack.
D&D Character

Dungeon Master

Blind Guardian
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With the last vestiges of daylight slipping behind the horizon, the ethereal glow of the reactivated light-bridge casts spectral shadows across the ancient stones of the observatory's rotunda. Moonsprout, feeling a mix of relief and apprehension, gently guides the Owlbear across this radiant path. The bridge, a marvel of forgotten magic, hums softly underfoot, its light reflecting in the creature's curious eyes. But once across, the Owlbear, perhaps sensing the wild call of the forest, lumbers off into the dense undergrowth. Despite Moonsprout's coaxing, it chooses the freedom of the forest over the companionship of the journey back to Dragon's Rest.

Aims, meanwhile, is enraptured by his new acquisition. He holds the double-sided greataxe with a reverent grip. The accompanying small book, filled with cryptic runes and esoteric instructions, puzzles him, yet he's determined to unlock the secrets of his formidable new weapon. Each page turn brings a mix of frustration and anticipation as he endeavors to comprehend the full extent of the axe's power. The book is written in simple Common, it just doesn't have many pictures.

The party's journey back to Dragon's Rest is cloaked in the deep blues and purples of twilight, the crescent moon overhead casting a silvery light across their path. The serene painting of the night is abruptly broken by the sight of smoke billowing on the horizon—fire illuminating the darkening sky. Alarmed, the group hastens their steps, their earlier fatigue forgotten in the face of potential disaster.


As you approach, the cries of fleeing kobolds pierce the night, their frantic yells suggesting a calamity of urgent nature. Arriving breathlessly at the monastery's lower plaza, the party is met with a dire scene. Before Myla's cell, the bodies of three aggressive-looking kobolds sprawl grotesquely, evidence of a violent struggle. Just beyond, a heartrending sight at the threshold of Myla's workshop halts everyone in their tracks. The lifeless forms of Mek and Minn, Myla's siblings, mark a tragic barrier to the horror within. They lay slumped against each other, daggers in hand, blocking the doorway. Grief and shock ripple through the group as they absorb the grim tableau.


Inside, the workshop is a chaos of fire and smoke, remnants of a fireball spell that was likely meant to obliterate everything within. The walls are scorched black, and the air is thick with the acrid smell of burning materials. Myla herself lies barely conscious beneath the wreckage of her desk, her breathing shallow and labored. Her once vibrant workshop, a center of innovation and creativity, now lies in ruin, the tools of her ingenuity reduced to charred fragments.


The shock of the scene tightens your chests as you step inside, urgent to assist Myla and extinguish the flames that threaten to consume what little remains. This attack marks a cruel interruption to the sanctuary of Dragon's Rest, casting a shadow over what had once been a place of familiarity and refuge.
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Oh shit.

Short Order begins using druid craft to snuff out as many smaller bits of the fire as possible. He then uses Mold Earth to drop piles of sand and dirt on larger parts of fire to help put those out as well.

Send your mechanical wolf to get your friend out!
  • This Is Fire
Reactions: Ben
D&D Character

Dungeon Master

Blind Guardian
Oh shit.

Short Order begins using druid craft to snuff out as many smaller bits of the fire as possible. He then uses Mold Earth to drop piles of sand and dirt on larger parts of fire to help put those out as well.

Send your mechanical wolf to get your friend out!
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@A Semen Surfer - With precise movements and a clear mind, you call upon your druidic powers to address the immediate danger. First, you cast Druidcraft—the magical essence flows from your fingertips, snuffing out several of the smaller fires like candles blown out by a gentle breeze.

But the larger fires rage on, challenging your resolve. Without hesitation, you shift your focus and perform the Mold Earth cantrip. You lift your hands, directing the earth beneath the workshop to obey your command. Dirt rises in small mounds, then hurls itself onto the larger fires. One by one, they are buried under the cool, damp soil, their fierce glow dimming until all that remains is smoke and the scent of charred wood.

The room, once a scene of potential devastation, now lies quiet and safe under your watchful eyes. All the fires are extinguished, thanks to your swift and resolute actions.

Zesty Zapcrackle

Diplomatic Immunity
Zesty hears Short Order's words, but ignores them completely. No hesitation comes across the tiefling as he dives in to save Myla. Hoping his infernal heritate and natural resistance to fire will protect him, he runs into the flames to save his fellow artificer who is barely holding to life. As he crosses the threshold, he does send and order to Boltzmann, but it isn't what Short was expecting.

Boltz, go scout ahead! If there are more evildoers here, report back immediately! Find Runara!

Zesty attempts to save Myla while Boltzmann scouts ahead searching for Runara.
D&D Character

Dungeon Master

Blind Guardian
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@Jon - Despite the chaos, you remain singularly focused. In conjunction with Short Order's efforts, you stride into the inferno, your Tiefling heritage rendering the fire's bite more a caress against your infernal red skin.

Without a moment's hesitation, you scoop up the frail form of Myla from the smoldering ruins of her workshop. Her body is light in your arms, barely stirring as you quickly carry her to safety. Outside, in the cooler air of the plaza, you gently lay Myla down on the ground, her breathing shallow but steadier now in the open.

With Myla safe, you turn and command Boltzmann with a sense of urgency. "Find Runara!" The mechanical wolf hesitates only for a moment before barking a digitized "Roger roger!" and darting off, its form a blur of motion destined for the upper cliffs. But just as Boltzmann sets into its stride, a large draconic shadow descends from above.

The air pulses with the beating of massive wings, stirring dust and leaves into a small tempest around you. A brilliant flash of light pierces the twilight as Runara transforms from her majestic dragon form into her human guise—her monastic robes fluttering around her with the residual wind of her descent.

The elder wastes no time. Approaching Myla with swift steps, she extends her hands, and a soft glow envelops them. She murmurs a prayer, and the light from her palms bathes Myla in a healing warmth, the magic stabilizing the kobold tinkerer's fragile condition. Myla's eyes flutter open, and in a voice tinged with confusion and sorrow, she murmurs, "Me brothers... they came back, said they were sorry for leaving Myla. Some other kobold followed them. Mek and Minn wouldn't let them in, then those bad kobolds... they made a big, badda boom... My brothers, they tried to protect me, got in front of Myla, then... were thrown back. Where are they? Where are my brothers?"

As she speaks, Runara's gaze shifts solemnly to the lifeless forms of Mek and Minn. Her expression is a mask of grief, her eyes reflecting the flames that had brought such devastation. She kneels beside Myla, placing a comforting hand on her shoulder. "They were brave," Runara speaks softly, her voice thick with emotion, "They chose to stand with you, in the end."

The tragedy of the moment unfolds starkly against the backdrop of the smoldering workshop and the dimming sky. The plaza, once a place of peaceful respite, now bears the scars of betrayal and loss—a poignant reminder of the fragility of sanctuary in a world beset by violence.

Zesty Zapcrackle

Diplomatic Immunity
The fire in Zesty's heart rising to match the color of his skin. With Myla safe thanks to the efforts of Runara, he stands. Stoic, anger, fierce....

This was work of Sparkrender's kobolds. We had defeated the blue dragon prior to him finishing a ritual to energize all the dead dragons of the isle. But he escaped while we freed Aidron.

He turns to Myla and gently kneels beside her again.

Your brothers were good, and brave, Myla. They loved you and regretted leaving you for dead. They said they wouldn't return here, but they did, and for that I am happy. I am sorry for your loss. Should you want, or need it. I will help you bury them.

Their deaths will not go unavenged. I shall rest. And at first light I am returning to the observatory. I will wait there days if I have to. But I will find Sparkrender. The blue dragon shall earn no quarter from me. He will die by my hand.

Runara, I am sorry that we brought this violence to Dragon's Rest. Aidron is safe, though I do not know if he is here. He was to be sacrificed as part of the ritual. He will fight Sparkrender as well. I will not let this tragedy go unanswered.

Moonsprout Beandirt

Connoisseur of fine video games
Moonsprout tears up at Runara's lauding Mek and Minn. His heart grows heavy thinking how much destruction the other bad kobolds could've caused if they'd been left alive. Maybe... maybe some good came of the orc's wanton carnage? Moonsprout wipes away his tears and steps forward.

Runara, how are the rest of the dudes here? What of that dick Tarak and the scary buff ladydude with the scar and the other kobolds? How can we help?
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