Campaign Stormwreck Isle: Spores of Seagrow Cave (1-2)

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  • At the behest of Tarak, travel to Seagrow Caves to get past the guardian at the entrance, see what's wrong with the Myconid, and recover a harvest of heart cap mushrooms for him.



Aims'Orreh Mwuh'BwaddMoonsprout BeandirtShort OrderNac McWeebleZesty Zapcrackle
aims.pngmoonsprout2.pngshort.pngDALL·E 2024-01-25 22.12.44 - A side-profile view of Nac McWeeble, a Monk Hill Dwarf character ...pngDALL·E 2024-01-25 22.15.02 - A side-profile view of Zesty Zapcrackle, an Artificer Tiefling ch...png
Carrying Dick Dagger.

Wind Spore Mushrooms
30 gp each​
A rare fungus with a unique magical property. When a creature squeezes a wind spore mushroom's cap, it releases a small cloud of spores. For 1 hour, the creature doesn't need to breathe, as the spores provide it with oxygen.
Obsidian Chunk
10 gp each​
An uncut opaque black gemstone.
Heart Cap Mushrooms
30 gp each​
These mushrooms bear an unsettling resemblance to human hearts.
Potion of Healing
50 gp each​
This potion's red liquid glimmers when agitated. You regain 2d4+2 hit points when you drink this potion.
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D&D Character

Dungeon Master

Bingo! Dino DNA.
((In that case I'll grab Moonsprout's hand and we'll frolic back to the group so we can go! :link

And that's going to be another Ben masterpiece I just walked into.))


Moonsprout Beandirt

Zesty Zapcrackle
| file-Q9monh5gKpl47XYt2I8u8aP4.png |


Aims'Orreh Mwuh'Bwadd

Full-time time waster
Aims is distraught.

WHERE'S MAI'COKK?!? HAS ANYONE SEEN MAI'COKK?!? I can't leave that little fellow here all lonesome. It's a rough world for such a young, soft, still growing mushroom.

Someone go find and grab Mai'Cokk for me!!!
D&D Character

Dungeon Master

Bingo! Dino DNA.
((I'm working on a write-up of you guys returning to Dragon's Rest. I'm going to assume that since Aims is bleeding to death, you're going to go take a long rest before you do anything else like go find Tarak, so we'll pick up there in the morning. I'll try to get it out before EOD, but you never know when I'll have to actually do my job.))
D&D Character

Dungeon Master

Bingo! Dino DNA.
Your party gathers themselves and collectively departs from Seagrow Cave, skirting past the re-corpsed-corpse of the octopus guardian on the way. Your journey back along the coast is punctuated by brief periods of Aims' having to stop to lean on boulders while he coughed up blood, insisting that by being on the edge of death can one truly feel alive.


As such, it takes you a little longer to get back than it did to get there, and by the time you see Dragon's Rest perched atop the cliffs ahead of you, the sun is starting to fall towards the horizon, passing behind long thin wisps of cloud that parallel the waves. Faint fire lights twinkle at you through the growing twilight, promising safety and comfort after your damp trials in the dim gloom of the caves.

As you scale the last few steps leading to the monastery, you are greeted by the large dragon statue standing in the plaza. Its gaze, while reptilian and imposing, holds a reassuring glint that fills your chest with a comforting certainty. You’re beginning to feel your adventure to this island to find more about yourself is proving fruitful afterall.

It is roughly 7pm by the time you make it back and despite the relatively early hour, you're all exhausted. The sun is all but drowned within the ocean, and the warm orange allure of the lantern someone thought to leave on in your room for you is too inviting. You all stumble in, some more bloody and literally stumbling than others, and all take a long rest. Aims’ collapses in the middle of the floor. Nac curls up on top of a table as if it were a bar. Moonsprout and Zesty frolic on the single-bed together, and Short turns into an inanimate garden gnome for 8 hours or something I don’t know I didn’t read the book.


You fully heal and regain your spell slots.

You all groggily awaken the next morning. It’s early and you hear the birds chirping from their nests on the rocky cliff faces outside. Slowly, one by one, you compose yourselves and make way through from your quarters to face the day anew.

As you walk up the plaza, you spot Tarak on his knees in a vegetable patch, rummaging through a harvest of potatoes. He’s already noticed you coming, and stands up to greet you.


| "Well hello again, friends. I see you've returned all accounted for, that's reassuring! What did you find of the guardian and Myconids? Were you even able to get in?" His questions tumble out as his concern and curiosity overcome him. |

((Oh, if you wanted to change any spells around, etc. on your long rest you can do that now.))

Zesty Zapcrackle

Shitposting Development Manager
Zesty seems particularly rested this morning. Almost as is he hadn't been physically strenuous for the past few combats and feel more rested than ever before.

Good morn, Tarak. What a story we have to tell!

Zesty starts recounting the party's escapades both to and in the caves. He explains to Tarak that they found a giant squid (conveniently leaving out his thrown crossbow and only mentioning his incredibly saavy choice to cast Faerie Fire for the group, speaking to the myconids, defeating the fume drakes and Aims' and Short Order allowing Zesty to nap against the fire snake.

Excitedly, Zesty comes to the part where the crystal's demise was clearing both the sunlight and the mist from the myconids, and their impeding safety.

And we did not forget about you, friend! Short Order has some Heart Cap mushrooms for you! And the myconids should be able to help produce more as they begin to heal.

Aims'Orreh Mwuh'Bwadd

Full-time time waster
Aims pops his nose into the conversation next.

And I made a new small friend! Behold, Mai'Cokk!

Here you would see Tarak's shocked face as the half-orc shuffles through his pants for something for a moment before pulling out a mycockmush.

Cute little guy, ain't it? I don't entirely sure what it does, but it hangs around and seems to be very smart. I keep him from sunlight as I'm not sure if he's allergic to it like the myconid are. Maybe there's a lotion or something I can use on Mai'Cokk.
((I'll take a look at my spells but I think I like what I've got))

Aye, I have the mushrooms for you. How many were you hoping to get? It might be good if we're able to keep one or two ourselves, but I want to make sure your needs are satisfied...

... Moonsprout can help if you have any needs other than the mushrooms that need to be...satisfied.
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D&D Character

Dungeon Master

Bingo! Dino DNA.
Aims pops his nose into the conversation next.

And I made a new small friend! Behold, Mai'Cokk!

Here you would see Tarak's shocked face as the half-orc shuffles through his pants for something for a moment before pulling out a mycockmush.

Cute little guy, ain't it? I don't entirely sure what it does, but it hangs around and seems to be very smart. I keep him from sunlight as I'm not sure if he's allergic to it like the myconid are. Maybe there's a lotion or something I can use on Mai'Cokk.

You pull the minuscule 'cokk from your pants and hold it out to show the man.

In the bright sunlight of the morning, Tarak can easily see the tiny creature as it briefly bursts into flames before turning to ash in your hands.


Tarak winces.

| "Yes... Well...... Just give me all of them, little druid. For each that you found, I can turn them into potion of healing. Unless you think yourself a better alchemist and want to do so yourself!" he chuckles, a prideful yet knowing smile on tweaking the corners of his mouth.

"Regardless, I appreciate you getting through to those mushroom folk and making sure they're OK. I've never been that far back into their chambers, only their farm at the entrance... I'll go back to visit them in the next few days, and see whether their sovereign is feeling better."

You have completed Tarak's quest. |

((Now to work out how to level you guys up.
I think you just need to go in to "Manage Character & Levels, increase it to 2, then make whatever new choices it opens up... 🤔
If any of you want to multi-class and take a level in another class instead of a second level in your current one, you can do that too.

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Moonsprout Beandirt

Connoisseur of fine video games
Moonsprout exits the cave yawning and scratching his beans. He greets the group and unthinkingly offers his bean-scratching hand to Tarak.

I trust my fellow travellers have already filled you in on my daring acts of acrobatics, and the inspiring might of my musical voice while we battles perilous goes, have they?Sorry about the last time we were here, fella. I

From Tarak's silence and the blank expressions his comrades offer, Moonsprout ascertains that these details were, perhaps, left out of their adventuresome retellings and offers the group a look that says, 'Thanks a lot, guys.'

Anyway, I just wanted to apologize for the last time we were here. I may have been a both a bit forward AND a bit, like, stay away-y. I think the sea air and the waves do funny things to my inner yoni. So, like, to make it up to you and to show my mad appreciation for your hospitality, I'd like to help out a bit around here. Maybe help you in the garden? Or like while you're here I could get a start on making brekkie?
D&D Character

Dungeon Master

Bingo! Dino DNA.
Moonsprout exits the cave yawning and scratching his beans. He greets the group and unthinkingly offers his bean-scratching hand to Tarak.

I trust my fellow travellers have already filled you in on my daring acts of acrobatics, and the inspiring might of my musical voice while we battles perilous goes, have they?Sorry about the last time we were here, fella. I

From Tarak's silence and the blank expressions his comrades offer, Moonsprout ascertains that these details were, perhaps, left out of their adventuresome retellings and offers the group a look that says, 'Thanks a lot, guys.'

Anyway, I just wanted to apologize for the last time we were here. I may have been a both a bit forward AND a bit, like, stay away-y. I think the sea air and the waves do funny things to my inner yoni. So, like, to make it up to you and to show my mad appreciation for your hospitality, I'd like to help out a bit around here. Maybe help you in the garden? Or like while you're here I could get a start on making brekkie?

| "Actually, that sounds wonderful! If someone doesn't get breakfast started promptly enough, the Kobold might riot!"
he grins, stepping over a row of lettuce and patting the halfling on the shoulder. "If you can gather up the rest of what's ripe for harvest in these plots and bring it up to the kitchens for me, I'll find something around to reward you with."

Tarak turns to Short Order "So, what's your feeling on those Heart Caps? I suppose either give them to me now or later if you decide, but it'll take me a few hours to make the potions." |


Zesty Zapcrackle

Shitposting Development Manager
((@Ben - I chose my artificer infusions, and I'm somewhat confused on how to actually use them. It says I can imbue up to two items after a long rest, but does this count? Like can I do that now? I'd like to imbue my crossbow and the spellwrought tattoo, but I can't find them or see how to actually equip them. Any ideas?

EDIT - I found them... weirdly under inventory. I just need to know if I'm allowed to use them now after our long rest or do I need to wait for the next one? I so chose a familiar, but I don't have the crystal yet lol.

EDIT 2 - Not sure how to assign a cantrip to my spellwrought tattoo either... so gonna take some figuring out as we go I think...))
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Nac McWeeble

Incense & Iron
((Aww, yiss! That sweet, sweet level up!))

Nac wakes up to the familiar feeling of a wooden surface against his face, and smiles after wiping the drool from the corner of his mouth. As he goes through his morning katas he feels as though something opens up inside his chest. He can feel a sort of warm glowy sensation.

This must be the mystical ki ma' Sensei Ti'vareas tried tellin' me about... he mutters to himself.

After having finished up he joins his fellow adventurers talking to Tarak as hears Zesty tell the tale of their time in the Myconid caves. He also hears Moonsprout's offer of making breakfast and says

I've done ma fair share o' breakfast duty in the monastery so I can help ye with tha', Moonsprout!
D&D Character

Dungeon Master

Bingo! Dino DNA.
((@Ben - I chose my artificer infusions, and I'm somewhat confused on how to actually use them. It says I can imbue up to two items after a long rest, but does this count? Like can I do that now? I'd like to imbue my crossbow and the spellwrought tattoo, but I can't find them or see how to actually equip them. Any ideas?

EDIT - I found them... weirdly under inventory. I just need to know if I'm allowed to use them now after our long rest or do I need to wait for the next one? I so chose a familiar, but I don't have the crystal yet lol.

EDIT 2 - Not sure how to assign a cantrip to my spellwrought tattoo either... so gonna take some figuring out as we go I think...))
((You can use them now. Not going to make you wait until the end of the next day to be able to play with any new toys.

I dug around trying to find where to add a specific spell to the cantrip tattoo, and couldn't work it out either. It's also not listed in the table of things to chose from, for the item description, but its obviously one of the options from the character editor. Very odd.


For now I just added the Repeating Shot infusion to your crossbow. As I understand the other infusions, you'd need to have the object to be infused first before you can make it a magical item, so even the tattoo you'd need a needle first.

Odd that the Repeating Shot feature, I kind of made you do the exact same thing reloading a magical bolt when fighting the first Fume Drakes. I hadn't read any of this Artificer stuff before so... Just good foresight.))
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Zesty Zapcrackle

Shitposting Development Manager
As I understand the other infusions, you'd need to have the object to be infused first before you can make it a magical item, so even the tattoo you'd need a needle first.
((So I did a little research to understand this a little better. As I understand it, but you're the DM so it's ultimately your call, the actual infusion is to replicate a magic item. In this case, I would replicate the spellwrought tattoo needle after a long rest. And from what I see, and up to DM discretion, its a needle that houses ANY spell/cantrip (I chose cantrip) as a one time use. Similar to a scroll.

So I would use the needle, it gives me a tattoo in whatever shape I want and I can cast the spell any time as essentially a free spell slot. Again, I chose cantrip so that part would be irrelevant. It also eliminates any material needs, but still needs verbal or somatic as required. Once used the tattoo disappears. But after a long rest, i can create a new needle and do it again.

Lastly, this isn't something I actually LEARN, so it's not going to show up as a cantrip on my character, but follows the rules of the specific table. In cantrip case: +3 spell modifier, 13 saving DC and +5 attack bonus.

So I guess from you, I'd need to know what restriction, if any, you want me to put on the cantrip I choose. I leave all the decisions to you because you're the DM here :) ))
D&D Character

Dungeon Master

Bingo! Dino DNA.
((So I did a little research to understand this a little better. As I understand it, but you're the DM so it's ultimately your call, the actual infusion is to replicate a magic item. In this case, I would replicate the spellwrought tattoo needle after a long rest. And from what I see, and up to DM discretion, its a needle that houses ANY spell/cantrip (I chose cantrip) as a one time use. Similar to a scroll.

So I would use the needle, it gives me a tattoo in whatever shape I want and I can cast the spell any time as essentially a free spell slot. Again, I chose cantrip so that part would be irrelevant. It also eliminates any material needs, but still needs verbal or somatic as required. Once used the tattoo disappears. But after a long rest, i can create a new needle and do it again.

Lastly, this isn't something I actually LEARN, so it's not going to show up as a cantrip on my character, but follows the rules of the specific table. In cantrip case: +3 spell modifier, 13 saving DC and +5 attack bonus.

So I guess from you, I'd need to know what restriction, if any, you want me to put on the cantrip I choose. I leave all the decisions to you because you're the DM here :) ))
((That's how I took it after reading through some, so agreed. And the item doesn't have to be bound to you immediately either, I would assume you can use your needle on someone else to give them access to the cantrip too.

You'll just have to let me know which cantrip.))
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Aims'Orreh Mwuh'Bwadd

Full-time time waster
Aims looks down at his hand at the remains of Mai'Cokk. He doesn't know ow what to feel, if he even feels anything. The half-orc's mind goes empty and just stares at the small pile blankly.

A good moment passes as everyone decides what to do about the garden and breakfast. Aims still standing still staring at his hand. Finally, a tiny spark zaps as couple neurons finally make contact in his brain.

I wonder if the halfling will want to eat this still.... HEY HALFLING! WANT TO EAT MAI'COKK NOW?! ITS TOASTED TOO!

Moonsprout Beandirt

Connoisseur of fine video games
I've done ma fair share o' breakfast duty in the monastery so I can help ye with tha', Moonsprout!
Thanks for the help, Nac. You can keep working here, and I'll bring this batch up to Tarak in the kitchen. Back in a jiffy.

Moonsprout sprints off towards the kitchen, when suddenly the Orc bellows:
I wonder if the halfling will want to eat this still.... HEY HALFLING! WANT TO EAT MAI'COKK NOW?! ITS TOASTED TOO!
Uhhh... I'll pass on that. Maybe sprinkle it on the carrots or something.

Aims'Orreh Mwuh'Bwadd

Full-time time waster
Uhhh... I'll pass on that. Maybe sprinkle it on the carrots or something.
Fair enough. RIP Mai'Cokk. You came into our party, but left us too soon. May to Earth Mother watch over you.

Aims crushes the toasted remains in his hand into dust and tosses them into the garden. He then looks at the garden properly for the first time. There seems to be quite the selection of veggies there, including some lettuce. Aims had learned early in life that @turtles love this stuff, and it's just conveniently here. Wow.

Aims'Orreh Mwuh'Bwadd

Full-time time waster
Hey lads, while we go and have something to eat, what do you think we should do next? There's definitely the issue with the zombies to deal with. Wasn't one of the kobolts also missing or something? Maybe we can get a quick briefing while we eat too.

Nac McWeeble

Incense & Iron
Hey lads, while we go and have something to eat, what do you think we should do next? There's definitely the issue with the zombies to deal with. Wasn't one of the kobolts also missing or something? Maybe we can get a quick briefing while we eat too.
Sounds like a plan, my big green friend!

Nac looks around the garden and asks Tarak if there's anything else he can do to help before breakfast.

Zesty Zapcrackle

Shitposting Development Manager
((That's how I took it after reading through some, so agreed. And the item doesn't have to be bound to you immediately either, I would assume you can use your needle on someone else to give them access to the cantrip too.

You'll just have to let me know which cantrip.))
((Fair enough! If I can do ANY cantrip, for shits and giggles, the first one is going to be Eldrich Blast, just for funsies. I may change it during later long rests, but for now, I want to feel like Jumpman for once!

If anyone else finds a gem worth over 100GP let me know! I want a familiar too!))

Zesty feels sorrow for the loss of Mai'Cokk. He follows the group in for breakfast, awaiting the next adventure to claim the group. That ship may be of interest to the group now.

Zesty Zapcrackle

Shitposting Development Manager
((@Ben - I'm good. I did try to add the tattoo, but I think you made it better because I now have two items, the spell and the needle. Should I assume you're just gonna control those things for me? I didn't want to just assume you're doing them))

Aims'Orreh Mwuh'Bwadd

Full-time time waster
((Since you already did it, I'm going to have to say no. I don't want to set the precedent that we'll just mulligan anything that doesn't work out in our favor, so while I get the regret, you can switch to fixed next level up and do that if you so choose.))
((It was automatically done for me. Most likely when you leveled us all up. I never actually got to roll for it. I had 15 before and I'm now at 18. Though, I could also reroll it myself to make it my own roll. I do agree on the mulligan though. I wouldn't be expecting to do that.

And I'm pretty sure if I change to fixed it's going to adjust my HP for all levels and not just the current or next level. I got no control what it does after it's been set. If I remember right, even the HP field is uneditable on fixed.))
D&D Character

Dungeon Master

Bingo! Dino DNA.
((It was automatically done for me. Most likely when you leveled us all up. I never actually got to roll for it. I had 15 before and I'm now at 18. Though, I could also reroll it myself to make it my own roll. I do agree on the mulligan though. I wouldn't be expecting to do that.

And I'm pretty sure if I change to fixed it's going to adjust my HP for all levels and not just the current or next level. I got no control what it does after it's been set. If I remember right, even the HP field is uneditable on fixed.))
((That's fair, I guess it did do it automatically. Seems that was a setting in your character, to go between manual and fixed so... I'm OK with you changing it over to fixed now. That put you up to 25 HP.))

D&D Character

Dungeon Master

Bingo! Dino DNA.

| Tarak takes the mushrooms from Short and Nac, giving them a grateful nod.

"Thank you both. I'll be glad to return to the caves myself and find more of these, as they help mend a lot of scrapes around here. The ruby morel are useful for curing ailments, too! When Sinensa lets me have any, that is!"

He lets a suspicious eye fall over Moonsprout, before taking his leave and going off up the path towards the kitchens.|

Your party mills around the plaza for a short time, mourning your 'cokk, fucking with lettuces, just guy stuff.

Moonsprout digs through the vegetable beds and comes up with 2 lettuce, 6 carrots and a small bag of potatoes, then promptly sprints off towards the kitchen area. The rest of the party follows in tow, though with less urgency.

The rest of the party arrives to the kitchen area to find Moonsprout standing at a pot about to dump a bag full of something in. As he's opening the pouch, Varnoth rounds the corner of the kitchen out of a pantry, wearing an apron.

((@Smacktard roll a sleight of hand skill check.))
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