Campaign Stormwreck Isle: Spores of Seagrow Cave (1-2)

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  • At the behest of Tarak, travel to Seagrow Caves to get past the guardian at the entrance, see what's wrong with the Myconid, and recover a harvest of heart cap mushrooms for him.



Aims'Orreh Mwuh'BwaddMoonsprout BeandirtShort OrderNac McWeebleZesty Zapcrackle
aims.pngmoonsprout2.pngshort.pngDALL·E 2024-01-25 22.12.44 - A side-profile view of Nac McWeeble, a Monk Hill Dwarf character ...pngDALL·E 2024-01-25 22.15.02 - A side-profile view of Zesty Zapcrackle, an Artificer Tiefling ch...png
Carrying Dick Dagger.

Wind Spore Mushrooms
30 gp each​
A rare fungus with a unique magical property. When a creature squeezes a wind spore mushroom's cap, it releases a small cloud of spores. For 1 hour, the creature doesn't need to breathe, as the spores provide it with oxygen.
Obsidian Chunk
10 gp each​
An uncut opaque black gemstone.
Heart Cap Mushrooms
30 gp each​
These mushrooms bear an unsettling resemblance to human hearts.
Potion of Healing
50 gp each​
This potion's red liquid glimmers when agitated. You regain 2d4+2 hit points when you drink this potion.
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D&D Character

Dungeon Master

Bingo! Dino DNA.
Angry Korean Drama GIF by The Swoon
D&D Character

Dungeon Master

Bingo! Dino DNA.

There's nothing else of note in this chamber, now the vent is opened. The smog is clearing some, but you again note that it's coming from cracks in the ground, from somewhere below.


Zesty Zapcrackle

Shitposting Development Manager
We should probably let the myconids know about this. They'll want to know that without the light, they'll be safer. Then, perhaps they can give us a safe place to rest and directions to what's below this chamber for the rest of the mist.

Aims'Orreh Mwuh'Bwadd

Full-time time waster
Aims finds himself sitting on the ground, leaning against the cave wall with half his body nearly completely frozen up with some ice shards sticking up from his limbs. One moment, he's nearly decapitating a "dragon", and next an explosion throws him off his feet and he's nearly dead. Whoa...

By the Hells, druid.... WHAT THE HECK?! That wasn't your normal nipple chilling magics. What did you EAT today to beef you up like that? You're more dangerous to me than the monsters around here. Did I do something to offend you somehow? I swear I haven't pissed in your stout or anything.

He lumbers up and starts brushing the frost and icicles off his body. Clearly this time he's all slow and numb, from both bloodloss and the icesplosion. For sure, it's rest time even for the half-orc.

I think umm.... I think we should go say hi to the sovereign and take a long nap.
D&D Character

Dungeon Master

Bingo! Dino DNA.
((Is my druid still good neutral or should he be a bit more chaotic at this point with the collateral damage he's causing?))
((In 5e, anything can really be any alignment, so you didn't have to be true neutral to begin with. I'd definitely say you're Chaotic at this point.

I don't know if this adventure was scaled a bit weird, but it's seemed fairly easy for you guys so far.))

Aims ragged breaths add a punctuation mark to the air.

((Maybe I should be sure I'm scaling each of these battles to be a "medium" challenge.))

Aims'Orreh Mwuh'Bwadd

Full-time time waster
((I doesn't make sense from a character standpoint to head back to Tarak right away IMO. We should stop by the myconids, get some healing and rest, and then head back IMO))
((Myconids would make more sense to me too. Chat up the sovereign, get maybe rewarded, and I also got a thing to ask of them too if it doesn't resolve while we chat normally.))

Moonsprout Beandirt

Connoisseur of fine video games

Well whatever dudes, I'm gonna go tell those mushroom men that we took care of some baddies and their cave, and maybe ask the big one of our chill bro Hipsiz can join us on our adventure back to Dragon's Rest if he covers up. Peace.

Zesty Zapcrackle

Shitposting Development Manager

Well whatever dudes, I'm gonna go tell those mushroom men that we took care of some baddies and their cave, and maybe ask the big one of our chill bro Hipsiz can join us on our adventure back to Dragon's Rest if he covers up. Peace.
((I mean, sunlight kills them, so I wouldn't count on him joining us. :link ))

Zesty nods and follow Moonsprout back to the myconids.

((I wonder how normal it is that we take forever to have a consensus on what to do next?))
We should tell him that we were unable to find any heart cap mushrooms in this cavern, but did take care of some beasts and an intruding crystal, and they we discovered the issues are coming from an external magical source. Also we should ask if there's another place we can look for those mushrooms.
D&D Character

Dungeon Master

Bingo! Dino DNA.
((The mushrooms do come from this cave. You just didn't actually look for them.

Maybe I neglected to make it obvious what was what while trying to mind-meld as a mushroom.

If someone wants to gather up mushrooms, tell me where you're going in the cave to search for them.))
((The mushrooms do come from this cave. You just didn't actually look for them.

Maybe I neglected to make it obvious what was what while trying to mind-meld as a mushroom.

If someone wants to gather up mushrooms, tell me where you're going in the cave to search for them.))
((Oh I thought I did look for them with my perception check before but oh well))

Investigate cave for mushrooms
D&D Character

Dungeon Master

Bingo! Dino DNA.
((Oh I thought I did look for them with my perception check before but oh well))

Investigate cave for mushrooms

((Certainly possible you meant to, and I just took it as looking around for other shit in the area. If you didn't specifically say "I'm looking for those Mushrooms Tarak wants" I probably wouldn't have assumed that's your goal.))

Short Order, Aims'Orreh and Nac backtrack through the cave the way they came in, to reach the fungal farm at the entrance of the cave system. On returning to this area, you notice several smaller Myconid Sprouts have returned to this area after having fled out of fear of you earlier. These small mushroom folk ferry fertilizer from another cave chamber and are spreading it around the cultivated beds of fungi.


The cloying fog of the blight has mostly dispersed from this area, and the smell of decomposing matter now overpowers the brimstone.


Short Order
@A Pineap-Alu-zer
| You begin to rifle through the beds of muck, looking for anything resembling what Tarak had asked for. It's surprisingly difficult for you, as you struggle to remember what a mushroom looks like.

After 30 minutes of searching around the beds in this farm, you manage to recover 4 Heart Cap Mushrooms. |

((That's why we'd make sure he covers up so the sunlight can't get at him :D ))

((EXCUSE ME???????))

((I'd like to ask the myconids for mushies))

((You I mostly recall trying to lick every living-mushroom in the area. I don't think you went specifically looking for stuff to harvest, either.))


Yourself and Zesty return to the sovereign's chamber. Hipsiz is still here with the two others, puffing the spores around Sinensa, but the larger Myconid is still unconscious and immobile. While the blighted miasma may be clearing, the caves have not yet been fully ventilated and you suppose it would take time for the plant life to recover anyway.


Moonsprout Beandirt
| You think about Hipsiz joining you. |


| file-uY8NNcymKPnOVuxUYNuHFHDX.png

Hipsiz refuses to leave the cave. |


Moonsprout Beandirt
| You think about mushrooms Tarak usually harvests.|


| file-euIj9IPbolu1NvGBlcZ2MWj2.png
file-Y1xYD9E8XxShtWYk2CzDH7Ba.png |

D&D Character

Dungeon Master

Bingo! Dino DNA.
((@Ben can I also roll for mushrooms? I'll do a roll for if I can, otherwise just ignore it. :D ))
((I didn't make Short do it since we'd already wasted some time and I may have missed him checking that area earlier, but anyone else looking for mushrooms will have to tell me which chamber you're searching in, and roll a nature or survival check.

Though I guess I can just take your roll and change the modifier...))

Aims'Orreh Mwuh'Bwadd

Full-time time waster
Aims is still barely alive and not super eager to actively look for mushrooms. But what he is suffering from doesn't apply to Mai'Cokk. The little lad was curiously looking at the party shuffle around, looking and picking mushrooms, and thought it looked pretty fun. It started recalling if there was anything else special in the cave to go fetch.

Nac McWeeble

Incense & Iron
((I didn't make Short do it since we'd already wasted some time and I may have missed him checking that area earlier, but anyone else looking for mushrooms will have to tell me which chamber you're searching in, and roll a nature or survival check.

Though I guess I can just take your roll and change the modifier...))
((Oh, alrighty! Do a survival check then, since the modifier is the same for that one! And also in this chamber. :bow ))

Aims'Orreh Mwuh'Bwadd

Full-time time waster
Let me grab Mai'Cokk and we can be on our way to see Tarak.

Aims looks around for Mai'Cokk. You'd think it would be easy to see its bulbous head moving about between all the other mushrooms, but it doesn't seem like it. Maybe its looking for something. Maybe it had to go use the little fungi room? Do... do fungi poop?

Meanwhile, Mai'Cokk is aimlessly walking around the cave still trying to recall any time it had found special mushrooms in the cave.
D&D Character

Dungeon Master

Bingo! Dino DNA.
((Am I to assume you're all set and wanting to head out of here? Where are you going, and by which route? I would assume backtracking along the coastline to Dragon's Rest as that's still likely the fastest route back? Unless you want to cut across the center of the island.))
D&D Character

Dungeon Master

Bingo! Dino DNA.
((If the majority of you are in alignment by the morning, I'll get you back to Dragon's Rest.

Really it's Moonsprout and Zesty who're lingering in the back of the cave. Until they're up front with you guys, I'm assuming you aren't leaving without them.))

Zesty Zapcrackle

Shitposting Development Manager
((If the majority of you are in alignment by the morning, I'll get you back to Dragon's Rest.

Really it's Moonsprout and Zesty who're lingering in the back of the cave. Until they're up front with you guys, I'm assuming you aren't leaving without them.))
((In that case I'll grab Moonsprout's hand and we'll frolic back to the group so we can go! :link

And that's going to be another Ben masterpiece I just walked into.))
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