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Campaign Lost Mines of Phandelver (Chapter 1)

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Jawneh is possibly The Sorcerer
Having successfully navigated the challenges of the hidden pit trap after a...minor hiccup...the party resumes their journey, this time with heightened vigilance. As they proceed down the trail, they take care to scan their surroundings for signs of the goblin presence.

The Dude, in addition to providing morale-boosting music, leads the effort, pointing out subtle indicators that the others might miss - broken branches, footprints in the soft earth, and discarded scraps of food that suggest a band of creatures passed through recently.

Kutshort, stealthy and alert, scouts ahead at intervals, ensuring the path is clear of immediate dangers or ambushes.

Dragmire...well, Dragmire daydreams about nuking more gobbos.

TD, please roll a Perception check


ES COO Shitposting Dept. of GWF
Tuesday Morning Reaction GIF by The Secret Life Of Pets


Jawneh is possibly The Sorcerer
The Dude, while providing a quiet, rhythmic tune to keep spirits high...steps right into a cleverly disguised snare trap.

With a sudden jerk, the rope tightens around the Tortle's leg, and in an instant, the bard is yanked off the ground. They make ropes real strong in these parts apparently.

The trap, designed to hoist its victim into the air, suspends the Dude upside down, leaving him swinging helplessly amongst the lowest level of tree branches.

This is when he realizes he isn't the only person who was caught unawares by these devious traps. As he is lazily spun around by the centrifugal momentum of the rope, he eventually locks eyes with a female Tiefling in a similar predicament.

(( @Raine , welcome to the show ))


ES COO Shitposting Dept. of GWF
Tortle Dude is shocked to see eyes looking back at him while being suspended in the air, the shock somehow seems to supercede the shock of getting caught in another trap.

Wh.. what.. who.. what are you?


ES COO Shitposting Dept. of GWF
{{Probably but I'd like to hear from the new adventurer to see their intentions before we go rescuing strays}}

T'anks Kiraine

Chief Liquid Officer, Shitposting Dept.
The Tiefling gives the sudden "intruder" a wry smile.

...Doing up here? Oh, you know. Hanging around. Taking in the sights.

She narrows her eyes slightly. Unexpected company is never good, especially in the middle of a hunt. Had she paid closer attention to the ground below, perhaps this could have been avoided. A favor for a favor; she warns the Tortle, they set her loose, everyone forgets this ever happened. Alas, if she had paid proper attention she would have noticed the double snare trap to begin with.

I trust you've heard of my kin before, even if you haven't laid eyes on one.

She motions to the horns upon her head, curled and shaped like those of a ram. Not that she should need to; her silver eyes and almost magenta skin are a far cry from other races. Still, they are hard - and they do hurt. Asserting herself is best when outnumbered, she decides.

I am T'anks, a Tiefling. An... adventurer. Like yourself, perhaps? But introductions can wait. We should rid ourselves of these shackles first.


ES COO Shitposting Dept. of GWF
Tortle Dude, still haunted by the taunts of his friend Kutshort looks the purple being up and down. Dude reaches forward, trying to grab the horns of the stranger which are just out of reach. In whiffing, the Tortle's momentum causes him to spin in circles rapidly due to his weight. How dizzying this is for the Tortle, how dizzying indeed.


Dude tries to level set and manages to use his unique prowess in acrobatics to steady the spin to a stand still.

Yes, getting down is probably for the best. I find you.. curious.

Kutshort, are you done mocking me, friend?


Senior Member
How shall we help the lass down? Perhaps this is a job for my UNSEEN SERVANT

Dragmire casts Unseen Servant creating an invisible, formless "thing" that I can command to do simple tasks humans can accomplish.

Behold my invisible, formless servant! *Dragmire gestures at the empty space right beside him*

I can mentally command this servant but for the sake of transparency, I will verbalize it.

SERVANT, I command you to take this dagger (Dragmire pulls out a dagger he had in his inventory) and go up to where this strange tiefling is hanging and cut the rope holding her there.


Jawneh is possibly The Sorcerer
While Kutshort wisely finds the anchor point of the snare trap that has captured his bard companion, then eases him to the ground...

...the Unseen Servant isn't as clever. The party watches on with a mix of wonder and horror as the dagger hovers right over to the anchor point...and slashes the rope. The Tiefling, eyes wide as she watched this slow-moving trainwreck unfold, plummets to the ground...

(( @Raine please roll an Acrobatics check ))


Jawneh is possibly The Sorcerer
Acrobatics check is successful

The Tiefling twists her body in mid-fall, trying to mitigate any possible damage. Instead of landing head and horns first, she is able to hit shoulder-first, and immediately rolls through the impact with a deft little somersault, spreading out the impact and softening it to the point where she escapes relatively unharmed. Seeing the opportunity to make a better second impression than her first, she follows through with the somersault and in one fluid motion, rises to her feet, as if she planned the entire movement from the start.

She turns to face the people who...well, I guess "saved" her might be too strong a way of putting it...

T'anks Kiraine

Chief Liquid Officer, Shitposting Dept.
{{Well, seeing as no one really tried to dissuade the tomfoolery...!}}

Composure momentarily lost, T'anks stands to fullest height. Back arched, claws and fangs bared, her long and slender tail whipping at the ground behind her. It appears almost as though she is about to hiss, and possibly lunge, staring menacingly downwards upon the small frame of the Halfling. If she had wanted to risk breaking her neck she would have cut the rope herself! In fact, truth be told, hanging upside down for several long minutes had already made that thought quite tempting.


T'anks points in the Halfling's direction. Her eyes have become impossibly red, an otherworldly glow about them. She sizes him up, draws a deep breath...

Will regret taking such hasty action. Honestly, has that complex of yours fully eroded your senses? What could possibly have convinced you that was a sensible idea!

...But I do appreciate being freed.

T'anks visibly relaxes. Still outnumbered. While ill-advised, the little Halfling's efforts did not appear to be hostile in nature. And what of his companions; the strange one that reached for her... head? Neck? And the one that had begun to untie the trap's rope.

T'anks takes the measure of her unexpected guests while they gather themselves.

Insight Check >> Party intentions, looking for signs of occupation.
  • This Is Fine
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Jawneh is possibly The Sorcerer
(( Does anyone in the party wish to oppose the check with a Deception roll to be cagey or keep your cards close to your chesr, or do you want to be open with your situation and intentions? ))


ES COO Shitposting Dept. of GWF
Dude, having been let down by his good friend Kutshort watches this creature with concern.

I wonder if she has lettuce...


ES COO Shitposting Dept. of GWF
Dude, still eying the vicious looking creature who just threatened the reason they are alive. Where does this creature get off? They think they can threaten our protector and for us to just be okay with it? Could she be a tyrant? Is she here to oppress us he wonders? Dude does have some deep routed thoughts on tyrants that seem to be triggering his emotions right now. He thinks back to his grandtorty, a hero that Dude wishes to be like one day, but he's still young. What about his quest for his special someone? Dude is however, extremely confident in his abilities. A lack of lettuce over a period of time has heightened Dude's sense of paranoia. He stares directly at the fanged creature, he licks his lips. He reaches behind his back, pulls out his lute, and begins to strum an upbeat melody. Dude's deep but soothingly catchy voice once again serenades his friends, but what will the stranger think?

We are the the purveyors of lettuce,
We came here to rescue you,
Yet you seem to want to behead us,
Tell me what are we supposed to do,

I see the way that your eyes glow,
I must wonder if you are on the level,
There's something you must know,
You resemble the tale of a devil,

And yet you snap your tail,
You show us that sharp fang,
But what if this is betrayal,
You could take us with a bang,

For you see there's one way to live,
You may regret that you've met us,
You must have something to give,
Please, tell me you have some lettuce.
Kutshort attempts to persuade T’anks

I think what my compatriot is trying to say is this. He is famished and would like some lettuce. We have come a long way, and have yet to come across any merchants selling lettuce.

In your travels, have you come across a place where we might be able to acquire some lettuce?
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Jawneh is possibly The Sorcerer
Dude, still eying the vicious looking creature who just threatened the reason they are alive. Where does this creature get off? They think they can threaten our protector and for us to just be okay with it? Could she be a tyrant? Is she here to oppress us he wonders? Dude does have some deep routed thoughts on tyrants that seem to be triggering his emotions right now. He thinks back to his grandtorty, a hero that Dude wishes to be like one day, but he's still young. What about his quest for his special someone? Dude is however, extremely confident in his abilities. A lack of lettuce over a period of time has heightened Dude's sense of paranoia. He stares directly at the fanged creature, he licks his lips. He reaches behind his back, pulls out his lute, and begins to strum an upbeat melody. Dude's deep but soothingly catchy voice once again serenades his friends, but what will the stranger think?

We are the the purveyors of lettuce,
We came here to rescue you,
Yet you seem to want to behead us,
Tell me what are we supposed to do,

I see the way that your eyes glow,
I must wonder if you are on the level,
There's something you must know,
You resemble the tale of a devil,

And yet you snap your tail,
You show us that sharp fang,
But what if this is betrayal,
You could take us with a bang,

For you see there's one way to live,
You may regret that you've met us,
You must have something to give,
Please, tell me you have some lettuce.
(( Hmm. Perhaps not another Deception check, but instead give me a Performance check ))
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ES COO Shitposting Dept. of GWF
Tortle Dude stops strumming the lute, trying to make eye contact with the being he was the first to lock eyes with.

T'anks Kiraine

Chief Liquid Officer, Shitposting Dept.
T'anks is utterly bewildered. Even should her keenly honed senses have failed her, the antics of the trio make it clear: These are not mercenaries. Or if they are, then they are surely green and dreadfully awful. Regardless they are not looking for her; not here to kill or capture her as consequence for recent transgressions. Perhaps this can work.

She eyes the Tortle as he plays. A fellow Bard? How delightful. It's been a long time since she last encountered another performer. And while the improvised lyrics cut to the heart of the matter at hand, the voice of the Tortle is soothing and a welcome reprieve.

She gently sighs, resting her hands upon her hips. In plain sight, several inches away from her dagger.

We seem to have gotten off on the wrong foot here. If payment for your... services - she glances at the smirking Halfling - is required, perhaps we can strike a deal? But I'm afraid I don't have any "Lettuce" on hand. Some dried jerky, nuts. Standard fare. Nor do I have much in the way of coin right now, I'm afraid.

T'anks slowly raises her left hand, keeping it plainly in sight as she retrieves her trusty flute. She brings the instrument to her lips and begins to play a gentle melody for the trio.

Deception Check >> General

As I told your friend, my name is T'anks. I've come to this trail in search of some lost belongings. They were stolen from me during an ambush by Goblins. I... survived, but what they stole was precious. So I gave chase, but in so doing wound up in the trap. If you were to help me retrieve my belongings, I would be glad to take what is mine and allow your party to take anything else they may have. As payment for all of your help. I assume adventurers such as yourselves may find this to be an equitable arrangement?
  • Haha
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ES COO Shitposting Dept. of GWF
Dude stares at the newcomer, eyes focused on the placement of her dagger. He finds the flute calming, but still not a reason to trust. Could this newcomer have true intentions? Does the newcomer not realize that all Dude wants.. is lettuce? The talk of goblins however, this catches Dude's attention. He drops his lute to the ground and takes a few steps toward the newcomer. He raises his giant tortley claws, still freshly stained with goblin blood from what is clearly a very recent encounter. Dude starts to hum loudly, this appears to be an ancestral melody that he has learned at some point throughout the years. an ancient Tortle ritual with a mysterious effect. Dude is a gentle soul typically, until annoyed. Dude utters a few words...

Which way did the goblins go, devil?

The ancestral melody hum is that of Tortle generations, used to summon a mysterious force. Tortle Dude has cast mage hand to remove the devil's dagger and drop it to the ground.

Tortle uses Intimidation to obtain a response.


Jawneh is possibly The Sorcerer
(( T'anks, you aren't fooled for a second by the Tortle's empty veiled threats of violence. And you don't believe for a second that they're trying to shop for produce on a random trail in the middle of nowhere. Something about that just didn't add up to you.

Dude, you know the Tiefling isn't being completely honest with you, but you do feel there is a lot of truth in what she says. Also you don't think she has any lettuce.))


Jawneh is possibly The Sorcerer
(( Where we stand: The Tiefling has offered an arrangement where you all team up to hunt the goblins (that you are already hunting). She may or may not have ulterior motives.

T'anks has basically surmised that this trio that stumbled upon her is hunting the goblins that set this trap, but does not know why they are searching for them. Possibly assuming that you're just one of those standard "adventuring parties" that traipses all over the Sword Coast seeking Fortune And Glory. They're all the rage these days. ))


ES COO Shitposting Dept. of GWF
Dude stares directly into the eyes of T'anks, she must see through that angry exterior and know he's just a Tortle looking for two things... love and lettuce. Trust is not so much immediate as it is earned, however, the Tortle seems inclined to go along with this devil... for now. He lowers his claws and takes a step back to give her some space.

...you can call me Tortle Dude.

T'anks Kiraine

Chief Liquid Officer, Shitposting Dept.
T'anks flips her hair back, laughing in a carefree manner.

Oh there's no need for all that, my dear Tortle. Dude, is it? If it's Goblin blood your heart desires, I'm all too eager to take you to them. She pauses for a moment, considering. ...Or at least the ones that I was pursuing. As I said, there was an ambush. Could be that there are more of them on the main trail, or further in.

I don't have any desire to try eradicating their entire settlement.

She looks at the Human and the Halfling.

And what shall I call you gentlemen?

Survival Check >> Picking up the trail.
  • Chef’s Kiss
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I don't have any desire to try eradicating their entire settlement
Neither do we, but we will exterminate any that try to stop us. You can call me Kutshort. Two of our party were riding on ahead of us, and we came across signs that they were ambushed by the goblins. We have not come across any bodies, so we are hopeful they are still alive. If that is the case, we WILL NOT leave them behind.

Kutshort tried to persuade T’anks that drastic action may be necessary

Kutshort tries to find the path (perception or survival?)


Jawneh is possibly The Sorcerer
(( nat20 on a persuasion is practically a Jedi mind trick ))

Kutshort makes it very clear to the Tiefling that they are planning on exterminating the goblins with extreme prejudice...then he quickly picks the trail back up, finding more evidence of clusters of tiny footprints.
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