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Campaign Lost Mines of Phandelver (Chapter 1)

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Jawneh is possibly The Sorcerer
That was incredible, Dragmire! I may not have magic, but let’s see what I can do

Kutshort and his crossbow at goblin 1, who doesn’t seem to be paying attention to him and fires
((For the record, you would not have been able to use Sneak Attack because you did not have Advantage on your attack. As a rogue, in the future you should look for ways to be hidden from your opponents to attempt Sneak Attacks. Because you were ambushed in this scenario, that wasn't a realistic option for you.))

Kutshort lets loose with a bolt at the Goblin north of him, who takes that exact moment to bend over and grab a big juicy grub from the dirt and toss it into his mouth for a nice mid-fight boost of protein. The bolt sails just over his head and when he notices this, he looks directly at the rogue and lets out a cackling laugh. You remember that little dude that hangs out with Jabba the Hutt? Salacious B. Crumb? That's the laugh.


The very same Goblin decides its time for revenge, and he scrambles up the embankment and sprints towards Kutshort, waving his scimitar above his head and cackling like a mad man...he slashes downward at Kutshort...who deftly leans back just enough to evade the jagged blade.

The Goblin that shared the same side of the road as ol' Salacious (affectionately referred to as #2) grabs one of the arrows that he stuck into the ground nearby and notches it...and fires it towards Tuberius. The ranger, momentarily distracted by the sight of a tiny laughing monster running around with a blade, is unable to evade the arrow, and takes 6 points of damage .

The final still-living goblin is inspired by the brave assault by his buddy Salacious and also scrambles up onto the road and sprints towards Tuberius, madly swinging his sword...but as he tries to emulate the battle-laugh of his compatriot, all he does is warn the Firbolg of impending danger. As Tuberius breaks off the end of the arrow stuck into his shoulder with one hand, he turns and uses his bow to deflect the swing of the scimitar with the other.


(( @TD ))


ES COO Shitposting Dept. of GWF
Tortle Dude smirks as he observes his long time friend Kutshort avoid the goblin's blade. Tortle Dude reaches his hand back to his shell, hovering over the hilt of his sword, then moving to his boomerang, but finally settles on his lute. He pats the back of his shell, begins to walk toward the goblins, and gently plucks at his lute. Tortle Dude's mouth opens as his deep voices sends vibrations through the forest.

Ugly little goblin completely terrified,
Gazing in fear at that Eldritch Blast,
Stupid little goblins couldn't hurt me if you tried,
C'mon guys, let's kick their ass.

Tortle Dude uses Bardic Inspiration on Dragmire.
Tortle Dude moves 30 feet (4 right then 2 up).
Tortle Dude casts Vicious Mockery on Goblin 4.


Jawneh is possibly The Sorcerer
The Goblin doesn't seem fazed by the tune...in a negative way, at least. He actually seems like he's kinda vibing to it? Almost imperceptively bobbing his head to the rhythm. He digs it. Its his jam.

However, as Dude strolls by Salacious while plucking away at his lute, the goblin takes a quick swipe at the Bard (Opportunity Attack) but the blow just harmlessly deflects off of the thick shell of Dude as he casually walks past, completely unbothered...

Opportunity Attacks
In combat, everyone is always looking for a chance to take a swipe at an enemy who is running away or passing by too closely. This is an opportunity attack. If a hostile creature tries to move out of melee range of you, you can use your reaction to make a melee attack against them. Keep in mind that enemies can do the same to you.

Tuberius' Turn
The Firbolg ranger drops his bow to the ground and reaches behind his back...and produces a hand axe. The goblin stops vibing immediately and his eyes practically bulge out of his skull in surprise as Tuberius swings a horizontal blow aimed directly at the goblin's scrawny neck (Melee Attack) ...and completely removes said skull from said neck!


(( @GwJumpman ))
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Senior Member
Dragmire casts ELDRITCH BLAST on Salacious (Goblin #1)!

Then, Dragmire moves ten feet south, visibly placing himself in what he considers the most optimal position for safety.


Jawneh is possibly The Sorcerer
The blast strikes with a powerful impact, causing Salacious to stagger backward a half-step, a mixture of surprise and pain etched across his visage. The eldritch energy courses through the creature's body, leaving behind visible scorch marks and evidence of the destructive force.

The injured goblin, however, doesn't succumb to the blast immediately. Instead, he lets out a guttural laugh, fueled by both pain and a stubborn determination to survive. The creature clutches at the charred wound inflicted by the eldritch blast, his movements momentarily slowed but not halted.


(( @shortkut ))


ES COO Shitposting Dept. of GWF
{{How does Bardic Inspiration work? Did it get interrupted by that opportunity attack? Was it applied to Dragmire? Does he have to choose to use it? Does it last after combat if not used?}}


Jawneh is possibly The Sorcerer
{{How does Bardic Inspiration work? Did it get interrupted by that opportunity attack? Was it applied to Dragmire? Does he have to choose to use it? Does it last after combat if not used?}}
((Dragmire has inspiration, and I marked it on his character sheet. I should have called it out in my post but forgot to. I'll try to do better at that in the future. He does have to choose to use it. It lasts 10 minutes so theoretically should last for a little bit after combat ends, assuming victory.))
  • Cheers!
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Jawneh is possibly The Sorcerer
With a swift and precise motion, the Kutshort's blade finds its mark, slicing through the air and delivering a near-mortal wound to the goblin's neck. Dark crimson spills from the wound, staining his crude, scavenged armor. The goblin staggers, his movements becoming erratic as the lifeblood flows from the near-mortal wound.

He laughs no more.

Goblin's Turn
Salacious, realizing that these might be his last moments on this mortal plane, has decided he wants to bring some company with him to the other side. He swings wildly with his sword, his own arterial blood spraying through the air in an arc commensurate with the attempted death blow (Melee Attack) .

The filthy blade strikes true, gashing deeply into Kutshort's upper arm. (5 points of slashing damage)

#2 has seen two compatriots fall with a single blow each, and now he sees his hero, the Great and Powerful Salacious, about to succumb to these horrible beasts that they so innocently tried to murder. #2 decides to try and live to see another day and bravely tries to run away, up a small path that branches off the main road...


(( @TD ))
  • Chef’s Kiss
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With a swift and precise motion, the Kutshort's blade finds its mark, slicing through the air and delivering a near-mortal wound to the goblin's neck. Dark crimson spills from the wound, staining his crude, scavenged armor. The goblin staggers, his movements becoming erratic as the lifeblood flows from the near-mortal wound.

He laughs no more.

Goblin's Turn
Salacious, realizing that these might be his last moments on this mortal plane, has decided he wants to bring some company with him to the other side. He swings wildly with his sword, his own arterial blood spraying through the air in an arc commensurate with the attempted death blow (Melee Attack) .

The filthy blade strikes true, gashing deeply into Kutshort's upper arm. (5 points of slashing damage)

#2 has seen two compatriots fall with a single blow each, and now he sees his hero, the Great and Powerful Salacious, about to succumb to these horrible beasts that they so innocently tried to murder. #2 decides to try and live to see another day and bravely tries to run away, up a small path that branches off the main road...

View attachment 7510

(( @TD ))
((Does my crossbow reach him for an opportunity attack or only if I’m already wielding it?))


ES COO Shitposting Dept. of GWF
Dude's eyes watch the goblin retreat, thinking to himself for a moment if he should pursue the terrified goblin. Dude snorts and turns his attention to the leader who just took a bit out of Kutshort. He places his lute away, he could go for the sword, but anger takes over at the sight of Kutshort's blood. Dude quickly paces toward the goblin leader with his claws out.

Dude moves 10 feet to get next to Salacious to attack with his claws.


Jawneh is possibly The Sorcerer
((Because you are new to D&D and are attempting an unarmed attack against an enemy with very low life, and because this first encounter is basically a tutorial, I'll let you know that you have the option to knock a enemy unconscious with an unarmed strike (or any other bludgeoning damage that would drop them to 0) instead of delivering a killing blow. This can be useful if you want to attempt to interrogate an enemy for information...although I cannot tell you whether or not that would be a proper decision in this specific case with a half-feral wounded goblin.

If you DID want to attempt that, you would have to attempt the attack without your claws, however.))
  • Hmm
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Jawneh is possibly The Sorcerer
Dude's claws cut through the air with precision, slashing at the exposed throat of Salacious. The strike is swift and lethal, leaving the goblin gasping for breath as more dark crimson spills from the now-mortal wound.

The lifeless form of Salacious crumples to the ground, a testament to the deadly efficiency of a Tortle's natural weaponry.

Tuberius' Turn
The ranger briefly kneels to collect his bow, then walks forward with purpose, while simultaneously pulling and notching another arrow. He takes aim at the fleeing goblin, then raises his aim just so...trying to lead the shot into the path of #2, and then he releases (Ranged Attack) ...but as the arrow flies towards the departing monster, a sudden gust of wind takes the arrow off-course, stabbing harmlessly into the dirt several feet away from #2.


(( @GwJumpman ))
  • Chef’s Kiss
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Jawneh is possibly The Sorcerer
The ethereal energy of the Eldritch Blast coalesces into a crackling beam that streaks through the air, unerringly following the panicked goblin trying to escape. The witchbolt catches up to #2, striking with merciless force. The magical energy engulfs the fleeing creature, and for a brief moment, the roadside is illuminated by an eerie, otherworldly light. The goblin lets out a shrill cry, his attempts to escape abruptly halted as the dark force tears through his form.

The goblin crumples to the ground, life extinguished by the relentless power of the diminutive Warlock. The victorious adventurers stand amidst the aftermath of the ambush, the air thick with the residual energy of the second lethal Eldritch Blast of this fateful day.

The road, once a scene of chaos, now bears a silent testament to the deadly consequences that befall those who attempt to escape the clutches of a vengeful warlock.

Combat encounter completed
  • Chef’s Kiss
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ES COO Shitposting Dept. of GWF
Tortle Dude looks at Tuberius, then Kutshort, and finally Dragmire. He surveys the massacre of goblin corpses and looks at his bloody claws. Dude slowly lifts his claws and begins to lick them clean.

I could use some lettuce.
Looks like I’m a bit rusty. Hopefully there aren’t any more ambushes.

Those goblins were camped out, let’s see what else procured from other travelers

Kutshort starts searching each of the goblins’ corpses and their respective hiding spots


Jawneh is possibly The Sorcerer
((The reason it doesn't work like that is because your character doesn't know they did a bad job investigating. For all they know there was nothing to find, not that they just missed something. If there was even anything to find.))
  • Seen
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ES COO Shitposting Dept. of GWF
Tortle Dude lets out a burp as he has finished cleaning the blood of Salacious from his claw.

Nasty goblin, not tasty at all. So folks, what do you think they were looking for? Any chance one of them has that map?


Jawneh is possibly The Sorcerer
You don't find anything of value on the body of Salacious. A scrap of paper with some weird designs scrawled on it, but it doesn't seem important and the designs don't mean anything to you anyway.

On the corpse of #2 you find, tucked into a fold of his armor and very carefully folded, another scrap of paper. When you unfold it you see a crudely drawn picture of two goblins. One of the goblins is much smaller than the other, and it looks like they're holding hands. The larger goblin has a large chunk missing from his ear from a previous wound, remarkably like the ear on the deceased #2. The letters "MIS U" are scrawled in unsteady hand beneath the picture.

There's nothing of value on 3 or 4.

As for their hiding spots, give me a Survival check.
angry magic the gathering GIF


Jawneh is possibly The Sorcerer
{{Am I allowed to do a survival check or is it done now that Kutshort tried?}}
((Generally I'm okay with a second party member attempting a check in low-stakes circumstances like this if you can provide some reasoning as to why someone else would attempt a task that has seemingly been completed.

Kutshort feeling off his game can justify it in this early tutorial chapter, but I might be more restrictive in future scenarios.

This is also a situation where Bardic Inspiration could be a valuable tool, that extra d6 can do wonders sometimes.))
  • Hmm
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ES COO Shitposting Dept. of GWF
Tortle Dude stares blankly at Kutshort who has his head buried in his arms.

Kutshort, you seem distraught. Perhaps you need some lettuce to ease your nerves..

Warlock, you have prowess in battle. It was impressive. Any idea where these goblins came from or where they were hiding?

{{Want to do a Survival check and use your extra d6 @GwJumpman ?}}


Jawneh is possibly The Sorcerer
Step aside everyone, as I, the Great Dragmire, discern with stunning clarity the location of these fiends' hideout. Footprints, reveal your true form!
Beginning with the initial hiding spot of #2 along the road's embankment, you follow the path to where you struck him down. You notice footprints, small and distinct, leading away from the main road...and that there's way more footprints than would belong to just the four goblins who led the ill-fated ambush of your party. Maybe a dozen or so goblins have recently used this path.

As you stand there contemplating the situation while humming Tortle Dude's little ditty about Eldritch Blasting goblins, you also notice signs of two roughly human-sized bodies having been dragged along this off-shoot trail.
  • Seen
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ES COO Shitposting Dept. of GWF
Tortle Dude wanders out of the bushes with a mouth full of shrubbery, seemingly trying to chew it but he spits it out and walks until he is beside Dragmire.

That's not lettuce..

Should we go this way instead?

If this is Gundren and Sildar, we can't get paid.

...and I can't buy lettuce.


ES COO Shitposting Dept. of GWF
{{It's not actually bodies, just signs they've been dragged off but between Sildar's horse and Gundren's map case, I'm guessing it is.}}


ES COO Shitposting Dept. of GWF
If we wish to follow, perhaps we need a way to gain some ground?
Tortle Dude slowly starts approaching the two horses with his arm extended.

You didn't run. Do you want to help us?
Tortle Dude tries to calm the horses after the fight in hopes that they may assist in finding their riders.
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