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Campaign Lost Mines of Phandelver (Chapter 1)

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You've been on the Triboar Trail for about half a day and are nearing a side road leading south to Phandalin. As you come around a bend, you stumble upon the scene of a recent battle. The woods press close to the trail here, with a steep embankment and dense thickets to either side. Two horses wander the road, sniffing at ransacked personal effects.
{{what checks would we need to roll to collect the horses and look for loot/clues about what happened}}
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ES COO Shitposting Dept. of GWF
Tortle Dude looks around, then his gaze goes upon the two horses.

This seems.. recent. What happened here? I wonder if those horses have riders, or perhaps one of you has a way with such creatures...

{{As a group, we should look into what happened with the battle, evidence about who was involved and caused it. We should also grab the horses and any weapons/money/valuables left behind}}
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Tuberius, please do me a favor and stop the cart; I would like to get a closer look, and someone should get those horses
Kutshort hops off the cart

Dragmire, you’re right, they might still be nearby. Do you and Tortle Dude mind keeping an eye out for an ambush?

Kutshort approaches the scene carefully, trying to see what he can learn
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Jawneh is possibly The Sorcerer
Tuberius, please do me a favor and stop the cart; I would like to get a closer look, and someone should get those horses
Kutshort hops off the cart

Dragmire, you’re right, they might still be nearby. Do you and Tortle Dude mind keeping an eye out for an ambush?

Kutshort approaches the scene carefully, trying to see what he can learn
The site is littered with arrows, torn scraps of fabric, and other assorted odds and ends as someone was clearly searching for something (valuables?) amongst the belongings of the victims. You spy an empty leather map case laying amongst the debris.
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ES COO Shitposting Dept. of GWF
Tortle Dude looks at the empty leather map case that Kutshort has identified upon his investigation.

So whoever did this.. it was not by coincidence. They were looking for something, or someone? I wonder what was in that case.


ES COO Shitposting Dept. of GWF
Tuberius, you have that delicious looking..

Tortle Dude pauses awkwardly.

You have that little companion of yours. Do you think you could take a look at those horses for us?

{{You have the best Animal Handling @Tubby23 , maybe these horses could be useful for us}}


Jawneh is possibly The Sorcerer
{{Can I roll to gather anything on the ground left from the battle? Things like arrows, materials, or other items}}
{{No need to roll on this}}

Of the arrows that are strewn and peppered around the area, you're able to salvage 8 of them that are still useable. Anything else is either of no value or has been rendered as such as the attackers tore through the belongings.


Senior Member
Dragmire collects his 8 arrows and puts them in his pack.

Now how about we see if we can tell if anybody left the scene.

{{I would like to investigate the surroundings of the path looking for footsteps or other physical signs of someone passing through}}


ES COO Shitposting Dept. of GWF
{{Should I try to tame the horses or should we wait for Tubby for the extra +2?}}


Jawneh is possibly The Sorcerer
Kutshort turns the map case over in his hands and as the flap falls back into place, he sees the initials "GR" emblazoned on the leather case.

Tuberius cautiously approaches the horses so as not to spook them. As he slowly reaches for the dragging reins of one of the horses, he pauses...

"I'm pretty sure this is Sildar's--"

But his thought is cut off... the horses, now caught in the grip of fear, rear up and bolt in sheer terror.

With this serving as a sudden and belated warning, a volley of arrows streaks through the air, aimed unerringly at the unsuspecting adventurers. The twang of bowstrings is quickly followed by a rain of projectiles descending from either side of the road.

As you each glance in different directions, you see them: hooked noses. Beady red and yellow eyes. Large pointed ears jutting out from the sides of their skulls. Tortle Dude locks eyes with one of the attackers...and sees a wide, toothy grin that reveals jagged, yellowed teeth

The goblins' strategy is clear – strike swiftly, inflict damage, and disappear into the cover of the surrounding wilderness before the adventurers can mount an effective counterattack.

Roll for Initiative!
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{{is this just a regular role?

Questions: my character has 2 weapon fighting and sneak attack. Can I wield short sword and one handed crossbow, and then on an attack turn, use sneak attack with the crossbow?}}


Jawneh is possibly The Sorcerer
{{is this just a regular role?

Questions: my character has 2 weapon fighting and sneak attack. Can I wield short sword and one handed crossbow, and then on an attack turn, use sneak attack with the crossbow?}}
{{As I understand it, 2 weapon fighting only works with melee and  thrown weapons and you would only be able to use crossbows with it with the Crossbow Expert feat.

However you should be able to use sneak attack with the hand crossbow for your action then use a bonus action to switch from crossbow to short sword}}


Jawneh is possibly The Sorcerer

Turn Order
Tortle Dude


Tuberius' Turn

After an arrow whizzes right by his head, Tuberius wastes no time nor action, swiftly grabbing his bow in one hand while picking and notching an arrow with the other in one fluid motion. He turns to face the direction of the missile, crouching and pulling the string taught as he turns. The moment his eye focuses on one of the ambushers he lets loose a return volley at Goblin 4 (Ranged Attack) ...


Jawneh is possibly The Sorcerer
The blast strikes the goblin with a thunderous impact, engulfing it in an eerie, dark light. The eldritch force courses through the creature, tearing at its form with ethereal power. In an instant, the goblin is consumed by the eldritch energy, its body convulsing as if caught in the grip of unseen entities. The once-menacing figure crumples to the ground, lifeless.


{{ @shortkut }}


Jawneh is possibly The Sorcerer
(( @VashTheStampede woth the crossbow, can I target any of the goblins?))
((On your character sheet it shows that the effective range of your hand crossbow is 30 ft. Each square on the grid represents 5 feet. At your current position you can target all three goblins, with 2 and 4 both being right at the edge of your effective range. If they were just slightly farther away you could still target them, but at disadvantage.))
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