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Campaign Lost Mines of Phandelver (Chapter 1)

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Senior Member
Assuming we can figure out where these rapscallions went, and assuming where they went was somewhere NOT along the road, what shall we do with the wagon? Would we leave it or bring it with us? Obviously it would be bad if we took the wagon and lost the contents. But also it would obviously be bad if our employer got taken out in all this and we hauled the wagon to town for nothing.
  • Hmm
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I’m thinking we should take a short rest and then bring the wagon as far long the goblin’s path as possible. If they’re hurt, we may need to place them in the wagon. We can assess what to do with the wagon when we run out of road
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Senior Member
I'm in favor of that plan. We can take a break then head off in the direction of what we found and if we have to leave the wagon behind, we make that decision when it happens
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Jawneh is possibly The Sorcerer
Tortle Dude is able to calm and collect the horses with no issue.

As you all take a brief respite, Tuberius offers to take the wagon the rest of the way to Phandalin himself. Its not far now, and what are the odds of a second ambush? This would leave the rest of you free to take the goblin path, bringing the horses with you in case you Gundren and/or Sildar are unable to travel by foot...for one reason or another.


Senior Member
A bold offer by Tuberius. Surely though the danger has gone in this direction (points towards where the tracks lead), so I suppose it could be helpful to just let Tuberius take the wagon to our goal while we investigate this.
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ES COO Shitposting Dept. of GWF
Take care of yourself Tuberius and make sure you get that wound looked after, we'll check out what happened.


Jawneh is possibly The Sorcerer
You exchange goodbyes with your travelling companion, hoping to see him sooner than later ( :cry ), then prepare to head down the goblin trail.

((You need to decide your travelling order. This makes it easier to determine which characters are affected by traps, which ones can spot hidden enemies, and which ones are the closest to those enemies when a fight breaks out.

Typically you choose who is in front, who is behind, and the rest of the party is in the middle. With three party members, that's a bit more obvious.))
  • Sad
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ES COO Shitposting Dept. of GWF
Tortle Dude watches Tuberius carry on with their original arrangement, wondering to himself when he'll get to see him again.

So, down this way then eh?

I can lead the way, my shell will keep me safe if it comes to it - but you'll both owe me some lettuce.

{{I have the highest AC and passive perception. I also have some decent skill modifiers and Detect Magic + Mage Hand. Does me going in front make sense?}}
Tortle Dude watches Tuberius carry on with their original arrangement, wondering to himself when he'll get to see him again.

So, down this way then eh?

I can lead the way, my shell will keep me safe if it comes to it - but you'll both owe me some lettuce.

{{I have the highest AC and passive perception. I also have some decent skill modifiers and Detect Magic + Mage Hand. Does me going in front make sense?}}
((I was just typing a similar thing. I approve))
  • Spidey Point!
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ES COO Shitposting Dept. of GWF
Tortle Dude walks in the direction of the path, but neither of his companions have opted to follow him, yet. Dude huffs, pulls out his lute, begins to pluck away as he serenades his fellow adventurers.

Gonna kill some goblins,
Gonna kill 'em good,
We ain't braggin',
We're gonna coat their hood.
Tortle Dude walks in the direction of the path, but neither of his companions have opted to follow him, yet. Dude huffs, pulls out his lute, begins to pluck away as he serenades his fellow adventurers.

Gonna kill some goblins,
Gonna kill 'em good,
We ain't braggin',
We're gonna coat their hood.
hearing Tortle Dude sing reminds Kutshort of this tune and he can’t help but join in

Gonna kill some goblins,
Gonna do it fine,
Gonna use crossbow bolts
'Cause they’re made of pine

Ponderosa Pine, ooo-ooo...


Jawneh is possibly The Sorcerer
Tortle Dude fails a passive perception check

As the party progresses along the path, it gradually narrows as they get farther from the main road. Tortle Dude, perhaps distracted by the surrounding foliage or just caught up in the music, unknowingly approaches a concealed pit trap. The forest floor, seemingly solid, hides the perilous opening beneath a layer of leaves and moss.

Just as the Dude is on the verge of stepping into the trap, the ground beneath him gives way. A sudden cracking sound alerts the party to the imminent danger. The bard stumbles, desperately trying to regain his balance, but the ground beneath him collapses, and the Tortle begins to fall.

@TD needs to make a Dexterity saving throw
  • This Is Fine
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ES COO Shitposting Dept. of GWF
This Is Fine GIF by 100% Soft


Jawneh is possibly The Sorcerer
Tortle Dude fails a Dexterity saving throw

A soft thud echoes as the bard tumbles into the concealed pit trap, disappearing from sight. The rest of the party halts in shock, their expressions turning from jovial to concerned.

The pit, while concealing the bard's fall, fortunately lacks any spikes or immediate threats. But he did take quite a tumble. And now he's stuck down in a pit.

Tortle Dude takes 5 bludgeoning damage
  • I Always Feel Like...
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ES COO Shitposting Dept. of GWF
Tortle Dude, temporarily stunned from the fall, looks up at where the opening to the pit was.

Without my lettuce, I just don't notice things the way I used to.

{{Can either Acrobatics or Athletics be used to try to climb out?}}
Kutshort takes the hempen rope out of his bag, ties one end around a tree, and tosses the other side to Tortle Dude

glad to see I’m not the only one who needs to shake the rust off. Let’s get you out of there
  • Hugs
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ES COO Shitposting Dept. of GWF
Tortle Dude gives the rope a firm tug. He seems unsure.

{{Just waiting for Vash to confirm some options here}}


ES COO Shitposting Dept. of GWF
Tortle Dude firmly grabs the rope and tries to climb out, hoping it can hold 420 pounds of Tortle.


Jawneh is possibly The Sorcerer
The Tortle, a species known for their hefty frames, carefully tests the strength of the rope before attempting the climb. With a moment of hesitation, the Dude begins to ascend the pit's walls, relying on his surprisingly powerful limbs to pull himself upward. The rope creaks under the strain, but it holds.

The party watches with bated breath as the Bard's massive form makes its way up, the rope groaning with each movement. There's a collective sigh of relief as the Tortle reaches the edge of the pit, emerging unscathed.

With the Bard safely back on solid ground, the party continues along the path, their bond strengthened by the shared experience of overcoming an unexpected obstacle. The rope, now bearing the weighty tale of the Tortle's treacherous climb, remains a valuable tool as the adventurers press forward into the unknown.
The Tortle, a species known for their hefty frames, carefully tests the strength of the rope before attempting the climb. With a moment of hesitation, the Dude begins to ascend the pit's walls, relying on his surprisingly powerful limbs to pull himself upward. The rope creaks under the strain, but it holds.

The party watches with bated breath as the Bard's massive form makes its way up, the rope groaning with each movement. There's a collective sigh of relief as the Tortle reaches the edge of the pit, emerging unscathed.

With the Bard safely back on solid ground, the party continues along the path, their bond strengthened by the shared experience of overcoming an unexpected obstacle. The rope, now bearing the weighty tale of the Tortle's treacherous climb, remains a valuable tool as the adventurers press forward into the unknown.
((Do I need to put an action of untying the rope from the tree and putting it away or is it assumed?))


Senior Member
Dragmire catches up to Tortle Dude and Kutshort after lagging behind quite a bit.

What are you dolts doing dawdling around? Tortle Dude, you look like you woke up on the wrong side of the shell this morning. We are still going the correct way, right?
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Dragmire catches up to Tortle Dude and Kutshort after lagging behind quite a bit.

What are you dolts doing dawdling around? Tortle Dude, you look like you woke up on the wrong side of the shell this morning. We are still going the correct way, right?
(( @VashTheStampede do we need to roll to make sure we are still on the path ?))

We were waiting for you, Dragmire. If your little legs are getting tired, feel free to ride one of the horses
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ES COO Shitposting Dept. of GWF
I'm sure we're going the right way, but without lettuce, I can never be too sure.


ES COO Shitposting Dept. of GWF
Tortle Dude pulls out his lute to sing another small melody, trying to bring the spirits of the party up but also to enter his primary focus zone.

Don't you step on that crack,
It might oh might be a pit,
Don't you break your mother's back,
May as well step in some shit.

Due to heightened awareness after falling into one pit, Dude is keeping a closer eye out for traps and ambushes.


ES COO Shitposting Dept. of GWF
As Tortle Dude walks, his knees start to ache from the fall into the pit earlier.

Just... give me some time.

Tortle Dude stops leading the party and takes a short rest to recover from the trap.



ES COO Shitposting Dept. of GWF
Tortle Dude stands up and stretches.

My knees feel much better now. Thanks for keeping an eye on things, warlock.
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