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Campaign Lost Mines of Phandelver (Chapter 1)

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ES COO Shitposting Dept. of GWF
Dude stopped paying attention, distracted by the goblin blood on his claws he is trying to scrape off.

Anyone got anything that can help with this? I need to look good at all times, just in case.


Jawneh is possibly The Sorcerer
(( If and when you all want to proceed along the trail, lemme know what the marching order is. You can go 2 wide in any position of front, rear, and middle of the pack. ))
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ES COO Shitposting Dept. of GWF
As Tortle Dude trusts Kutshort, he uses his long and rough tongue to vigorously clean away the remainder of the goblin blood to be prepared to impress, if needed.

Lead the way Kutshort, I'll be right behind you, just in case.
Dungeons And Dragons Pathfinder GIF by Seeso


Jawneh is possibly The Sorcerer
(( I am going to presume the party wouldn't agree to have the newest member watching the rear until they become a bit more trusting of her, so we will say Dragmire takes up position in the back for the sake of expediency. Don't expect too much more expediency out of me. Not quite my tempo. ))

The party, now one stronger, continues down the goblin trail, paying EXTRA SPECIAL ATTENTION to the ground, looking for the next thing to grind things to a halt.

That thing never comes.

The goblin trail ends at a cave in a hillside, about five miles from the scene of the original ambush. A shallow stream flows from the cave mouth, which is screened by dense briar thickets. A narrow, dry path leads into the cave on the right side of the stream.

This just might be where the goblins are camped.


ES COO Shitposting Dept. of GWF
((T'anks can watch Dude's rear anytime she pleases, Dude is bootylicious))

Dude watches as Kutshort walks toward the cave, sneaking. This is Kutshort's specialty afterall. Dude wonders how he can contribute, but then his eyes focus back on those darn bloodstained claws. What if Dude's potential lover is in this cave? Dude can't go looking like this, that would just be unattractive. Dude must look suitable for any potential suitors, because who knows when he may encounter them. Dude looks around as Kutshort is sneaking and notices the stream. His eyes light up.


Dude, seemingly entranced by the water drops his lute, his sword, and his boomerang at the side of the trail and haphazardly waddles his way down to the stream. Dude belly flops into the stream, he feels right at home as he begins to roll around in the water. He starts using the stream water to scrub away at his bloodstained claws. To his delight, it's working. Hopefully the clumsy belly flop doesn't have any unintended consequences, but Dude is sure it's fine, right?

T'anks Kiraine

Chief Liquid Officer, Shitposting Dept.
I'm so screwed... T'anks mutters as she watches Dude and Kutshort take off in different directions. She peers behind her, softly motioning at Dragmire to gain his attention. Are they always like this? So... preoccupied?

A slight smile begins to appear on her weary face. It's been a long day, to say the least. If they're going to make a go of this, they need to be prepared.

Don't get the wrong idea here, alright? We're here for similar enough reasons. I'm not going anywhere, and I mean none of you harm. But somebody - she begins to shift her gaze across the nearby surroundings - needs to get a lay of the land outside. Unless you want to suddenly find yourself in the van for a change of pace?

T'anks chuckles. If they enter the cave and then another marauding Goblin pack returns, they'll be trapped. The mouth of the cave is sure to be a high traffic area, but the path leading into it, the ground near the stream and near the tree line may yield clues. Anything to help make a guesstimate of the number of inhabitants the cave may be supporting.

Perception Check >> Looking for signs of hostile elements outside the cave.

Investigation Check >> Looking for signs of alternate entrance/exit points.

Survival Check >> Attempting to gauge the number of creatures making use of the cave.


Jawneh is possibly The Sorcerer
Kutshort stealthy approaches the mouth of the cave and peers inside using his darkvision to see if there are any immediate threats
Kutshort approaches the mouth of a cave with a practiced stealth that speaks of his skills and experience. His eyes, accustomed to the darkness, scan the cave entrance for any signs of danger. As he moves closer, every step is calculated and silent, a testament to his training and natural agility. The Rogue is acutely aware of his surroundings, his senses honed for any hint of movement or sound that might indicate a threat. The cool air emanating from the cave carries with it the musty scent of damp stone and earth, but no sound of movement or whisper of danger.

Dude watches as Kutshort walks toward the cave, sneaking. This is Kutshort's specialty afterall. Dude wonders how he can contribute, but then his eyes focus back on those darn bloodstained claws. What if Dude's potential lover is in this cave? Dude can't go looking like this, that would just be unattractive. Dude must look suitable for any potential suitors, because who knows when he may encounter them. Dude looks around as Kutshort is sneaking and notices the stream. His eyes light up.


I'm so screwed... T'anks mutters as she watches Dude and Kutshort take off in different directions. She peers behind her, softly motioning at Dragmire to gain his attention. Are they always like this? So... preoccupied?

A slight smile begins to appear on her weary face. It's been a long day, to say the least. If they're going to make a go of this, they need to be prepared.

Don't get the wrong idea here, alright? We're here for similar enough reasons. I'm not going anywhere, and I mean none of you harm. But somebody - she begins to shift her gaze across the nearby surroundings - needs to get a lay of the land outside. Unless you want to suddenly find yourself in the van for a change of pace?

T'anks chuckles. If they enter the cave and then another marauding Goblin pack returns, they'll be trapped. The mouth of the cave is sure to be a high traffic area, but the path leading into it, the ground near the stream and near the tree line may yield clues. Anything to help make a guesstimate of the number of inhabitants the cave may be supporting.

On the east side of the stream that flows from the cave mouth, a small area in the briar thickets has been hollowed out to form a lookout post. Wooden planks flatten the briars and provide room for guards to lie hidden and watch the area -- including several goblins lurking there right now!

T'anks slowly turns away to go and warn her newfound party before they spot her...

Dude, seemingly entranced by the water drops his lute, his sword, and his boomerang at the side of the trail and haphazardly waddles his way down to the stream. Dude belly flops into the stream, he feels right at home as he begins to roll around in the water. He starts using the stream water to scrub away at his bloodstained claws. To his delight, it's working. Hopefully the clumsy belly flop doesn't have any unintended consequences, but Dude is sure it's fine, right?

But the loud splashing of the heavy Tortle's belly flop into the 2-foot-deep stream brings the goblin lookout squad to immediate attention! They grab their bows and bare their file-sharpened teeth!

Roll for Initiative!


Jawneh is possibly The Sorcerer

Goblin Boss

The "bushes" are briar thickets. They count as difficult terrain for movement, and provide three-quarters cover to creatures being attacked through them.
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ES COO Shitposting Dept. of GWF
((Question, because I foolishly dropped all my shit to go take a bath, do I have to go run somewhere to pick it up?))


Jawneh is possibly The Sorcerer
((Question, because I foolishly dropped all my shit to go take a bath, do I have to go run somewhere to pick it up?))
((You said you dropped it on the trail and jumped in the stream. The trail kind of merged into the stream so we'll say you dropped it at the edge of the water, so it could technically be within your reach. You'll use your first round bonus action to pick it up and arm yourself.))
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Senior Member
Dragmire moves northwest putting himself close to Kutshort (one square southwest from Kutshort).

Dragmire holds an Eldritch Blast action in case a goblin leaves the cave and enters my eyesight
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Kutshort motions the locations of the enemies to the approaching Dragmire

Luckily it seems the goblins are all looking in the direction of Tortle Dude

Kutshort takes aim at the goblin closest to him and launches a sneak attack with his crossbow

((to hit is supposed to be +5))
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Jawneh is possibly The Sorcerer
As Kutshort had been careful to remain stealthy as he approached the cave mouth (and because his teammate so wisely caused a massive distraction with his aquatic activities) the goblins are completely unaware of his presence. Seizing the opportunity for a surprise attack, the rogue carefully readies his hand crossbow. He takes a moment to aim, his training allowing him to find the perfect shot. With a swift, practiced motion, he releases the bolt.

The crossbow bolt flies silently through the air, striking the goblin squarely in the side of the neck. Caught completely off-guard, the goblin emits a choked gasp before collapsing to the ground, the bolt having found a vital spot.

The remaining goblins are now definitely alerted to the presence of the Rogue, but perhaps it is already too late.

(( @Raine is next ))

T'anks Kiraine

Chief Liquid Officer, Shitposting Dept.
{{T'anks is canonically tone deaf. Also I have like zero experience with writing poetry/music. Please enjoy this train wreck~}}

Disregarding what they would have done to or with her if she told them... it may have been wise to inform her newfound companions that she's never been engaged in battle before. Subterfuge and ignoble submission have been the story of her life. But, perhaps that can change. "At least it'll be relatively painless if it doesn't," she muses.

Action >> [Infernal Legacy] Thaumaturgy
Target Grid F-8, create Ominous Whispers: Shloop... shloop... splat! Shloop... shloop... splat!

Bonus Action >> Bardic Inspiration on Kutshort Yes
Hail guest new and old, Death makes request of thee!
Her table beset, her passage thus blocked.
Treasures ahead to behold, they had best not be free.
Your bow a threat, your arrows thus nocked.

So tear them asunder, bones be the plunder.
Skulls of three dear mugger, their blood is what I hunger.


Jawneh is possibly The Sorcerer
{{Also helps if I do the dice roll...}}
((You actually don't do the die roll for bardic inspiration. The person inspired will choose to roll the d6 when they decide they need it, within the next 10 in-game minutes. I have added inspiration to Kutshort's sheet.))

The ominous whispers coming almost instantly after one of the goblins has mysteriously died from an unknown source sends the remaining goblins into a panic. The goblin boss is able to calm himself, and shouts at his remaining drone to calm the hell down, but he ain't havin' it!

Other Goblin is Frightened of T'anks

Goblin Boss' Turn

Larger and more menacing than the average goblin, the goblin boss is driven by malice and revenge against these beings who have clearly done SOMETHING to kill one of his soldiers. He grabs one of the javelins that he has stabbed into the ground for just such an occasion, and steps forward into the space vacated by his recently deceased minion. He looks for the first enemy he can find and flings the javelin with all his might...

...the javelin pierces through the air with deadly precision, striking T'anks in the shoulder. She lets out a sharp cry of pain as the impact knocks her back. The force of the throw and the sharp tip of the javelin combine to inflict a significant wound.

T'anks takes 5 piercing damage

Goblin Turn

Somewhat heartened by seeing his boss deal a blow to the interlopers, Other Goblin looks to follow with his own successful volley. But there's something about the tiefling that just freaks him the hell out. He looks for someone else, anyone else, to target and avoid her wrath and attention. He settles on the little halfling man. He takes aim with his shortbow and lets loose an arrow.

The Warlock, preoccupied with ensuring no other goblins spill forth from the cave mouth, is caught by surprise as the arrow finds its mark. The arrow strikes Dragmire in the side, causing a sharp burst of pain. The Warlock staggers, clutching the wound, as a trickle of blood stains their robes.

Dragmire takes 5 piercing damage

(( @TD is next ))


Jawneh is possibly The Sorcerer
(( @VashTheStampede since the goblin boss moved to where the first goblin was, I should have a clean shot, right? Can I use sneak attack on him since the GB is focused on T’anks? ))
((On your turn, use a bonus action to Hide, along with a Stealth check. When you attacked the first goblin, that makes you drop stealth. You have to have advantage for a Sneak Attack, so a successful stealth check should give you the element of surprise.))


ES COO Shitposting Dept. of GWF
Tortle Dude slowly rises to his feet, watching what is happening. If you were to gaze into his eyes - you would almost see the events unfolding in slow motion. Goblin blood already spilling all over from one dead goblin, the newcomer, and the beloved Dragmire taking some hits from the goblins.

Goblin blood...

Tortle Dude cannot help but think of his grandtorty at this exact moment. He turns and picks up the sword that he carries with him. This was gifted to him by his grandtorty right before he died, for it was his sword that he had used when it was needed. The sword gives off an eerie yet entrancing glow as if there is more to this sword than meets the eye. His grandtorty would teach him how to use this sword in the most effective way possible and he taught Dude nearly every single day for years before he passed. Dude will always have fond memories of his grandtorty and those days, however - he now sees his opportunity to channel what his grandtorty taught him. To finally.. use the sword.

Tortle Dude trudges 15 feet through the thickets to the East. He attempts to ambush the goblins from the other side and he attempts to take Other Goblin by surprise. He grips his sword tightly, switching to the two-handed stance his grandtorty taught him. He hoists the sword into the air and takes a big swing at Other Goblin, goblin blood be damned...
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Jawneh is possibly The Sorcerer
With a powerful heave, the Tortle swings the greatsword in a wide arc, aiming to strike the goblin with a single, decisive blow. The sword whistles through the air, its blade gleaming in the sunlight.

However, the goblin, more alert than anticipated, senses the incoming danger at the last moment. With a surprising burst of speed befitting its small stature, the goblin ducks and rolls away, narrowly evading the Dude's attack. The greatsword crashes down, striking the ground with furious abandon, leaving a large fissure where it gouges into the turf.

(( @GwJumpman ))


Senior Member
GAH! *cough cough* *HACK* I don't know if I'm gonna make it! I've never actually been hit before, this really hurts! We need to eradicate these blasted goblins right now. What I could really use though is just a little bit of energy to stop all this pain.

Dragmire eyes the barely visible goblin Tortle Dude just whiffed on. He is hungry for the energy (temporary hit points) he would get from ending its miserable existence. But he recognizes the inconvenient location it is in. If he wanted a bite of that goblin, he'd have to hit it through a lot of cover. Dragmire sates his hunger for now.

Dragmire moves 5 feet north then Eldritch Blasts the Goblin Boss.


Jawneh is possibly The Sorcerer
Determined to turn the tide of battle, Dragmire channels his arcane energy, the familiar dark, crackling power coalescing in his hands. The beam of dark, crackling energy streaks across the battlefield, aimed directly at the goblin boss.

The Boss, engaged in combat and unable to fully anticipate the incoming magical assault, is struck squarely by the Blast. The raw energy of the spell courses through the boss, searing and tearing at its flesh.

The impact of the Eldritch Blast deals a significant blow to the goblin, weakening its stance and disrupting its command over his remaining loyal soldier.

(( @shortkut ))
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Kutshort looks over at Dragmire’s wound, desperate to calm him

don’t worry, looks like it just grazed you **insert persuasion roll here**

After trying to calm Dragmire, Kutshort decides to stealthily take advantage of the blast **insert stealth roll here**

makes his way the 10-15 feet southeast to the tree unnoticed and climbs up to get a better vantage point
**insert acrobatics roll here**

Kutshort takes aim at the goblin boss and launches a sneak attack with his crossbow

((Saving bardic inspiration until after I roll))


Jawneh is possibly The Sorcerer
Kutshort looks over at Dragmire’s wound, desperate to calm him

don’t worry, looks like it just grazed you **insert persuasion roll here**
((The power of positive thinking doesn't really apply to actual puncture wounds so there's really no Persuasion check here))

After trying to calm Dragmire, Kutshort decides to stealthily take advantage of the blast **insert stealth roll here**

makes his way the 10-15 feet southeast to the tree unnoticed and climbs up to get a better vantage point
**insert acrobatics roll here**
((Those aren't trees, they're briar patches...but we can say you climbed a little ways up the hill to get out of their immediate sightline.))

Kutshort takes aim at the goblin boss and launches a sneak attack with his crossbow
Utilizing his agility and stealth, Kutshort quickly assesses the chaotic battlefield and devises a plan to gain a tactical advantage. Spotting a...spot...on the hill that overlooks the area where the goblin boss is engaged in combat, the rogue decides to use this elevated position to execute a sneak attack.

Moving silently and swiftly, the rogue ensures he remains undetected by the goblin boss and its minion. He climbs the hill with ease, each step calculated to avoid loose stones or twigs that might give away his position. Once he reaches the perfect spot on the hill, the Rogue finds himself in an ideal vantage point. He crouches low, blending into the environment, and readies his hand crossbow. He takes a moment to steady his aim, focusing on the goblin boss who is still reeling from Dragmire's Eldritch Blast.

With the goblin boss momentarily distracted by the other party members' onslaught, the rogue waits for the perfect moment to strike. As the goblin boss turns to shout orders at its underling, exposing a vulnerable point in its armor, the rogue seizes the opportunity.

Silently, the rogue releases the bolt from his crossbow. It flies through the air with deadly accuracy, propelled by the rogue's skill and determination. The bolt finds its mark, striking the goblin boss with a critical hit in an area unprotected by its crude armor.

The impact of the sneak attack is significant, causing the goblin boss to stagger and cry out in pain. The well-placed shot adds to the injuries already inflicted by the party, significantly weakening the formidable enemy.

(( @Raine is next, but please see my post in the Tavern thread first regarding your spells ))

T'anks Kiraine

Chief Liquid Officer, Shitposting Dept.
{{Multitasking is hard, sorry for the delay!}}

T'anks sees the javelin coming out of the corner of her eye, but it's far too late to react. Searing pain explodes alongside her right flank, and the sheer impact shoves her sideways. Screaming in agony, she follows the momentum and recovers her balance a few paces away before collapsing to her knees. That was close! A couple of inches higher and she very well may no longer have a life. Using the dagger in her left hand she cuts and snaps the javelin, then fishes out the head. Her right shoulder is in a bad way, and her arm is tingling and going numb.

She hears the fighting continue, and knows she must act. But uncertainty grips her; another hit or two like that and she's done for. She rises, sees her assailant in similar agony, and begins to laugh.

Vicious Mockery >> Goblin Boss
Doesn't feel so great, does it you dumb brute? You may not scare easily, but that's just simply because you're too stupid to know the horrors you've unleashed! You're going to die, broken and alone. Oh but don't worry, I'll be sure to help these boys slaughter your underling here. And your friends, your family - do you cretins even have family? I couldn't imagine!

...She stops. Too far. Even for a time like this, that's too far; she begins to have flashbacks to her own treatment, spurred on by the physical pain. She shakes her head. That enchantment might help Dude and the others for a moment, but she needs to collect herself. She retreats a little.

T'anks moves one square west, two squares north.
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