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Campaign Lost Mines of Phandelver (Chapter 1)

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Jawneh is possibly The Sorcerer
The goblin boss, already engaged in the throes of combat and driven by rage and a brutish nature, seems surprisingly unaffected by the spell. The mocking words, though biting, do not penetrate the boss's single-minded focus on the battle. It's possible that the goblin boss's limited understanding of the tiefling's language or its sheer battle frenzy renders the spell ineffective in this instance.

(( Actually its more because he passed his WIS save. ))

Goblin Boss Turn
The Boss turns his attention to the enemy closest to him, the Tortle who tried to take the head off his last remaining subordinate. He steps forward to assist the Other Goblin...

Goblin Boss uses Multiattack!

Seeing the Tortle as a significant threat, the goblin boss lunges forward, intent on taking down the sturdy adventurer with a powerful multiattack.

The goblin boss, armed with a jagged, oversized scimitar and a crude, spiked shield, swings fiercely at the Dude. The first attack comes as a sweeping blow aimed at the Tortle's head, a strike that could be devastating if it connects. However, the Bard, despite his seemingly cumbersome form, reacts with surprising agility. He tucks into his shell, the scimitar bouncing harmlessly off the hard, protective surface with a resounding clang.

Emboldened by the first attack's failure and driven by fury, the goblin boss attempts a follow-up strike. This time, it aims a brutal bash with its spiked shield, hoping to knock the Tortle off balance. But the Dude, emerging from his shell, nimbly steps aside. The shield bash misses its mark completely!

Other Goblin Turn

Seeing his hero, the powerful Goblin Boss, be so completely overmatched in hand-to-hand combat, the Other Goblin wants none of that heat. But he also is too terrified to approach the OTHER bard and her devilish ways, so he decides to pick on the smallest member of the enemy.

Other Goblin uses Disengage

The goblin scurries away from the Dude, and is able to avoid an Opportunity Attack as he does so. He takes a couple steps around his Boss, looking for the perfect vantage point to shoot his shortbow at the diminutive Warlock...

...but all his pent-up fear and anxiety causes him to pull his shot at the last moment, and the arrow flies several feet above Dragmire's head, harmlessly landing in a briar patch.

(( @TD ))


ES COO Shitposting Dept. of GWF
The Goblin Boss has nothing on Dude - two swings and a miss. Dude has an uncanny ability as a Tortle with enormous prowess with his vocal chords. Dude seems to be able to simultaneously be able to hum a rhythm and sing a chat with his intensely strong throat muscles. If it's a familiar tune for those that know it...

There's some blood in this house,
There's some blood in this house,
There's some blood in this house,
There's some blood in this house.

The chant is inspirational to Kutshort (Bardic Inspiration) having dropped the first goblin, perhaps he will seek some goblin blood as a result. There also seems to be a possibility it may intimidate the Goblin Boss after having just whiffed on Dude twice.
(Intimidation Roll in case it can actually do something).

As the chant wraps up, Dude grabs the hilt of the sword firmly with two hands yet again. He missed the first time on the lesser goblin, but perhaps the blow was meant for the Goblin Boss and that is why he missed. Perhaps his grandtorty can help his aim as Dude channels his training yet again...

Dude winds up and swings at the Goblin Boss with a monstrous uppercut swing - hopefully it can connect this time.



Jawneh is possibly The Sorcerer
((Kutshort is Inspired))

The greatsword cuts through the air, directed at the goblin boss with the full force of the Dude's might behind it. This strike, if landed, promises to deal a significant blow to the boss, potentially turning the tide of the battle in the adventurers' favor.

However, the Goblin, seasoned in combat and quick to react, anticipates the Tortle's maneuver. In a swift motion, the boss raises its crude, spiked shield, intercepting the greatsword's trajectory. The sound of metal clashing against metal echoes across the battlefield as the sword's upward swing is deflected with a shower of sparks.

The impact of the greatsword against the shield sends a jarring shock through the Bard's arms, but he holds firm, undeterred by the setback. The goblin boss, for his part, uses the momentum of the deflection to sidestep, positioning itself for a counter-strike. The confrontation between Tortle and Goblin becomes a tense standoff, each combatant sizing up the other, ready for the next move in their deadly dance.

(( @GwJumpman ))
  • Chef’s Kiss
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Senior Member
Awkward Jesse Pinkman GIF by Breaking Bad


Jawneh is possibly The Sorcerer
The air around the Warlock's fingertips crackles with dark energy as he extends his hand, releasing a bolt of eldritch power towards the goblin boss. The beam of energy, glowing ominously, streaks across the battlefield with deadly intent.

The goblin boss, locked in combat and already wary from the previous exchanges, catches a glimpse of the incoming blast out of the corner of its eye. With a guttural snarl and a desperate but swift movement, it manages to dodge aside, the Eldritch Blast grazing past it so closely that the force of the energy ruffles its dirty, matted hair.

(( @shortkut ))
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Jawneh is possibly The Sorcerer
Feeling empowered, Kutshort stealthily hides and takes aim once more at the goblin boss

shoots goblin boss
From his elevated position on the hill, the Rogue watches the battle unfold with keen eyes, his hand crossbow reloaded and ready. The near miss of the warlock's Eldritch Blast and the Dude's deflected attack provide Kutshort with a momentary opportunity to take aim at the goblin boss once more. With the goblin momentarily distracted by the flurry of attacks from the party, the Rogue sees his chance to strike.

Taking a deep breath to steady his aim, Kutshort carefully aligns his shot, accounting for distance, wind, and the movement of his target. The tension in the air is palpable as he releases the trigger, sending another bolt hurtling towards the goblin boss with lethal intent.

However, the dynamics of battle are unpredictable. At the last possible moment, the goblin boss shifts its position—purely by chance, as it attempts to reorient itself for another attack on the tortle. This unexpected movement causes the bolt to miss its intended target, sailing harmlessly past the goblin boss and embedding itself in the briars beyond him.

(( @Raine ))

T'anks Kiraine

Chief Liquid Officer, Shitposting Dept.
T'anks surveys the ensuing battle and her surroundings from a very heroic standpoint. ...Okay, no, her knees are threatening to give out, her shoulder is really messed up and her best chances at getting out of this situation alive are encountering severe difficulty. Well, shit.

The Other Goblin is terrified of her, at least, but who knows how long that will last. And his crossbow is a major threat to both Dragmire and Kutshort regardless. Better to strike some more fear into him while Goblin Boss is preoccupied failing to make Tortle Soup.

T'anks moves one square south, two squares east and begins chanting Dissonant Whispers on Other Goblin in the form of an unsettling nursery rhyme
Hush, little Goblin, don't say a word,
Tiefling's gonna make you a bit more blurred.
And if this chant don't make you heed,
Tiefling's gonna gut you and make you bleed.

She smiles at Other Goblin, genuine glee in her eyes. She then looks at Dragmire, and gives him a quick word of encouragement.

Bonus Action >> Bardic Inspiration on Dragmire
Not much more to go, their days are numbered and bleak.
A few strikes left to blow, onwards to complete your streak.


Jawneh is possibly The Sorcerer
(( Dragmire has been Inspired ))

The goblin, hearing the rhyme, initially turns towards the sound, curiosity piqued by the haunting tune. However, as the magical dissonance of the whispers takes hold, the goblin's expression shifts from curiosity to horror. The spell's magic burrows into its mind, filling it with visions of its deepest fears, amplified by the eerie cadence of the tiefling's words.

With a screech of terror, the goblin clutches its head, trying in vain to block out the sound that only it can hear. The spell's psychic damage is too much for the creature, causing it to stagger away in a panic, desperate to escape the source of its torment, and he forges deep into the briar bushes to get as far away from the devil tormenting him as possible.

Goblin Boss Turn

The goblin boss swings his scimitar with all his might, aiming a vicious strike at the Tortle Bard.

Despite the Dude's attempts at defense, the speed and ferocity of the attack take him by surprise. The scimitar connects with a heavy blow, the blade managing to find a gap between the Tortle's protective shell and his limb. The sound of metal against flesh is followed by a sharp, pained grunt from the Bard.

Dude takes 5 slashing damage!

Other Goblin Turn

The remaining goblin finally shakes off the horrors that have so haunted him and turns back to face the battle. He considers charging back into the fray...but only briefly, as his body refuses to allow him to move any closer to the Evil Demon Lady. Instead, he aims his shortbow at the big turtle guy that his boss has finally wounded. He aims...and takes his shot...but his arrow bounces painlessly off of the thick shell of the Dude.

(( @TD ))


ES COO Shitposting Dept. of GWF
Dude has taken damage for the first time, he doesn't like how this feels. Is this pain? Is this what it is supposed to feel like? His shell has never failed him. This Goblin must be dealt with immediately. That Other Goblin? Still quite useless, perhaps the rest of the group can take care of him, Dude has had it up to HERE with this scimitar wielding Gobbo.

Nobody cuts a Tortle, Tortle cuts you.

The third time is surely the charm, RIGHT? There's no way Dude could possibly fail unless he has really neglected his sword training this much. The sword of his grandtorty has been dirtied, not with that of goblin blood, but with dirt and debris. This should not be how it goes. Forget trying to intimidate him, let's cut this Gobbo's head off.

Tortle Dude winds up the sword from his grandtorty with two hands yet again and takes another massive upward swing, aimed directly toward the neck area of the Goblin Boss..


Jawneh is possibly The Sorcerer
The Dude channels his strength, muscles tensing as he swings the greatsword in a swift, upward arc. The move is bold, intended to catch the goblin boss off guard and exploit any weakness in its defense. The Bard's attack slices through the air, the blade humming with the force of the motion.

However, the goblin boss, perhaps anticipating the Tortle's intentions or simply reacting on instinct, manages to sidestep the attack with his innate agility. The greatsword's blade misses its target, cutting only air as the Boss evades the strike.

The miss is a frustrating setback for the Tortle Bard, but it's far from the end of the battle. Quick to recover from the failed attempt, he readies himself for the goblin boss's retaliation, his resolve unshaken. The rest of the adventuring party, witnessing the near miss, prepares to support the Tortle, their strategies adapting to the flow of combat.


(( @GwJumpman ))


Jawneh is possibly The Sorcerer
Sensing an opportunity to strike, the Warlock quickly steps to a clear line of sight, extending a hand towards the goblin boss. The air around Dragmire's fingertips begins to crackle with dark, ominous energy, signaling the summoning of an Eldritch Blast.

With a focused glare and a whispered incantation, the Halfling releases the built-up eldritch energy. A beam of crackling, dark force shoots forth, speeding towards the goblin boss with unerring accuracy. The suddenness of the attack and the Warlock's precise timing leave little room for the goblin boss to react.

The Eldritch Blast strikes the goblin boss squarely in the back. The force of the blast leaves a visible mark on the goblin boss's armor, singeing the material and causing the creature to grunt in pain and surprise.

(( @shortkut ))


Jawneh is possibly The Sorcerer
((@VashTheStampede to be clear, can I switch to melee weapons and use two weapon fighting in the same turn? If not, can I fire the crossbow and then switch to melee weaponry?))
((I like having "switching weapons" take up a free object interaction on your turn. So basically as long as you're not having to interact with something like opening a door, throwing a switch, or grabbing a lamp to throw at a troll on a later turn, then you can switch weapons and still attack on the same turn.

Short answer: ya))
Kutshort watches the Goblinboss focus on Dragmire. I don’t think the crossbow is kutting it

Kutshort puts his crossbow away and takes out his short sword and a dagger.

Kutshort stealthily creeps behind the Goblin boss and attacks with his shortsword, following up with a thrust from his dagger


Jawneh is possibly The Sorcerer
Kutshort's movements are shadow-like, almost imperceptible, as he closes the distance between himself and the goblin boss. The Goblin, still reeling from the warlock's attack, fails to notice the imminent danger approaching from behind.

With a practiced hand, the Rogue unsheathes his shortsword, the blade gleaming faintly in the dim light of the overcast day. As he steps behind the goblin boss, he targets a weak spot in the creature's armor, a gap that promises a lethal strike. The sneak attack is swift and silent, a blur of motion that ends with the shortsword's blade piercing the goblin boss's back.

The precision of the strike ensures the blade finds its way to the goblin boss's heart, delivering a fatal wound. The goblin boss's eyes widen in shock and pain as it lets out a final, gurgling gasp before collapsing to the ground, lifeless. Kutshort quickly withdraws his sword, in one sudden motion both removing the blade from the boss' corpse and flicking the blade with his wrist to remove the goblin blood from his sword, splattering it on the briar bushes nearby. He steps back as the imposing figure of the goblin boss crumples in defeat.
Kutshort's movements are shadow-like, almost imperceptible, as he closes the distance between himself and the goblin boss. The Goblin, still reeling from the warlock's attack, fails to notice the imminent danger approaching from behind.

With a practiced hand, the Rogue unsheathes his shortsword, the blade gleaming faintly in the dim light of the overcast day. As he steps behind the goblin boss, he targets a weak spot in the creature's armor, a gap that promises a lethal strike. The sneak attack is swift and silent, a blur of motion that ends with the shortsword's blade piercing the goblin boss's back.

The precision of the strike ensures the blade finds its way to the goblin boss's heart, delivering a fatal wound. The goblin boss's eyes widen in shock and pain as it lets out a final, gurgling gasp before collapsing to the ground, lifeless. Kutshort quickly withdraws his sword, in one sudden motion both removing the blade from the boss' corpse and flicking the blade with his wrist to remove the goblin blood from his sword, splattering it on the briar bushes nearby. He steps back as the imposing figure of the goblin boss crumples in defeat.
And that’s the way the cookie crumbles… no, that catch phrase isn’t working. I’ll figure it out next time

calling out @Cookie Sweetmead for not using this when killing the troll

T'anks Kiraine

Chief Liquid Officer, Shitposting Dept.
{{Rolled to maybe speed up the process, IDK I don't remember what happened with the last Vicious Mockery and I'm too lazy to scroll up lol}}

T'anks giddily chases Other Goblin, noting the death of Goblin Boss as she passes her new companions.

T'anks moves to Grid F-6

Action >> Vicious Mockery on Other Goblin

Now, now! Behave yourself and die for me. It can't possibly feel as bad as having to look at you!


Jawneh is possibly The Sorcerer
However, despite the dire circumstances, the goblin somehow musters an unexpected resilience against the tiefling's spell. Perhaps driven by sheer instinct to survive or a momentary surge of defiance, the goblin shakes off the psychological effects of the "Vicious Mockery." It's a small victory, but short-lived.

Realizing the hopelessness of its situation—alone, leaderless, and outmatched—the goblin makes a split-second decision to flee. With a panicked glance at the adventurers who have bested its comrades and slain its boss, the goblin dashes towards the cave mouth and possible safety, if only he can get through this pack of murderers.

He darts in between the Tiefling and the Warlock into the cave mouth...

(( Both @Raine and @GwJumpman can take an attack of opportunity if they so choose ))

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T'anks Kiraine

Chief Liquid Officer, Shitposting Dept.
{{Opportunity attack, you say?! ...Yeah I have no idea what attacking actually entails. She's still got her dagger in hand, which also can apparently be used as a throwing weapon that I didn't realize so... whoops! Also #yolo}}

Opportunity Attack >> Melee with Dagger on Other Goblin


Jawneh is possibly The Sorcerer
As the last goblin, overwhelmed by fear and desperation after witnessing the fall of its boss, makes a frantic dash for safety, it unwittingly runs straight towards the tiefling bard and the warlock. The two adventurers, having stood side by side during the chaotic battle, find themselves in the path of the fleeing goblin. Instinct and a shared understanding spark between them, a silent agreement that they cannot allow the goblin to escape and potentially bring back reinforcements or spread word of their presence.

T'anks and Dragmire both ready their knives as the goblin approaches, running like a scalded dog.

As the goblin tries to slip between them, hoping to find a gap and escape into the darkness of the cave, the Bard and Warlock strike simultaneously. The Tiefling's dagger pierces through the goblin's side, while the Warlock's finds its mark on the opposite side. The precision and timing of their coordinated attack leave the goblin with no chance of survival.

The creature lets out a final, pained gasp as it collapses to the ground, the life fading from its eyes. T'anks and Dragmire withdraw their blades, the grim task completed. They share a brief look, an acknowledgment of the necessity of their action and the bond formed through the trials of battle.

Battle Complete


Senior Member
Well fought everyone. These fiends will pose no more danger to us. Keep a look out for whatever made those tracks we were following earlier. Any sign of bodies or someone tied up?
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Well fought everyone. These fiends will pose no more danger to us. Keep a look out for whatever made those tracks we were following earlier. Any sign of bodies or someone tied up?
It looks like that last goblin thought safety would be in the caves. We have to assume that there are more goblins there. Let’s look for clues out here and maybe take a short rest before venturing into the cave
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T'anks Kiraine

Chief Liquid Officer, Shitposting Dept.
{{ @VashTheStampede I'm totally stealing this doofus's crossbow, kthx 😂 }}

T'anks gives a gentle nod towards Dragmire.

We should regroup with Dude, tend to our wounds and devise a strategy for how to approach this. This cave must either be very important or very populated if there's an outpost stationed near the entrance. But first...

She turns her attention towards the remains of Other Goblin. She retrieves the goblin's Crossbow Shortbow , and then checks his body for signs of anything else worth acquiring.
Last edited:


ES COO Shitposting Dept. of GWF
Dude looks around, having obviously contributed to this battle immensely with his Grandtorty's sword and his excellent prowess with it. What a wild ride he thinks, but you know what every good party of adventurers needs? ...a battle victory song. Dude pulls out his lute and begins to pluck a melody that may be very familiar to some of the adventurers depending on the tavern they frequent.

Tortle Dude, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo
Tortle Dude, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo
Tortle Dude, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo
Tortle Dude

Kutshort Yes, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo
Kutshort Yes, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo
Kutshort Yes, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo
Kutshort Yes

Dragmire, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo
Dragmire, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo
Dragmire, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo

T'anks Kiraine, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo
T'anks Kiraine, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo
T'anks Kiraine, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo
T'anks Kiraine

Dude stops and twirls his lute in the air as if to celebrate because he just came up with a completely original tune. He wonders what his fellow adventurers thought. But to the matter of importance...

Dude searches the area for lettuce.


Jawneh is possibly The Sorcerer
((I should be near Tortle dude on the map))

Kutshort collects crossbow bolts and searches the goblin camp and bodies for loot

((@VashTheStampede what do I need to roll and how many? Also is bardic inspiration still active or is it one time use?))
Kutshort is able to retrieve two unbroken crossbow bolts that he feels are still in good enough condition to reuse.

On the Goblin Boss he finds a belt pouch with 16 silver.
T'anks gives a gentle nod towards Dragmire.

We should regroup with Dude, tend to our wounds and devise a strategy for how to approach this. This cave must either be very important or very populated if there's an outpost stationed near the entrance. But first...

She turns her attention towards the remains of Other Goblin. She retrieves the goblin's Crossbow Shortbow , and then checks his body for signs of anything else worth acquiring.
T'anks acquires a shortbow and scavenges 11 arrows.

While searching Other Goblin she comes across a drawing. The drawing looks to be of several goblins, but a couple of them look different than the others. The unique goblins are drawn to have elongated skulls, and the weapons they hold seem to be giving off some sort of energy or aura. Hard to tell. Not a great artist, this one.
Dude searches the area for lettuce.
No lettuce to be found.
  • This Is Fine
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ES COO Shitposting Dept. of GWF
Tortle Dude, noticeably distraught at the absence of lettuce seems to be thinking to himself. Oh my, does he actually have a sensible idea?

Should we have a quick rest before carrying on?
Tortle Dude, noticeably distraught at the absence of lettuce seems to be thinking to himself. Oh my, does he actually have a sensible idea?

Should we have a quick rest before carrying on?
while you rest, I’m going to scout the cave entrance

Kutshort stealthily enters the cave and walks a short distance inside to see what awaits them

((First one is stealth +5))

T'anks Kiraine

Chief Liquid Officer, Shitposting Dept.
While searching Other Goblin she comes across a drawing. The drawing looks to be of several goblins, but a couple of them look different than the others. The unique goblins are drawn to have elongated skulls, and the weapons they hold seem to be giving off some sort of energy or aura. Hard to tell. Not a great artist, this one.
T'anks looks at the drawing, the crude craftsmanship serving to obfuscate the exact nature of its meaning. She glances down at Other Goblin's corpse and then back to the drawing. She distractedly begins to follow Dragmire towards Dude's location, mulling things over in her head...

If your friends have truly been captured by these Goblins, then time is not on their side. But I have no objections to a short rest.

[History/Religion] Check to glean insight into the sketch found on Other Goblin.


ES COO Shitposting Dept. of GWF
Dude watches T'anks closely with curiosity, she seems to be a historian of sorts. He has a seat on the grass for a short rest so she can share what she learns.

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