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Campaign Lost Mines of Phandelver (Chapter 1)

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Let me put this in a way you might understand:

No chimney doo doo doo doo doo
Other path doo doo doo doo doo
Follow me doo doo doo doo doo

Kutshort takes Hopper and starts walking to the other path


Jawneh is possibly The Sorcerer
With a sigh, T'anks approaches the natural chimney.

My... skillset may prove more useful here. Assuming I can manage the climb with my arm in this condition. Give me a moment.

Athletics Check >> Climbing the natural chimney.

Stealth Check >> Remaining undetected whilst doing so.
Kutshort tries to grab T’anks to avoid having her fall and disturb the wolves

With a determined look in her glowing eyes, T'anks begins her ascent, carefully choosing her grips and steadily making her way up the shaft. I should choose my words more carefully. Her companions watch anxiously from below, ready to assist if needed.

However, despite her careful progress, misfortune strikes. A loose stone gives way under her weight, and for a harrowing moment, the Tiefling finds herself plummeting back down the chimney. The fall happens in an instant, leaving very little time for anyone to react...

However, Kutshort, quick-witted and agile, instinctively positions himself beneath the falling Bard, bracing for impact. He spreads his arms wide, aiming to catch her or at least break her fall, fully aware of the risk to himself in doing so.

T'anks crashes into the Rogue, the force of the fall knocking the wind out of both adventurers. However, the rogue's quick thinking and selfless act significantly soften the Tiefling's landing, sparing her from what could have been serious injury. They tumble to the ground in a heap, a mix of relief and pain evident on their faces.

Kutshort takes 1 bludgeoning damage


Jawneh is possibly The Sorcerer
T’anks, wait, there was another passageway before the kennel.

Dude, do you think you can keep playing that song a little longer?

Kutshort, releases the chain of the wolf he pet, and holds it like a leash

who’s a good boy?
Think I can? I know I can!

Dude whips out his lute again, nothing could possibly go wrong playing the same song again. It worked once, not like anything else might hear us either Dude guesses.

Don't eat me, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo
Don't eat me, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo
Don't eat me, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo
Don't eat me!

(( @shortkut give me one last Animal Handling check to see how the wolf responds to you. With advantage from TD's help and the feeding and such ))
Thats It Dule Hill GIF by PeacockTV


Jawneh is possibly The Sorcerer
The wolf's initial wariness gives way to a tentative trust, its tail wagging slightly as it realizes the Rogue means no harm.

Sensing the change in the wolf's demeanor, Kutshort speaks softly, his voice a soothing murmur in the quiet chamber. He slowly reaches towards the chain, his other hand still extended with a peace offering of leftover goblin meat---UHH JERKY. Its just jerky. The wolf, now somewhat at ease, allows the Rogue to come closer.

With a deft motion, Kutshort unlocks the chain, freeing the wolf from its bonds. The creature steps back, its freedom granted, yet it makes no move to flee. Instead, the wolf approaches the Rogue, nuzzling his hand in a gesture of gratitude and affection. It's an unexpected bond, formed in the unlikeliest of places, between two beings who have experienced the harshness of the world in their own ways.

Kutshort, touched by the wolf's display of loyalty and affection, decides to welcome the creature as a companion on their journey. The wolf, for its part, seems more than willing to follow the Rogue, its eyes shining with a newfound loyalty and love.


Jawneh is possibly The Sorcerer

In the shadows of the ceiling to the north, you can just make out the dim shape of a rope bridge crossing over the passage ahead of you. Another passage 20 feet above the floor appears to intersect with this one. Thanks to Kutshort's natural perception and his darkvision, he also spies a Goblin guarding that rope bridge.

The passage to the west appears to be choked with rubble and blocked by steep slopes...but seems passable with some effort.


ES COO Shitposting Dept. of GWF
Dude covers his ears for five seconds, before lowering his tortle claws. Almost as if trying to block something out. If the party is going to look to go different directions, Dude thinks to himself... "what would grandtorty do?". The answer hits Tortle Dude. Grandtorty spent plenty of time having Dude balance and climb as part of his training. His training was called: "The Pursuit for Lettuce". You don't typically find a nimble Tortle, so this makes Dude exceptionally rare. The high ground, Dude thinks. He briskly walks towards T'anks - he approaches the chimney.

Move aside, clumsy devil...

Dude, uniquely acrobatic for a Tortle looks to climb the chimney...

T'anks Kiraine

Chief Liquid Officer, Shitposting Dept.
T'anks believes she may have been uncharacteristically quiet since her fall. Kutshort's utter fascination with the wolves, mercifully, has buried deep the question of whether her skin is capable of becoming a darker shade. She's roused from her thoughts a moment later as Dude approaches the natural chimney, intent on trying to climb it himself.

O-Oh... right. Sorry. ... Listen, I'm not going to be able to do anything here if you slip. I'll go try and help the others, quietly call for us if anything goes wrong.

She wanders over to the central passage, near Kutshort.

Thanks for the, uh... the help. Back there. That was kind of you. I don't think I can make any climbs right now, but I've done my share of hunting. I can keep the Goblin in my sights if you want to assist Dragmire or Dude.

[Ready] >> T'anks takes aim at the Goblin guarding the bridge with her Shortbow.
  • Seen
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ES COO Shitposting Dept. of GWF
((@GwJumpman had a good point about seeing what type of rubble it is. If it is small, loose stones, we can move by hand. If its boulders, we need to blast it))
((Yes but Vash gave you the "you're right you know" to it's rubble, already confirming that part, I'm going to go back to the OOC tavern for OOC chat, just wanted to throw it out there))
(( I saw you mention trying to avoid allowing the Goblin to see you so I assume you want to move stealthily to the passage? That will be one Stealth check please. ))
((Can I prepare a move?))

Kutshort glances at Dragmire as he starts down the westward passage. He turns his attention back to the goblin in the distance and readies his crossbow.

The last thing we need is for that goblin to sound the alarm if we make noise

((Only perform the below action at the first sign of the goblin noticing a member of our party and going to alert others))

shoot goblin


Jawneh is possibly The Sorcerer
Dragmire successfully avoids the attention of the Goblin perched on the rope bridge. He approaches the western passage and, though it is choked with rubble and steeply sloped, he feels that it is traversable for all members of the party, though the footing may be difficult.

(( And now we switch our attention back to the Kennel area ))

Silly Dude, what he totally meant was an Athletics check.

Tortle Dude begins his ascent up the rock shaft. It is slow going, and at his pace he feels like it will likely take the better part of 10 minutes to climb all the way up to the next chamber, should he wish to continue.


Senior Member
Guys, huddle up. I have a potential plan. Ok here it is: I summon my Unseen Servant to serve as a distraction to that one goblin, and while it's distracted we clear the tunnel of enough rocks for us to all slip through.


ES COO Shitposting Dept. of GWF
Dude grunts to himself out of frustration.

...far too long... although, if there's lettuce...

Dude thinks to himself - "would Grandtorty spend ten minutes crawling up this shaft, without the guarantee of lettuce?"... no, he probably would not. If there was some guarantee of lettuce, perhaps. But no, if there's an ambush and the three others die, that will be on Dude's conscience for some time. While he may not trust devil, Dragmire and Kutshort have not yet wronged him.

You'd be right, grandtorty...

Dude abandons the pursuit of the shaft and regroups with his companions.

T'anks Kiraine

Chief Liquid Officer, Shitposting Dept.
Upon hearing "Unseen Servant," T'anks feels the hairs on the back of her neck perk up. A deep sense of foreboding dread passes through her. Eyebrow arched, she looks at Dragmire and mouths a "No." She then shakes her head for extra emphasis. Turning her attention back towards Kutshort, whispering...

One of us needs to keep the guard in sight, the other needs to see where one of these paths lead. We can't sit idle for long.
  • This Is Fine
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ES COO Shitposting Dept. of GWF
Dude eyes the paranoid T'anks with curiosity. The devil is fearful of the Servant from her previous encounter it seems.

Do we think we'll have a use for this rope bridge? I may have an idea, but I would require a dagger... and if it works, the rope bridge may become difficult to pass, or not passable at all. Is this a worry?
Dude eyes the paranoid T'anks with curiosity. The devil is fearful of the Servant from her previous encounter it seems.

Do we think we'll have a use for this rope bridge? I may have an idea, but I would require a dagger... and if it works, the rope bridge may become difficult to pass, or not passable at all. Is this a worry?
Let’s leave the bridge alone for now. I think that if Dragmire can make the goblin focus north, we can all start down the west corridor and maintain the element of surprise


ES COO Shitposting Dept. of GWF
Dude looks down the corridor, but cannot see for himself.

Remind me Kutshort, how far off the ground did you see the rope bridge? Is there not a possibility that the Servant would alert the goblin to our presence, sound an alarm, and we are met with a downpour of arrows?

My shell may provide me with protection, but I worry about the condition some of you are in...

...yes, even you, devil.
Dude looks down the corridor, but cannot see for himself.

Remind me Kutshort, how far off the ground did you see the rope bridge? Is there not a possibility that the Servant would alert the goblin to our presence, sound an alarm, and we are met with a downpour of arrows?

My shell may provide me with protection, but I worry about the condition some of you are in...

...yes, even you, devil.
About 20 feet off the ground. I don’t think we need to worry about the servant. If Dragmire exits the west corridor, he can create the servant on the far side of the goblin, drawing his attention north/northeast of the rope bridge and us


T'anks Kiraine

Chief Liquid Officer, Shitposting Dept.
Aw, flattery will get you everywhere! ...I'll be fine. Injury and pain come with the territory.

She takes a deep breath, steadying her aim.

The lowest point of the bridge is at least 15 feet off the ground. Reaching that might be doable, if we were to just kill him now. No telling what, if anything, may see us in the act. Make a call.
  • Hmm
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About 20 feet off the ground. I don’t think we need to worry about the servant. If Dragmire exits the west corridor, he can create the servant on the far side of the goblin, drawing his attention north/northeast of the rope bridge and us

View attachment 9105

((Are we all (@TD @Raine ) on board with @GwJumpman ’s plan to distract then head over the rubble and down the western corridor? I like exploring, but if the rest of you want to Leroy Jenkins this, let me know. I don’t want to monopolize the planning))


ES COO Shitposting Dept. of GWF
Dude considers the words of both Kutshort and T'anks, he makes a slight huff - not one of frustration but one of worry.

Which way would we head? The corridor with the slope or the path underneath the bridge? There's a chance one of us may struggle with that incline. It's best to be prepared... perhaps I should lead the way, as I do have my shell should things go wrong.

Dude looks at devil, remembering her tumble down the chimney. That fall might make this tricky. They're in this together at this point. Dude quietly hums while he lets out a soothing chant.

Devil ash, devil dust,
Walk with us,
Devil ash, devil dust,
Walk with us.

Dude's chant heals T'anks Kiraine (Healing Word).
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