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Campaign Lost Mines of Phandelver (Chapter 1)

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T'anks Kiraine

Chief Liquid Officer, Shitposting Dept.
T'anks is at a loss for words; her mind racing. She sets her jaw, gently grinding her teeth and biting the corner of her bottom lip while staring at the Goblin. After a moment, she relaxes a little.

Nobody has... She sighs. I don't understand. But, thank you. If we're going west, then let's do it.
  • Haha
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ES COO Shitposting Dept. of GWF
Dude can't help but let out a soft chuckle at what he interprets to be frustration from his fellow bard.

Okay Dragmire, let's do it. Bring out devil's old friend, the Servant, distract the goblin, clear the rubble, and climb our way up... what's the worst that could happen?


Senior Member
Dragmire steps back a little bit back into the entrance area of the cave so he doesn't make too much noise and...

Dragmire casts Unseen Servant!

Dragmire commands the Unseen Servant to go about 15 feet north of the goblin, pick up a rock and throw it at the rock wall. Then, it'll throw another rock after 15 more seconds until I command it to stop.

I have commanded my servant to go make some noise for us. Let's carefully make our way through the rubble into this passage here.
Kutshort and Hopper head down the western path

homer simpson shock GIF


ES COO Shitposting Dept. of GWF
With Dragmire attempting to create a distraction for the goblin, Dude smirks, nods at Dragmire, and follows suit...

Tortle Dude quietly creeps his way across to the western path and looks to move through the rubble.

T'anks Kiraine

Chief Liquid Officer, Shitposting Dept.
T'anks brings up the rear, keeping her bow trained on the Goblin while moving towards the western passage.

Before entering she channels Thaumaturgy to conjure the sound of rats skittering just north of the bridge, and then quickly joins the others out of sight.


Jawneh is possibly The Sorcerer
As he makes his way up the path, Kutshort's attention is divided between maintaining his footing and scanning the surroundings for any signs of danger. The dim light and the shadows cast by the rocks create a perfect environment for ambush predators.

Kutshort passes a Passive Perception check!

Just as he reaches a particularly treacherous part of the path, the Kutshort's instincts kick in. A slight movement among the rocks catches his eye, and he freezes, narrowing his eyes to focus on the source. There, coiled on an unstable ledge just above him, lies a giant poisonous snake, its scales blending almost perfectly with the rubble around it. The Rogue's discovery comes just in time, as the snake, sensing his presence, prepares to strike.

Roll for Initiative!


Jawneh is possibly The Sorcerer
Snake Turn

As the giant poisonous snake lunges forward, aiming to deliver a venomous (I'll try and fix D&D's error here) strike to Kutshort, the adventurer's instincts and agility come to the forefront. Having lived a life filled with danger and quick decisions, the Rogue's body reacts almost of its own accord.

In a split-second maneuver, Kutshort manages to dodge to the side, the snake's fangs snapping shut just inches from where he was standing. The miss is a close call, a heart-stopping moment that underscores the peril of their situation. The snake, momentarily thrown off by its failed attempt, coils back, hissing in frustration and readying itself for another attack.

(( @TD ))
  • Chef’s Kiss
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Jawneh is possibly The Sorcerer
(( Apologies, forgot I didn't post the map before vacation: ))


Initiative Order
Giant Poisonous Snake

Tortle Dude
Kutshort Yes
T'anks Kiraine
  • Hmm
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ES COO Shitposting Dept. of GWF
This is it, the moment Dude has been worried about. Trapped in a dark tunnel with the sound of a hissing snake, what have these three done? Of course, there is no way they could know that when Dude was young, giant snakes attacked the Tortle family village and killed three of their young. At least Grandtorty had prepared him for this moment, but first thing is first... the darkness. Dude starts to hum as his soothing voice lets out an ancestral tune.

When you're afraid of the dark,
Unsheathed moonlight will embark...

With these words, Dude unsheathes Grandtorty's sword and a bright light covers the area, 15 feet in all directions. The song and the light inspire Dragmire (Bardic Inspiration) as Dragmire cannot see in the dark. Dude walks up directly to the snake and motions for Kutshort to get back.

Dude's first instinct is to protect these three. They may not always listen to him, but he does not want their death on his hands and he is best equipped for another snake attack. Dude grips his sword tightly, instinctually wanting to swing, but remembers his last attempts. Instead, Dude uses those pipes for a catchy tune.

Grandtorty taught us well,
should you ever face a giant snake,
don't forget about your shell,
just do the Tortle booty shake...

Dude spins around with his back to the snake. He winks at the three. Dude then goes on to start wiggling his Tortle booty at the snake. What kind of VICIOUS MOCKERY is this!?


Jawneh is possibly The Sorcerer
Dragmire has been Inspired

With a dramatic flourish, the Dude begins to shake his booty at the snake, turning the spell's verbal component into a performance. His actions, combined with the magical incantation, weave a spell of ridicule aimed directly at the snake. The absurdity of the situation—the sight of a Tortle taunting a deadly creature with dance moves—would be comical if the stakes weren't so high.

The snake, momentarily taken aback by the unexpected display, hesitates. The spell takes effect, causing the snake to falter in its aggression as the magical mockery undermines its resolve. The psychic damage inflicted by the spell, though not lethal, serves to disorient the snake, making it less effective in its attacks.

(( @shortkut ))
  • Chef’s Kiss
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Kutshort thinks to himself: Dude may have a way with words and melodies, but he dances with the grace of a hedgehog trying to climb a tree using only his spines

Regardless, it worked and the snake was distracted

positioned safely behind Tortle Dude, Kutshort fires his crossbow at the snake then switches to his shortsword and dagger


Jawneh is possibly The Sorcerer
(( if you're sneaking behind the Tortle butt for sneak attack, gimme a stealth roll too. You're directly in front of the snake to start the turn and he just tried to attack you, so it's not an easy play ))


Jawneh is possibly The Sorcerer
(( Okay if I'm doing my math right, thats a critical on the hit so that's 6(crit)+1(roll)+3(modifier)+6(crit sneak attack)+5(sneak attack roll)

Fuuuuuuck ))

With the snake momentarily disoriented by the Dude's unconventional use of Vicious Mockery and the unexpected dance, Kutshort sees a prime opportunity to end the confrontation decisively. Utilizing the distraction to its fullest, he quietly maneuvers behind the dancing Tortle, ensuring he remains unnoticed by the snake still reeling from the psychic assault.

The Rogue carefully aims his hand crossbow, taking advantage of the snake's confused state. His experience and skill allow him to identify a vulnerable spot on the snake's body, a target that promises a lethal blow if hit. The tension in the air is palpable as the rogue steadies his aim, his focus absolute.

In the moment that follows, time seems to slow. Kutshort's trigger finger tightens, releasing the bolt with precision that only comes from years of training and countless battles. The bolt flies silently through the air, its path illuminated by the soft glow of the Bard's Moon-Touched sword.

The critical hit lands with devastating effect. The bolt pierces the snake directly through its open mouth, exiting through the back of its head. The force of the impact and the precision of the strike ensure an immediate and merciful end to the creature. It collapses, motionless, the threat it posed now nullified.

End of combat. That was quick.


ES COO Shitposting Dept. of GWF
Tortle Dude's eyes light up at the easily murdered snake. He licks his lips.

In an act of impulse, Dude uses the sword to slice the snake completely open, looking for signs if the snake has recently consumed lettuce, or better yet - salvageable lettuce.

T'anks Kiraine

Chief Liquid Officer, Shitposting Dept.
{{ Google tells me I want either STR or DEX roll pending a number of variables so... #yolo on DEX }}

T'anks makes her way over to Dude and the corpse of the fallen enemy.

Don't be so hasty! It might take some effort, but extracting venom from this beast will prove beneficial for future encounters.

She ensures the creature is in fact dead, then examines the head. Withdrawing her dagger, she Attempts to retrieve the venom glands from the Giant Poisonous Snake .


ES COO Shitposting Dept. of GWF
Dude eyes the devil...

I'm hasty? Make sure you know what you're doing... it's dead, the poison is still there, devil.


Jawneh is possibly The Sorcerer
Tortle Dude's eyes light up at the easily murdered snake. He licks his lips.

In an act of impulse, Dude uses the sword to slice the snake completely open, looking for signs if the snake has recently consumed lettuce, or better yet - salvageable lettuce.
No luck. Lettuce continue.

Kutshort checks to see if the snake was guarding anything… and picks up his crossbow bolt
The best you can tell, he was just here to block anyone from taking this path and avoiding the goblin sentry on the rope bridge in the other direction.
{{ Google tells me I want either STR or DEX roll pending a number of variables so... #yolo on DEX }}

T'anks makes her way over to Dude and the corpse of the fallen enemy.

Don't be so hasty! It might take some effort, but extracting venom from this beast will prove beneficial for future encounters.

She ensures the creature is in fact dead, then examines the head. Withdrawing her dagger, she Attempts to retrieve the venom glands from the Giant Poisonous Snake .
You got...a tongue!


ES COO Shitposting Dept. of GWF
Dude lets out a jolly laugh as if he's got a voice in his head whispering jokes, "is that you, grandtorty? or is that.."...

I agree. Let us continue.

T'anks Kiraine

Chief Liquid Officer, Shitposting Dept.
{{ T'anks is going first! Because I already wrote this and have the dice rolls sitting. It'll be fiiine. }}

T'anks sighs, secures the gross object, and stands up. No use dwelling on what could have been. There's apparently a lot of area to explore, and she's as equipped to handle it as anyone. Brandishing her ill-gotten Shortbow once more she continues west along the path without a word.

There appears to be a fork ahead. She carefully looks down both directions, aided by her Darkvision, and then motions to the party her intent to move ahead. Carefully and silently she follows the path leading left for some distance to scout and get a brief lay of the land.
  • Chef’s Kiss
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ES COO Shitposting Dept. of GWF
Dude watching in bewilderment as T'anks takes off from the group again, especially after her chimney climbing went so well. He chuckles and mutters...

Who's hasty now, devil?


ES COO Shitposting Dept. of GWF
With T'anks having run off ahead, Dude looks over at Kutshort and Dragmire.

I'm going to stay where I am for now... I can't see without my sword and it may draw unwanted attention.

Tortle Dude lowers his sword and waits for the other two to make a decision.

((Also going to tag @GwJumpman in case he's not aware we're moving again))


Jawneh is possibly The Sorcerer
{{ T'anks is going first! Because I already wrote this and have the dice rolls sitting. It'll be fiiine. }}

T'anks sighs, secures the gross object, and stands up. No use dwelling on what could have been. There's apparently a lot of area to explore, and she's as equipped to handle it as anyone. Brandishing her ill-gotten Shortbow once more she continues west along the path without a word.

There appears to be a fork ahead. She carefully looks down both directions, aided by her Darkvision, and then motions to the party her intent to move ahead. Carefully and silently she follows the path leading left for some distance to scout and get a brief lay of the land.
As T'anks ventures down a winding passage of the cave system, she moves with a blend of caution and curiosity, her senses alert for any signs of danger or discovery. The passage opens into a larger chamber, and T'anks immediately senses the shift in atmosphere. Her eyes quickly adjust to the room's interior, and the sight that greets her sends a rush of adrenaline through her veins.

She has found the Goblin Den.

This large cave is divided in half by a ten-foot-high escarpment. A steep, natural staircase leads from the lower portion to the upper ledge. The air is hazy with the smoke of a cooking fire., and pungent from the smell of poorly cured hides and unwashed goblins.

To her dismay, the room is far from empty. Five goblins, their eyes gleaming with malice, occupy the space, clearly on guard. Among them stand two goblin bosses, more imposing and better armed than their underlings, exuding an air of authority and menace. But what catches T'anks's attention most is the sight of a captive human, bound and looking worse for wear.

However, before she can retreat and formulate a plan with her party, her presence is detected. Perhaps it was a misplaced step or the shifting of the shadows, but the goblins' attention snaps towards her location.

With a guttural shout, one of the goblin bosses commands an attack, and the chamber erupts into chaos. The goblins, emboldened by their numbers and the presence of their leaders, advance towards T'anks with a mixture of crude weapons drawn.


Roll for Initiative!
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