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U.S.A. Generic US Election Thread


No Problem Here
GW Elder
Whelp this cringe story is making the rounds

I almost


Almost feel bad for him

How do you not vet the place first? Get a feel for the employees?

He asks how long the employees have been working there and doesn't care what the response is.

He says "whatever makes the most sense" as a food order and doesn't know how many to get 💀

An employee asks repeatedly not to be filmed and they don't have much of a reaction to him. They also have no say in being used as a prop for a photo op.
The Maga idiots have been coming out in full force on my facebook, I dont know too many of them, or I'll see them comment on a friend's post. They dont understand how the government runs. They think Biden and Harris can just do what ever they want.

I guess it's because they want Trump to be a dictator. But they conveniently forget all the bills blocked by the republicans in the House
Whelp this cringe story is making the rounds

I almost


Almost feel bad for him

How do you not vet the place first? Get a feel for the employees?

He asks how long the employees have been working there and doesn't care what the response is.

He says "whatever makes the most sense" as a food order and doesn't know how many to get 💀

An employee asks repeatedly not to be filmed and they don't have much of a reaction to him. They also have no say in being used as a prop for a photo op.
This video was hilarious. It's so awkward I swear it could feature in an episode of The Office. The only thing that's missing is Pam starring directly at the camera with an aghast look on her face.
  • Haha
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No Problem Here
GW Elder
I'm not sure actual comedy writers and actors could have done a better job in that

Only thing missing for me is him taking the order and then stumbling with it and the food goes everywhere like the chili.

I would be so so so embarrassed if this was my guy
  • Haha
Reactions: Jon
Whelp this cringe story is making the rounds

I almost


Almost feel bad for him

How do you not vet the place first? Get a feel for the employees?

He asks how long the employees have been working there and doesn't care what the response is.

He says "whatever makes the most sense" as a food order and doesn't know how many to get 💀

An employee asks repeatedly not to be filmed and they don't have much of a reaction to him. They also have no say in being used as a prop for a photo op.
My favorite reaction was "Has this man never taken his kids to get donuts before?"

1) He's a spoiled rich brat who hasn't had to earn anything in his life, including having a rich friend get him 3 jobs he was fired from all. That may be the first time he ever was in a donut shop and not getting them from an assistant of some sort.

2) No, he's too bust telling his kids to shut up so he can talk to Trump.

3) HE'S supposed to be the "relatable to the middle class" candidate for VP? :rofl


Blind Guardian
GWF Sponsor
GW Elder
This video was hilarious. It's so awkward I swear it could feature in an episode of The Office. The only thing that's missing is Pam starring directly at the camera with an aghast look on her face.
Make him a nepo-baby who's dad is Bob Vance, of Vance Refrigeration.
  • Golf Clap
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1) He's a spoiled rich brat who hasn't had to earn anything in his life, including having a rich friend get him 3 jobs he was fired from all. That may be the first time he ever was in a donut shop and not getting them from an assistant of some sort.

2) No, he's too bust telling his kids to shut up so he can talk to Trump.
1) Didn't he grow up to drug abusing parents and is basically a self-made man?

2) Telling your kids to be quiet about Roblox because you're talking to the former President and current candidate is probably the most relatable thing he's said so far
1) Didn't he grow up to drug abusing parents and is basically a self-made man?

2) Telling your kids to be quiet about Roblox because you're talking to the former President and current candidate is probably the most relatable thing he's said so far
I am not positive about that, but I know he had a billionaire friend (forget his name but he is a big Rep doner) get him multiple jobs he failed at. I read that article weeks ago. Doubt I can find it again, but I'll try.

It was Pokemon, not Roblox. :link But I am not sure how relatable it is to get a call from Trump lol
Yes, dimmerwit has it. This isn't the exact article I read, but here are two explaining that Vance did not grow up poor and just used it to boost himself (about a week ago an article came out from people in the city he grew up in upset with him for broadcasting it as poor; surprise, Vance lied... or at least exaggerated the truth) and the second about his relationship with Thiel that has driven his career path.

And this is an opinion piece chastising Vance for lying about Appalachia to get rich off them.

I am not positive about that, but I know he had a billionaire friend (forget his name but he is a big Rep doner) get him multiple jobs he failed at. I read that article weeks ago. Doubt I can find it again, but I'll try.
Yeah, Peter Thiel, the head of Palantir, among others.
It was Pokemon, not Roblox. :link But I am not sure how relatable it is to get a call from Trump lol
Pokemon? Unforgivable. What's relatable is that most people, if called by a former President, would take the call and want their kid to not be interrupting his call to talk about animu.
At Yale he met Peter Thiel and he's basically driven most of his career.
Regardless, that's a contact that Vance himself made. I don't know what exactly Thiel sees in home, but networking skills doesn't make him any less self-made.
1) Didn't he grow up to drug abusing parents and is basically a self-made man?

2) Telling your kids to be quiet about Roblox because you're talking to the former President and current candidate is probably the most relatable thing he's said so far
I don't know about his background that much so fact, checking the first thing is appreciated. As for the second thing, I agree, although I would stop short of telling my kid to shut the fuck up. And usually at those times after I tell my kid who is excitingly showing me something to hush because I'm doing something more important, I feel really bad about it later (and for a long time) and try to make up that time with him.


Blind Guardian
GWF Sponsor
GW Elder
Following a brief stint as a lawyer, Vance moved to San Francisco. Eventually, he landed at Mithril Capital, a company co-founded by Thiel. He finished writing Hillbilly Elegy while there, and Thiel wrote a blurb praising it. When Vance moved back to Ohio and eventually started his own fund, Narya Capital, both Thiel and Marc Andreessen invested. When Vance ran for U.S. Senate in 2022, Thiel spent an unprecedented $15 million on the campaign and persuaded Trump to endorse him (Vance had previously compared Trump to Hitler). In 2024, Thiel led the charge to convince Trump to pick Vance as V.P.

That was the article segment I had posted earlier about how Vance came up. I dunno about his pre-employment life and how he got into Yale to become a lawyer to begin with, etc. but at the very least he's been under the thumb of sugar-daddy Thiel since then.
I look at these guys and I just think...how?? HOW is the race this close despite everything? Even when we're living the best case scenario with Harris and Walz running a flawless campaign while Trump and Vance keep fucking up and embarrassing themselves, it just comes to Harris being just barely ahead and the race is essentially a coin flip?

What the fuck. It feels like it will only take the democrats one mistake or slip up to make her lose a few points and tank the whole thing. The other side could literally do no wrong.
Following a brief stint as a lawyer, Vance moved to San Francisco. Eventually, he landed at Mithril Capital, a company co-founded by Thiel. He finished writing Hillbilly Elegy while there, and Thiel wrote a blurb praising it. When Vance moved back to Ohio and eventually started his own fund, Narya Capital, both Thiel and Marc Andreessen invested. When Vance ran for U.S. Senate in 2022, Thiel spent an unprecedented $15 million on the campaign and persuaded Trump to endorse him (Vance had previously compared Trump to Hitler). In 2024, Thiel led the charge to convince Trump to pick Vance as V.P.

That was the article segment I had posted earlier about how Vance came up. I dunno about his pre-employment life and how he got into Yale to become a lawyer to begin with, etc. but at the very least he's been under the thumb of sugar-daddy Thiel since then.
He met Thiel when he came to speak at Yale. I think everything before that is fair game, but it's clear Thiel took a shine to him early.
Following a brief stint as a lawyer, Vance moved to San Francisco. Eventually, he landed at Mithril Capital, a company co-founded by Thiel. He finished writing Hillbilly Elegy while there, and Thiel wrote a blurb praising it. When Vance moved back to Ohio and eventually started his own fund, Narya Capital, both Thiel and Marc Andreessen invested. When Vance ran for U.S. Senate in 2022, Thiel spent an unprecedented $15 million on the campaign and persuaded Trump to endorse him (Vance had previously compared Trump to Hitler). In 2024, Thiel led the charge to convince Trump to pick Vance as V.P.

That was the article segment I had posted earlier about how Vance came up. I dunno about his pre-employment life and how he got into Yale to become a lawyer to begin with, etc. but at the very least he's been under the thumb of sugar-daddy Thiel since then.
Just to be clear, he is not a practicing lawyer. There is no evidence he actually even passed the bar that I can find, and I've tried. Found plenty on his wife passing the bar and practicing. He did graduate with a doctorate from Yale, but that is NOT the same thing as being a lawyer.

It's semantics, but it's important for me personally.
I don't think he claims he told them to stfu
He told a fun story about how he told his kid to shut up.

Saying that in the moment isn't the worst thing. Telling it like it's a good story as opposed to white lying about it as "I had to say "give me a sec this is important" so I could take the call without hearing about Pikachu" is the problem.
His quote was he told his kid to "Shut the hell up."
I think he said "I told him to shut the hell up" rather than "I told him, "Shut the hell up."

It's semantics and it doesn't matter anyway, but none of else will ever know what he really said to his kid. If, in the moment, he exaggerated because he was doing some bro podcast, or if he actually told hid kid to shut the fuck up. None of us really know, and I don't think it really will change our opinion of him one way or another.
I think he said "I told him to shut the hell up" rather than "I told him, "Shut the hell up."

It's semantics and it doesn't matter anyway, but none of else will ever know what he really said to his kid. If, in the moment, he exaggerated because he was doing some bro podcast, or if he actually told hid kid to shut the fuck up. None of us really know, and I don't think it really will change our opinion of him one way or another.

"My son, who is seven, is in the hotel room with me," Vance told the political podcast, which regularly hosts conservatives. "And he is really into Pokémon cards right now, he's going through a Pokémon phase...he's really into it."

"So he's trying to talk to me about Pikachu, and I'm on the phone with Donald Trump, and I'm like, 'Son, shut the hell up for 30 seconds about Pikachu,'" he continued. "'This is the most important phone call of my life. Please just let me take this phone call.'"

I was quoting him, for what it's worth.
  • Respect
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No Problem Here
GW Elder
not seeing any mention of this: while Harris was giving her speech, Trump was posting on Truth Social every 45 seconds for 59 posts. Not sure how that is possible, maybe he had some pre-made comments or maybe it was staffers. I feel like you can't really listen to the speech with that frequency.

Edit hahahaha "Walz was an ASSISTANT Coach, not a COACH."

Edit again guys this is comedy gold

"Too many "Thank yous," too rapidly said, what's going on with her?"


Edit hahahahaha

"Thank you to #BrianKempGA for all of your help and support in Georgia, where a win is so important to the success of our Party and, most importantly, our Country.

I look forward to working with you, your team, and all of my friends in Georgia to help MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!"
  • Haha
Reactions: Jon
not seeing any mention of this: while Harris was giving her speech, Trump was posting on Truth Social every 45 seconds for 59 posts. Not sure how that is possible, maybe he had some pre-made comments or maybe it was staffers. I feel like you can't really listen to the speech with that frequency.

Edit hahahaha "Walz was an ASSISTANT Coach, not a COACH."

Edit again guys this is comedy gold

"Too many "Thank yous," too rapidly said, what's going on with her?"


Edit hahahahaha

"Thank you to #BrianKempGA for all of your help and support in Georgia, where a win is so important to the success of our Party and, most importantly, our Country.

I look forward to working with you, your team, and all of my friends in Georgia to help MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!"
I love that he called into Fox and even they had to cut him off. Dude's completely lost his mind.
2) Telling your kids to be quiet about Roblox because you're talking to the former President and current candidate is probably the most relatable thing he's said so far
He told his kid to shut the hell up

Have I done this? Yes.

Have I done this while on the phone? No

Am I proud that I have done this before like Vance? Also no

Parents lose their cool but he seemed quite amused with himself and not ashamed
You know, the whole donut shop thing reminds me a lot of the time when Paul Ryan and his camera crew barged into the back of a St. Vincent de Paul soup kitchen, so he could pose with a big already – clean pot and a rag, and pretend like he was volunteering cleaning dishes there while they took a picture and left. And then later St. Vincent de Paul had to release a public statement asking to please not do anything like that because they try to stay apolitical so that it doesn't hurt donations.


Dumbass Progenitor
GW Elder
You know, the whole donut shop thing reminds me a lot of the time when Paul Ryan and his camera crew barged into the back of a St. Vincent de Paul soup kitchen, so he could pose with a big already – clean pot and a rag, and pretend like he was volunteering cleaning dishes there while they took a picture and left. And then later St. Vincent de Paul had to release a public statement asking to please not do anything like that because they try to stay apolitical so that it doesn't hurt donations.

This reminds me of those videos you always see where people record themselves feeding the homeless or providing them clothing. You wouldn’t know I’ve helped someone unless I told you, because it’s between that person and myself, and if I had to brag about it… I’d be doing it for the wrong reasons.


Dumbass Progenitor
GW Elder
Most Trump stories don't rile me up anymore but this one makes me sick

View attachment 19571

I can kinda see this one happening to just about any one person, not nearly an entire crowd. Reminds me of a guy who couldn’t resist flipping the camera off during photos. It became a habit, so much that on his wedding day, he almost defaulted to the middle finger in his first photo with his groomsmen. I get it, it could be Donny’s default pose… but everyone with him as well? Weird.
I can kinda see this one happening to just about any one person, not nearly an entire crowd. Reminds me of a guy who couldn’t resist flipping the camera off during photos. It became a habit, so much that on his wedding day, he almost defaulted to the middle finger in his first photo with his groomsmen. I get it, it could be Donny’s default pose… but everyone with him as well? Weird.
But... at a grave site?


Dumbass Progenitor
GW Elder
You said the W word! They don't like that.

charlie murphy fuck yo couch GIF

It’s weird that they don’t like that word

Am I weird for not caring what they don’t like?

But... at a grave site?

Look, I’m not here to make sense of people. I can’t even make sense of myself half of the time. That photo does remind me of this one, though:

charlie murphy fuck yo couch GIF

Am I weird for not caring what they don’t like?

Look, I’m not here to make sense of people. I can’t even make sense of myself half of the time. That photo does remind me of this one, though:

View attachment 19576
Lol, little different from a TV show perspective than real life. Especially a fallen soldier. Which to me again amplifies his disrespect of the military he claims to support.

Lol Barry Allen gloating over the green arrow.

I miss those shows, I dropped off from watching them a couple of years ago.
The last couple seasons of the Flash sucked, but Grant Gustin will forever be Barry Allen in my eyes. Fucking Ezra Miller was annoying AF.


No Problem Here
GW Elder
when I first posted this I had no idea there were federal laws surrounding the situation but it makes a lot of sense.

Pretty shit to blame the person trying to follow the rule/law as having a mental health episode.

I have never been but I am guessing there are a ton of signs about what is not allowed (not that they care about signs)

I can't for one second picture Joe or Kamala doing this


Dumbass Progenitor
GW Elder
when I first posted this I had no idea there were federal laws surrounding the situation but it makes a lot of sense.

Pretty shit to blame the person trying to follow the rule/law as having a mental health episode.

I have never been but I am guessing there are a ton of signs about what is not allowed (not that they care about signs)

I can't for one second picture Joe or Kamala doing this

Yeah, it’s immoral, but not surprising in the least. We’re entering the last couple months… we should start to see all kinds of desperate stuff.


No Problem Here
GW Elder
some push back on this because it is at least clear that the fallen soldier's family invited him to do this. That must be the people surrounding the photo. Perhaps even the guy in the ground would have wanted this.

Well, I don't think that makes it right. IMO a president should NEVER be photographed smiling and thumbs up over a dead soldier's grave when you are the current or former commander in chief. Even with the family's invitation. It's a solemn responsibility and the optics of this are so so bad.


No Problem Here
GW Elder
I'm sure nobody here wants to learn about this but

Who wants more embarrassing reminders that this guy was once our leader and he's gunning for the job again


This not parody btw

I'm sure this will all be very above board and not lead to money funneling by countries who want his attention
I'm sure nobody here wants to learn about this but

Who wants more embarrassing reminders that this guy was once our leader and he's gunning for the job again


This not parody btw

I'm sure this will all be very above board and not lead to money funneling by countries who want his attention

I recently read how much he made off those NFTs and it's sickening.


No Problem Here
GW Elder
I guess Trump reposted (now deleted) an X joke over on Truth Social outright saying Kamala only got to where she is because of BJs. (Lots of news sites are reporting on this post).

I know I am probably bringing him some attention by talking about this but whatever, not like this is a big social media forum or news network.

The guardrails have totally come off, the adults have left the room (you might roll your eyes but at one point he did have some people who could hold him off this kind of thing). Probably could be sued for that. It crushes me he's been in the same job as Washington and Lincoln. Not to mention he is saying the quiet part out loud of what a lot of incel etc men think.

I really hope ~2 months from now will force the R party to move on. He won't shut up until he is dead or completely addled but at least I hope the question of a reelection will stop.

Edit: oh yeah the NYT had a piece about his campaign money:

Not sure how to get a paywall free link but basically, it is hard to make sense on where the money is going with a blackhole LLC. His campaign is also behaving strangely if he wants to actually win; e.g. they didn't have an office in Pennsylvania until recently, and the ad dollars being spent there don't make sense for such a pivotal state.
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