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U.S.A. Generic US Election Thread


No Problem Here
GW Elder
this Haitian Springfield story is really fucked up

It was since the beginning of course but now with these bomb threats it's really evolved to another level

Also the story of how this all started is stupid, a lady posted on Facebook about a rumor she heard about and somehow it blew up to a presidential candidate mentioning it during a debate.

She says she regrets doing that but there doesn't seem to be any introspection about posting baseless things online without evidence and how that hurts communities, there are a TON of Facebook groups online that are "community watch" groups or things along those lines.



Dumbass Progenitor
GW Elder
lol Clinton...remember when this would make all the papers etc

25 years ago...

Kinda like how people went wild about that one chick kneeling on the couch? My first thought when that happened was “I’m sure that’s not the worst thing that has happened in there…”

I remember a president got impeached by Republicans for getting a hummer....


Simpler times.

My old boss wouldn't stop calling Obama a muslim, then when Trump got elected she was so happy and asked me "aren't you happy he got elected? He's a Christian."

Also once she was going off about Jimmy Carter and saying that man is going to hell and her moderate/centrist son who spent a few years living in California actually voted for Biden piped up and said "he's a Christian" and she go MAD and started hollering "that man is not a Christian!"

I have relatives still spouting that goofy bullshit about his birth certificate if that makes you feel any better.
As long as Republicans draw breath, our children will always be at risk in school.

I know assholes will still find way to get guns, but you have to be dumb as a brick and twice as stupid to think having guns so readily available isn't a MAJOR problem in this country.

Enough of this Second Amendment bullshit. The founding Fathers had NO idea that we would create weapons capable of what firearms are now. They would be rolling in their graves knowing what this country has done to that Amendment.


Dumbass Progenitor
GW Elder
My wife asked me why people would be calling in these bomb threats. Like, if they're conservatives, how does this benefit their cause.

My explanation was that (these) conservatives are in so deep into this cult of Trump that domestic terrorism isn't out of the question.

There are only really two other alternatives that I can think of, and one is a situation I’ve seen a few times just in my state, so it’s unlikely, but not outside the realm of possibility. There were multiple instances in recent years where racist graffiti/fliers/propaganda was put up around certain parts of the city and around college campuses, and the culprits ended up being the same race as the subject of the vandalism. It’s not crazy to say that someone would be crazy enough to think they’re helping the Democrats by pulling a stunt like this.

The other alternative? An unaffiliated opportunistic shithead just doing it for the “lulz”, because wildly enough, people still think doing that kind of shit is funny.
i think it is perhaps folly to assume that the type of person who would call in a bomb threat on an elementary school based on something they saw on the news is also the type of person to act in a rational manner and therefore we should probably not waste time trying to assign rationality to their actions


Blind Guardian
GWF Sponsor
GW Elder
My daughter started Kindergarten 1.5 weeks ago, then got strep throat and was out sick for the first whole week. During that time, there was a threat made on TikTok for our school district and I got a cautionary email and notice they were going to be running drills. She's been in school for 2 days, and it's already a thing I have to worry about.

America is fucked up.
This shit has to stop!!
Sadly, I think the only way for that to happen is if Trump and Vance were to admit that it's not true and to plead with their supporters to stop calling in these threats. But they're doubling down on it instead.

So unfortunately I think Springfield is going to just be forced to weather this storm until after the election. If they're lucky then maybe the next big story in the news cycle concerning the elections will happen and everyone's short-term memory will kick in and they'll be rid of this plague a lot sooner.
As long as Republicans draw breath, our children will always be at risk in school.

I know assholes will still find way to get guns, but you have to be dumb as a brick and twice as stupid to think having guns so readily available isn't a MAJOR problem in this country.

Enough of this Second Amendment bullshit. The founding Fathers had NO idea that we would create weapons capable of what firearms are now. They would be rolling in their graves knowing what this country has done to that Amendment.
But hey, let's keep blaming video games because that's obviously the problem. :rolleyes:

Yeah, when a study has already been done to debunk that BS. Japan has the highest sales in terms of video games, and yet, they don't have the same problem as America does. Who'd thought?
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So one race no one has really been looking at, because normally it means nothing...is the regular election for Nebraska Senate. But there's an independent candidate who says he won't want to caucus with either party (but clearly has positions that much more align with the Democrats), and he's polling within low single digits. Now there hasn't been a ton of polling on the race, but outside of a single outlier poll, he's been right in it, and even led in one poll:


If he gets elected and Tester does not get re-elected, it'll be interesting to see how the Majority Leader would play out. Would he suck it up and get Schumer back in? Or would he allow the Republicans to take it (even though he's very pro-union, wants access to abortion nationwide, and wants to raise the minimum wage).
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