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U.S.A. Generic US Election Thread

I guess Trump reposted (now deleted) an X joke over on Truth Social outright saying Kamala only got to where she is because of BJs. (Lots of news sites are reporting on this post).
I saw this. Apparently he went on several NSWF rants and crossed more than a couple lines. Not like anyone is going to hold him accountable to them. :rolleyes:


No Problem Here
GW Elder
okay, I did the archive thing. Here is the link:

Hopefully everyone can read that because it's worth reading.

He has Lara Trump and family/friends running the coffers. The FEC is a joke at this point. Probably gutted by the same party.

The Federal Election Commission should demand that all campaigns disclose recipients of more than $200 in campaign cash. At least that's what the law says. Campaign Legal Center tried to get the F.E.C. to enforce disclosure rules on the Trump campaign. The commissioners voted 3 to 3 to dismiss the matter, and federal courts have declined to step in. The legal center has appealed the case to the full U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit.

This election, the Trump campaign and four of its PACs have paid Red Curve Solutions, another private company, at least $18 million. The Campaign Legal Center says Red Curve appears to pay Mr. Trump's legal bills and then gets reimbursed by the PACs. (The law is murky on what types of legal bills can be paid by campaigns, but some are allowed.) The head of Red Curve also serves as the treasurer for the Trump campaign as well as the affiliated PACs.

What percentage of donor contributions go to lawyers defending Mr. Trump? It's impossible to know.

In June, NBC revealed the existence of a new mystery company, called Launchpad Strategies. Launchpad took in almost $15 million in Trump political cash via the Trump Save America Joint Fundraising Committee and the Trump National Committee. Little is known about this new group. It was created in 2023 and the Trump campaign says it is related to fund-raising. We don't know who owns it, who runs it or where the $15 million went.

It seems likely Mr. Trump is keeping close tabs on donations flowing through campaign vehicles controlled by family members and loyalists. But from early March through July of this year, the Biden and now Harris campaign outspent the Trump campaign three to one on advertising. By late May, the Democratic campaign had opened 200 field offices and hired 1,000 staff members in key states. The Trump campaign didn't open its first office in the crucial battleground of Pennsylvania until June. The Biden campaign had 24 there in April.

The article doesn't make a final statement about what is clearly happening. They are using the campaign to funnel money into these mysterious companies filed in Delaware. They aren't paying for the staff needed or the ads. They are using this as an opportunity to pay legal bills and syphon money.


Blind Guardian
GWF Sponsor
GW Elder
okay, I did the archive thing. Here is the link:

Hopefully everyone can read that because it's worth reading.

He has Lara Trump and family/friends running the coffers. The FEC is a joke at this point. Probably gutted by the same party.

The article doesn't make a final statement about what is clearly happening. They are using the campaign to funnel money into these mysterious companies filed in Delaware. They aren't paying for the staff needed or the ads. They are using this as an opportunity to pay legal bills and syphon money.
tl;dr - they're doing crime

This irks me to no end, but I also deal with money laundering and financial fraud all day, so it's extra infuriating to see them not get punished for their obvious shit.

The graveyard shit is just so dumb. I'm sure any veteran who he's trying to pander to would also realize he's not honoring the soldiers... But I've also heard they play Fox News in barracks a lot, so maybe they get conditioned to the right easily.

Tangent but kind of general America question/comment: I saw a reddit thread (can't find it now) stating they wonder what happens in this part of America.


Apparently the answer was basically "Aryan Nation" and that it's suuuuuuuper far right. Basically Farcry 5 in real life.

I guess I shouldn't be surprised... But that seems like the core problem person you're voting against.


Resident of the GWF Retirement Home
GW Elder
I saw this. Apparently he went on several NSWF rants and crossed more than a couple lines. Not like anyone is going to hold him accountable to them. :rolleyes:

Yeah, I've effectively given up hope of him ever being held accountable for anything. Every time it looks like he's about to face consequences he finds a way out or his lapdogs make him a way out like the last SCOTUS ruling. His followers seem too brainwashed to see him for what he is. The "I'm with the FELON" signs next to Thin Blue Flags are proof of that.

tl;dr - they're doing crime

This irks me to no end, but I also deal with money laundering and financial fraud all day, so it's extra infuriating to see them not get punished for their obvious shit.

The graveyard shit is just so dumb. I'm sure any veteran who he's trying to pander to would also realize he's not honoring the soldiers... But I've also heard they play Fox News in barracks a lot, so maybe they get conditioned to the right easily.

Tangent but kind of general America question/comment: I saw a reddit thread (can't find it now) stating they wonder what happens in this part of America.

View attachment 19681

Apparently the answer was basically "Aryan Nation" and that it's suuuuuuuper far right. Basically Farcry 5 in real life.

I guess I shouldn't be surprised... But that seems like the core problem person you're voting against.

My father is retired military so I've spent a fair bit of time on military bases. I can confirm that Fox News was often on in waiting rooms at the military hospital and it wouldn't surprise me if it was the same in the barracks. The prevailing opinion was that most news channels (which they called the MSM) were left-leaning and Fox News was the only centrist one. People believe they really are "fair and balanced."
  • 100
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My father is retired military so I've spent a fair bit of time on military bases. I can confirm that Fox News was often on in waiting rooms at the military hospital and it wouldn't surprise me if it was the same in the barracks. The prevailing opinion was that most news channels (which they called the MSM) were left-leaning and Fox News was the only centrist one. People believe they really are "fair and balanced."
I spent a week or so in the US a number of years back and I had a lot of downtime in my hotel room. I would watch Fox News, but I watched it as if it were a parody. It legit made me crack up multiple times with how bombastic and editorialized some of the bullshit they spewed was.
Apparently the answer was basically "Aryan Nation" and that it's suuuuuuuper far right. Basically Farcry 5 in real life.
this is correct. rural idaho (and montana/wyoming as well) are hotbeds for "militia" activity. they disconnect, take their families and animals, load up on guns, and basically go full off the grid and dare the federal government to do something about it. that exact area of idaho is where the ruby ridge standoff happened, and the fallout from that has radicalized right-wing domestic terrorists for decades


Blind Guardian
GWF Sponsor
GW Elder
this is correct. rural idaho (and montana/wyoming as well) are hotbeds for "militia" activity. they disconnect, take their families and animals, load up on guns, and basically go full off the grid and dare the federal government to do something about it. that exact area of idaho is where the ruby ridge standoff happened, and the fallout from that has radicalized right-wing domestic terrorists for decades
Huh. I knew the "Proud Boys" were a problem around the Washington area, so I guess that all makes sense.

America is wild.
Huh. I knew the "Proud Boys" were a problem around the Washington area, so I guess that all makes sense.

America is wild.
ruby ridge and the later waco standoff/raid against the branch davidians were both specifically cited by timothy mcveigh as reasons for why he carried out the oklahoma city bombing in 1995. and that's just one example--look into the bundy standoff(s) in oregon in the mid 2010s too
  • Agree
Reactions: Ben


No Problem Here
GW Elder
there's more to the story too. I guess they laid wreaths to mark the third anniversary of the Afghanistan withdrawal. He was trying to use that as an attack against Harris, partially by how the Biden admin botched it (even though he set the withdrawal date) and the fact that she has not observed the date in such a manner (even though neither has he prior to this). They were joined by family of service members killed during the Abbey Gate bombing.

I think his social media team was all ready to go with that narrative, photos, etc.
  • 100
Reactions: Jon
just saw that Harris is planning to add a Republican to her cabinet. I've been wondering if such a position would land on Adam Kinzinger after his DNC appearance. But it could be others.
Honestly, before I even finished reading your sentence I was thinking Adam Kinzinger. Him and Liz Cheney make WAY too much sense. And what a smart move it would be!

Really think MORE of this should happen in cabinets. Go back to the old days when the Vice President was the opposite party even.
Speaking of rightwing propaganda:

View attachment 19686
View attachment 19687

Today at work I noticed these books on my shelves for the first time and that's how I found out that Rush was a YA author.


Taxing unrealized gains sounds insane to me because one year you could owe a shit-ton of money, and the next year your stock could go to 0, so you've made negative money from buying and holding. Also seems like it would exacerbate panic selling because everyone would want to get ahead of that exact scenario.
It's going to be means tested to hell and back before it rolls out.
Taxing unrealized gains sounds insane to me because one year you could owe a shit-ton of money, and the next year your stock could go to 0, so you've made negative money from buying and holding. Also seems like it would exacerbate panic selling because everyone would want to get ahead of that exact scenario.
If it's the same as the Biden proposal then it only applies to people with a net worth over $100m and even then only on gains above that threshold.

I doubt it would pass though. Dems will have a tough time holding the Senate.
Taxing unrealized gains sounds insane to me because one year you could owe a shit-ton of money, and the next year your stock could go to 0, so you've made negative money from buying and holding. Also seems like it would exacerbate panic selling because everyone would want to get ahead of that exact scenario.

I'm pretty sure though people can use unrealized gains when applying for a loan or to show that they have the money, so it's almost like the rich get to have their cake and eat it too
I'm pretty sure though people can use unrealized gains when applying for a loan or to show that they have the money, so it's almost like the rich get to have their cake and eat it too
You're absolutely right. It's kinda fuckin crazy the ponzi scheme they have going. Get loans at favorable rates and invest in index funds that offer a higher rate of return. It's like the rich paying themselves to make more money


Dumbass Progenitor
GW Elder
I guess Trump reposted (now deleted) an X joke over on Truth Social outright saying Kamala only got to where she is because of BJs. (Lots of news sites are reporting on this post).

I know I am probably bringing him some attention by talking about this but whatever, not like this is a big social media forum or news network.

The guardrails have totally come off, the adults have left the room (you might roll your eyes but at one point he did have some people who could hold him off this kind of thing). Probably could be sued for that. It crushes me he's been in the same job as Washington and Lincoln. Not to mention he is saying the quiet part out loud of what a lot of incel etc men think.

I really hope ~2 months from now will force the R party to move on. He won't shut up until he is dead or completely addled but at least I hope the question of a reelection will stop.

Edit: oh yeah the NYT had a piece about his campaign money:

Not sure how to get a paywall free link but basically, it is hard to make sense on where the money is going with a blackhole LLC. His campaign is also behaving strangely if he wants to actually win; e.g. they didn't have an office in Pennsylvania until recently, and the ad dollars being spent there don't make sense for such a pivotal state.

Even if it were 100% true about her… ohs noes, an individual using their assets or the assets of others to facilitate a promotion to an unearned position? Where have we heard that story before?

Edit - I’m late to this party because this reply got to hang out as a draft for several hours.


Dumbass Progenitor
GW Elder
The "she just slept with everyone to get to the position she's at" or "She only made it because she's has boobs" statements are statements made by weak minded people with inferiority complexes.

Absolutely, but, in the spirit of humoring those dipshits, I couldn’t help but point out the irony.
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