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U.S.A. Generic US Election Thread

the interview crashed the X servers and nobody was able to watch

Musk says it was a ddos but others are not so sure

You would think after the DeSantis interview they would have taken better steps
A ddos attack that didn't effect the rest of twitter? Or the same type of failure that happened when he interviewed Desantos?


No Problem Here
GW Elder
damn, I wish there was a full link somewhere. I heard just a little bit of it and I actually do think it sounded like an audio problem. But I only heard a tiny fraction so I can't tell yet.

I also thought he has veneers.

Edit: By a full link somewhere I mean not on X, right now it is either down again or you have to login.
damn, I wish there was a full link somewhere. I heard just a little bit of it and I actually do think it sounded like an audio problem. But I only heard a tiny fraction so I can't tell yet.

I also thought he has veneers.

Edit: By a full link somewhere I mean not on X, right now it is either down again or you have to login.

This is what I watched

"Audio Compression" captured both over Twitter and this camera directly.

Season 3 What GIF by Animal Kingdom on TNT


No Problem Here
GW Elder
my "favorite" was when they started on the topic of "nuclear" but one was talking about nuclear energy and one was talking about nuclear bombs

also when Trump said Kamala was "beautiful" on the magazine cover

like Melania



Dumbass Progenitor
GW Elder
The whole JD Vance in drag thing is so funny not cuz drag is bad but just because the GoP is always trying so hard to be against that kind of stuff and for some weird reason it's always them that get caught doing it.

Classic projection. That shit runs deep.


Caterpillar Accountant
Mr. Queen of the Dead
10K Post Club
GWF Sponsor
GW Elder
I keep seeing and hearing on the news about how "Harris's honeymoon phase is going to end soon." Even on NPR. It's like the media and Trumps campaign are all like "okay we're over this now, when can we get back to the dirty divisive politics."
Yeah the media is getting pissy because Kamala hasn't been catering to them at all this cycle so now they're going to try and force her hand.


Blind Guardian
GWF Sponsor
GW Elder
The whole JD Vance in drag thing is so funny not cuz drag is bad but just because the GoP is always trying so hard to be against that kind of stuff and for some weird reason it's always them that get caught doing it.
Classic projection. That shit runs deep.

Yeah, it's a defense mechanism. They do it with being gay a lot, the people who are the biggest homophobes keep getting caught with male prostitutes or whatever.

It's a hope that by being a huge ass and being vocally deprecating of the thing you are, it'll fool people into thinking you can't be that thing. It's a sheep in wolf's clothing situation, dressing like a predator to avoid being prey.

So they probably have a comparable number of people as the democrats do, that're LGBTQ+, but just vehemently denying or actively attacking that thing because of political or religious acceptability.
I keep seeing and hearing on the news about how "Harris's honeymoon phase is going to end soon." Even on NPR. It's like the media and Trumps campaign are all like "okay we're over this now, when can we get back to the dirty divisive politics."
NPR has shifted more to the right in recent times. Giving much more air time to right wing talking points.


Dumbass Progenitor
GW Elder
Yeah, it's a defense mechanism. They do it with being gay a lot, the people who are the biggest homophobes keep getting caught with male prostitutes or whatever.

It's a hope that by being a huge ass and being vocally deprecating of the thing you are, it'll fool people into thinking you can't be that thing. It's a sheep in wolf's clothing situation, dressing like a predator to avoid being prey.

So they probably have a comparable number of people as the democrats do, that're LGBTQ+, but just vehemently denying or actively attacking that thing because of political or religious acceptability.

Exactly. Growing up, the first gay dude I knew used to get bullied by this other kid in our class. Long story short… he’s openly gay now. You can apply the same principle across most preferences, orientations, and ideologies that those kinda hypocritical people subscribe to. Not everyone has the capacity to just be gay and out, they have to somehow demonize others while engaging in and justifying their own activities simultaneously.


Blind Guardian
GWF Sponsor
GW Elder

Bit of a read, but this seems to explain what's up with Vance and his flippy-flop on Trump.

tl;dr - There's a bunch of right-wing nuts who want to make Cyberpunk 2077 real, breaking the US up and putting it under control of corporations with absolute impunity. Vance worked for a company run by Peter Thiel while he finished Hillbilly Elegy, and Thiel funded his campaign for senator. The "intellectuals" behind it are the ones espousing situations like Project 2025, and Trump probably went for Vance as VP pick because they had a plan that would make not just Trump king, but give corporations their own fiefdoms.

Curtis Yarvin is a far-right 'intellectual' that wants to end democracy and install what I can only really describe as cyberpunk feudalism. He's suggested turning the United States into a patchwork of corporate fiefdoms ruled with absolute impunity by CEOs, as well as putting mandatory ankle monitors on all unemployed and poor people.

This sounds like a joke, but I'm serious. JD Vance is not just a fan of him intellectually, but also a personal friend. As someone who has known about Yarvin for several years, it's been really concerning seeing how he could potentially become a Rasputin-like figure in the event of a Trump victory. Beyond this, Yarvin has also spent many years advocating for what sounds eerily like Project 2025.

I think part of the reason for why this has gone under the radar of the media is that Yarvin is just so niche that it takes someone who is extremely online like myself to even know about it, and most people in the media do not fit that social profile. But that excuse doesn't really apply anymore, if even the Japanese media is catching on to all this.

I know this sounds like it might be hard to explain to politically unplugged people, but we gotta try. If this goes viral it could kill his support even further. And even beyond that, the American people deserve to know how many threats to democracy there are lurking beneath the public eye. Tell people you know, and spread the word on social media. These people have long been known only on niche corners of the Internet; they will wither if we drag them into the light of day.

Following a brief stint as a lawyer, Vance moved to San Francisco. Eventually, he landed at Mithril Capital, a company co-founded by Thiel. He finished writing Hillbilly Elegy while there, and Thiel wrote a blurb praising it. When Vance moved back to Ohio and eventually started his own fund, Narya Capital, both Thiel and Marc Andreessen invested. When Vance ran for U.S. Senate in 2022, Thiel spent an unprecedented $15 million on the campaign and persuaded Trump to endorse him (Vance had previously compared Trump to Hitler). In 2024, Thiel led the charge to convince Trump to pick Vance as V.P.

Vance is a Thiel creation. And like his billionaire benefactor—who once wrote, "I no longer believe that freedom and democracy are compatible"—Vance embraces a radical ideology hell-bent on destroying government as we know it. And they got these ideas, at least in part, from Yarvin.

Yarvin is the chief thinker behind an obscure but increasingly influential far-right neoreaction, or NRx, movement, that some call the "Dark Enlightenment." Among other things, it openly promotes dictatorships as superior to democracies and views nations like the United States as outdated software systems. Yarvin seeks to reengineer governments by breaking them up into smaller entities called "patchworks," which would be controlled by tech corporations.

"The basic idea of Patchwork is that, as the crappy governments we inherited from history are smashed, they should be replaced by a global spiderweb of tens, even hundreds, of thousands of sovereign and independent mini-countries, each governed by its own joint-stock corporation without regard to the residents' opinions," he wrote in Patchwork: A Political System for the 21st Century.

Each patchwork would be ruled by a "realm": a corporation with absolute power. Citizens would be free to move, but every other realm would also be ruled by corporate governments with chilling impunity. For example, Yarvin says the tech overlords of the San Francisco realm could arbitrarily decide to cut off its citizens' hands with no fear of legal consequences—because they're a sovereign power, beholden to no federal government or laws.

The realm, having sovereign power, can compel the resident to comply with all promises. Since San Francisco is not an Islamic state, it does not ask its residents to agree that their hand will be cut off if they steal. But it could. And San Francisco, likewise, can promise not to cut off its residents' hands until it is blue in the face—but, since it is a sovereign state, no one can enforce this promise against it.

In "Friscorp," as Yarvin calls the San Francisco realm, an all-seeing Orwellian surveillance system would enforce public safety: "All residents, even temporary visitors, carry an ID card with RFID response. All are genotyped and iris-scanned. Public places and transportation systems track everyone. Security cameras are ubiquitous. Every car knows where it is, and who is sitting in it, and tells the authorities both."

Vance has not advocated for realms—yet—but some of his most extreme ideas echo Yarvin. They're both fond of political purges, for instance. In a 2021 podcast interview, Vance was asked how to get liberals out of government institutions. "De-Nazification, De-Baathification," he replied. "I tend to think that we should seize the institutions of the left. And turn them against the left. We need like a de-Baathification program, a de-woke-ification program."

He predicted Trump would run again and win, then offered some advice: "I think that what Trump should do, if I was giving him one piece of advice: Fire every single midlevel bureaucrat, every civil servant in the administrative state, replace them with our people." He added that Trump should defy any court orders that tried to halt this partisan purge of the civil service.

Yarvin calls this plan RAGE: Retire All Government Employees. It's captured perfectly in Project 2025, the Heritage Foundation's blueprint for a second Trump administration, which calls for firing an estimated 500,000 federal employees and dismantling entire agencies. If Trump wins, Vance may well be in charge of executing the plan.
Ughhhh I forgot how much they fuckin text you after you donate one fuckin time
At least it's only the Dems calling you. I'm getting texts and phone calls from Republicans begging for money while warning me about the radical socialist left and fighting wokeness. I suspect my elderly conservative dad my have accidentally provided my number to them at some point (because sometimes they call me by his first name) and I ended up on an endlessly recycled and re-sold mailing list, because blocking numbers and asking not to contact me anymore doesn't help.

Also I get even more calls from police unions begging for money. One time I got four of those phone calls in a single day, despite asking each one to take me off their call list. I'm just going to start responding with acab and hanging up.
Anyone ever have someone go door to door and hand people material before? For the first time that I can think of in my life a guy knocked on our door recently and was like "Hey who do you plan on voting for this election year?" and I was like "Probably Biden but my dad's probably voting Trump" and I gestured at my dad who was also at the door and the guy immediately broke eye contact with me and started asking my dad if he's voting GOP downballot and stuff like that.


Caterpillar Accountant
Mr. Queen of the Dead
10K Post Club
GWF Sponsor
GW Elder
At least it's only the Dems calling you. I'm getting texts and phone calls from Republicans begging for money while warning me about the radical socialist left and fighting wokeness. I suspect my elderly conservative dad my have accidentally provided my number to them at some point (because sometimes they call me by his first name) and I ended up on an endlessly recycled and re-sold mailing list, because blocking numbers and asking not to contact me anymore doesn't help.

Also I get even more calls from police unions begging for money. One time I got four of those phone calls in a single day, despite asking each one to take me off their call list. I'm just going to start responding with acab and hanging up.

Oh god I used to get Police Union calls a lot but they all started with the same automated Gruff White Guy Voice saying "Hello?"

So fucking scammy.
Oh god I used to get Police Union calls a lot but they all started with the same automated Gruff White Guy Voice saying "Hello?"

So fucking scammy.
Yep. More specifically, mine will start off saying hello is Jerry there? Then it pauses, and you can give any kind of response, you can even say yes, and still it says oh well maybe YOU can help me, and then starts it spiel.


No Problem Here
GW Elder
Yeah the media is getting pissy because Kamala hasn't been catering to them at all this cycle so now they're going to try and force her hand.

this video was making the rounds about a week back. It's a little long but it's GOOD. Yeah yeah, MSNBC, I don't care to have that argument, he trashed his own network about this problem.

I do not blame her at ALL for not catering to them. They learned nothing!


Caterpillar Accountant
Mr. Queen of the Dead
10K Post Club
GWF Sponsor
GW Elder
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