Dumb religion slap fight

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GW Elder
I am compared to you and pretty much everyone here, since you know, I lived there for the better part of my life and have been exposed to the subject all my life.
When you go around saying stuff like "Christianity is still much more brutal and worse than Islam", it just reinforces how little you know.
brother you literally posted a map of the UN declaring Palestine a state saying Palestine wasn't a state. You're the one who know little here. In fact, you're a straight up idiot who can't source a single argument and runs away when called out. Coward.


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GW Elder
brother you literally posted a map of the UN declaring Palestine a state saying Palestine wasn't a state. You're the one who know little here. In fact, you're a straight up idiot who can't source a single argument and runs away when called out. Coward.
I thought we were done talking, but ok. Do you know what happened right after and Palestine did not even get a chance to exist? Surely you must know this.


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Link me a source
Source if right there on the second map. Do you see those green arrows coming from Jordan and Egypt? I think you know what those mean, right? Before even giving Palestinians a chance to form a country in the lands given through the mandate, war was started. After the war, we ended up with the third map. Sure, Israel took over more lands, was that wrong? Maybe. But it was a defensive war and they did take lands. At that point, Arabs still had control over Gaza and the section containing Jerusalem and that would have been a perfect opportunity to make peace and make that section (And even Gaza) finally Palestine country. I mean they had freaking Jerusalem, you know how important that little section of land is? But no, they went to war yet again and lost even more lands and so on...


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GW Elder
Source if right there on the second map. Do you see those green arrows coming from Jordan and Egypt? I think you know what those mean, right? Before even giving Palestinians a chance to form a country in the lands given through the mandate, war was started. After the war, we ended up with the third map. Sure, Israel took over more lands, was that wrong? Maybe. But it was a defensive war and they did take lands. At that point, Arabs still had control over Gaza and the section containing Jerusalem and that would have been a perfect opportunity to make peace and make that section (And even Gaza) finally Palestine country. I mean they had freaking Jerusalem, you know how important that little section of land is? But no, they went to war yet again and lost even more lands and so on...
So your source, and what you're saying, is when Palestine was given the UN permission to form their sovereign state, other countries attacked, took advantage and took over and caused war. Somehow that's Palestine's and the Palestinians fault? Sounds about right for an asshole rooting for genocide of women and children because their beliefs go against his. You're blaming the attack on the land a group was allowed on the group allowed that land, and you're further supporting one of the groups genociding them because " well, the land could've been theirs if not for this vote"

End of day, all I'm getting from your argument is the dehumanization of a group of people and the rooting for their deaths, the deaths of women and children unjust to support your bloodlust. You wish genocide on them. I don't care this isn't thunderdome. You're a piece of shit. As a human, as a poster, as a supporter of genocide, you're a piece of shit.

Also, you have yet to link a source. Stop acting intelligent, because you aren't, and start giving some sources, loser piece of shit


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GW Elder
So your source, and what you're saying, is when Palestine was given the UN permission to form their sovereign state, other countries attacked, took advantage and took over and caused war. Somehow that's Palestine's and the Palestinians fault? Sounds about right for an asshole rooting for genocide of women and children because their beliefs go against his. You're blaming the attack on the land a group was allowed on the group allowed that land, and you're further supporting one of the groups genociding them because " well, the land could've been theirs if not for this vote"

End of day, all I'm getting from your argument is the dehumanization of a group of people and the rooting for their deaths, the deaths of women and children unjust to support your bloodlust. You wish genocide on them. I don't care this isn't thunderdome. You're a piece of shit. As a human, as a poster, as a supporter of genocide, you're a piece of shit.

Also, you have yet to link a source. Stop acting intelligent, because you aren't, and start giving some sources, loser piece of shit
Sure dude. But you seem to be the height of intelligence and do not sound incoherent at all.
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I'm going to suggest that the religious discussion be split into a separate thread. It's strayed too far from the original topic.

Are you talking the persecution of Catholics and Protestants? The same thing that happens this day and age? Sure, boiled down, they're christians, but vanilla christians view them as evil entities all the same and have cause conflict with them for decades, centuries, even
Who are "vanilla Christians"? The only branch of Christianity you haven't mentioned is Orthodox. Are you saying Orthodox are persecuting Catholics and Protestants? "Vanilla Christians" isn't a thing. It doesn't even make sense.
This argument is laughable. You literally state the Japanese followed buddhist doctrine to make decisions during WWII and then turn around and say the Japaneses don't follow Buddhism but send no sources saying so. I understand shintoism is the majority religion in japan today, but a lot of people follow buddhist beliefs as well
*Your* source claims Japan was a Buddhist country, and implies that Buddhism is behind Japan's role in the war. This is ridiculous because:
1. Shintoism was the majority religion of Japan. Buddhism was also a very large religion in Japan, but it's disingenuous to attribute WWII solely to Buddhism, especially considering thaybecause...
2. The emperor of Japan, de facto leader and head of state, was Shinto.
I will honestly need a source to show that it was the shinto beliefs leading/not leading the Japanese entrance into the war, or a source saying it was buddhist doctrine.
It was *your* goofy-ass source that implied it was Buddhist doctrine/beliefs that lead to Japan's role in WWII. Why? Because there is no religious/cultural war being waged between Islam and Shintoism like there is between Islam and Buddhism.

Classifying WWI as a strictly Christian war is a great joke, too.

Anyway, your source is reductionist religious propaganda that attributes RELIGION to wars that typically had NOTHING to do with religion. It draws false conclusions from an extremely flawed premise. For example, it attributes Communist deaths to "antitheism", and suggests that "antitheist doctrine" is responsible for the most deaths worldwide. Using the credibility afforded by your own source, you should be willing to admit that atheism is the most dangerous religious belief, since it, according to your own article, is the "religion" responsible for the most deaths worldwide.

Or maybe you can admit that your source is shit and we can just put this dogmatic religious propaganda piece to rest.
Recall, the existence of Nuns?
Yeah, I recall that this is a *choice* women make, not an ideal that is forced upon them by their government, community, and family, for fear of reprisals such as beatings, ostracization, and even death.
Washington state, in the US, for example, tried to force through an ordinance requiring women wear a certain amount of clothing depending on the job as recently as 2017.
A basic standard of societal decency required for certain workplaces that women choose to work at is not quite the same as oppressive rules that pervade all layers of society.

Red states in the US are literally trying to pass these laws through to this day and there have been court cases where people have walked free because they killed a homosexual in "self-defense."
They're literally trying? Damn that's crazy. Anyway they're literally the law in other countries.
Recall an American TV sitcom where a man threaten to beat his wife "Straight to the moon, Alice! To the moon!" The Handmaid's Tale was literally a criticism of christianty treatment of women!
A 1950s American sitcom does not quite have the same religious rigor as an actually holy text. So maybe you can provide me a quote from the New Testament that says it's okay to beat your wife, or even better -- from modern Christian scholars.
So basically, yes, Buddhist doctrine, or at least the Japanese interpretation of it, led to the Japanese actions in WWII.
Spoiler alert: nations use religion as an excuse to justify their war. That does not mean that their war is religious in nature. Japan didn't go to war due to Buddhist ideals. They went to war because they were an imperialist nation, and they needed resources.

Under the auspices of a Japan-led pan Asianism, Chinese Buddhist organizations in occupied territories were forced to become part of a Japanese-sponsored Buddhist network directed by Japanese Buddhists, in order to continue operations. Similar oversight was instituted in colonial Korea, although in both cases local resistance and non-compliance limited the impact of Japanese control.
Also another not-exactly-hot-take that colonizers try to bend the local version of a religion to their own version/oversight. Taking advantage of religion to institute control is not the same thing as the inherent principles or philosophy of a religion revolving around instituting control.


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GW Elder
I'm going to suggest that the religious discussion be split into a separate thread. It's strayed too far from the original topic.
I would love to join and see how someone, with a straight face, can claim that in this day and age any other religion is more dangerous than Islam.


ES COO Shitposting Dept. of GWF
10K Post Club
GW Elder
I'm going to suggest that the religious discussion be split into a separate thread. It's strayed too far from the original topic.
This is a good idea.

Speaking of the religious implications of the topic at hand is absolutely relevant. Talk of other religion could be relevant if the intent is a comparison to the events that are being discussed but that doesn't appear to be what is now happening as religion gets discussed at a broader scope.

A split on the religion discussion makes sense. Put this thread back on course and move that discussion elsewhere.
It maybe that I am soft, but I don't want to have a discussion with people who take every opportunity to be offensive towards me because I have a different opinion. Never in here I started my sentences with juvenile stuff like "I don't give a shit about what you think or say" or acted hostile towards anyone.
No you just came in here like we're all Elementary School children playing in the sand and that you, and you alone, could possibly understand some nebulous point about religious authoritarian states. When that isn't even the point of this discussion.

Congratulations on being somewhere between passive-aggressive and just a blatant, trolling instigator. I'd give you the Internet Karma point you want but thankfully we don't fucking have that here so, again, I would reiterate that maybe you should just go away.

I would love to join and see how someone, with a straight face, can claim that in this day and age any other religion is more dangerous than Islam.
It literally does not matter which religion is "more dangerous" than another. If two radical extremists armed with instruments of war get you in their crosshairs, does it make a difference that one is Christian and one is Muslim?

No, it doesn't. Because you're still fucking dead.

The entire ordeal is a goddamn embarrassment and anyone that got baited should be ashamed of not taking a step back and washing their hands of your bad faith posts.

Every single post from your first one at #233 can be removed and nothing of value would be lost. That's your "contribution" to this thread. And given the way you post and (don't) interact with others, I'm not inclined to believe the subject matters - you should simply have access to Current Events removed.

The religious posts are no exception and no, a religious thread should not be created. You do not argue for or against someone's faith - that's fucking stupid on its face. To then further frame that discussion within the context of Oppression Olympics or "Yeah but which one is worse so we can genocide them teehee" is childish and beneath each and every one of you.

Be better. Do better.
  • Respect
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ES COO Shitposting Dept. of GWF
10K Post Club
GW Elder
gus sorola omg GIF by Rooster Teeth
The religious posts are no exception and no, a religious thread should not be created. You do not argue for or against someone's faith - that's fucking stupid on its face. To then further frame that discussion within the context of Oppression Olympics or "Yeah but which one is worse so we can genocide them teehee" is childish and beneath each and every one of you.

Be better. Do better.

It's really not unrelated when a large percentage of Arabs espouse dangerously anti-Jewish beliefs, which have been fostered in them since childhood. Maybe you think it's "Oppression Olympics", but I think it adds some important context and nuance considering I've had 12 year old students I've taught telling me, in all earnestly, that Hitler wasn't that bad, and that the Judgment Day will occur when trees and rocks come to life and tell Muslims to slaughter any Jews hiding behind them. It was not "radicals" that said this. It was children. And it's an open secret that support for Hitler is fairly widespread in the ME.

It has nothing to do with justifying genocide, and it's disingenuous and frankly insulting that you would imply that. Religious tensions between two groups trying to coexist in the region ARE very real and ARE very important when it comes to discussing how they expect to coexist peacefully. It's not as easy saying "okay haha you guys just be friends now" like you would have people believe.
Here, have a thread from CE. It’ll be fun. I promise.
I was wondering why I missed this 3 pages in a day... then I noticed it was CE and I avoid that forum. Well, really only the subjects that I know nothing about like Israel/Palestine or likely explosive topics.

I'm not much a fighter, but now this is in the tdome... and I feel compelled to post more.

But I won't. Don't promise me fun, Mark. I am too old for those level lies.
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Dumbass Progenitor
GW Elder
No no, I just learned there is a proper time and place.

It would be akin to Zach Galifianakis going up against Mike Tyson.

And if you watched the Hangover you know how that plays out.

I wanna watch the Hangover again.

I loved the fact that Mike actually tagged Zach a few good times in that, too.
I'm uh... not in a mindset where "reasonable debate" is a high priority. And I have prior commitments for tonight. So just quick and dirty:

It's really not unrelated when a large percentage of Arabs espouse dangerously anti-Jewish beliefs, which have been fostered in them since childhood.
It's partially unrelated because it's a moot point that has already come and gone, specifically with regards to Palestine. There isn't going to be a Gaza or a West Bank to coexist with - there is barely a Gaza while I type this out. Y'know?

Maybe you think it's "Oppression Olympics"
Specifically WRT whatever nonsense aiat is/was spouting about Muslims/Islam being the most extreme or whatever, that then got you having honestly dumb exchanges with FQ and CAFM. It just... it doesn't matter? It really doesn't. They're both fucking trash, many of the adherents of both are trash, news at eleven. I really don't think there's ever a good time or place to try and sit and rank which one sits higher on the list - but particularly not in the thread that's the successor of another thread that did real, lasting damage to this community.

A community aiat doesn't give a fuck about, so since we're now in the Thunderdome I shall reiterate: fuck that barely coherent motherfucking, mouth-breathing troglodyte. If I could shatter his fucking smarmy jaw through the internet I would. Should've just banned his ass and been done with it.

but I think it adds some important context and nuance considering I've had 12 year old students I've taught telling me, in all earnestly, that Hitler wasn't that bad, and that the Judgment Day will occur when trees and rocks come to life and tell Muslims to slaughter any Jews hiding behind them.
And I would like to pause and say that that's incredibly fucked up, honestly. Obviously.

It was not "radicals" that said this. It was children. And it's an open secret that support for Hitler is fairly widespread in the ME.
And there's a very good reason my bitch ass ain't never gonna approach the Middle-East, but within the context of Israel becoming a genocidal regime backed by the US I didn't think it needed to be said how much I also oppose Iran, Saudi Arabia, et al.

But apparently I was mistaken on that. :shrug

It has nothing to do with justifying genocide, and it's disingenuous and frankly insulting that you would imply that.
It 100% does for aiat, whose are the only posts I bothered to read through this morning.

Again, I would have hoped you understood me better than that. But, alas. Apologies for coming across too callously.

It's not as easy saying "okay haha you guys just be friends now" like you would have people believe.
I don't know why you and aiat both think this, honestly? It's very weird.

I'm not asking anyone to do anything, I'm merely dismayed that tens of thousands of people are dead, thousands more are unaccounted for and/or literally starving to death, and my own fucking government won't do the bare minimum to stop it. Further, I'm immensely irritated that so many people just don't care. ...Irritated, but not surprised.

I'unno, maybe it's just me.


Dumbass Progenitor
GW Elder
Should've just banned his ass and been done with it.

Possibly, but we don’t want to foster the mentality that we don’t promote healthy discourse. If we did, we’d be no different than any other echo chamber. So, I think giving the opportunity for a back and forth is fair up until lines get crossed. Obviously, these kind of situations are dicey from the start, but part of the problem this world has is a lot of apathetic people because they just don’t want to talk about shit that makes them uncomfortable, so in turn, they appear like they don’t care.

When done right, there’s a certain catharsis to these conversations that can, at a minimum, offer up a perspective. Personally, I was hoping someone actually from the Middle East would want to have that kind of discourse, especially considering the misconceptions the west has of the region and the misconceptions that region may have about westerners or Europeans.

Not everyone can hear shit they don’t want to hear, though.
Raine, the rest of your post seemed fair and reasonable, so I'd like to address just this:
I don't know why you and aiat both think this, honestly? It's very weird.
Because everyone who says Israel should stop has not really offered a legitimate solution to the problem. Stop and... what? Allow themselves to be attacked again? I agree they've gone too far -- have BEEN going too far for a long time -- but, realpolitik, what option do they have to protect their citizens and secure their future when they're constantly harassed by rockets, stabbings, genocidal language coming from Palestinians.

I am not saying that Israel didn't exacerbate the situation, nor that they took it too far -- including before the Oct attacks -- but I just don't see a viable exit strategy that leads to a lasting peace in the region.

Although, uh, I suppose they abso-fucking-lutely could've negotiated with Hamas to release the prisoners in return for better treatment of Palestinians, but I do kinda subscribe to the belief that this conflict mostly arose from Iran and Qatar stirring the metaphorical shit-pot. I don't think Hamas gives an actual single solitary fuck about Palestinians -- especially when they've been bombing the Gaza pier the US is building for aid.
Technically Gaza is not palestine. Also, there are so much history in the middle that it is not so simple. This is the main issue, most think Israel simply came and started opressing Palestine. There was no Palestine, they made it up after Israel came to existence. The so called Palestine had numerous opportunities to be a country, but it was not enough for them. They did everything in their power to screw with e everyone in their region, case in point:

I hate to start this all over again, but extreme religious movements specially Islamic ones should never be allowed to exist. I say that from experience.
Hey there a thread here. I was surprised to see me quoted in the first post.

Without reading anything, I guess we've all established that religion is a net negative to mankind and, indeed, all kind?
My mind is still swirling from this statement.

Should, Israel committed genocide, was that wrong? Maybe. But it was a defensive genocide.
Just a little genocide.

A smackerel of genocide, really.

Completely innocent, totally clears the president, nothing to see here.
Not super well thought-out or fact-checked or anything but this is the Thunderdome and time is short so #yolo

Because everyone who says Israel should stop has not really offered a legitimate solution to the problem. Stop and... what? Allow themselves to be attacked again? I agree they've gone too far -- have BEEN going too far for a long time -- but, realpolitik, what option do they have to protect their citizens and secure their future when they're constantly harassed by rockets, stabbings, genocidal language coming from Palestinians.
Well it's less "should stop" and more "never started to begin with." The question ends up having two wildly distinct answers depending on hypothetical scenarios based on whether we're talking clear back in October or literally right now, y'know?

The latter is a bit easier to answer, since... if I'm understanding where things are moving, and what's happening, it's already in motion? Israel can't undo the fact that they're a genocidal regime; the history books will differ wildly from where current popular sentiment with the top brass is at now. So from a practical standpoint, their out is everyone's age-old fallback: Scapegoating.

The west is already primed and ready to accept the scapegoating of Netanyahu, to place virtually all blame at his feet and whitewash everything that the rest of the Israeli government and the IDF have said and done here. His approval ratings, last I check some weeks ago, were not super favorable anyway - it's not really any particularly great loss to throw him under the bus. The International Criminal Court is also poised to look into the conduct of a particular battalion within the IDF; this is another good scapegoat. You point the blame at this battalion for all of those heinous TikTok videos, the reports of the bulldozed corpses and desecrated graveyards and mass graves. They did it, Netanyahu knew about it, Israel is complying-but-we're-keeping-all-this-land, yadda yadda.

It's not like everyone has to believe it, it's just some measure of plausible deniability and giving the angry masses something to sate their hunger with. Also doesn't really address Hamas, but... will anything? Realistically, no.

If we rewind to the beginning-to-middle of October? Well, yeah, that depends on what Israel wants to accomplish. Obviously they wanted genocide and that's the path they chose, but if that wasn't their intention - negotiating for the release of hostages, making good use of the massive amounts of wealth they have to shore up defenses. I believe there were reports that Israel knew the attack was coming, but let it happen for... reasons. So they could have been more proactive on that front. They don't have to drop dumb bombs, they don't have to "allegedly" use horrible AI to evaluate potential targets, they absolutely do not have to systematically destroy every hospital - and every person inside every hospital - or target schools and shit.

Had Israel's plan been to A) rescue hostages and B) thwart Hamas, then the answer "do the opposite of everything you did in this timeline" seems the most apt. Hamas is two things, right? It's the literal, physical governmental body - but it's also an ideology. Even if you kill the former, you strengthen the latter. And everything Israel has done has ultimately been in the service of ensuring Hamas's anti-Israel/Jewish ideology will not only survive, but thrive.

Like, and as an aside, I say this very often but... I'm pro-violence? It's humanity's universal language. It's what we all understand best, the one thing that guarantees some sort of action is taken. There's a time and a place and a method to it though, and just eradicating an entire people, their way of life, their history, that ain't it. And anyone that legitimately wants that or advocates for it (aiat, Webster) ain't shit worth thinking about or talking to.

Kill Hamas all you want, ain't nobody gives a fuck about them. Understanding their stated motivations or underlying resentment WRT Israel/IDF's actions going back decades doesn't mean you support Hamas rolling up into town, killing and abducting normal ass people. Y'dig? But at least fucking pretend to follow international law and avoid, I don't know, literally naming your genocide apparatus "Where's Daddy?" because it tracks people to their homes and drops a dumb bomb to kill their entire family, their neighbors, and anyone remotely within the vicinity.
And anyone that legitimately wants that or advocates for it (aiat, Webster) ain't shit worth thinking about or talking to.
I understand aiat's line of thinking more. He's witnessed firsthand the brutal aftermath of a liberal country being overtaken by a bunch of religious zealots. He wants Hamas eliminated, and he understands that civilians die in war. He's not trolling. He may flub or misrepresent some details, but at least he's been generally respectful in the debate.
And everything Israel has done has ultimately been in the service of ensuring Hamas's anti-Israel/Jewish ideology will not only survive, but thrive.
Agreed. I just do not see what long game Israel is playing. They seem to be approaching this war from the dumbest, most brutal angle possible.
literally naming your genocide apparatus "Where's Daddy?" because it tracks people to their homes and drops a dumb bomb to kill their entire family, their neighbors, and anyone remotely within the vicinity.
excuse me but what the fuck
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Active Member
GW Elder
My mind is still swirling from this statement.

Should, Israel committed genocide, was that wrong? Maybe. But it was a defensive genocide.
Do you know how wars work? What exactly is genocide when three countries attack another country with the intent to destroy it three times, then lose. How is that genocide? I really want to know.
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