30 Days of Games


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Best Voice Acting: This is a difficult one because I have multiple nominations.

David Hayter as Solid Snake

Nolan North as Nathan Drake

Ray Liotta as Tommy Vercetti

Samuel L Jackson as Officer Tenpenny

Hidenari Ugaki as Goro Majima

EDIT: Got Majima's mixed up
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Best Voice Acting: This is a difficult one because I have multiple nominations.

David Hayter as Solid Snake

Nolan North as Nathan Drake

Ray Liotta as Tommy Vercetti

Samuel L Jackson as Officer Tenpenny

Munetaka Aoki as Goro Majima

Kirus japanese vocie actor is really good too, or at least fits, feel like they're all great

Fire Queen

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Munetaka Aoki as Goro Majima
he's who played majima in the live-action amazon series, hidenari ugaki is his voice actor for the games and who you're probably thinking of. he's got that perfect demonic laugh and the "kiryu-chan" screech

Kirus japanese vocie actor is really good too, or at least fits, feel like they're all great
that would be takaya kuroda, who i agree is a great fit for the role. he's aged into it superbly and his performances in the recent games have a lot of gravitas that wasn't present in the early yakuza games, it's been a fun evolution


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Favorite Class or Fighting Style
Idk tbh, not really a thing for me. In Souls games, I like Dex builds. In Elder Scrolls-like games, I like basic "whack shit hard" builds for a first play through, and a build with increased complexity in second playthroughs. In all else, I prefer attacking roles to tanking, support, or healing roles.

TF2 favorite class was Demoman though. I crushed with that.
Favourite Class/Fighting Style: I don't think this applies to a lot of the games I play, but I'm definitely a hack 'n' slash type player. No matter how a game is designed, I prefer just to run up to enemies and button mash my way to victory. That's probably why I play so many games on the easiest difficulty when I can, because they aren't all designed to be played that way.
Favourite Class/Fighting Style: I don't think this applies to a lot of the games I play, but I'm definitely a hack 'n' slash type player. No matter how a game is designed, I prefer just to run up to enemies and button mash my way to victory. That's probably why I play so many games on the easiest difficulty when I can, because they aren't all designed to be played that way.

I did this kind of in Baldur's Gate 3, I used a mod to where I could use all my party members and there were plenty of fights where it was close call because I didnt want to waste time buffing and debuffing, just wanted to kill


Dumdum McGee
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Favorite Class/Fighting Style: No matter my intentions I always end up in a tank role. I do love me a good "sword and board", especially if I can get a cool looking one-handed sword.

It just feels super heroic to me to get the enemy to focus all their enmity on me and allow my friends to fuckin nuke their asses from safety.

While you would think that tanking AND healing would be the most appealing with this mindset, I still want some glory to myself, so the ability to take a bunch of damage and then flip the fuck out and ragemurder as a retort is super fun. Therefore, I specifically prefer a more "warrior" based class than a "paladin".

The first class that really let me enjoy this style was the World of Warcraft Warrior...

...but the one that I've spent the most time and had the most epic battles with was the Destiny 2 Titan, despite Bungie's constant attempts to nerf my ass. Punch Wizards forever.


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Favorite Class or Fighting Style: This one is hard for me to answer and I think it depends on the game. Generally speaking, things like mages and ranged combat are not my style.

Beyond that - it's a toss up between a dex/thief/ninja type and an unga bunga type.

Looking at souls games - my first playthroughs are always dex, but then I always do a str playthrough.

Something like dragon's dogma was a thief/rogue type through and through.

Whereas something like Monster Hunter, I'm 100% a hammerbro.

There's other examples but yeah, I'm usually about speed or the exact opposite, depends on my mood or the game. If I had to say what is most common, I'd guess unga bunga, hit as hard as possible, and sometimes this comes hand-in-hand with tanking.


Senior Member
Favorite Class or Fighting Style: Assassin-type builds because I particularly enjoy stealth based gameplay. You can thank Metal Gear Solid and Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell for that. ^^

Second is wizard-based archtypes. Casting spells is fun, nuff said.
Favorite Class or Fighting Style: In fighting games, I play Zoners. Link in Smash, for example. My reaction time isn't very good and I am not good at blocking/countering/parrying, so Zoners are what I need. Either that or a character that is fast. I can't really play Cammy in Street Fighter much, and she is a really good Rush Down character. My most played Street Fighter character is Bison, and supposedly he's considered a "Rush Down character, which makes sense, because all of his special moves outside of the Alpha sub-series are moves designed to get in your opponent's face. However, Bison isn't really a fast character.

Outside of fighting games, I tend to play more medic/support roles because many of them allow for you to heal yourself, and it's easy to feel useful when you know you can support others in some manner. That said, my favorite character in Overwatch is Mei, who is a tank/DPS hybrid type character.
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Joseph Snapple

You don't know how to treat the Crypt Keeper!
GW Elder
Most Overrated: It's gonna be Baldur's Gate 3 for me. I will be up front that if nothing else, the game is an absolute technical masterpiece and a testament to what a game can be when given both infinite time and infinite money. But I ultimately did not find it fun to play (this is the least of it, CRPGs are always a crapshoot for me anyway), nor did I find either its characters or story to be particularly engaging.
Most Overrated Game: ...

Any tank control game like Tomb Raider or Resident Evil
GTA 3, Vice City, and San Andreas

Mostly games that really didn't live the test of time. They were definitely good for the time, but they're pretty bad now because of antiquated control systems and/or ugly graphics.

It wouldn't be fair if I shit on genres I don't like, like RTS' and JRPGs with turn-based combat. But I will say that fucking KOTOR being an "action-RPG" is a fucking lie. If I am still selecting attacks from a menu, it is not "action", IMO.

Also, I am totally fine shitting on sim racers because any time I have a game with fucking tire wear, my eye twitches. I hate that if I want to drive a 99 SVT Cobra or Honda Beat, I have to play Gran Turismo 2 or Sega GT... The most I played of a sim racer was Gran Turismo 3 and many hours in I realized that I could only get so far skipping races with 20+ laps. Especially when GT3 didn't seem to have very many tracks, so the game got SUPER repetitive... Once I got to the point where tire wear was a major gameplay aspect to races, I fucking stopped. If I'm playing sim racers, I'm finding cheats to unlock everything so I can just fuck around.

I also don't really like how Contra plays. It's mostly fine when it requires me to shoot up, down, forward and back, but when shooting diagonally, I find myself getting frustrated because you move while shooting. I wish you could shoot diagonally while standing still.

I didn't really enjoy the N64 Zelda games as much as Windwaker and Link to the Past.


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Most overrated games IMO:
Sonic - any. I enjoy the Genesis and Sega CD Sonic games, but even these are not as good as they're hyped to be. You move too fast for the screen, and some pits and hazards are unavoidable unless you already know what's coming next. The gameplay is not well-suited to the camera. The 3D Sonic games are utterly irredeemable IMO.

GTA4 - plodding, washed-out, unfun to maneuver, with bad gunplay, and repetitive missions. No real banger radio stations, either.

Portal - excellent concept, poor execution. The puzzles don't require much thought, and the potential was never fully realized until Portal 2.

Bloodborne - just don't find this fun. The trash mobs are too easy to pose a threat, so there's no fun, enjoyment, or tension from exploration. The bosses are the only difficult part, and their difficulty is all over the place. Farming for healing items isn't fun, so mostly I just did without. Many of the beast bosses were just hack and slash move-spam mayhem. Orphan of Kos was one of the few bosses that felt fun to battle.

Halo - generic console FPS. Never got the appeal. Most of the maps look samey, easy to get lost in, and a limited variety of enemies. Plays like a keycard-finding boomer shooter, without the keycards.

God of War (original) - repetitive move-spam, boring movement mechanics and segment (ropes, climbing), small variety of enemies, only two real bosses in the entire game. Got points for "muh mature game for mature gamers, when the industry was getting tired of game-y games.

Mario Galaxy - too simple to be enjoyable. The first level in the game forcing you to repeat the same boring starting planet 3x in a row was an insane choice since none of the rest of the game is like this, but I digress. I just found this game so easy -- and yet, so slow -- that I didn't enjoy it that much.

Majora's Mask - resetting progress, annoying, Charles's characters, awkward segments (Deku stealth, Gordon racing, Zora egg-finding) and SO much waiting around. Playing that elegy of cloning or whatever 20 times to get into the Stone Tower was so obnoxious. This game could've used another year to polish up the loose ends.

But the number 1 most overrated game is Castlevania: Symphony of the Night. Gone are the precision platforming, and considered level design in favor of a hodge-podge of "throw everything at the wall and see what sticks". Well, very little sticks. There's too many mechanics that don't really benefit the game as a whole in any way. The map is very bloated and empty, and the novelty of having to do it all! again! a second time! Wears off after a bit. The abundance of secrets is very cool, but moving through the world to obtain them all is annoying. Enemies are too easy to be anything more than an annoyance. Levelling system is not well-handled, and bosses start to pose no challenge when they begin to crumble before getting more than a couple of attacks off. It's not a well-balanced game, it's not fun to move through, it's not challenging or balanced. IMO it's not much more than a pretty coat of paint.
I think I would mostly agree with the Sonic games are maybe not as good as some say, but I never got the feeling that they were so highly rated that they belonged among the most overrated games. I think many are aware of the many issues Sonic games have, even the well received ones.

I would actually argue that GTA4 is underrated BECAUSE of those driving controls that everyone bitches about. It does get suuuuper frustrating later on because after you barely survive a quest, you're immediately tossed into 5 star level chase regardless of how you play it.


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I think I would mostly agree with the Sonic games are maybe not as good as some say, but I never got the feeling that they were so highly rated that they belonged among the most overrated games. I think many are aware of the many issues Sonic games have, even the well received ones.
I often hear the 2D Sonic games referred to as some of the best games ever. They're fun, but very flawed IMO. The 3d games get equal parts love and hate... which IMO means they're still overrated :link
I would actually argue that GTA4 is underrated BECAUSE of those driving controls that everyone bitches about.
GTA4 is rated 98 on Metacritic. I wouldn't argue that game is underrated. I think people are less forgiving of its flaws nowadays than in the past, but it's still a pretty average game. It doesn't hit the highs of either GTA3 or GTA5. A lot of people are quick to jump to the defense of driving in GTA4 too, but it's just sloppy and slow and unfun IMO. I've heard it referred to as boat driving, and that's a pretty good comparison.


Dumdum McGee
Mr. Queen of the Dead
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Most Overrated Game: Yeah its Final Fantasy VII. Its fine. Its not this super special game that it was made out to be for years because it was so many people's first RPG. I would say it's a  good game, but not great. Plus it is absolutely ugly to look at these days.
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Most Overrated Game: ...

This game absolutely does not stand the test of time, as you pointed out. I love it, but I can definitely see this perspective.
Any tank control game like Tomb Raider or Resident Evil
GTA 3, Vice City, and San Andreas

I was going to say that Vice City holds up for me, but I only played San Andreas for the first time a few years ago, and it was much, much weaker IMO. That probably supports your position because I'm sure if I played Vice City recently, instead of as a kid, I wouldn't enjoy it as much.

Most overrated games IMO:

Bloodborne - just don't find this fun. The trash mobs are too easy to pose a threat, so there's no fun, enjoyment, or tension from exploration. The bosses are the only difficult part, and their difficulty is all over the place. Farming for healing items isn't fun, so mostly I just did without. Many of the beast bosses were just hack and slash move-spam mayhem. Orphan of Kos was one of the few bosses that felt fun to battle.

As a Souls game, I still think this is the best one and it's not overrated. As a standalone game, it definitely could be overrated. The start of the game is so anti-beginner friendly. I know it's a Souls game, and that's the point, but the fact that you have to reach the first boss before you can even start upgrading is wild.

Majora's Mask - resetting progress, annoying, Charles's characters, awkward segments (Deku stealth, Gordon racing, Zora egg-finding) and SO much waiting around. Playing that elegy of cloning or whatever 20 times to get into the Stone Tower was so obnoxious. This game could've used another year to polish up the loose ends.
Majora's Mask is the ultimate "I like the idea of this game, but it's not that fun to play". It has outstanding lore and lots of cool ideas, but the fact that it discourages you from exploration, in a series that is all about exploration, makes absolutely no sense. I love watching speed runs, and I would play it again, but my first play through was not fun.

As for my picks:

Bayonetta - I can't tell if this game is popular just for its protagonist, or I just don't understand the game, but I didn't enjoy the story and I thought the gameplay was clunky.

Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze - I have read that this is one of the best modern platformers. I found it to be very difficult, short, and not particularly fun. I thinkI beat it in 5 hours, and I don't remember anything about it.

Super Mario 3D World / Bowser's Fury - I think Bowser's Fury was less enjoyable for me than the base game, but compared to 64, Sunshine, Galaxy, and Odyssey, this is the worst one by a mile.

Skyrim - This is probably my favourite of my 4 picks, but I guess I don't see why it has such an enduring legacy. It doesn't strike me as the same quality as a lot of other classic games over the last decade.
Most Overrated Game: ...

Only because it doesnt hold up, but it was properly rated and important at the time

GTA 3, Vice City, and San Andreas

Fighting words!

I didn't really enjoy the N64 Zelda games as much as Windwaker and Link to the Past.

WW and LTTP are better than OOT IMO, but OOT was massively important even if its mostly 3d LTTP

My overrated games, oh boy am I due for some heat

Super Metorid - poor controlls, both tanky and floaty

Super Mario rpg - generic and only looks pretty. Story and characters save for 1 are forgettable, propped up by being Mario

Yoshi Island - I don't typically like air craft hanger kind of levels, not what I want from a mario game, levels feel randomly generated

Sonic CD - similar to Yoshi's Island, I still enjoyed the game, but definitely think its a tier lower than Sonic 2, 3 and Knuckles

Earthbound - attempt at humor is bad, story is just mother 1 redone and characters are uninteresting

Final Fantasy 7 remakes - bloated with sometimes at least in English cringe vooce acting. Also hate the story changes, do like the game play though

Super Mario Odyssey - insultingly easy, Mario does control well, feels a mile wide and a centimeter deep

Sea of Stars - generic story and characters, and gameplay doesn't evolve

Donkey Kong 64/Banjo Kazooies - boring collect-a-thons

Super Mario Galaxy 1 & 2 - they're good games, but not the all time greats they're made out to be, also SMG2 is better than 1 IMO

Trails from Zero - Very popular among the Trails fans, characters though are a dud and just isnt that interesting. Apparently stuff ramps up in the sequel, but I have no interest in playing it or the series anymore, it's too big

Xenoblade Chronicles - it is fine, I think Last Story was better, story started out interesting, but it kind of peters out also I did not like the gameplay and all the little systems
Super Mario 3D World / Bowser's Fury - I think Bowser's Fury was less enjoyable for me than the base game, but compared to 64, Sunshine, Galaxy, and Odyssey, this is the worst one by a mile.

I loved Bowser's Fury and I think it blows Odyssey out of the water, but Odyssey is as C level game IMO, but it is more my style. Galaxy games are okay, but I think BF is better

Skyrim - This is probably my favourite of my 4 picks, but I guess I don't see why it has such an enduring legacy. It doesn't strike me as the same quality as a lot of other classic games over the last decade.

I think because there hasnt been another Elder Scrolls games and since it has been re-released so much there is just fatigue. I cant see myself re-playing it anymore, though I do have interest in replaying Morrowind and Oblivion
I loved Bowser's Fury and I think it blows Odyssey out of the water, but Odyssey is as C level game IMO, but it is more my style. Galaxy games are okay, but I think BF is better
The thing that bugged me about Bowser's Fury is that the game would randomly stop everyone once in a while for his fury. I don't remember the exact mechanics of it, but much like with Zelda, I want to explore in a Mario game, and this interrupts that.
The thing that bugged me about Bowser's Fury is that the game would randomly stop everyone once in a while for his fury. I don't remember the exact mechanics of it, but much like with Zelda, I want to explore in a Mario game, and this interrupts that.

It does, it didnt bother me too much since it was small world and short, and it made some sections really fun and hectic if I was in the middle of platforming section, it upped the challenge some which a lot of modern Mario games just dont have until super late game and always optional


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As a Souls game, I still think this is the best one and it's not overrated. As a standalone game, it definitely could be overrated. The start of the game is so anti-beginner friendly. I know it's a Souls game, and that's the point, but the fact that you have to reach the first boss before you can even start upgrading is wild.
Bloodborne has one of the weirdest beginnings as a Souls game. The trash mobs before the first boss are very threatening and dangerous. I remember one particular section where I got to the lantern just by the skin of my teeth. That section, at the very start of the game, was the most difficult gauntlet of regular enemies up until the DLC IMO. It's my least favorite Souls game.
Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze - I have read that this is one of the best modern platformers. I found it to be very difficult, short, and not particularly fun. I thinkI beat it in 5 hours, and I don't remember anything about it.
I think the variety of gameplay in this game is really what makes it stand the test of time. It's very challenging, but fair. It can be a bit floaty for such a precision platformers though, and I get why people would find it overrated.
Super Mario 3D World / Bowser's Fury - I think Bowser's Fury was less enjoyable for me than the base game, but compared to 64, Sunshine, Galaxy, and Odyssey, this is the worst one by a mile.
I was pretty underwhelmed by 3D World the first time I played it, but when I returned to it, it ended up being one of my favorite 3D Mario's. I found Bowser's Fury to be especially good, and underrated, too 😅


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Only because it doesnt hold up, but it was properly rated and important at the time

Fighting words!

WW and LTTP are better than OOT IMO, but OOT was massively important even if its mostly 3d LTTP

My overrated games, oh boy am I due for some heat

Super Metorid - poor controlls, both tanky and floaty

Super Mario rpg - generic and only looks pretty. Story and characters save for 1 are forgettable, propped up by being Mario

Yoshi Island - I don't typically like air craft hanger kind of levels, not what I want from a mario game, levels feel randomly generated

Sonic CD - similar to Yoshi's Island, I still enjoyed the game, but definitely think its a tier lower than Sonic 2, 3 and Knuckles

Earthbound - attempt at humor is bad, story is just mother 1 redone and characters are uninteresting

Final Fantasy 7 remakes - bloated with sometimes at least in English cringe vooce acting. Also hate the story changes, do like the game play though

Super Mario Odyssey - insultingly easy, Mario does control well, feels a mile wide and a centimeter deep

Sea of Stars - generic story and characters, and gameplay doesn't evolve

Donkey Kong 64/Banjo Kazooies - boring collect-a-thons

Super Mario Galaxy 1 & 2 - they're good games, but not the all time greats they're made out to be, also SMG2 is better than 1 IMO

Trails from Zero - Very popular among the Trails fans, characters though are a dud and just isnt that interesting. Apparently stuff ramps up in the sequel, but I have no interest in playing it or the series anymore, it's too big

Xenoblade Chronicles - it is fine, I think Last Story was better, story started out interesting, but it kind of peters out also I did not like the gameplay and all the little systems
The more you post, the more I'm convinced we have the same vidya tastes. We have some pretty big differences (SMRPG, Super Metroid), but overall I think I probably have the most in common with you, game-wise
The more you post, the more I'm convinced we have the same vidya tastes. We have some pretty big differences (SMRPG, Super Metroid), but overall I think I probably have the most in common with you, game-wise

I do want to give Super Metroid another shot modded with Fusion engine which is supposed to help it. I've tried a couple times, love the atmosphere and love metroidvanias, but I cant stand how she controls, but I hear Fusion has better controls
I think with games like Goldeneye and the PS2 GTA trilogy I have a hard time calling them overrated simply because they are products of their time. Goldeneye was at a time when FPS games were evolving so rapidly that anything of the period was quickly outdated. Even the modern control scheme for FPS on console hadn't been invented, though this is as much because the N64 controller was designed by someone with no concept of the human hand.

But with GTA:SA, I replayed it a few years ago as it was on Game Pass and I still enjoyed it. Yes it's outdated, and frankly a lot of elements (e..g the controls) weren't great by 2004 standards, but I still think that game does a lot of things just so well. It's not as good as GTA 4, 5 or 6 will be but I couldn't expect anything different from a game that's 9 years before 4 and at least 20 years before 6.

This is why I'm going to defend GTA 4. I do agree with some of the complaints about it, and I think for some reason it makes me feel that GTA 5's single player is slightly underrated, but it was the first game that really made me feel like I was playing something a generation ahead in almost every aspect rather than just graphics. The shooting controls weren't great but were much better than SA (and I play on PC where this is basically a non-issue), and I know this is blasphemy but I really didn't mind the driving.


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It does, it didnt bother me too much since it was small world and short, and it made some sections really fun and hectic if I was in the middle of platforming section, it upped the challenge some which a lot of modern Mario games just dont have until super late game and always optional
That's how I felt about the "rage" mode too. It could be annoying sometimes waiting for it to stop or kick in when you needed it to, but it made platforming even more fun when it didn't impede the gameplay too much.


Dumdum McGee
Mr. Queen of the Dead
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Super Mario rpg - generic and only looks pretty. Story and characters save for 1 are forgettable, propped up by being Mario

It was for beginners to the genre. It's a decent little cozy RPG, but yeah, never deserved the acclaim aside from nostalgia.
Yoshi Island - I don't typically like air craft hanger kind of levels, not what I want from a mario game, levels feel randomly generated

Mods please ban
I think with games like Goldeneye and the PS2 GTA trilogy I have a hard time calling them overrated simply because they are products of their time. Goldeneye was at a time when FPS games were evolving so rapidly that anything of the period was quickly outdated. Even the modern control scheme for FPS on console hadn't been invented, though this is as much because the N64 controller was designed by someone with no concept of the human hand.

Even as resident N64 hater here, I can see how important Goldeneye was and it was fun at the time, I dont like calling something overrated because it didnt age well

I think the GTA games are still fun, a little clunky but not too terrible.

, and I know this is blasphemy but I really didn't mind the driving.

I agree, the driving is fine in 4, just have to get used to it, went from arcady to more realistic (not saying it was realistic, but closer than the ps2 games)


Wolf Players
overated game: got two picks and they’re for similar reasons any Assassins’ Creed game or Metal gear solid i don’t like stealth games to begin with and I know AC isn’t strictly stealth especially the later games but the game play and story just doesn’t appeal to me and I find it boring.
as for MGS the fact that it’s stricter on stealth turns me away from it also the fact that there’s roughly 20 hours of cutscenes in between gameplay. Like I thought this was a video game not a movie also I will never get Geoff Keighly’s love obsession with Kojjma
overated game: got two picks and they’re for similar reasons any Assassins’ Creed game or Metal gear solid i don’t like stealth games to begin with and I know AC isn’t strictly stealth especially the later games but the game play and story just doesn’t appeal to me and I find it boring.
as for MGS the fact that it’s stricter on stealth turns me away from it also the fact that there’s roughly 20 hours of cutscenes in between gameplay. Like I thought this was a video game not a movie also I will never get Geoff Keighly’s love obsession with Kojjma

Id say MGS isnt that strict on stealth, you can often go more gun ho. Vs say a Splinter Cell. But yeah, the cutscenes are long, and its not for everyone
Yoshi Island - I don't typically like air craft hanger kind of levels, not what I want from a mario game, levels feel randomly generated
IMO, the best thing about Yoshi's Island is the graphic style and the subtle usage of the FX chip.

I dislike the gameplay. It's just a long escort mission where you have to listen to Mario cry for a solid chunk of the game and while keeping track of the number of eggs you have to shoot at enemies.

Id say MGS isnt that strict on stealth, you can often go more gun ho. Vs say a Splinter Cell. But yeah, the cutscenes are long, and its not for everyone
I tried Splinter Cell once. It seemed like they purposely made shooting the gun incredibly ineffective in order to force the player to use stealth.

What I didn't really like about MGS was the camera angle. I did recently acquire the game for the PS1 (and a Bleemcast disc), and Twin Snakes. I didn't play much, of the PS1 game yet, but I can already tell the game oozes cinematic quality, something PS1 games just did not have unless you played a JRPG.
IMO, the best thing about Yoshi's Island is the graphic style and the subtle usage of the FX chip.

It is beautiful

I dislike the gameplay. It's just a long escort mission where you have to listen to Mario cry for a solid chunk of the game and while keeping track of the number of eggs you have to shoot at enemies.


I tried Splinter Cell once. It seemed like they purposely made shooting the gun incredibly ineffective in order to force the player to use stealth.

Maybe, I dont know if it was purposeful, even with good shot, ammo is at a premium

What I didn't really like about MGS was the camera angle. I did recently acquire the game for the PS1 (and a Bleemcast disc), and Twin Snakes. I didn't play much, of the PS1 game yet, but I can already tell the game oozes cinematic quality, something PS1 games just did not have unless you played a JRPG.

Camera angle is a little off, it got a lot better with the rerelease of MGS3 (Subsistance?) and after that, but the first few games yeah, little clunky camera
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