Dumb religion slap fight

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This is what I meant when I said there was never a Palestine and people jumped on my throat. So can you tell me which sections should Israel give up to the current Palstinians and why? Was there ever a country called Palestine that was taken over by force?
Was there a country of Israel that wasn't gifted to people that involved kicking people out of lands they were already on?

Also how about you answer the question of how there not being a Palestine created by Egypt, Syria, and Lebanon giving up territories in order to create one was the Palestinian people rejecting a chance at being a country? That was Egyptians, Syrians, and Lebanese people preventing a chance for the Palestinians to have a country. You've claimed that they repeatedly rejected this opportunity, and when I asked you to provide the examples (while very clearly saying that it would be so we could tell you how each and every one of these came with caveats you're overlooking) you provided one that wasn't at all in their control.

Also people jumped down your throat not because you said "there wasn't a country called Palestine" but because you said "the people of Gaza aren't Palestinian" despite that being the historical name of the region they're from and the ethnicity they are.

What should Israel give up? How about we start with the easy one: control of Gaza and the West Bank. Allow the Palestinians to live as actual people and not a subjugated sub-population that has no rights of their own.


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GW Elder
Was there ever a country called Palestine that was taken over by force?
Whether or not the Palestinians, that were living in the region they were driven out of by Zionists, were sufficiently organised to have formed a state, does not matter in the moral calculus, and you trying to make us think it is, is rather pathetic
Honestly, if Israel spend the last few decades building up Gaza and the West Bank, making them high tech and new, then instead of yet another generation only knowing oppression, they might start to see the other side in a new light and break the cycle of hate and violence. They’d likely have allies in the region too


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GW Elder
Was there a country of Israel that wasn't gifted to people that involved kicking people out of lands they were already on?

Also how about you answer the question of how there not being a Palestine created by Egypt, Syria, and Lebanon giving up territories in order to create one was the Palestinian people rejecting a chance at being a country? That was Egyptians, Syrians, and Lebanese people preventing a chance for the Palestinians to have a country. You've claimed that they repeatedly rejected this opportunity, and when I asked you to provide the examples (while very clearly saying that it would be so we could tell you how each and every one of these came with caveats you're overlooking) you provided one that wasn't at all in their control.

Also people jumped down your throat not because you said "there wasn't a country called Palestine" but because you said "the people of Gaza aren't Palestinian" despite that being the historical name of the region they're from and the ethnicity they are.

What should Israel give up? How about we start with the easy one: control of Gaza and the West Bank. Allow the Palestinians to live as actual people and not a subjugated sub-population that has no rights of their own.
Not really, about 30% of Israel citizens are Arabs so they did not kick anyone out per se. For fun, check the Jewish population of Arab countries over the past 50 years to see who kicked out who.

And what you keep saying is what I find odd in all this. There was never a Palestine. Considering how the Arab nations today all sing about how they support and want an internationally recognized country called Palestine, I just find it amusing that none of them wanted to actually give the Palestinian movement of the time their own country. Can you let me know exactly how everyone and their mother is happy to go back in time to blame Israel and no one here once mentions numerous chances Arab nations had to give Palestinians their own country? Palestinians were so desperate to have their own country that they tried to take over Jordan. I am pretty sure if Israel was defeated, we would be in the same situation. Except it would have been PLO against Jordan/Egypt/Syria.

When I said people of Gaza are not Palestinians, I made it clear that in the current situation they do not belong to the Palestine which is located in the west bank. I don't know how this is so controversial that merits personal attacks from some of the intellectual minds here.

As for the other point, I have already mentioned this, either you did not read it or you want to ignore it. Israel did give up control of Gaza in 2006. That led to Hamas. As long as Iran regime is alive, nothing positive will be gained from giving up control of those regions.
Israel gave up control of Gaza? Is that why they control the border, had the only airport shuttered, and prevent anyone from leaving via the ocean?

Saying the people of Gaza are not Palestinian because they're not IN Palestine while also claiming Palestine has never existed is quite a thing.

Also I don't give a shit about your hypotheticals about what could be happening today with regards to other Arab countries and the Palestinian people. If that were the case instead of Israel doing this, then yes, it would be just as bad. But it's Israel doing this.

Also, you still have provided exactly 0 instances of the Palestinian people rejecting a good faith offer to have their own country, despite leading with them doing that multiple times as one of your main arguments.

That's what I'm focusing on. Please provide actual evidence of that or say that you were incorrect, mr. "you people clearly don't know the history of the area"


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GW Elder
Whether or not the Palestinians, that were living in the region they were driven out of by Zionists, were sufficiently organised to have formed a state, does not matter in the moral calculus, and you trying to make us think it is, is rather pathetic
I think I already established that you barely have any idea about this subject Mr "actually, it was Jordan who attacked PLO". No amount of edgy comments is hiding that my friend. Why don't you come back when you actually do a little research on the subject. By the way, you sound like the speakers for Guardians of Islamic Revolution, nice job.
Honestly, if Israel spend the last few decades building up Gaza and the West Bank, making them high tech and new, then instead of yet another generation only knowing oppression, they might start to see the other side in a new light and break the cycle of hate and violence. They’d likely have allies in the region too
They did, so did USA and many Arab countries. It did not really work.


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GW Elder
Saying the people of Gaza are not Palestinian because they're not IN Palestine while also claiming Palestine has never existed is quite a thing.
I am pretty sure you understood what I mean but in the interest of clarity: Gaza has its own government and ministries seperated from the Palestine in the west bank.

As for the rest, it is not really worth the time and effort to continue this with you. You are a slightly better version of Leandros guy, but not by much. I do not expect much from the likes of you anyways, you guys barely have any exposure to the subject. Maybe someday you will get your wish and see what happens if and when another extremist religious regime comes to power. It wont be pretty in my experience though.


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GW Elder
I think I already established that you barely have any idea about this subject Mr "actually, it was Jordan who attacked PLO". No amount of edgy comments is hiding that my friend. Why don't you come back when you actually do a little research on the subject. By the way, you sound like the speakers for Guardians of Islamic Revolution, nice job.
You've established absolutely jack shit, all you do is make halfhearted claims with nothing but distractions to back them up. You have yet to say anything substantive on anything. Seriously, look into that blogging thing
Last time I checked everyone is free to post here within rules. I don't see why I should engage with people like you or that other dude who thinks he is so funny. No one is forcing you to engage with me either so kick it down a notch.
You're free to interact with the community so long as the community wishes to interact with you. There is but a single rule, and everything else is a guideline. The singular rule is to not be a dick - approaching the community in bad faith, belittling others, claiming false superiority, that's all being a dick.

Nothing in my post was remotely hostile, but you chose to post whatever this was to once again avoid having to answer the question.

If you clutch your pearls any harder with your victim complex you'll shatter them yourself, buttercup. :chuckle
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I am pretty sure you understood what I mean but in the interest of clarity: Gaza has its own government and ministries seperated from the Palestine in the west bank
They are ethnically Palestinian and the people of Gaza and the West Bank both view each other as Palestinian.

The government of Alaska is different from the government of Washington with a different country in between them. They're both still the US.

But going from this: if they are not Palestinian to you, what are they?

Also yeah, you've established nothing. You've made a claim that Palestinians were offered statehood multiple times and simply rejected it and have been unable to provide a single instance of this being true. You claim superiority without having anything to back it up other than your say so.

Not really, about 30% of Israel citizens are Arabs so they did not kick anyone out per
Lmao. "Arabs exist in Israel and therefore no one was kicked out"

That you can make this statement and expect anyone to believe you on anything you say about this is beyond comprehension.
But going from this: if they are not Palestinian to you, what are they?
He'll never say it outright, of course, but "Hamas." Hamas is the people, Hamas is the government, Hamas is the enemy. It is okay to slaughter women and children in the thousands, to kill unarmed men seeking food, because they are Hamas Enemy. It is okay to kill doctors, nurses, police officers/peace keepers, journalists - because they want to help Enemy. Are Enemy.

I fucking applaud you, Alu, but this isn't that deep or complicated. The man is incredibly transparent and so I have not bothered to write more than a couple of sentences. Because I remember.

Let him speak for himself:

I think my take will sound very right-wingy.
We have way too much bad experience with extreme relegious regimes to have any empathy for Gaza. I know how it sounds, but as far as I can tell people of Gaza are mostly in full support of Hamas. I dont know why they are referred to as being Palestinians since they do not fall under the rule of Palestine government and chose Hamas as the ruler.
I used to be pretty religious (some might even remember me arguing in favor of Islam way back then on the forums).
From what I have seen around me, and like comments and discussions on Persian speaking websites and boards, majority support Israel in their goal to destroy Hamas by any means. I don't mean everyone single person is this way, but from my experience (which is not a small sample), even in my rather large family which is pretty religious in general, pro-Israel is the majority.
I just did not wake up one day and randomly decide to be against everything I believed in for about 3 decades of my life. The pure (and sad in way) truth is that majority of Iranians are so sick and tired of living under extremist religious zealots that they do not care one bit about what happens in Gaza. To our eyes Hamas has to be destroyed no matter what, otherwise these things will never stop happening.

To summarize: Fuck him.

By his own logic he should have been summarily executed as a child because Iran is an evil shithole country full of evil shithole men that cheered and applauded the brutal rape, torture and execution of young ladies like Nika Shakarami. If the Palestinian children aren't allowed to grow up and change, why should he have been? Because he's special? Because he was born in "A Country?"

Bitch please.
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I mean, she literally quoted the part where he already referred to them as Hamas, or at the very least heavily implied enough to the point where an observant person could reasonably reach that conclusion.

I was a very good girl and tried very hard.

Please forgive me for my weakness, it will definitely happen again. :)
He didn’t call them hamas, he implied they are expendable because they chose hamas as their leadership so if they need to die to eradicate hamas, so be it


ES COO Shitposting Dept. of GWF
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He didn’t call them hamas, he implied they are expendable because they chose hamas as their leadership so if they need to die to eradicate hamas, so be it
But yet continues to skirt around the "not Palestinian" comment when already stating that it's because they chose Hamas. So whether it's Hamas directly or those who chose Hamas, he still wishes for the death of innocent people.
Also, these specific types of comments should be taken to the dome. I missed it the first time I quoted your post. Not sure if @A Loccal Hoo saw it either.
Then issue the warning, I don't require nor ask for special privilege.

But @aiat_gamer is not going to belittle this community and not get the response he so desperately craves.
But yet continues to skirt around the "not Palestinian" comment when already stating that it's because they chose Hamas. So whether it's Hamas directly or those who chose Hamas, he still wishes for the death of innocent people.
Whether he wishes it or doesn’t care, the end result is the same. Intention is slightly different.
Then issue the warning, I don't require nor ask for special privilege.

But @aiat_gamer is not going to belittle this community and not get the response he so desperately craves.
1. Things got heated, it seemed like an honest mistake to put it here not there. Why would you get a warning?

2. That seems to be how he argues. No one is telling Leandros to stop posting if his comments seem belittling to some people
So are you implying that end results are all that matter and not how we got from Point A to Point B?
All I’m saying is we shouldn’t tell other people how they feel. There is a difference between wanting everyone dead and not giving a fuck if they die. Neither is good, but as you and I already went through, we shouldn’t tell other people what they think or are saying.

I don’t agree with his take, nor do I think he shouldn’t be called out for it. What I do think is we shouldn’t be telling him what his take is


ES COO Shitposting Dept. of GWF
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GW Elder
All I’m saying is we shouldn’t tell other people how they feel. There is a difference between wanting everyone dead and not giving a fuck if they die. Neither is good, but as you and I already went through, we shouldn’t tell other people what they think or are saying.

I don’t agree with his take, nor do I think he shouldn’t be called out for it. What I do think is we shouldn’t be telling him what his take is
It's not telling them what they're thinking or feeling though.

Indifference to genocide and wanting genocide are not far apart, nor should they be treated as being entirely different from eachother.

Our society has been built on a foundation of selfish behaviour and a general lack of empathy. By wilfully ignoring shit like this, you openly condone and indirectly support genocide. You're okay with it - and that's not okay.

Instead what we do is tiptoe around topics and people like this, instead of calling it out as such. It's how we get stuck in our societel perpetual loop of accepting shit like discrimination, hate, and yes - genocide.

If you're not against it, you're for it. Genocide is not a grey area.
It's not telling them what they're thinking or feeling though.

Indifference to genocide and wanting genocide are not far apart, nor should they be treated as being entirely different from eachother.

Our society has been built on a foundation of selfish behaviour and a general lack of empathy. By wilfully ignoring shit like this, you openly condone and indirectly support genocide. You're okay with it - and that's not okay.

Instead what we do is tiptoe around topics and people like this, instead of calling it out as such. It's how we get stuck in our societel perpetual loop of accepting shit like discrimination, hate, and yes - genocide.

If you're not against it, you're for it.
Then say his actions and view point is supporting the actions taken by the Israeli regime. Not caring if innocent people die does not make him better or give him any type of moral superiority when compared to those rooting for genocide
Anyway, moving along...

A lot of messed up stuff has happened in the last week or so. I kept some tabs open, seems like as good a time as any to drop some of them and get us back on course.

I believe this has generally been known or theorized for a good while? Certainly, actions by/from the IDF have made it quite clear that the lives of Israeli hostages isn't remotely a priority if nothing else.

Universities in the US have continued to be assaulted, including the US police doing what they do best:

And the school administrations themselves being trash:

And the continued instigation from bad actors:

Meanwhile Israel itself chugs along without a care:

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As for the rest, it is not really worth the time and effort to continue this with you. You are a slightly better version of Leandros guy, but not by much. I do not expect much from the likes of you anyways, you guys barely have any exposure to the subject
Y'know this would be a good opportunity to source your claims and discuss them in detail, because I thought Alu made some pretty good points. If you think he's wrong, drop some knowledge and back it up.
You've established absolutely jack shit, all you do is make halfhearted claims with nothing but distractions to back them up. You have yet to say anything substantive on anything. Seriously, look into that blogging thing
Tbf you claimed that Jordan attacked Palestinians first, and he proved that that wasn't true.


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GW Elder
Y'know this would be a good opportunity to source your claims and discuss them in detail, because I thought Alu made some pretty good points. If you think he's wrong, drop some knowledge and back it up.

Tbf you claimed that Jordan attacked Palestinians first, and he proved that that wasn't true.
It maybe that I am soft, but I don't want to have a discussion with people who take every opportunity to be offensive towards me because I have a different opinion. Never in here I started my sentences with juvenile stuff like "I don't give a shit about what you think or say" or acted hostile towards anyone.

In short, I said there was never a Palestine to begin with, none of the parties opposed to Israel involved were ever interested in establishing an independent country for the currently called Palestinians. Their entire shtick was destroying Israel. So I don't really get why everyone, at this moment in particular, expects Israel to recognize a country called Palestine.

The one thing I think is worth pointing out is this: inncocent death and civilian casualties are an unfortunate part of each conflict. There is no way around it. In my personal opinion, after 7th of October Hamas has to be dismantled and destroyed. There is no way this will happen without the death of people on both sides. Added to the messed up situation is their awful tactics of using civilian structures and civilians themselves as shield, this has been proven. Does anyone think there is any way to get rid of the exteremist ection of Gaza/Palestine without bloodshed?

Finally, maybe I am being dramatic here. But to me it feels like people like that Leondares guy have this mentality of "superior privileged first world citizen". He clearly does not know much about this subject, yet he acts like he is somehow has more superior knowledge to me, a mere pleb from a third world country. It is very weird watching him still going after I clearly showed him he was wrong and just made stuff up.


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GW Elder
Lmao, I’m done with this kid. Dude acts like he’s the leading source on the history and culture of the Middle East and whenever the @aiat_gamer is pressed to provide a source or explain a point, he washes his hands of the conversation saying "that's enough of you" or something similar to brush off any attempt at a press for his sources or info. Dude is belittling, cheering for mass genocide, dehumanizing an entire existence of people, and literally making up things and contradicting his own self to push these points to cheer for the daily murder of thousands.

Dude is just a little troll, and that's about the nicest thing I have to say about him.

And yes, Christianity is still much more brutal and worse than Islam. Just because it's modernized doesn't mean shit. It just means it's refined its methods of brutalization so they are more acceptable on TV, such as stealing women's rights to their body, making certain sexualities illegal, etc etc.
It maybe that I am soft, but I don't want to have a discussion with people who take every opportunity to be offensive towards me because I have a different opinion. Never in here I started my sentences with juvenile stuff like "I don't give a shit about what you think or say" or acted hostile towards anyone.

In short, I said there was never a Palestine to begin with, none of the parties opposed to Israel involved were ever interested in establishing an independent country for the currently called Palestinians. Their entire shtick was destroying Israel. So I don't really get why everyone, at this moment in particular, expects Israel to recognize a country called Palestine.

The one thing I think is worth pointing out is this: inncocent death and civilian casualties are an unfortunate part of each conflict. There is no way around it. In my personal opinion, after 7th of October Hamas has to be dismantled and destroyed. There is no way this will happen without the death of people on both sides. Added to the messed up situation is their awful tactics of using civilian structures and civilians themselves as shield, this has been proven. Does anyone think there is any way to get rid of the exteremist ection of Gaza/Palestine without bloodshed?

Finally, maybe I am being dramatic here. But to me it feels like people like that Leondares guy have this mentality of "superior privileged first world citizen". He clearly does not know much about this subject, yet he acts like he is somehow has more superior knowledge to me, a mere pleb from a third world country. It is very weird watching him still going after I clearly showed him he was wrong and just made stuff up.
It’s important to cite your sources to back up your claims


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GW Elder

lmao, even.
All i'm saying is modern christianity has resulted in the biggest genocide in human history by two times. I'll even do what @aiat_gamer doesn't and cite my source!

- page 20-31

Lmao all you want, modern christianity and the entire history of christianity has been built on blood and bodies. It's just more acceptable today because they have a better PR team than Islam
All i'm saying is modern christianity has resulted in the biggest genocide in human history by two times. I'll even do what @aiat_gamer doesn't and cite my source!

- page 20-31

Lmao all you want, modern christianity and the entire history of christianity has been built on blood and bodies. It's just more acceptable today because they have a better PR team than Islam
This is a ridiculous source, stepped in religiosity, and injecting religiosity where it isn't.

Are you really trying to claim that WWII was a "Christian conflict"? Give me a fucking break.


Active Member
GW Elder
This is a ridiculous source, stepped in religiosity, and injecting religiosity where it isn't.

Are you really trying to claim that WWII was a "Christian conflict"? Give me a fucking break.
Was it the crusades? no. But yes christianity played a major part in Hitler's rise to power and generating the antisemitism from the people that allowed him to do what he did.

Recall the Nazi platform, point 24 specifically:

"We demand the freedom of all religious confessions in the state, insofar as they do not jeopardize the state's existence or conflict with the manners and moral sentiments of the Germanic race. The Party as such upholds the point of view of a positive Christianity without tying itself confessionally to any one confession. It combats the Jewish-materialistic spirit at home and abroad and is convinced that a permanent recovery of our people can only be achieved from within on the basis of the common good before individual good."

Christians in German took this as a christian affirmation of their values, growing the party and allowing them to gain momentum and do what they eventually did.

Christians could have rejected this and not allowed the Nazi party to grow as their bible teachings say, in general, to be accepting and forgiving. Instead, they used it as a springboard to say christianity was the "true religion" essentially

So, yes, in an argument boiled down to basics, christianity backed antisemitism is the cause of WWII and as such, every death is the responsibility of this
Was it the crusades? no. But yes christianity played a major part in Hitler's rise to power and generating the antisemitism from the people that allowed him to do what he did.

Recall the Nazi platform, point 24 specifically:

"We demand the freedom of all religious confessions in the state, insofar as they do not jeopardize the state's existence or conflict with the manners and moral sentiments of the Germanic race. The Party as such upholds the point of view of a positive Christianity without tying itself confessionally to any one confession. It combats the Jewish-materialistic spirit at home and abroad and is convinced that a permanent recovery of our people can only be achieved from within on the basis of the common good before individual good."

Christians in German took this as a christian affirmation of their values, growing the party and allowing them to gain momentum and do what they eventually did.

Christians could have rejected this and not allowed the Nazi party to grow as their bible teachings say, in general, to be accepting and forgiving. Instead, they used it as a springboard to say christianity was the "true religion" essentially
There's a pretty significant difference between pandering to religious types and using religion to influence your laws, policy, and decision-making. There was nothing "Christian" about what the Nazis did. Recall that these same Nazis persecuted Catholics in Germany.

So, yes, in an argument boiled down to basics, christianity backed antisemitism is the cause of WWII and as such, every death is the responsibility of this
It's not boiling down the argument -- it's cherry picking. Christianity did not cause WWII. Christian doctrine did not justify Hitler's actions and decisions, just like Buddhist doctrine did not dictate Japan's actions in WWII (although the majority religion at the time in Japan was Shintoism, contrary to the paper's claims that it was Buddhism).

Meanwhile, religious doctrine in Islam absolutely dictates cultural and societal norms in majority Islam countries, including beliefs that:
-women are lesser than men
-that women (property of their guardian/husband) be covered/veiled
-that homosexuals should be killed
-that spousal abuse is a-ok

Given your source, it's frankly hilarious that you would even cit it. It would be like me citing the Pope on the evils of other religions.
Anyway, we're getting a bit off topic.

I don't want this forum to become an echo chamber, and I actually appreciate some of the conversation @aiat_gamer is generating, even if I do not agree with it all. He is correcting some misconceptions (WRT Jordan attacking Palestinians), he's generating debate, and generally he's being pretty respectful. If he started sourcing his claims that would be better. I think he should focus on one claim at a time, evidence it, and then we could debate it.

I am not the most well-versed in the Israel v Palestine debate, but personally I appreciate the discussion.


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GW Elder
There's a pretty significant difference between pandering to religious types and using religion to influence your laws, policy, and decision-making. There was nothing "Christian" about what the Nazis did. Recall that these same Nazis persecuted Catholics in Germany.

It's not boiling down the argument -- it's cherry picking. Christianity did not cause WWII. Christian doctrine did not justify Hitler's actions and decisions, just like Buddhist doctrine did not dictate Japan's actions in WWII (although the majority religion at the time in Japan was Shintoism, contrary to the paper's claims that it was Buddhism).

Meanwhile, religious doctrine in Islam absolutely dictates cultural and societal norms in majority Islam countries, including beliefs that:
-women are lesser than men
-that women (property of their guardian/husband) be covered/veiled
-that homosexuals should be killed
-that spousal abuse is a-ok

Given your source, it's frankly hilarious that you would even cit it. It would be like me citing the Pope on the evils of other religions.
I don't know how to multiquote the same post, so i'mma just go after this whole thing all in one in my own way, so here we go:

"There's a pretty significant difference between pandering to religious types and using religion to influence your laws, policy, and decision-making. There was nothing "Christian" about what the Nazis did. Recall that these same Nazis persecuted Catholics in Germany."

Are you talking the persecution of Catholics and Protestants? The same thing that happens this day and age? Sure, boiled down, they're christians, but vanilla christians view them as evil entities all the same and have cause conflict with them for decades, centuries, even. The treatment and persecution of catholics by the english in Ireland comes to mind.

"It's not boiling down the argument -- it's cherry picking. Christianity did not cause WWII. Christian doctrine did not justify Hitler's actions and decisions, just like Buddhist doctrine did not dictate Japan's actions in WWII (although the majority religion at the time in Japan was Shintoism, contrary to the paper's claims that it was Buddhism)."

This argument is laughable. You literally state the Japanese followed buddhist doctrine to make decisions during WWII and then turn around and say the Japaneses don't follow Buddhism but send no sources saying so. I understand shintoism is the majority religion in japan today, but a lot of people follow buddhist beliefs as well, and I will honestly need a source to show that it was the shinto beliefs leading/not leading the Japanese entrance into the war, or a source saying it was buddhist doctrine.

"Meanwhile, religious doctrine in Islam absolutely dictates cultural and societal norms in majority Islam countries, including beliefs that:
-women are lesser than men
-that women (property of their guardian/husband) be covered/veiled
-that homosexuals should be killed
-that spousal abuse is a-ok"

Man, you've literally quoted over the christian beliefs of today with this.

-women are lesser than men
-women are to be covered/veiled

Recall, the existence of Nuns? Sure this isn't the major point, but I do find it laughable that people arguing against islam forget that christianity also requires women of belief to be fully covered. Yes, this is a part of the modernization of christianity, but still, there is always laws getting passed allowing women to reveal parts of their body. Washington state, in the US, for example, tried to force through an ordinance requiring women wear a certain amount of clothing depending on the job as recently as 2017.

-that homosexuals should be killed

Red states in the US are literally trying to pass these laws through to this day and there have been court cases where people have walked free because they killed a homosexual in "self-defense."

-that spousal abuse is a-ok"

Recall an American TV sitcom where a man threaten to beat his wife "Straight to the moon, Alice! To the moon!" The Handmaid's Tale was literally a criticism of christianty treatment of women!

I feel a little trolly so I'm gonna send this one:

"Given your source, it's frankly hilarious that you would even cit it. It would be like me citing the Pope on the evils of other religions."

Just because the Pope's religion believes and defends the molestation of children doesn't mean he's wrong for calling out christian sects for being evil and support the death and suppression of women, homosexuals, etc.
sure he denies personhood and says genocide is the correct course of action, but he's just so dang respectful about it
He never said genocide is the correct course of action. He said the civilian deaths are unavoidable in war. He doesn't deny personhood, he just said that a Palestinian state strictly for Palestinian peoples didn't exist. You're misrepresenting what he's saying.

I don't know how to multiquote the same post
Highlight the words then tap on +Quote and when you write your post, tap on "Inset Quotes"

I'll get back to you when I have a little bit more time 😘


Active Member
GW Elder
He never said genocide is the correct course of action. He said the civilian deaths are unavoidable in war. He doesn't deny personhood, he just said that a Palestinian state strictly for Palestinian peoples didn't exist. You're misrepresenting what he's saying.

Highlight the words then tap on +Quote and when you write your post, tap on "Inset Quotes"

I'll get back to you when I have a little bit more time 😘
luv u bby, even if we don't agree on these points


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GW Elder
It’s important to cite your sources to back up your claims
I mean does some obvious things really need to be sourced? I don't know, maybe these stuff is so obvious to me and I did not think it needed sources.
But, I will point to this map here. A country called Palestine never got a chance to exist. It was not given a chance by the Araba countries in the region.


Active Member
GW Elder
It's not boiling down the argument -- it's cherry picking. Christianity did not cause WWII. Christian doctrine did not justify Hitler's actions and decisions, just like Buddhist doctrine did not dictate Japan's actions in WWII (although the majority religion at the time in Japan was Shintoism, contrary to the paper's claims that it was Buddhism).
I'm going to restate this point and redo it because I misunderstood what you wrote with my original posting, but i'm going to leave that up for criticism as well. Buddhism was a major player in the Japanese actions. They literally used it as a reason to start their attacks on China and the US.

"During the war, violence was widely condoned under a Buddhist principle allowing for "compassionate killing." Acting to save the nation (interpreted as either Japan or China depending on the monk's own nationality) was an act of compassion to save the population from external violence."

This also rolled into "Likewise, if the enemy soldiers were acting as "devils" wreaking devastation, compassion required destroying them to protect the innocent." This tied heavily to Bushido philosophy as well.

Source: "Fumihiko Sueki, "Chinese Buddhism and the Anti-Japan War," Japanese Journal of Religious Studies, 37:1 (2010), 17."

Now, at this point I'm gonna copy and paste from a source:

Pacifism and anti-war sentiment were almost unheard of amongst Japanese Buddhist teachers. A single case of resistance demonstrates the broader absence. In 1937 a monk in central Honshu opined in a public lecture that "war is never a benefit to a nation, rather it is a terrible loss" and called for his country to pull out of China, which it had invaded. In response, he was arrested by the state for "fabrications and wild rumors" and stripped by his religious sect of qualifications to propagate Buddhist teachings.

Source: Brian Victoria and Narusawa Muneo, "'War is a Crime': Takenaka Shōgen and Buddhist Resistance in the Asia-Pacific War and Today," The Asia-Pacific Journal: Japan Focus, 12:37:4 (2014).
Finally, again, copy and pasting from a source:

Japan also used shared practices of Buddhism to secure cooperation in Buddhist majority areas it occupied. Under the auspices of a Japan-led pan Asianism, Chinese Buddhist organizations in occupied territories were forced to become part of a Japanese-sponsored Buddhist network directed by Japanese Buddhists, in order to continue operations. Similar oversight was instituted in colonial Korea, although in both cases local resistance and non-compliance limited the impact of Japanese control.

Source: Kue-jin Song, "The Real Face of Korean Buddhism under Japanese Colonial Rule," Journal of Korean Religions, 10:2 (2019).

So basically, yes, Buddhist doctrine, or at least the Japanese interpretation of it, led to the Japanese actions in WWII. Yes, Shintoism is the majority religion in Japan today with about 80% of Japanese following, but 77% of the Japanese also follow Buddhist beliefs. I'm sure the numbers were close to the same back then, as well


Active Member
GW Elder
I mean does some obvious things really need to be sourced? I don't know, maybe these stuff is so obvious to me and I did not think it needed sources.
But, I will point to this map here. A country called Palestine never got a chance to exist. It was not given a chance by the Araba countries in the region.
Motherfucker you dug your own grave with the first map. The first map is the United Nations Partition Plan for Palestine. It was literally a proposed Palestinian state and 72% of the UN countries voted in favor of it. Just because you disinclude information doesn't make that information untrue.

But, per your behavior patterns, you'll be "done arguing with me" about this. :)


Active Member
GW Elder
Lmao, I’m done with this kid. Dude acts like he’s the leading source on the history and culture of the Middle East
I am compared to you and pretty much everyone here, since you know, I lived there for the better part of my life and have been exposed to the subject all my life.
When you go around saying stuff like "Christianity is still much more brutal and worse than Islam", it just reinforces how little you know.
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