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    Everyone stop what you're doing! It's happening! GW's own Alu is having a baby!! Come and congratulate him here: Need some help identifying this picture.

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Fool's Requiem

Anyone want a popsicle?
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Updated the retro review thread. What was your favorite out of the batch you played? It doesn't really seem like you enjoyed any of them that much tbh
It's REALLY hard to talk positively about a snowboarding game when almost everything just feels inferior to SSX3. The MTV game has the best trick controls. 1080 has the best downhill/racing feel.

I'm honestly surprised that the Cool Boarders series is looked upon fondly because the games I've played kinda suck for any number of reasons.


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It's REALLY hard to talk positively about a snowboarding game when almost everything just feels inferior to SSX3. The MTV game has the best trick controls. 1080 has the best downhill/racing feel.

I'm honestly surprised that the Cool Boarders series is looked upon fondly because the games I've played kinda suck for any number of reasons.
It's probably nostalgia. I remember loving the Cool Boarders games, but I was also like 7 or 8 years old.
Okay this game sounds awesome.

What are the tech issues youre encountering though?

The framerate stutters from time to time. The game runs really smoothly, but the framerate hitches are jarring. The lighting seems to ship a lot in cutscenes a lot.

I did just run into why I might be dropping the game until I can figure out combat. I forged a quality sword, looted some good armor and even had 2 companions with me - and I died 8 straight times in sword combat in the first post-prologue story mission... no matter what I did, I just could not do it. Not even close. I sat there for 45 minutes doing it over and over... I finally had to just shut it off. This is exactly what happened in the first game.

There is no difficulty setting so you just have to get used to it. I did an hour of combat training with the side quest guy that teaches you, built up my skills, and focused on blocking, parrying, and only striking when I had an opening, and I barely got one hit in each attempt in the story mission.

Completely gutted. Otherwise the game is soooooo good. I'll give it another go tonight but I am so discouraged.


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The framerate stutters from time to time. The game runs really smoothly, but the framerate hitches are jarring. The lighting seems to ship a lot in cutscenes a lot.

I did just run into why I might be dropping the game until I can figure out combat. I forged a quality sword, looted some good armor and even had 2 companions with me - and I died 8 straight times in sword combat in the first post-prologue story mission... no matter what I did, I just could not do it. Not even close. I sat there for 45 minutes doing it over and over... I finally had to just shut it off. This is exactly what happened in the first game.

There is no difficulty setting so you just have to get used to it. I did an hour of combat training with the side quest guy that teaches you, built up my skills, and focused on blocking, parrying, and only striking when I had an opening, and I barely got one hit in each attempt in the story mission.

Completely gutted. Otherwise the game is soooooo good. I'll give it another go tonight but I am so discouraged.
I've almost quit, out of frustration, a lot of games that ended up being my favorite games ever. Keep sticking with it. At some point, it will click, and I bet you fill find it extremely rewarding.
Quickie rundown of the snowboarding games (and some snow based/winter themed games as well):

Cool Boarders 2 (PS1) - Total mess of a game. Control is sluggish and unresponsive. Jumps and tricks are not fluid. Announcer likes to shit on you whenever you crash or fail to do a big trick off of a jump. Graphics are ugly, music is just generic rock music. "Races" are those kind of events where you start in the back and you have to race to catch up with people in front of you, kinda like Daytona USA or Virtua Racing. Not fun. I like that they have a feature that allows you basically create your own snowboard art work.

Cool Boarders 3 (PS1) - Different developer. Different play style and vibe. Much easier to get off tricks, though the trick system is still bland. Rotation requires hitting L2 or R2. I was using a PS3 controller, not a PS1 controller, so it didn't work as well, so I need to play the game with a PS1 controller. Movement feels better. Sound is kinda muffled for whatever reason. Music feels like a poor man's Road Rash. This is a PS1 game, mind you, not a Genesis game... As much as I disliked the previous game's announcer, the lack of one in this game makes the game feel completely lifeless. Same goes for the level design. Game feels like a budget game with decent controls. Unlike, the previous game(s), races have you start with three other riders at the start and you can pummel each other (like SSX lets you do).

Rippin' Riders (DC) - This was developed by the same company that did Cool Boarders 1 and 2. As such, the control feel is practically the same, but it's MUCH more polished of a game. Control is more responsive, but jumps and tricks still kinda blow. There's a considerable amount of trial and error on the tracks. There are no racers, but the tracks a pain in the ass after the first couple tracks. Because modders have made it so that you can import and export saves to the VMU using a program saved to a CD-R, I was able to import a save that had everything unlocked. Holy fuck, those later tracks are terribad. Music is much improved from previous CB games. Could use more songs but what is there is fine. I haven't played any other Cool Boarders game. Probably won't either. These three are considered the best of the series from what I've seen, which does not bode well for the others.

MTV Sports Snowboarding (PS1) - This was developed by Radical Entertainment, the company that brought us Simpsons Hit and Run and the Prototype games. Supposedly, some of the personnel that worked on this went on to work on other games like Skate. This is the best snowboarding game of the late 90s (that I've played so far). Everything feels mostly right. There's still some weirdness with jumping and spinning, but the game [mostly] plays like an early SSX game. Biggest issue I had was the camera. It's too close to you, IMO, and sometimes gives you a view that does not help you know where to go. Grinding controls are meh, but they work (mostly). Lots of solid music, it's an MTV game from the 90s, it should have solid music. There's not much content, but I'm not really looking for a massive amount of content on a PS1 extreme sports game. There is a course creator, though. There's a sequel called "MTV Sports Pure Ride", so I'll be looking out for that. Supposedly, it's just about as good if not better.

1080 Avalanche (GCN) - Great sense of speed but the game falls apart when you're required to engage with the trick system. Jumping requires precise timing and tricks are needlessly complex for an arcade game. I despise the balancing mechanic they implemented to keep you from crashing if you land wonky. I hate when games make me spin the thumbstick. Music tracks are fine, but there isn't much variety. Graphics are really good. Game has progressive scan, but no widescreen. I'm not a fan of the camera shake in the Avalanche levels, but it is what it is. Haven't tried 1080 for the N64 yet.

Shaun Palmer Pro Snowboarder (PS2) - This is what happens when you try to take the Tony Hawk formula and implement it into a snowboarding game. The trick system seems very light. Like Tony Hawk, one button does grabs, one does flips. You cannot do both at the same time from what I can tell. You can only spin in grabs, I'm not 100% sure you can spin while doing flips. Grinds and manuals work exactly like Tony Hawk. Like Tony Hawk, grinding rails is as easy as getting near a rail and pressing triangle. You can also do handplants, but I didn't get the opportunity to do so during my short play time. The game works. I've seen reviews complain about the challenges in the career mode because snowboarding doesn't let go back up the hill, but this game has snowmobiles and ski lifts that take you up a portion of the course (or even to the top) in order to let you keep playing for whatever challenges you're attempting to get, so I don't get the complaining. I'll have to look into this more.

Dark Summit (GC) - Snowboarding game with a plot. You are tasked with stopping some organization to doing evil stuff. Controls are janky, but it mostly works. I need more play time. I've given this game numerous attempts. I like the concept and the game works fine enough for me to not completely give up on the game. The graphics are fine, I guess. The game doesn't have progressive scan nor widescreen support... but I found that the display is scrunched up, so I set my TV to 16:9 and it looks normal. I think this was supposed to be a game made for widescreen, but they bailed on fully implementing it.

Sled Storm (PS2) - SSX but on snowmobiles. Um... the camera is awful. There are 3 camera options and none of them are good. It is impossible for me to properly judge this game because the camera just ruins everything. I will say, that I'm glad you can use the directional pad in this game, because the Playstation analog stick placement makes me want to kill baby goats. Literally the only series of systems that make me actively want to use the d-pad... this is not the game's problem, though, but the analog stick made it overly difficult to steer in the game. Used cheat to unlock everything. Unlikely that I'll play this much. Edit: There's a PS1 game with the same name and developed by the same team. Based on the footage, the camera makes it look actually playable. I'll keep an eye for it.

Motorstorm Arctic Edge (PS2) - This is a port of the PSP game based on the PS3 Motorstorm series. The game is easy. Probably too easy. Motorstorm on the PS3 felt obnoxiously difficult, but this game, not so much. It doesn't matter which line I take, I don't notice much of a difference in control. It's super easy to avoid overheating. AI aren't nearly as aggressive. But it's functional, and it's a game filled with snow/winter themed levels, which was the only reason I got it in the first place.

I'm trying to find copies of SSX for the PS2, SSX Tricky for the Gamecube, and some other snowboarding games. I snagged the two Shaun White games for the Wii and will play them... at some point. I have the Japanese copy of Snowboarding Kids on the N64 and will play it at some point, along with 1080 on the N64.

I'll provide thoughts on the SSX and Amped series, as well as Stoked later on. Same with Tommy Moes for the SNES and Val D'Isere for the Jaguar (though I've got a "review" of Val D'Isere in my Jaguar thread).

I'm also intending to get SSX3 for the Xbox as it's the only SSX game that is playable on the Xbox One and Series X/S consoles, and from what I've seen, it looks fucking clean as hell.

Yesterday I started Assassin's Creed Liberation. That probably sounds like a bad idea because I've been saying how I didn't enjoy AC3, but this was also free and included in the AC3 remaster, so I might as well play it.

I believe this was originally a PS Vita game that was ported to PS3/4, but it's definitely somehow related to AC3 because it has the tree climbing mechanic.

As for the game, while I appreciate the slightly novel spin on the AC series, this game is bad and poorly made. As with many AC games, it really seems like they throw you into the plot with little context. Also, for some reason, they changed the spelling of "sync" to "synch". Upon looking it up, it appears this isn't technically wrong, but I don't recall the other AC games spelling it that way, so it seems like there wasn't much attention to detail.

The weakest part of the game is the voice acting and dialogue. This is a deep cut, but if you've ever seen the Kenny vs. Spenny episode where Spenny puts on a play about the French Revolution, he has the worst French accent and that's basically every character in this game.

Also, I'm playing on a worse TV than I normally do, but this game actually looks blurry.


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As with many AC games, it really seems like they throw you into the plot with little context
Okay I felt that way with Black Flag, but figured it was just because I was starting with the fourth game in the series.
This is a deep cut, but if you've ever seen the Kenny vs. Spenny episode where Spenny puts on a play about the French Revolution, he has the worst French accent and that's basically every character in this game.
Hell yeah!


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I just finished Haiku the Robot and I can strongly recommend it. It's like Hollow Knight Lite. The movement is fun and satisfying (after you get a few upgrades), and the pixel style art is beautiful. Nothing is really as robust as in Hollow Knight -- exploration, secrets, builds, music, and combat, included -- but it's still really enjoyable. If you want to play a Hollow Knight game that's a bit easier and which you only have to commit 8-10 hours to beating, it's a great pick-up.

There's also an optional "Hard mode" after you finish the game the changes the game in some pretty substantial ways -- no NPCs, and you die on one hit, but you can pick up temporary health upgrades at key locations. I really enjoyed mastering the game, clearing the boss rush modes, and then venturing through on this higher difficulty.
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So I dropped KCD2... hoping because it sold so well already and a lot of more casual players are going to be playing it and failing at it like I do - perhaps the devs will give us mercy and add a story mode for us olds that can't play hard games anymore.

Until then I'm back on Nier Automata - 11 hours in and it's getting better. I am starting to see personality in all these android people. The side quests are busy work but the main story missions are interesting. Can't wait to see how it plays out and why so many people say its one of the best gaming experiences they've had.
Boku no Natsuyasumi 2 - It is hard to describe this game, it is a cozy summer vacation simulator basically. You go stay with some family on an island, you talk to people, swim, fish, catch bugs, etc. There is no big story, Im guessing the goal is to launch a rocket. Cozy slice of life that I am enjoying.

It has tank controls (@Fool's Requiem werent you the one who wanted games with tank controls?), no analogue sticks, but the charm makes up for it. I find it best played in small doses as a lot doesnt happen each day, but it is a nice slow burn

You can read up a little more on it here, translation patch is fairly new, but excellent



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Boku no Natsuyasumi 2 - It is hard to describe this game, it is a cozy summer vacation simulator basically. You go stay with some family on an island, you talk to people, swim, fish, catch bugs, etc. There is no big story, Im guessing the goal is to launch a rocket. Cozy slice of life that I am enjoying.

It has tank controls (@Fool's Requiem werent you the one who wanted games with tank controls?), no analogue sticks, but the charm makes up for it. I find it best played in small doses as a lot doesnt happen each day, but it is a nice slow burn

You can read up a little more on it here, translation patch is fairly new, but excellent

Reminds me of another game I played recently. Shin-Chan Summer Vacation. Was cozy, but overstayed its welcome a bit -- especially if try to do all of the objectives in-game. Became very repetitive by the end of it. Maybe the one you're playing will be nicer, but tank controls are def a hard sell
Reminds me of another game I played recently. Shin-Chan Summer Vacation. Was cozy, but overstayed its welcome a bit -- especially if try to do all of the objectives in-game. Became very repetitive by the end of it. Maybe the one you're playing will be nicer, but tank controls are def a hard sell

I speed up time, Im not too interested in the collecting bugs, but I do like walking around talking to people and swimming around and exploring. It should be a 12-15hr game according to howlongtobeat, though looking up the game you played, similar run time.

The tank controls arent terrible, you get used to them and since there is no combat or things to avoid it really isnt an issue like it would be in a game like Resident Evil
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On a whim decided to start Magic Knight Rayearth
Wanted something quick and simple to jump into as I jump between it and Boku 2

Am planning on starting Arcanum: Of Steamworks and Magick Obscura I got it installed and running, but I am not quite ready to dedicate a few hours just figuring it out and getting started, perhaps next weekend should I be able to finish MKR and Boku this week

@Crystal @Smacktard


Formerly Apollo
GW Elder
On a whim decided to start Magic Knight Rayearth
Wanted something quick and simple to jump into as I jump between it and Boku 2

Am planning on starting Arcanum: Of Steamworks and Magick Obscura I got it installed and running, but I am not quite ready to dedicate a few hours just figuring it out and getting started, perhaps next weekend should I be able to finish MKR and Boku this week

@Crystal @Smacktard
I hope you enjoy MKR, it's one of my favourite 90s animes and one of my favourite Saturn games, too :)
@Crystal @Smacktard

Trying to figure out the differences in the characters in terms of strength and weaknesses

Hikaru seems to be the leader and I would guess the strongest?

Fuu is range and healing, so where does that leave Umi? Is she just kind of a lesser Hikaru?

Do their elemental powers make a difference later? (Fire and Ice being stronger against certain other types)

Is there any reason to not just go with Fuu and pick off enemies? I find the sword attacks to be hit or miss and puts me at risk to get hit



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@Crystal @Smacktard

Trying to figure out the differences in the characters in terms of strength and weaknesses

Hikaru seems to be the leader and I would guess the strongest?

Fuu is range and healing, so where does that leave Umi? Is she just kind of a lesser Hikaru?

Do their elemental powers make a difference later? (Fire and Ice being stronger against certain other types)

Is there any reason to not just go with Fuu and pick off enemies? I find the sword attacks to be hit or miss and puts me at risk to get hit

Different characters upgrade at different points in the game, so you might favor a specific character depending on where you are.

As the game progresses, the differences between the characters will become more obvious. Fuu is great for healing, and for attacking at a distance, but you'll probably notice that her regular attacks are pretty weak. Hikaru has a sweeping "AOE" style melee that covers more ground in front of her. She's more powerful than Fuu. Umi has the most powerful attack and the longest reach, but you have to be more precise with your aim than Hikaru. Like I said, these power/reach differences are pretty subtle at the start of the game, and become much more obvious when your weapons reach max power. The characters' uses are more situational than some reviews may imply. I preferred Umi a lot of the time for power buff, Fuu when I was playing defensive and low on health, and Hikaru when I needed a sort of middle ground between the two.

I honestly never noticed a difference between Hikaru and Umi's magic power, but there probably is. I wouldn't sweat it too much.
Different characters upgrade at different points in the game, so you might favor a specific character depending on where you are.

As the game progresses, the differences between the characters will become more obvious. Fuu is great for healing, and for attacking at a distance, but you'll probably notice that her regular attacks are pretty weak. Hikaru has a sweeping "AOE" style melee that covers more ground in front of her. She's more powerful than Fuu. Umi has the most powerful attack and the longest reach, but you have to be more precise with your aim than Hikaru. Like I said, these power/reach differences are pretty subtle at the start of the game, and become much more obvious when your weapons reach max power. The characters' uses are more situational than some reviews may imply. I preferred Umi a lot of the time for power buff, Fuu when I was playing defensive and low on health, and Hikaru when I needed a sort of middle ground between the two.

I honestly never noticed a difference between Hikaru and Umi's magic power, but there probably is. I wouldn't sweat it too much.

I could definitely tell Fuu's attacks werent as good. Glad to know I will unlock things like an AOE or if I have it, I havent figured it out yet


Formerly Apollo
GW Elder
To add to that -- The balance between the three is that Hikaru is the strongest magically, and her charged broadsword attack offers you greater ranger than her standard broadsword attack, but you're right, her standard sword attack is pretty limited. Umi has the strongest physical attacks, and they're double the range of Hikaru's, and Fuu is essentially the middle ground on both, but is the most effective character with her ranged attack.

It's supposed to be a balance, but ultimately you'll end up using Fuu a lot more for ranged and then Hikaru to sort of Magic the room a bit.


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I could definitely tell Fuu's attacks werent as good. Glad to know I will unlock things like an AOE or if I have it, I havent figured it out yet
AOE attack might've been misleading. I meant that it sort of "sweeps" the area in front of Hikaru in a broad arc. It can be used to hit enemies from the side, compared to Uni who p much has to be face to face with the enemy
Just finished the first ending of Nier Automata. Apparently I am supposed to do a few more playthroughs to see the real endings.

Luckily the first run was 13 hours, the remainders are shorter as I've been told by someone that has beaten all of them.

Solid game, I'm hoping whatever is revealed as I go through again blows me away like so many have said.
Played a little more Magic Knight Rayearth before taking a nap, didnt get to play all week. I finished the dungeon with the tracks and moving plates in the ice village. That was a pain in the ass getting around

Ended up using a guide to figure out what to do, should have figured I needed to use my new power, but thought there would be a switch to hit to open the gate and not putting out the fire


GW Elder
Wolf Players
Somehow I am playing two games which mostly revolve around digging: Astroneer and Steam World: Build. Astroneer is a very chill sandbox game. I'm thirty hours into it, and somehow the loop of "go dig a hole, find a new material, craft a slightly better thing for your base, repeat until you run out of stuff to find in holes, go to a new world, dig a hole to start a new base... " has stayed satisfying. I've spent an entire day gathering materials just to tidy up my storage situation or to make my automation systems run a bit more smoothly.

Steam World Build is a city builder but kind of has the vibes of an idle game. I like that it lets you freely move buildings you've already built, and destroying buildings gets you a lot of resources back. Instead of the usual balancing things like taxation vs providing services, energy vs preserving the environment, etc you just need to make sure you're generating enough of each resource to keep buildings running. So if you have a bar, you need liquor, which requires glass bottles, which requires sand. So it's more setting to supply chains than what you'd typically expect when managing a city. The other side of the game is the mine below the town. It's the same general idea though: build up workers, automate mining minerals so you can use them to build things in your city, which lets you build better mining equipment, etc.

I'm looking forward to getting Whisker Squadron into the rotation so I have a space game to balance out my digging games. :tease
Thought it was emulator issue why the run button didnt work, I hadnt learned the skill yet (Magic Knight Rayearth)

@Smacktard or @Crystal

Do either of you know if the first magic spell (you shoot and have to aim to hit target) is more powerful than the second (which hits everything on screen)? Just curious. Feels like it should since it uses more skill to hit an enemy but have no idea
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Formerly Apollo
GW Elder
Thought it was emulator issue why the run button didnt work, I hadnt learned the skill yet (Magic Knight Rayearth)

@Smacktard or @Crystal

Do either of you know if the first magic spell (you shoot and have to aim to hit target) is more powerful than the second (which hits everything on screen)? Just curious. Feels like it should since it uses more skill to hit an enemy but have no idea
The game scales your magic powers upwards, so your second is stronger than your first :)
I just started Dead Island 2. Even though I'm still pretty early in the game, it definitely feels like the first game/Riptide, but just a bit more modernized. The dialogue is really goofy and it's excessively violent. Sometimes it doesn't feel like a modern game, but I think that's because it's essentially an updated version of a game from two generations ago. Very excited to see how the game unfolds.


GW Elder
Wolf Players
I've played all the steam world games except this one. Would you say it's worth it? I've heard it's too simple for a city builder but I love the game series.
I don't really like city builders, so I don't mind it missing a lot of the usual fiddly stuff from them. It doesn't feel like there's much strategy to it, but sometimes it's nice to not have to think too much.

I haven't played the rest of the series.
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