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    Everyone stop what you're doing! It's happening! GW's own Alu is having a baby!! Come and congratulate him here: Need some help identifying this picture.

    We're so happy for you, Alu!

Multi Watcha playing?

Interested to see what you think of this as you get further into it. I've seen some mixed reports of the game getting a bit grindy the further you go on, but it's definitely on my radar.

That's unfortunate, I don't like grinding. So far the gameplay is simple, which is nice. I don't like complicated mechanics in these types of chill games. The art style is very fun, colorful and makes me happy. The characters in the game are pretty basic, but they all have personality. I've heard some character stories get randomly deep later on.

The loop of two dives, upgrade, craft, create menu, serve customers is fun. There is nothing hard about it, but it's just fun to see these small advancements. They sprinkle in a bunch of silly cut scenes when you complete things, and it's just goofy and charming.

I'm kind of bummed I bought it on PS5, since I have a Switch and will be on 16 hours worth of flights next week... would have been a perfect distraction.


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I actually really enjoyed UC3. It was my favorite first playthrough of them all. The set pieces are incredible.

UC2 has a repetitive section that really made me groan when forced to do it all over again, but it's still a good game, and actually more enjoyable for a repeat play.

UC4 was pretty good, but I didn't like how the game basically switched from crazy cover shooter to a more stealth-based approach. I think they tried to draw too much inspo from The Last of Us.


Dumdum McGee
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That's funny because I didn't like the ending of 1. It's my least favorite part of the series.
The whole vault thing with the roman numerals...that's the kind of stuff I thought i was signing up for, not accumulating a Master Chief-esque body count.
I'm still plugging away at Assassin's Creed III. I know that the modern AC games have a lot of meaningless content (or so I've heard, I've only played Origins but have Odyssey on deck), but this game is truly pointless outside of the story. The story isn't good, but I'd say all of the non-story things to do in the game feel like they have little-to-no relationship to the story, and I just couldn't get invested in them. I honestly would have preferred a mindless collectible hunt, rather than playing 30+ Homestead missions. I still think I'm at least 10-15 hours away from the platinum, but I'd stay far away from this one.
I finished Realms of Ruin, and I have to say that it is a massively underrated RTS. The campaign is really very good. The Conquest mode afterwards is very grindy, but really you buy this for the campaign, which is 10 hours of a solid challenge and a good story. It can be had really cheap from key sites as well, so I think it's well worth a look for RTS and/or Warhammer fans.

I'm going to pick a new game to move onto next, but while I do I'm just picking off some more missions from C&C Remastered Collection, which is a game I'm aways liable to dip back into. The nostalgic goodness is so welcoming. Such a good remaster.
Finished up Prey (2017)

Still hacking away at Dragon Quest VII , really enjoying it, but phone is not always too conducive great long experience though not sure how much other things interest me. But the slice of life/little vignettes is good for a little here and a little there play

Started Master Detective Agency Rain Code Plus, so far seems enjoyable. It's by the guy who did the danganrompa games. The little ghost buddy is kind of annoying. We'll see, still in the prologue
Decided I'm going to do more of buying a game I want to play and playing it immediately, and the first game in that category is Subnautica. I've never really played a survival game, at least in the modern iteration of the genre. But the praise for this is off the charts and a couple of good friends of mine think very highly of it, so I picked it up on sale through Steam. Played a couple of hours and first impressions are good. Looking forward to getting into it.
Finished Chapter 0 of Master Detective Archives and I just don't know. It is by the Danganrompa team and I expect more than what I have seen so far. It is so slow. There are parts where you just walk straight down a hall way while Yuma and Shinmigami (or what ever her name is) and keep walking after that. It could have just been a cut scene. It feels like pure padding. Same with getting detective points for investigating every little thing.

The mini games are very similar to Danganrompa, but at the end of the day not fun and the stakes just don't feel as high and arent as engaging. I dont know if this gets any better either in terms of pace or walking down a straight hallway, but Im not sure I will keep playing. It feels like it should have been a visual novel, but they added gameplay to it.

Anyone else here played this?
Ended up dropping MDA. Maybe I'll come back to it, but felt like it was wasting my time

Started playing Deathloop, not super far in, enjoying it. Now have the ability to absorb purple power stuff so I can keep stuff between loops. Need to turn off online mode, no one can invade me but friends, but apparently that doesnt pause the game either and I've died because I paused and then got blasted by Julianna

One thing is the AI is deaf, I can shoot someone and someone not too far away doesnt hear it at all
Played a little more Deathloop and actually the dumb AI is a godsend given you only get 3 lives and then you start over losing everything new. Also I find it doesnt take too much damage to die either. Find the game very tense at the moment. I am sure as I get stronger it will be less tense
This is on my potential to play list, so interested to hear how you get on with it.
This is on my potential to play list, so interested to hear how you get on with it.

Digging it the more I play it, sadly you can only equip two powers at a time, but getting a feel for it, better at combat and while the stealth can be a little OP without it I feel like I'd die even more and so far I have. Good level design so far, lots of ways to get around as is Arkane's MO.

Definitely worth checking out. There are 4 main locations that can change a little depending on time of day, and Im enjoying hunting down this one lead so far about two lovers and trying to catch them at the same time, and I like the character Cole you play as, he's just a fun dude
I started Marvel's Spider-Man 2. It's early, but so far, this game is basically identical to the first game + Miles Morales. Everything from the gameplay, to the structure of the game, to the map and random activities feel very familiar.

I'm not particularly invested in the story so far compared to the first game, but I suspect it will get better as it goes on.

The graphics are insane. It's not as consistently great looking as some games like Demon's Souls, but some of the cutscenes look better than almost anything I've ever seen.
@Crazy Jamie

Finished Deathloop and enjoyed it a lot. Once you get good, learn the levels and better gear I was able to move a lot quicker. It isn't perfect. I would have liked 3 slab powers instead of 2, some people are put off by only way to do a prefect run, but that second part didnt bother me. It is about the right length as I did start to tire. There are only 4 locations and they do change a little bit depending on the time of day, it doesnt keep it that fresh.

I didnt do any of the multiplayer stuff, I could see how that could be fun, especially with friends, but overall it isnt for me. I did like the lead and found the humor enjoyable

Not worth $60, but for $20 or less or on gamepass, 100% check it out


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Unsure what to play... It's been just Dave the Diver for a few weeks and I need something more...

Can't decide between Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 or Nier Automata. Both come highly recommended. Nier is only $15 as well...
Play Nier because it's been sitting on my shelf for two years, and one of us needs to play it at some point
Unsure what to play... It's been just Dave the Diver for a few weeks and I need something more...

Can't decide between Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 or Nier Automata. Both come highly recommended. Nier is only $15 as well...

Id say Nier. Im not the hugest Nier stan, I think Replicant is better, but you can wait till KCD2 is on sale or has some QOL mods. sounds like it will be a lot better than the first, but still has the old save system where you are limited, so I know I want unlimited saves
Id say Nier. Im not the hugest Nier stan, I think Replicant is better, but you can wait till KCD2 is on sale or has some QOL mods. sounds like it will be a lot better than the first, but still has the old save system where you are limited, so I know I want unlimited saves

Yeah, the save thing is a hang up. I have been so hyped for the game for a while... but I know what it is, it's a slow, methodical game that can be frustrating. I don't know if I have that in my right now. I've wanted something a bit more action oriented, which is why I lean towards Nier. It's not exactly my kind of game, but I've been told by three people in real life to just play it without looking into it too much.
@Crazy Jamie

Finished Deathloop and enjoyed it a lot. Once you get good, learn the levels and better gear I was able to move a lot quicker. It isn't perfect. I would have liked 3 slab powers instead of 2, some people are put off by only way to do a prefect run, but that second part didnt bother me. It is about the right length as I did start to tire. There are only 4 locations and they do change a little bit depending on the time of day, it doesnt keep it that fresh.

I didnt do any of the multiplayer stuff, I could see how that could be fun, especially with friends, but overall it isnt for me. I did like the lead and found the humor enjoyable

Not worth $60, but for $20 or less or on gamepass, 100% check it out
I appreciate that. Looks like something worth playing for me. I already have it in my collection from a Humble Bundle or something similar, so cost isn't an issue. It's very much in the backlog. I'm a little under 10 hours into Subnautica and it's excellent. I've certainly got a little while yet to go in this, but I'll bump Deathloop up the list a little.
lol I did the reasonable thing (narrator: he didn't) - I bought both games and will switch off when I get tired of either one. I started with Nier, 2 hours in last night. It's what I needed - fast paced, kill enemies. Wnen I want to slow down and chill, it's either Dave the Diver or KCD2.

Really gotta figure out how to do the sword fighting in KCD though... I barely survived in the first one, and mostly avoided combat whenever possible.
Yes, Subnautica is very good. One of the few games I've completed all the achievements for.

There's the "sequel", Below Zero, which I also finished. To be frank it's not quite as good and has a fair bit of on-surface exploration which doesn't compare to the underwater stuff, but I still enjoyed it.

I say sequel in inverted commas because the new game is called Subnautica 2. It supposedly hits early access this year, although I'll probably wait for a full release. Big new feature is co-op multiplayer.
Really gotta figure out how to do the sword fighting in KCD though... I barely survived in the first one, and mostly avoided combat whenever possible.

It made sense in the first as henry was an untrained peasant. I imagine it will be a little easier. My biggest thing was getting good gear, I stole some from the armory next to the church and was set to go and just mostly upgraded as I found better gear
It made sense in the first as henry was an untrained peasant. I imagine it will be a little easier. My biggest thing was getting good gear, I stole some from the armory next to the church and was set to go and just mostly upgraded as I found better gear

So, without spoiling anything, you revert back to basically skill-less and under leveled after the prologue in this game. You also literally have absolutely 0 money, so it is like a survival game. I have won a few battles, but any time I fight a bandit with any kind of armor or shield, I've lost. I've managed to find some guides on best ways to not keep dying - including a very early quest with non-lethal combat training so I can keep leveling that up without dying. The saving situation doesn't help at all. I've had to reload midway through a couple small quests because of a fight I tried to avoid. I wish I could just hit save whenever.

But the first 2 hours of the game - PHENOMENAL. It's very like the Witcher 3 but in first person and without monsters. The setting in medieval Europe feels very lived-in and engrossing. It's very slow so far, but it lets the characters breath and feel real. The acting and writing is fantastic through the prologue. I hope it continues like this. Every quest giver I've talked to so far feels conversational and not task-giving.

I'm building a scholarly/diplomatic Henry so I can try to avoid fighting whenever possible. It does have some tech issues on PS5 but nothing that breaks immersion.
Play Nier because it's been sitting on my shelf for two years, and one of us needs to play it at some point

I'm 4 hours in and I think I have to revert to easy mode... the gameplay is so fast, and I'm not digging how items are handled. It's so hard for me to heal in the middle of battle.

Digging the music and setting, though. Still not sure what I think of the game entirely.
mostly just killing time for the next two weeks until Like a Dragon: Pirate Yakuza in Hawaii comes out, but until then...

with civilization vii about to come out that means civilization vi was on good enough of a sale for me to pick it up and all the dlc for a reasonable price. civ v didn't get really good until its expansions and civ vi has a lot of the same thing going on. rise and fall adds some fun stuff but gathering storm really brings the game to the next level. can't wait to play civ vii in 5 years! these are very much games that aren't worth the asking price until they've rolled out a couple years worth of updates and new civs anyway

the wife recently started playing super mario rpg: legend of the seven stars for the first time. (not the remake; she wanted the original experience). still holds up crazy well and i honestly still can't really believe the remake happened

also recently started replaying apollo justice: ace attorney for the first time since i played it originally WAY back in high school. also still holds up great even though we're not super far into it quite yet. i love shu takumi's wild ride

Fool's Requiem

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SSX Tricky is my GOAT in that genre. Also has the best theme song.
I prefer the free ride aspect of SSX3. I tried both previous games after getting experience with 3 and felt the lack of a freemode with a giant mountain to race down as a huge hinderence to my enjoyment. Being able to ride all of the tracks without loading times between each track was huge for me. It would be like going from Need for Speed Underground 2, back to Underground 1.

I wish there was a way to merge the best elements of 3, Tricky, and On Tour together. Give me the mountain of 3 and the vibes of the outcountry sections, the casual riders populating the tracks of On Tour, and the vibrancy of the tracks from Tricky. Put all of the soundtracks together with DJ Atomika doing the radio host stuff. Also, the city tracks at the bottom of the mountain in 3 as well as making the mountain feel alive are a must as well.
So, without spoiling anything, you revert back to basically skill-less and under leveled after the prologue in this game. You also literally have absolutely 0 money, so it is like a survival game. I have won a few battles, but any time I fight a bandit with any kind of armor or shield, I've lost. I've managed to find some guides on best ways to not keep dying - including a very early quest with non-lethal combat training so I can keep leveling that up without dying. The saving situation doesn't help at all. I've had to reload midway through a couple small quests because of a fight I tried to avoid. I wish I could just hit save whenever.

But the first 2 hours of the game - PHENOMENAL. It's very like the Witcher 3 but in first person and without monsters. The setting in medieval Europe feels very lived-in and engrossing. It's very slow so far, but it lets the characters breath and feel real. The acting and writing is fantastic through the prologue. I hope it continues like this. Every quest giver I've talked to so far feels conversational and not task-giving.

I'm building a scholarly/diplomatic Henry so I can try to avoid fighting whenever possible. It does have some tech issues on PS5 but nothing that breaks immersion.

I was afraid they'd do something like that, was hoping you'd at least Start with a couple skill points and Decent starting gear Won't stop me from playing it comma this will probably be my summer game


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So, without spoiling anything, you revert back to basically skill-less and under leveled after the prologue in this game. You also literally have absolutely 0 money, so it is like a survival game. I have won a few battles, but any time I fight a bandit with any kind of armor or shield, I've lost. I've managed to find some guides on best ways to not keep dying - including a very early quest with non-lethal combat training so I can keep leveling that up without dying. The saving situation doesn't help at all. I've had to reload midway through a couple small quests because of a fight I tried to avoid. I wish I could just hit save whenever.

But the first 2 hours of the game - PHENOMENAL. It's very like the Witcher 3 but in first person and without monsters. The setting in medieval Europe feels very lived-in and engrossing. It's very slow so far, but it lets the characters breath and feel real. The acting and writing is fantastic through the prologue. I hope it continues like this. Every quest giver I've talked to so far feels conversational and not task-giving.

I'm building a scholarly/diplomatic Henry so I can try to avoid fighting whenever possible. It does have some tech issues on PS5 but nothing that breaks immersion.
Okay this game sounds awesome.

What are the tech issues youre encountering though?

Fool's Requiem

Anyone want a popsicle?
GW Elder
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Quickie rundown of the snowboarding games (and some snow based/winter themed games as well):

Cool Boarders 2 (PS1) - Total mess of a game. Control is sluggish and unresponsive. Jumps and tricks are not fluid. Announcer likes to shit on you whenever you crash or fail to do a big trick off of a jump. Graphics are ugly, music is just generic rock music. "Races" are those kind of events where you start in the back and you have to race to catch up with people in front of you, kinda like Daytona USA or Virtua Racing. Not fun. I like that they have a feature that allows you basically create your own snowboard art work.

Cool Boarders 3 (PS1) - Different developer. Different play style and vibe. Much easier to get off tricks, though the trick system is still bland. Rotation requires hitting L2 or R2. I was using a PS3 controller, not a PS1 controller, so it didn't work as well, so I need to play the game with a PS1 controller. Movement feels better. Sound is kinda muffled for whatever reason. Music feels like a poor man's Road Rash. This is a PS1 game, mind you, not a Genesis game... As much as I disliked the previous game's announcer, the lack of one in this game makes the game feel completely lifeless. Same goes for the level design. Game feels like a budget game with decent controls. Unlike, the previous game(s), races have you start with three other riders at the start and you can pummel each other (like SSX lets you do).

Rippin' Riders (DC) - This was developed by the same company that did Cool Boarders 1 and 2. As such, the control feel is practically the same, but it's MUCH more polished of a game. Control is more responsive, but jumps and tricks still kinda blow. There's a considerable amount of trial and error on the tracks. There are no racers, but the tracks a pain in the ass after the first couple tracks. Because modders have made it so that you can import and export saves to the VMU using a program saved to a CD-R, I was able to import a save that had everything unlocked. Holy fuck, those later tracks are terribad. Music is much improved from previous CB games. Could use more songs but what is there is fine. I haven't played any other Cool Boarders game. Probably won't either. These three are considered the best of the series from what I've seen, which does not bode well for the others.

MTV Sports Snowboarding (PS1) - This was developed by Radical Entertainment, the company that brought us Simpsons Hit and Run and the Prototype games. Supposedly, some of the personnel that worked on this went on to work on other games like Skate. This is the best snowboarding game of the late 90s (that I've played so far). Everything feels mostly right. There's still some weirdness with jumping and spinning, but the game [mostly] plays like an early SSX game. Biggest issue I had was the camera. It's too close to you, IMO, and sometimes gives you a view that does not help you know where to go. Grinding controls are meh, but they work (mostly). Lots of solid music, it's an MTV game from the 90s, it should have solid music. There's not much content, but I'm not really looking for a massive amount of content on a PS1 extreme sports game. There is a course creator, though. There's a sequel called "MTV Sports Pure Ride", so I'll be looking out for that. Supposedly, it's just about as good if not better.

1080 Avalanche (GCN) - Great sense of speed but the game falls apart when you're required to engage with the trick system. Jumping requires precise timing and tricks are needlessly complex for an arcade game. I despise the balancing mechanic they implemented to keep you from crashing if you land wonky. I hate when games make me spin the thumbstick. Music tracks are fine, but there isn't much variety. Graphics are really good. Game has progressive scan, but no widescreen. I'm not a fan of the camera shake in the Avalanche levels, but it is what it is. Haven't tried 1080 for the N64 yet.

Shaun Palmer Pro Snowboarder (PS2) - This is what happens when you try to take the Tony Hawk formula and implement it into a snowboarding game. The trick system seems very light. Like Tony Hawk, one button does grabs, one does flips. You cannot do both at the same time from what I can tell. You can only spin in grabs, I'm not 100% sure you can spin while doing flips. Grinds and manuals work exactly like Tony Hawk. Like Tony Hawk, grinding rails is as easy as getting near a rail and pressing triangle. You can also do handplants, but I didn't get the opportunity to do so during my short play time. The game works. I've seen reviews complain about the challenges in the career mode because snowboarding doesn't let go back up the hill, but this game has snowmobiles and ski lifts that take you up a portion of the course (or even to the top) in order to let you keep playing for whatever challenges you're attempting to get, so I don't get the complaining. I'll have to look into this more.

Dark Summit (GC) - Snowboarding game with a plot. You are tasked with stopping some organization to doing evil stuff. Controls are janky, but it mostly works. I need more play time. I've given this game numerous attempts. I like the concept and the game works fine enough for me to not completely give up on the game. The graphics are fine, I guess. The game doesn't have progressive scan nor widescreen support... but I found that the display is scrunched up, so I set my TV to 16:9 and it looks normal. I think this was supposed to be a game made for widescreen, but they bailed on fully implementing it.

Sled Storm (PS2) - SSX but on snowmobiles. Um... the camera is awful. There are 3 camera options and none of them are good. It is impossible for me to properly judge this game because the camera just ruins everything. I will say, that I'm glad you can use the directional pad in this game, because the Playstation analog stick placement makes me want to kill baby goats. Literally the only series of systems that make me actively want to use the d-pad... this is not the game's problem, though, but the analog stick made it overly difficult to steer in the game. Used cheat to unlock everything. Unlikely that I'll play this much. Edit: There's a PS1 game with the same name and developed by the same team. Based on the footage, the camera makes it look actually playable. I'll keep an eye for it.

Motorstorm Arctic Edge (PS2) - This is a port of the PSP game based on the PS3 Motorstorm series. The game is easy. Probably too easy. Motorstorm on the PS3 felt obnoxiously difficult, but this game, not so much. It doesn't matter which line I take, I don't notice much of a difference in control. It's super easy to avoid overheating. AI aren't nearly as aggressive. But it's functional, and it's a game filled with snow/winter themed levels, which was the only reason I got it in the first place.

I'm trying to find copies of SSX for the PS2, SSX Tricky for the Gamecube, and some other snowboarding games. I snagged the two Shaun White games for the Wii and will play them... at some point. I have the Japanese copy of Snowboarding Kids on the N64 and will play it at some point, along with 1080 on the N64.

I'll provide thoughts on the SSX and Amped series, as well as Stoked later on. Same with Tommy Moes for the SNES and Val D'Isere for the Jaguar (though I've got a "review" of Val D'Isere in my Jaguar thread).

I'm also intending to get SSX3 for the Xbox as it's the only SSX game that is playable on the Xbox One and Series X/S consoles, and from what I've seen, it looks fucking clean as hell.
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