Campaign Stormwreck Isle; The Forgotten Clifftop Observatory (1-4)

Part 4 - The Forgotten Clifftop Observatory
DM Screen | Initiative | Map




  • Investigate the abandoned Clifftop Observatory.
  • Find out what happened to Aidron.


Level 3 Beast Path Barbarian​
Level 3 Drunken Master Monk​
Level 3 Lore 'College' Bard​
Level 3 Arctic Circle Druid​
Level 3 Battle Smith Artificer​

ImageNameValue (per) copper.pngsilver.pnggold.pngWeight (per)Description
Wind Spore Mushrooms
30 gold.png0.06 lbsA rare fungus with a unique magical property. When a creature squeezes a wind spore mushroom's cap, it releases a small cloud of spores. For 1 hour, the creature doesn't need to breathe, as the spores provide it with oxygen.
Obsidian Chunk
10 gold.png1 lbAn uncut opaque black gemstone.
Heart Cap Mushrooms
30 gold.png0.2 lbsThese mushrooms bear an unsettling resemblance to human hearts.
Potion of Healing
50 gold.png0.5 lbsThis potion's red liquid glimmers when agitated. You regain 2d4+2 hit points when you drink this potion.
file-Wvp782vE4qJWR2QTy1tcpOXR.pngA Fine LuteThe guy at Guitar Center told me this was the best one.
file-qUiTfpHVb3SLLXv10Ep2Xyya.pngBoots of ElvenkindWhile you wear these boots, your steps make no sound, regardless of the surface you are moving across. You also have advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks that rely on moving silently.
file-EF5LK9mU1tyc9CrzMQNFhGQq.pngSpell Scroll of CommandThis scroll can be used to cast the spell Command once, without requirement for components or a spell slot, as long as this spell is on your class spell list.
file-LVnezJxtbEHmlCxy9bTYz2rS.pngBeany-BjörnThis is a harness sized to carry a halfling, or a child, but what's the difference?

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Zesty Zapcrackle

Shitposting Development Manager
I shall try, but we did just murder their brethren.

Zesty walks over to the two frightened kobolds, hoping to ease their fears and dissuade their running to their master.

Mek, Minn... I am sorry for what you just witnessed. Not all of us share in the bloodthirsty rampage you just witnessed. The druid has assured Minn's release if you can promise to not go immediately to Sparkrender. We came here on a search and possibly a rescue mission. You alerting Sparkrender almost assures that cannot happen, and if so, more possible bloodshed will occur.

Can you both stay here, continue what it was you were doing before and leave us to our mission? Neither of you will be harmed, of this you have MY word. And should the worst befall here, you both will be welcome to return to Dragon's Rest with us. You found out your sister was alive. I am positive she would be thrilled to know her brothers live. That may not happen if you run off to Sparkrender.

Zesty looks hopefully into the eyes of the small kobolds. He genuinely wishes for their safety and hopes they hear the reason in his voice.
D&D Character

Dungeon Master

Bingo! Dino DNA.


Dungeon Master
| Mek's heart pounded like a drum in his chest, his wings taut against the cool breeze that swept through the rotunda.

Minn, held motionless in the air by Short's spell, his eyes wide with fear, was a sight that gnawed at Mek's resolve. The brothers had been cornered, their fleeting hope of escape dashed as harshly as the waves beneath the rope bridge.

"Me yield!" Mek cried out with his arms up in surrender, his voice cracking under the strain of his terror. "Please, just... don't hurt him."


His plea was directed at each of the formidable figures before him, his eyes settling on the still writhing form of Aims sprawled on the bridge, Moonsprout standing defiantly nearby.

Mek watched as Zesty stepped forward, the Tiefling's expression a complex tapestry of sympathy and urgency. His words were a gentle coaxing, an olive branch extended in the midst of chaos.

"But, Sparkrender..." Mek stuttered, the internal conflict visible in the flicker of his gaze. "We vowed to serve boss dragon, to alert him!" His loyalty to their draconic overlord was ingrained, a duty imbued with fear and respect.

Mek glanced once more at Minn, seeing in his brother’s eyes the mirror of his own fear and uncertainty. "Me... Me cannot betray clan," he whispered, almost to himself, yet loud enough for the gathered party to hear.

Silence hung for a moment, heavy as the fog that often shrouded the isle. Mek’s eyes were pools of turmoil, wrestling with a decision that felt heavier than the skies.

"If me agree, if stay here... you promise, promise that Minn and me, and Myla too, will be safe?" Mek's question was fraught with vulnerability, his defiance crumbling into the soft plea of a frightened sibling.

A long, agonizing moment passed as Mek absorbed the gravity of his decision. Finally, he nodded, a small, almost imperceptible movement.

"Me... we not go to Sparkrender. Will stay. Please, just make sure Minn okay." |



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Nac McWeeble

Incense & Iron
((Aw man, now I wanna give Mek a hug..))

Nac, cresting the top of the wall just as Aims takes off, gets to his feet just as the otherwise laid back Moonsprout clocks the half-orc across the jaw, throwing him to the floor(?) of the bridge. He walks over to Sprouty and pats him gently on the back.

Lad, I've seen a few punches being thrown, and that one ye threw was great. Well done!

He moves on to the central area, but stays at the edge, seeing the frightened kobold. The second dip in the water must've brought some modicum of sense back to him.
D&D Character

Dungeon Master

Bingo! Dino DNA.


Short Order
@A Sassy Assy
| As you carefully support Minn's rigid form, you sense the deep-seated mistrust in his wide, fearful eyes. Even as you prepare to release the hold person spell, his gaze pierces through you, laden with apprehension. The tension in Minn's body tells you he remains unconvinced.

With a gentle flick of your wrist, you dissolve the enchantment. The magic of the spell dissipates, its hold loosening like ice melting in the sun, leaving a faint sparkle in the air. Life rushes back into Minn's limbs with an abruptness that makes him shudder. You tighten your grip to prevent him from both falling and escaping, but he reacts instinctively, flinching at the contact, his wings twitching as if to flee. |


Dungeon Master
| Minn gasps, each breath catching in his throat, his body trembling—not just from the shock of release, but from the ongoing fear of his situation. The moment he feels his strength returning, he wrenches away from Short's grasp, his movements hesitant yet determined. "Me need... please, let me go to me brother," he stutters, scrambling toward Mek, who stands nearby, his own expression a complex mix of relief and concern. |


Short Order
@A Sassy Assy
| As Minn collapses into Mek's waiting arms, the distance between him and you marks more than just physical space—it's a gap filled with his lingering distrust and his urgent need for a known sanctuary. Mek wraps his wings protectively around his brother, and you watch the interaction, recognizing the importance of their bond, and understanding that your role, for now, is to provide space as much as support.

You stand back, observing as Minn steadies himself against Mek, his breathing gradually evening out as he finds solace in his brother's embrace. The fear begins to subside, replaced by a cautious resolve as the brothers lean on each other, facing the uncertain future together, yet apart from the help you offered. This moment reaffirms your commitment to their safety, but also underscores the delicate balance of trust that must be navigated with care. |


Aims'Orreh Mwuh'Bwadd

Full-time time waster
He was a half-man (half-orc) on a mission. It was simple: Run as fast as possible, get to the fleeing kobolts, and both yell and threaten them to get them to freeze in place. If that wasn't working, could always fall back to plan B or C. As a reminder, plan B is murder, where as plan C is murder.

But the surprise given by the small halfling was something not even Aims was ready for. While running in his rage infused stupor, he did see the small man in his way on the bridge. Probably still high on mushrooms, or yelling at him not to go murder anyone. Well, he wasn't doing that, or at least not initially in this specific case, so no need to process any of that. While trying to simple crash through everyone and get to the prize, the sudden appearance of the halfling again as he jump into his view and his tiny fist swiftly impacting Aims' face. Whatever was the face, it was all Super Effective! and the man-orc fell over onto the bridge. Physically unharmed, but emotionally confused and baffled.

After a moment of being completely blank in his mind, he sits up on the bridge and just observes and listens to what is going on. His rage now gone as everyone otherwise is dropped their guards and are no longer on edge. Zesty and Moonsprout seemingly appeasing and calming the two other kobolts. Short appears to be... slightly brighter behind his eyes as he meanders on the sidelines. Nac is wet. What, why's he wet?! Also there was a dog here somewhere? Not Zesty's dog, but the other one from before. It's all very confusing and all that is making Aims' head hurt. Back to more simple matters.

Aims gets up and starts walking towards the group with the kobolts. On the way he grabs his large ax into his hand. Both Zesty and Moonsprout see this and the "oh shit" can clearly be seen in their eyes. Before anything else happens, Aims calmly lowers his other hand, signaling it's chill, no worries, and gives the two a grin and... whatever is the orc equivelant of a wink. There was no murder coming.

Now... as the two of you little ones might've seen, the world here is much crueler than it seems. Being part of a posse of evil nogoodnicks can have... very bad consequences to everyone in it, as the one with my hand ax clearly found out. The orc still all bloodied from both his own and the other kobolts' blood now towers over the two. You two helped us, as well as we saw and met many kobolts at the enclave who also helped, so it would be a shame if all that was ruined if someone were to alert everyone to our presence. But fear not. You two can leave, and I very very much suggest you do leave from here, just because... The orc squats down to eye level with the kobolts, holding his large ax in both hands and whispers to the two. ... I still have one ax left and... throwing this one will leave a much more gruesome mark than the small one. But don't worry. No need to be scared at it being aimed at either one of you. Just imagine what it will do to my real enemies.
D&D Character

Dungeon Master

Bingo! Dino DNA.
He was a half-man (half-orc) on a mission. It was simple: Run as fast as possible, get to the fleeing kobolts, and both yell and threaten them to get them to freeze in place. If that wasn't working, could always fall back to plan B or C. As a reminder, plan B is murder, where as plan C is murder.

But the surprise given by the small halfling was something not even Aims was ready for. While running in his rage infused stupor, he did see the small man in his way on the bridge. Probably still high on mushrooms, or yelling at him not to go murder anyone. Well, he wasn't doing that, or at least not initially in this specific case, so no need to process any of that. While trying to simple crash through everyone and get to the prize, the sudden appearance of the halfling again as he jump into his view and his tiny fist swiftly impacting Aims' face. Whatever was the face, it was all Super Effective! and the man-orc fell over onto the bridge. Physically unharmed, but emotionally confused and baffled.

After a moment of being completely blank in his mind, he sits up on the bridge and just observes and listens to what is going on. His rage now gone as everyone otherwise is dropped their guards and are no longer on edge. Zesty and Moonsprout seemingly appeasing and calming the two other kobolts. Short appears to be... slightly brighter behind his eyes as he meanders on the sidelines. Nac is wet. What, why's he wet?! Also there was a dog here somewhere? Not Zesty's dog, but the other one from before. It's all very confusing and all that is making Aims' head hurt. Back to more simple matters.

Aims gets up and starts walking towards the group with the kobolts. On the way he grabs his large ax into his hand. Both Zesty and Moonsprout see this and the "oh shit" can clearly be seen in their eyes. Before anything else happens, Aims calmly lowers his other hand, signaling it's chill, no worries, and gives the two a grin and... whatever is the orc equivelant of a wink. There was no murder coming.

Now... as the two of you little ones might've seen, the world here is much crueler than it seems. Being part of a posse of evil nogoodnicks can have... very bad consequences to everyone in it, as the one with my hand ax clearly found out. The orc still all bloodied from both his own and the other kobolts' blood now towers over the two. You two helped us, as well as we saw and met many kobolts at the enclave who also helped, so it would be a shame if all that was ruined if someone were to alert everyone to our presence. But fear not. You two can leave, and I very very much suggest you do leave from here, just because... The orc squats down to eye level with the kobolts, holding his large ax in both hands and whispers to the two. ... I still have one ax left and... throwing this one will leave a much more gruesome mark than the small one. But don't worry. No need to be scared at it being aimed at either one of you. Just imagine what it will do to my real enemies.


Aims'Orreh Mwuh'Bwadd
| Crouched in front of Mek and Minn, you try to keep your tone even, despite the rush of battle still pulsing through your veins. The smell of salt and old paper fills the air, the backdrop to a scene of tense negotiation. |


Dungeon Master
|The kobold brothers huddle together, their wings slightly drooping, a clear sign of defeat and weariness.

Mek, braver now, or perhaps desperate, meets Aims gaze. His voice is hesitant, but there's a newfound resolve there. "We... we will go," he stammers, "but can we... can we take friends with us?" His eyes dart nervously toward their obliterated camp holding the bodies of their fallen comrades—Ekrash, Erp, Hev, Nuhro, and Snirke—scattered across the battlefield. His expression drops even further, as his focus shifts to the gap between the towers and the crashing waves below, "Me hope we can find Snirke..."

Minn pipes up, his voice quivering slightly, "We fear... we hear stories... that big orc like you might... might eat the fallen. We want bury them proper. Please, don't let that be kobolds end." |


Aims'Orreh Mwuh'Bwadd

Full-time time waster
The orc hears the kobolts plea. He stands up and crosses his arms, looking deeply in thought as he sizes the two kobolts up for a moment.

Hmmmm... what you've heard isn't completely outrageous. A young growing half-orc like me needs to eat to stay strong after all! More so since... Aims turns around towards Zesty. ... since someone never warmed up my snack so I've been growing hungrier. But... sigh. He turns back to the kobolts. Take your dead. Give them a good burial. While unfortunate in these circumstances, they fought and fell with bravery. One should honor their bodies properly.
  • I Poka' You Face
Reactions: Ben

Moonsprout Beandirt

Connoisseur of fine video games
Moonsprout's anger deepens as he sees the orc appears to be indifferent from his and Zesty's concerns.

He addresses Aims, saying:

You keep calling yourself half-human, but I have seen none of your humanity. Here you are patting yourself on the back for slaughtering a group of rebellious teens. I'm just thankful I never fell asleep in your garden. Maybe you woulda flayed me alive, justifying it by saying you're ridding the world of some great evil, you cur.

I don't want anything more to do with you if you're going to keep slaughtering innocents just because they look at you the wrong way. I'm going back to Dragon's Rest.

Moonsprout swaps the key and makes the bridge to the mainland reappear, and starts back towards the mainland. He holds the owlbear whistle close to his chest.
D&D Character

Dungeon Master

Bingo! Dino DNA.
The orc hears the kobolts plea. He stands up and crosses his arms, looking deeply in thought as he sizes the two kobolts up for a moment.

Hmmmm... what you've heard isn't completely outrageous. A young growing half-orc like me needs to eat to stay strong after all! More so since... Aims turns around towards Zesty. ... since someone never warmed up my snack so I've been growing hungrier. But... sigh. He turns back to the kobolts. Take your dead. Give them a good burial. While unfortunate in these circumstances, they fought and fell with bravery. One should honor their bodies properly.


Dungeon Master
| Mek and Minn waste no time in taking their granted freedom. They hurry to the archway leading to the rope bridge, turning momentarily as mistrust urges them to watch their backs.


The brothers turn and dive down towards the ocean to begin their search, and out of sight. |

Moonsprout's anger deepens as he sees the orc appears to be indifferent from his and Zesty's concerns.

He addresses Aims, saying:

You keep calling yourself half-human, but I have seen none of your humanity. Here you are patting yourself on the back for slaughtering a group of rebellious teens. I'm just thankful I never fell asleep in your garden. Maybe you woulda flayed me alive, justifying it by saying you're ridding the world of some great evil, you cur.

I don't want anything more to do with you if you're going to keep slaughtering innocents just because they look at you the wrong way. I'm going back to Dragon's Rest.

Moonsprout swaps the key and makes the bridge to the mainland reappear, and starts back towards the mainland. He holds the owlbear whistle close to his chest.


Moonsprout Beandirt
| As you move towards the dragon statue to reactivate the bridge, Zesty begins to call out that he had tucked the Moonstone Key into his backpack.

However, the key appears from your pocket, leaving Zesty befuddled.

((Continuity error fixed by pick-pocketing. I know you didn't specifically say you did this, but my roll beat Zesty's passive perception, so I'm going to run with this.))

You slide the key back into the base of the statue, and the scintillating magical bridge weaves itself into existence once again.


You leave the key in the statue and walk across, walking back towards the path to Dragon's Rest without looking back at the group.

file-2i6FgZZ00W2Me9YN9EvEp3Qk.png |

((It amused me too much not to re-use the same seed I used for the "Zesty walking away from the group" picture again for Moonsprout.

Which, if you didn't notice, was based off of the ending of the Incredible Hulk TV show.

Mushroom Dog just... 'cause. I'll call it an angry/disappointed hallucination.))

Zesty Zapcrackle

Shitposting Development Manager
Zesty watches both stupefied and forlorn at Moonsprout walking away.

How the fuck did that little shit pickpocket me? He thinks at first. But that's soon replaced with the sadness that he now has to be the voice of reason. Which also terrifies him that Moonsprout was a voice of reason. What in the hell is becoming of this group when the one of the group that spent the entire fume drake fight higher than an orbiting satellite... whatever the fuck that is, was even remotely a voice of reason?

Safe travels back to Dragon's Rest, Moonsprout. And good luck. Maybe the Owlbear can give you a lift...

Zesty walks back over to the statue, removes the moonstone key once again in case it's needed, takes a deep sigh and turns to the northeast, ready to face the challenges of Sparkrender with the drunken monken, the murdergnomo and the rage-filled Carlorc. His head slightly turning back to Moonsprout for one final look until they meet again in Dragon's Rest.

Just don't touch my shit again... He says near silently, with a small smile.
D&D Character

Dungeon Master

Bingo! Dino DNA.


Dungeon Master
| The party find themselves both morally and physically divided, as the ethereal bridge dissipates from reality once more, punctuating the distance Moonsprout put between himself and the group. The bard disappears into the hills leading back towards the sanctuary of Dragon's Rest, with hopes of finding the owlbear again.


The four more combat-prone members mill around the rotunda, uncertain of their best path forward. The intricate astronomical model in the center of the room slowly turns with the grinding of clockwork gears, and you watch as the eight planets and one comet rotate in their orbit around the sun. |

((So, what do you do from here?))

Zesty Zapcrackle

Shitposting Development Manager
Zesty heads to the northeast where the brothers indicated Sparkrender awaits. He takes a deep breath at the bridge/elevator and looks over his shoulder at the remaining trio, gently patting Boltzmann's head...

C'mon you apes. Wanna live forever?

Zesty Zapcrackle

Shitposting Development Manager
((Insert the stuff Ben revealed about the mechanism somewhere in this thread that I'm too lazy to go find about it to add back into a role play here.

D&D Character

Dungeon Master

Bingo! Dino DNA.
((Insert the stuff Ben revealed about the mechanism somewhere in this thread that I'm too lazy to go find about it to add back into a role play here.



Zesty Zapcrackle
| You repeat to Short Order:

"The sculpture depicts the planet of Toril, its moon (Selûne), the sun, and seven other planets, as well as one comet with a very eccentric orbit.

[...] it's movements foretell that the comet will soon pass by Toril." |

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  • They’re Right, You Know?
Reactions: Jon
D&D Character

Dungeon Master

Bingo! Dino DNA.
An elevator? Sweet!

Crank me up lads!

Aims walks onto the elevator.


Aims'Orreh Mwuh'Bwadd
| With herculean effort, the rickety elevator—designed specifically for the lithe forms of kobolds—groans and creaks as it labors to hoist your significant weight the fifteen vertical feet to the Northeastern tower's entrance. Below, in the cavernous rotunda, the sounds of Nac and Zesty's strenuous exertions fill the air, their grunts echoing as they tirelessly rotate the massive crank-wheel.

As your head finally clears the threshold, a vast expanse unfolds before you. Shafts of light pierce the remnants of a once resplendent stained glass dome, casting a kaleidoscope of colors across the deteriorated marble walls. Elegant gilded traceries and opulent jeweled inlays trace the outlines of an intricate star map embedded in the dusty floor. Encircling the room, four alabaster statues of ancient scholars loom large; despite the ravages of time, their commanding gestures still point mysteriously in various directions.


Tucked into the northeast corner, a lithe dragon lies coiled, its scales a vivid tableau of stormy blues. Bursts of lightning flicker around its horns and muzzle as it slumbers peacefully among a heap of shimmering coins and precious gems.



The moment you disembark from the makeshift lift, the mechanism jerks sharply—Nac and Zesty have suddenly found the wheel turning with surprising ease. A rapid buzz of rope against metal fills the air before they manage to moderate the lift's ascent. Your eyes flicker toward the dragon; it stirs slightly, dislodging a shower of coins that tinkle melodiously as they tumble down its amassed treasure. Named Sparkrender, the dragon casually scratches its snout and resettles itself among the glittering hoard.

With a slow creak, the elevator makes its descent back to the rotunda, where Short Order is waiting to ascend. After several fraught minutes—including a moment where Nac must clamber up the elevator rope unaided—you all convene in the final chamber of the enigmatic Forgotten Observatory.

1713273011339.png |

((@Jon @Nae'blis @Jawneh @A Sassy Assy All of you, please roll me a DEX-Stealth check.

Zesty Zapcrackle

Shitposting Development Manager
((HOLY FUCKING HELL! Double nat20 the party better be fucking floating on air from magical silent fucking farts! Where are these fucking rolls when I need them >.>

Unless I just saved the party, then I got it exactly when I needed it and..

Watch This Hold Up GIF by Apple TV+
D&D Character

Dungeon Master

Bingo! Dino DNA.
((So, at this point if Nae or I roll shit, we're all in trouble. I THINK I have advantage because the Boots of Elvenkind, which I now wish I had given to Aims' lol. But since I'm not sure, I'll roll two separate rolls and we can take only the top one if I don't.))
((Damn your 20/20 vision. I was in the middle of writing up "you all fucking FAIL", but you had to go and roll perfectly.

Nice job though.))
  • Hugs
Reactions: Jon
D&D Character

Dungeon Master

Bingo! Dino DNA.


Dungeon Master
| As the group take in the ornately decorated tower, Aims and Short struggle to move quietly over the cluttered floor. The barbarian's heavy boots thud against the ancient stones, and the gnome's staff scrapes against the marble, their noises echoing ominously through the vast space. In contrast, Nac glides silently, his movements a whisper on the cool ground. He navigates with a ghostlike grace among his noisier companions, his presence barely perceptible.

Noticing all of this, Zesty acts with swift precision. He quickly tweaks the settings on Boltzmann, who adjusts to emit a continuous, soft white noise. This sound, finely tuned to the room's resonant frequency, cleverly blankets the area, muffling the clamor from the barbarian and the druid. This innovative veil of sound spreads subtly, blending the disruptive noises into a harmonious static that reduces the risk of disturbing the slumbering dragon.

Thanks to Zesty's quick thinking and timely intervention, the group manages to maintain a semblance of stealth as they edge around the room closer to the treasure-laden dragon, who remains deep in his restful slumber. |

((OK, you didn't wake him up. You can move around the room without doing so, although if you get too close to him you may need to roll stealth again.))
  • Cheers!
Reactions: Jon

Aims'Orreh Mwuh'Bwadd

Full-time time waster
Aims is all giddy and shaking with excitement! There's a dragon, right there! In the same room! And all defenseless currently! Just get in there and lob its head off! Thought its... looking kind of small for a huge ferocious dragon from the myths. Even in its presence, there's barely any doom filling the air like when Runara bared her fangs. Dragon's a dragon though!

Aims whispers:
I call dibs.
  • This Is Fine
Reactions: Jon

Zesty Zapcrackle

Shitposting Development Manager
Zesty places a hand on Aims' shoulder, and gesturing "wait, please" to the massive Orc.

After having reacted quickly to keep the dragon asleep, Zesty takes a deep sign and starts examining the room. Most importantly, and most prominently, the four statues around the room depicting scholars catches his attention. After all, while the murderhobos were doing their thing, Zesty had plenty of time to examine the book and the information it provided that he deemed of import.

To ye four scholars; point your eyes towards the Dragon's light, for it guides your descent into knowledge.

Zesty registers these four statues as the four scholars mentioned here. Now with the identification of the four scholars, Zesty begins to ponder the rest of the passage.

Point your eyes towards the Dragon's light... He thinks to himself. These statues must move in some way! Do they shift? Do they rotate? It seems unlikely the kobolds could physically move the statues themselves, and they must assist the dragon in this... They must rotate at their base! He concludes.

So they rotate at their base to "point to the Dragon's light... what is the Dragon's light? The dome lets in light. But this can't be it. He deduces. No... what if it rains? What about the time of day? The sun shifts, so too will the light it provides. Plus, no Dragon is evidently available unless it refers to Sparkrender, but he too, shifts. It's also unlikely the passage is referring to this specific dragon. No... must be something in the room. Something static instead. He peers at the ornate floor. He ponders how he'd describe the floor:

Elegant gilded traceries and opulent jeweled inlays trace the outlines of an intricate star map embedded in the dusty floor.

The floor! A star map! These stars would surely produce light, but unlike the sun shining through the dome, these stars would be static to the room! Zesty deduces there must be a specific star, perhaps a set of stars as the passage specifies a "Dragon's light." So... a set of stars. A constellation? Specifically, a DRAGON constellation? I will need to investigate this floor more closely. For now, the last part of the riddle-like passage. "For it guides your descent into knowledge." Seems fairly straightforward. Once the statues are aligned, some passage will open into what I assume will be a library, as that is where I expect to find knowledge.

Zesty concludes his thoughts. So I must check this floor to see if anything stands out as a Dragon. Then we must rotate these statues to all point to it. Once we do that, a passage to a library will open. And from there, perhaps knowledge of this blue dragon's presence, or at LEAST that of Aidron, whom we are here to find.

Zesty motions to the rest of the team with an index finger to his mouth, asking them for as much silence as they can provide.

Zesty attempts to investigate the floor.

((So I decided to take you guys on an RP journey of how my mind works in these situations. Kind of a look see as to how I get to the choices I make. Usually I would have these thoughts, but only RP that Zesty looks at the floor, but I decided to give a little more in depth look at how I analyze these puzzles. If it is too much, please let me know and I can tone back or adjust accordingly. If you're not interested in my thought process, there's not need to subject you all to the wall that is above. If you need clarification on anything stylistically, please let me know. Essentially, anything in italics is non-verbal communication. I put my character colors to indicate it's his thoughts where white is simple narration.

EDIT - Added the first line to accommodate for Aims' wanting to murderhobo us :link))))

Aims'Orreh Mwuh'Bwadd

Full-time time waster
Aims looks at Zesty trying to reign him in. Maybe he has a point. But maybe he wants to make an intricate plan to steal all the glory. A tough choice to make. Which is the truth in this case. Perhaps he has been ever so slightly too eager to jump at everything and dismember them immediately. Plus who knows. Maybe waiting for a moment will help the dragon grow some more to make the fight better. Yeeessss....

He looks Zesty in the eyes, puts his hand up with all fingers stretched out, and mouths "three minutes".
D&D Character

Dungeon Master

Bingo! Dino DNA.
Zesty places a hand on Aims' shoulder, and gesturing "wait, please" to the massive Orc.

After having reacted quickly to keep the dragon asleep, Zesty takes a deep sign and starts examining the room. Most importantly, and most prominently, the four statues around the room depicting scholars catches his attention. After all, while the murderhobos were doing their thing, Zesty had plenty of time to examine the book and the information it provided that he deemed of import.

Zesty registers these four statues as the four scholars mentioned here. Now with the identification of the four scholars, Zesty begins to ponder the rest of the passage.

Point your eyes towards the Dragon's light... He thinks to himself. These statues must move in some way! Do they shift? Do they rotate? It seems unlikely the kobolds could physically move the statues themselves, and they must assist the dragon in this... They must rotate at their base! He concludes.

So they rotate at their base to "point to the Dragon's light... what is the Dragon's light? The dome lets in light. But this can't be it. He deduces. No... what if it rains? What about the time of day? The sun shifts, so too will the light it provides. Plus, no Dragon is evidently available unless it refers to Sparkrender, but he too, shifts. It's also unlikely the passage is referring to this specific dragon. No... must be something in the room. Something static instead. He peers at the ornate floor. He ponders how he'd describe the floor:

The floor! A star map! These stars would surely produce light, but unlike the sun shining through the dome, these stars would be static to the room! Zesty deduces there must be a specific star, perhaps a set of stars as the passage specifies a "Dragon's light." So... a set of stars. A constellation? Specifically, a DRAGON constellation? I will need to investigate this floor more closely. For now, the last part of the riddle-like passage. "For it guides your descent into knowledge." Seems fairly straightforward. Once the statues are aligned, some passage will open into what I assume will be a library, as that is where I expect to find knowledge.

Zesty concludes his thoughts. So I must check this floor to see if anything stands out as a Dragon. Then we must rotate these statues to all point to it. Once we do that, a passage to a library will open. And from there, perhaps knowledge of this blue dragon's presence, or at LEAST that of Aidron, whom we are here to find.

Zesty motions to the rest of the team with an index finger to his mouth, asking them for as much silence as they can provide.

Zesty attempts to investigate the floor.

((So I decided to take you guys on an RP journey of how my mind works in these situations. Kind of a look see as to how I get to the choices I make. Usually I would have these thoughts, but only RP that Zesty looks at the floor, but I decided to give a little more in depth look at how I analyze these puzzles. If it is too much, please let me know and I can tone back or adjust accordingly. If you're not interested in my thought process, there's not need to subject you all to the wall that is above. If you need clarification on anything stylistically, please let me know. Essentially, anything in italics is non-verbal communication. I put my character colors to indicate it's his thoughts where white is simple narration.

EDIT - Added the first line to accommodate for Aims' wanting to murderhobo us :link))))
((Couldn't be bothered to ask you to roll an investigation check and wait, so I just did it for you.



Zesty Zapcrackle
| Following your logical deductions, you quietly move across the marble floor searching for recognizable patterns within the constellations of the star-map. Your search is methodical but slow, as your anxiety drives you to glance back to the sleeping dragon, and then to the barbarian.

After a brief assessment around the beautifully decorated floor, you spot a cluster of stars in the Southeastern quadrant of the map that vaguely resembles a dragon.

file-ofcwUSnDN14gjQSYEwFa2KhB.png |

While Zesty is busy examining the floor, and Aims is learning his numbers, Short becomes intrigued by the statues. Muttering to himself...

These faces...they seem familiar. What are they trying to point out to us?

((Is this a check for history to try to identify them and then and investigation check for what they're pointing at/doing/etc.?))

Zesty Zapcrackle

Shitposting Development Manager
((It passed, so I won't complain! :link I remember a couple missions ago you mentioned usually we just tell you what we want in the green action and you'll tell us the check, which is why I didn't just post one. You didn't want us bombarding you with random checks. If this is inefficient, then just let me know. :) ))

Zesty, having identified what he believes to be the correct constellation returns to the group. He has only one question left in his mind:

Do the statues need to be turned together or separately?

So as to speed up the process, and hopefully keep Kaptain Killmonger at bay, he decides it best to instruct the four intrepid adventurers turn the statues together.

So, I believe we need to rotate the statues together to the southeast, there, where there appears to be a constellation of a dragon. I believe this will open a secret room. If you're all willing, we should each take a statue and rotate them together.

I'm not sure the modification to Boltzmann will carry the entire room as we move the statues. I recommend Aims' take the southwest statue, farthest from the dragon. Short, you should take the statue in the northwest. Nac, you can take the statue closest the constellation here in the southeast. And, since I have these Boots of Elvenkind, I can take the statue closest the sleeping dragon in the northeast.

Does anyone disagree?

Zesty awaits his team's decision.
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