Campaign Stormwreck Isle: Spores of Seagrow Cave (1-2)

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  • At the behest of Tarak, travel to Seagrow Caves to get past the guardian at the entrance, see what's wrong with the Myconid, and recover a harvest of heart cap mushrooms for him.



Aims'Orreh Mwuh'BwaddMoonsprout BeandirtShort OrderNac McWeebleZesty Zapcrackle
aims.pngmoonsprout2.pngshort.pngDALL·E 2024-01-25 22.12.44 - A side-profile view of Nac McWeeble, a Monk Hill Dwarf character ...pngDALL·E 2024-01-25 22.15.02 - A side-profile view of Zesty Zapcrackle, an Artificer Tiefling ch...png
Carrying Dick Dagger.

Wind Spore Mushrooms
30 gp each​
A rare fungus with a unique magical property. When a creature squeezes a wind spore mushroom's cap, it releases a small cloud of spores. For 1 hour, the creature doesn't need to breathe, as the spores provide it with oxygen.
Obsidian Chunk
10 gp each​
An uncut opaque black gemstone.
Heart Cap Mushrooms
30 gp each​
These mushrooms bear an unsettling resemblance to human hearts.
Potion of Healing
50 gp each​
This potion's red liquid glimmers when agitated. You regain 2d4+2 hit points when you drink this potion.
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D&D Character

Dungeon Master

Bingo! Dino DNA.

powerpuff girls curses GIF

Alright, I'll try to get to it by early evening.))
D&D Character

Dungeon Master

Bingo! Dino DNA.

| Varnoth comes around the corner and her keen eyes immediately fall to Aims, who's tending newly bandaged wounds that, while moderately healed, are still covered with bloody bandages. She does not see the halfling in the kitchen for the moment, who's hand moves in a blur as a transfer is made.

"Ah, your band is back I see." her one blind milky eye fixes the half-orc as she says this. "What made you of the Myconid's misfortune? I saw Tarak come by with some of those disturbing mushrooms he always wants, so I assume you did well."

She now turns and looks towards the kitchen, where Moonsprout is stood on a step-stool hunched over the pot.

"I'd already gotten breakfast started, so he went on up to the library to look something up... Did you bring all this leafy mess from the gardens yourself?"

Her expression wavers between dislike for simple vegetable based meals, and a fair admiration of your helping around the cloister.

"Anyway, I'd gotten started early, so most everyone has eaten already. It's just you folks and one or two Kobolds. It looks like your hemp-smelling friend over there is already digging through the scraps of breakfast, so he can get you all bowls."

She unties her apron and wipes her hands on it, before throwing it on the edge of the dining table. She leaves the kitchen, passing into the bright sunlight and turning right to go up towards the library or temple area.|


Aims'Orreh Mwuh'Bwadd

Full-time time waster
Aims grins towards Varnoth's direction.

It was definitely a worthy trip. A lot of blood was spilled. A good chunk of it mine, but the ones against me are far worse off than I got. Hahaha!

I'm... unsure of the true origins of the Myconid's problems. We found an odd orange crystal placed in the back of the cave where they reside. It wasn't naturally formed and it also blocked off some of the air currents in the cave. Err. Whatever all that means is that they were really bad off. Including the sovereign who was close to being dead.

Aims continues to look through his dressings and feeling around his muscles to make sure everything is working correctly. Somehow he seems much stronger than before after being so close to death's door and having a good sleep. This is making him very excited to go against his next foe.

I think I need to go wash up somewhere. After eating of course. Is there a good spot where I can go that doesn't involve jumping down the cliff face?
D&D Character

Dungeon Master

Bingo! Dino DNA.


Moonsprout Beandirt
| Your sleight of hand is so deft, even your comrades don't see you slip anything into the food.

Hungry, they muscle you out of the way and fill bowls, hastily beginning to consume breakfast. |

Everyone make a constitution saving throw.


Moonsprout Beandirt

Connoisseur of fine video games
Ah, so Tarak is in the library? I'll bring him up a bowl of eats and join you all in a bit.

Moonsprout scurries away from the kitchen with a couple of bowls -- one for himself, and one for Tarak.

((I'm assuming I can do that without rolling since I know what's in the food?))

Nac McWeeble

Incense & Iron
((Go, go saving throw! Wait, does this count towards poisoning? I have advantage on saving throws against poison with my Dwarven Resilience.

Edit: Looks like it's all good anyway. :D ))
D&D Character

Dungeon Master

Bingo! Dino DNA.

Your party hungrily eats, some squeezing in conversations before the relevant party leaves the room due to the tumultuous discord of time. You talk about your escapades and what you should do next, all the while Moonsprout sits giggling and watching everyone's face intently. Minute after minute, nothing. The bard wonders whether his plan to epitomize a "chaotic" nature had failed, then he looks over to the gnome.

Screenshot 2024-02-12 11.01.54 PM.png

Screenshot 2024-02-12 11.01.54 PM.png
Short Order
@A Pineap-Alu-zer
| You sit, wondering why your friends at the table look different...





You are tripping balls for the next [3] hours. |

((Short Order will have disadvantage on charisma skill checks/saving throws. He'll have advantage on intelligence skill checks/saving throws.))
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Moonsprout Beandirt

Connoisseur of fine video games
You talk about your escapades and what you should do next, all the while Moonsprout sits giggling and watching everyone's face intently.
((What happened to:
Ah, so Tarak is in the library? I'll bring him up a bowl of eats and join you all in a bit.

Moonsprout scurries away from the kitchen with a couple of bowls -- one for himself, and one for Tarak.

((I'm assuming I can do that without rolling since I know what's in the food?))

Zesty Zapcrackle

Shitposting Development Manager
Zesty is looking around quizzically. He's not sure he's awakened from his long rest yet.

My fucking dreams are getting weirder and weirder since I met this group...

Nac McWeeble

Incense & Iron
Music Festival 90S GIF

This is Short right now.))

Nac looks at the gnome tripped out beyond his wee mind.

Heh, this reminds me of when me an' Hamish were lads an' ate those fermented apples we found in Master Cy'der's garden.. good times...

Aims'Orreh Mwuh'Bwadd

Full-time time waster
Aims is wondering what the fuck Short is doing. First he's attacking Moonsprout (though not entirely unacceptable), but now he's molding dick being held by another dick. Aims doesn't understand art. Or complex emotions. He's just eating his own delicious meal and picking bits of veggies and mushroom from his beard while all of this is happening.
D&D Character

Dungeon Master

Bingo! Dino DNA.
Moonsprout takes 2 points of frost damage.


Short Order
@A Pineap-Alu-zer
| You have lost the ability to control your newly found wildshape ability.

Every hour of your hallucination you'll randomly shift into a different wildshape form and cannot shift out of it until the duration is up, or you succeed a constitution saving throw.


You are now a rabbit. |


Moonsprout Beandirt
| You chase Tarak down into the library and find him standing amongst the shelves pawing through some tome detailing exotic fungi. You assume he's looking up something on the heart caps.

You hand him the bowl. |

| Ah, thank you, but... I've got my hands a little full right now. Can you put it on the table over there?

He grins at Moonsprout. |


Moonsprout Beandirt

Connoisseur of fine video games


Moonsprout Beandirt
| You chase Tarak down into the library and find him standing amongst the shelves pawing through some tome detailing exotic fungi. You assume he's looking up something on the heart caps.

You hand him the bowl. |

| Ah, thank you, but... I've got my hands a little full right now. Can you put it on the table over there?

He grins at Moonsprout. |

Moonsprout tries to persuade Tarak to eat now, reminding him that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, and that work done on an empty stomach is not work done well. Moonsprout's natural musk assists in persuading Tarak to please Moonsprout well enough to let him alone.

Aims'Orreh Mwuh'Bwadd

Full-time time waster
Aims finishes up his meal and takes off outside to look for Runara. Not entirely sure where she is, he ventures off towards the temple area first and vandering off back down the cliff if she isn't there. He's keen to ask her more about the shipwreck area in the north related to the undead. And to let her know about the crystal they found in the myconid cave in case she knows anything about orange crystals.
D&D Character

Dungeon Master

Bingo! Dino DNA.
we must remember our loved ones

Happy little trees!

Short Order casts mold earth in the shape of Moonsprout's broken dick dagger being held by the newly dead mushroom cock friend
Moonsprout tries to persuade Tarak to eat now, reminding him that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, and that work done on an empty stomach is not work done well. Moonsprout's natural musk assists in persuading Tarak to please Moonsprout well enough to let him alone.

| He looks at the bowl you're pushing towards him, your eyebrows bouncing up and down like a wench trying to earn extra. Tarak holds your gaze, pondering what your deal is, before settling on assuming you're just a weird frigging halfling that's snorted too much in his time.

He sighs with exasperation. "Fine, I'll eat if you insist, but it'll just take me longer to find the book I was looking for."

Tarak sets the thick tome he'd held open down on the shelf, and takes the offered bowl. Grasping the spoon, he begins to eat.


He finishes, handing the bowl back to you.

He picks up his book and returns to reading. |

((Wow... Tarak sucked ass on my charisma saving throw against the persuasion, but nailed that constitution save. Too bad, Moonsprout.


Aims finishes up his meal and takes off outside to look for Runara. Not entirely sure where she is, he ventures off towards the temple area first and vandering off back down the cliff if she isn't there. He's keen to ask her more about the shipwreck area in the north related to the undead. And to let her know about the crystal they found in the myconid cave in case she knows anything about orange crystals.


Aims'Orreh Mwuh'Bwadd
| You make for the temple area, walking right out of the kitchen door and further up the inclined path caved into the side of the cliff face. A few dozen feet up and you pass the entrance to the library, and spy Moonsprout inside talking to Tarak about something.

The path curves slightly to the right and the steps get a little steeper, climbing to the higher points where the temple watches over the monastery and small valley bellow. Here, the highest point of the cloister is crowned by the open-air temple that overhangs the cliff, supported by arched stone struts anchored to the cliff face. The north wall of the temple is carved directly into the rock, while the rest is open to the sea air. Heavy pillars mark the three open sides, supporting the wooden roof. In the center of the temple stands a stone statue of a kind-looking old man with canaries perched on his hands, shoulders, and head. A feeling of serenity suffuses the place.

You spot Runara with a wick, lighting some candles around the outside of the temple area.|

Elder Runara
| "Welcome back, my friend. I see you found the fight you were hoping for. Did your companions all fare as well as you?"|

D&D Character

Dungeon Master

Bingo! Dino DNA.


Moonsprout Beandirt
| Pausing in your zealor to poison everyone, you look around the library proper.

Of all the doorways cut into the cliff face, only one has an actual door. This entry's door is made of sturdy oak with iron bands, and it swings open easily to reveal the spacious library.

Bookshelves line every wall, with three free-standing shelves in the west half of the room. In the east half is a table with two benches, writing implements, book stands, and glass-shielded lamps.|


Nac McWeeble

Incense & Iron
Nac rises from the breakfast table, lets out a loud belch, and says Ah, tha' hit the spot!

He then leaves the dining area in search of Myla, the kobold whose brothers went missing, to see if she knows anything more about them and if she needs help investigating their whereabouts.
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