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Campaign Stormwreck Isle; Sacrifices Must Be Made (1-5)

.... what? What is this? Why is there fog here now?! Its not that muggy today.

No matter. I will run in there and ax everything dead! Hahaa! Youll all be surprised when it clears and you see all the bodies on the ground!

Zesty Zapcrackle

Diplomatic Immunity
((Fiiiiiiine... I'll ready something instead of being weird.

@Ben - Based on the image, the new crude effigies look targetable? Or were those more kobolds surrounding the center platform?))

Fog is it? So be it...

Zesty draws his lockbuster and raises his shield. He drops to a knee and keeps his eyes ready where he gleaned enemies prior to the fog coming into play. Boltzmann readies in defense mode until then as well, ready to protect his master and allies.

Zesty and Boltzmann ready attacks on enemies as the fog would clear or they come into visual range.

((I'll roll dice for those attacks now.))
  • Okie Dokie
Reactions: Ben
D&D Character

Dungeon Master

Blind Guardian
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You hear frantic scrabbling from within the fog, though cannot make out anything from within, shortly followed by the kobold Signifer shouting a rallying cry; the same voice you'd heard calling for reformations in the earlier battle. The shout is met with a reply of marching feet and the thunk of shields dropping into a defensive stance.


As if out of sync with the other marching feet, one Kobold Tiro happens to step out of the fog on the Northern side. It looks surprised to have unexpectedly broken out of the cover of the fog but before it can dart back into the thick mist, a round from Zesty's waiting barrel lines up to greet the center of the Tiro's forehead. With a crack, the bullet hurtles forward and the kobold's eyes cross as its brain exits the back of its skull. The small warrior slumps to the floor on top of its shield.

Zesty deals 8 points of damage to Kobold Tiro.


Boltzmann remains on standby.

((@shortkut - You're up, although you can't currently see any enemies from your vantage point. You can move into the fog and attack where you think an enemy is, without being albe to see it, but you'd have disadvantage on the attack if they are there, and just miss if they're not.

  • Respect
Reactions: Jon
D&D Character

Dungeon Master

Blind Guardian
((Sorry, forgot about updating this.))

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Above the eerie glow of the light bridge, Moonsprout unceremoniously plopped himself down. With practiced nonchalance, he delved into the depths of his trusty herbalism kit, his fingers dancing over the contents with the ease of a seasoned maestro.

The cool, familiar weight of a metal grinder kissed his palm, greeting him like an old friend. Absently, he twirled its lid, delighting in the gentle whirr that spoke of countless past concoctions. From the kit's verdant depths, he procured a nugget of something green, sticky, and promising. With a ceremonial reverence, he introduced the herbal clump to the grinder's eager teeth. A careful push, a resolute twist, and the magic began. Sixteen turns he counted, each rotation a whisper of the ritual that tethered him to the earth beneath their feet.

When the final twist echoed a sharp rap, a symphony of scents was unleashed. The threads of the grinder squealed in protest, a song of aged kief and herb, as Moonsprout coaxed them open with a determination that belied his relaxed demeanor. As the lid surrendered, a fresh wave of pine flooded the air, mingling with the ethereal lights of their pathway.

Without a moment's pause, Moonsprout packed the fruits of his labor into a small, waiting bowl. With a flicker of mystery fire—a spark as enigmatic as the Bard himself—he ignited the concoction. Plumes of thick, white smoke cascaded from his ears, as he slumped further into the bridge, a contented figure enveloped in a cloud of his own making.

((@Smacktard - Roll me a Nature check. Your roll will be how high you get.))

((@Al hominem - Short is up.


Nac McWeeble

Yvan eht nioj
((Short Order be like
internet mr GIF
D&D Character

Dungeon Master

Blind Guardian
((Sorry for lag. Putting the 30-60 minutes into working out all the subsequent turns on this is just daunting and I struggle to make my ADHD ass do it. But here we go weeeeeeeee.))

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Short Order puffs a gust into the rotunda, the light breeze being enough to clear the fog out of the building. Straining with the effort of magic, Short Order puffs a gust in Moonsprout's vicinity.


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Boltzmann attacks the Tiro that comes into view right next to the robomutt, but misses his attack.


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The Southern group of Kobold Tiro reposition in front of the other Kobold and position to attack with throwing daggers. They fling them toward Nac and his lack of armor, but the blades collectively miss.


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The Kobold Dragonshield stands tall above the Tiro forming a shield wall and it hefts a spear up over its shoulder. With a powerful thrust, the spear leaves its scaled hand and the barbed tip finds its mark perfectly between two of Boltzmann's armor plates. The weapon digs into internal servos and severs some wiring harnesses, causing the companion to yelp in a distorted reverb.

((I can never catch that damn dragon soon enough, after crits.))

Boltzmann takes 12 (5+7 from crit) points of piercing damage.

The Dragonshield barks a proud cry and hefts its second spear, taking aim again at the robot hound closest to them. It launches the second projectile through the air and the tip of the spear impacts an armor panel on the side of the wolf, leaving a puncture mark and minor denting.

((It has advantage on its attacks, so I included both rolls just for posterity. Failed the first one, passed the second.))

Boltzmann takes 3 points of piercing damage.


((@Jawneh Aims is up.

  • retch
Reactions: Jon
HEY TIEFLIING! Don't let you puppy get mangled up! Poor thing might be made out of metal, but it ain't no barbarian, hahahaa!

Aims is getting slightly excited thanks to seeing quite a few targets to slice and dice. The weird fog that both appeared and disappeared without doing much was peculiar, but the half-orcs half-braincells didn't retain that information to avoid a complete crash. What was retained though was the direct line-of-sight to the legionary straight ahead.

As he starts charging in towards the soon-to-be mangled corpse, a tiny spark did light in the barbarians brain and he remembered there were spears flying straight into Boltzmann from the side. Right as Aims gets past Magni, he sees the pile of morsels, just for him, waiting at the side of the room. A wide grin appears in his face as he turns away from the now slightly less concerned looking legionary and towards the pile at the south end of the room. While moving in between Magni and Boltzmann, the half-orc starts to ooze out a familiar red glow.
Aims goes into RAGE!

He moves across over to the tile two spots above the Dragonshield. From there, Aims leans into a wide arcing swipe at the pile of kobold in front of him.
D&D Character

Dungeon Master

Blind Guardian
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Aims moves up to the wall of shields and quivering Tiro. His tusks glint with saliva as he's already thinking of eating everyone.


With a cleaving slash, the battleaxe slices through the shields of the weaker kobolds. The three in range fail to back up even slightly, and the blade lops all three of their heads off.


Aims deals 18 slashing damage to Kobold Tiro.

3 Kobold Tiro die.

((@The Flame - Magni is up.


Magni Kragtail

Smart fella by day, fart smella by night
At his earliest opportunity, Magni rushes to reclaim his vessel, terrified of being separated from it for even a moment. He clutches it tightly, briefly inspecting it for damage, then leaves his tunnel vision to join the battle.
After picking up his statue, he twitchily approaches the Legionary and lets out a Draconic Cry

"Heh. Heheh, heh. FIRE! Heh, FIRE!"

Casting Burning Hands , he unleashes a flamethrower at as many of those grouped up Kobolds as he can hit with it.
Angry Mtv GIF

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