Zesty observes Sparkrender writing from the golden effigy. He surmises this effigy attempted to injure anyone nearby. He decides disrupting the ritual by taking out a couple effigies may benefit the group while they finish off the remaining few kobolds. Dealing with Sparkrender before the kobolds may end poorly. He decides to take aim at the nearest couple effigies. While he takes aim at the further blue effigy with his lockbuster, he orders Boltzmann to attack the nearer red effigy.
((I think that's a red effigy under moonsprout; can barely tell but that's the one Boltz is attacking))
((I think that's a red effigy under moonsprout; can barely tell but that's the one Boltz is attacking))
((Aww tiddly winks.((I meant for Nac to attack the brown effigy in front of him, but I maybe was unclear in my post.. oh well, this is fine too! Drunken shenanigans!))
Yeah you did. My bad, I bad read when rush do.
I'll retcon along with Jon's actions.))
((Alright, retcon.))
Everyone blinks, and though they thought they'd watched Nac punching the magic one, he stands before the brass effigy nearest to him.
The dwarf sways back and forth slightly, a bit queasy after being shuffled through time by a deity who realized they missed something. He vomits a little and thrusts his fist at the effigy.
Nac deals 5 damage to the effigy.
The brass effigy is destroyed.

With a crack, the light from the effigy fades and disperses into the maelstrom growing around Sparkrender.
Zesty shoots past Moonsprout and hits the blue effigy, blasting one of the ropes and causing it to crumble over.
The blue effigy is destroyed.

Boltz runs up and bites through one of the tethers and crumbles the red effigy.
The red effigy is destroyed.

Sparkrender snarls as the energy of the effigies rushes up past him, and he eyes the two closest to the golden structure with malice.
Only the golden effigy remains standing, but the energy swirling above still continues unchanged.
The Scale Sorcerer falls backwards against the wall in panic, at the sight of the huge half-orc in front of hi m and it quickly screams out an incantation. Aims feels a pulse through his body and the familiar tingle of magic...
((@Jawneh Please make a CON saving throw.))
The dwarf sways back and forth slightly, a bit queasy after being shuffled through time by a deity who realized they missed something. He vomits a little and thrusts his fist at the effigy.
Nac deals 5 damage to the effigy.
The brass effigy is destroyed.

With a crack, the light from the effigy fades and disperses into the maelstrom growing around Sparkrender.
The blue effigy is destroyed.

Boltz runs up and bites through one of the tethers and crumbles the red effigy.
The red effigy is destroyed.

Sparkrender snarls as the energy of the effigies rushes up past him, and he eyes the two closest to the golden structure with malice.
Only the golden effigy remains standing, but the energy swirling above still continues unchanged.

((@Jawneh Please make a CON saving throw.))
((@Jawneh Please make a CON saving throw.))

((Hey, I gotta save Ben some face.))((You didn't even have to roll. Terry Crews' pecks are an auto-save.))
((Aww man, kinds wish that one had worked 'cause it would have made things interesting.))
Aims saves against the Levitate spell.
((I was totally just trying to fuck you up, but in retrospect I almost let Aims fly up to Sparkrender and fight there, so... I'm not sure who actually came out worse there.
@shortkut - kutshort is up.

((Awwww... The lad would've probably shat his pants and started a Chocolate Rain musical number.))Aims saves against the Levitate spell.
((The question is: Would he move away from the mic to breathe in?))((Awwww... The lad would've probably shat his pants and started a Chocolate Rain musical number.))
((I should get one too since I also survived Hurricane Milton))((BTW @Ben where's my "I survived Hurricane Milton badge?))
((Sorry, I read this then forgot to respond to it.((Can I switch to my crossbow and use it same turn or do I need to wait until next turn?))
In short, no, not without just dropping the crossbow.
You get one free 'object interaction' per turn, of which either unsheathing or sheathing count as. So you can either unsheathe or sheathe a weapon for free, on top of your actual action.
If you wanted to both sheathe and unsheathe in the same turn, it would consume your full action, meaning you can't attack as well.
The work around is that dropping a item/weapon doesn't count as your free 'object interaction', so you can therefore unsheathe as the free action and attack with your actual action. You just have to remember to pick the dropped weapon back up afterwards.))
((So assuming you intended to move here.Looking around, Kutshort notices that the dragon is trying to stay in the air, out of reach of the party
Kutshort sheaths his weapons and pulls out his crossbow. He then moves northeast to the wall and uses Hide as a bonus action

...The only thing you have to feasibly hide behind is a pile of kobold corpses. And to hide in the first place, you'd generally need to be at least 3/4 obscured by cover.
Buuuuuuuuut let's assume somehow they're stacked up enough to obscure you in the dim light, with Sparkrender by chance looking Southwest towards the broken effigies, just to give you a shot at this.
@shortkut - Roll me a stealth check, please.))
His furious yellow eyes fix on Nac and the wyrmling lets its body drop, angling just a little to land next to the scultpure and the dwarf monk.

Without hesitation, Sparkrender lunges forward and his serrated teeth find purchase on Nac's forearm. The blue dragon clamps down hard and a surge of electricity pulses through his maw, arcing across the dwarf's skin leaving branching burn marks.

((Fairly sure you don't have any monk things up that would have given you advantage or anything. So close to getting a crit.

Nac takes 8 points of piercing damage.
Nac takes 6 points of lightning damage.
((@Smacktard - Moonsprout is up.

((Not this time!((Fairly sure you don't have any monk things up that would have given you advantage or anything. So close to getting a crit.))

((Sorry for the delay, this totally slipped my mind!))
Sparky bro, NOT cool. You can, like, BREATHE electricity or whatever, and instead of being a dope music artist, like the lead performer or something, you choose to, like, attack people and be all bad and junk. Missed opportunity, dude, for REAL.
Moonsprout uses Cutting Words on Sparkrender.
((I know this is a reactive roll, but considering this game isn't live, I figured I can substitute it for my roll, instead? Confirm/Deny?))
Sparky bro, NOT cool. You can, like, BREATHE electricity or whatever, and instead of being a dope music artist, like the lead performer or something, you choose to, like, attack people and be all bad and junk. Missed opportunity, dude, for REAL.
Moonsprout uses Cutting Words on Sparkrender.
((I know this is a reactive roll, but considering this game isn't live, I figured I can substitute it for my roll, instead? Confirm/Deny?))
((All the "sorry for the delay" goes without saying at this point. We're all bumbling along. I completely forgot Kelly even responded to me, so I'd been thinking I was the one waiting on you guys for a while...((Sorry for the delay, this totally slipped my mind!))
Sparky bro, NOT cool. You can, like, BREATHE electricity or whatever, and instead of being a dope music artist, like the lead performer or something, you choose to, like, attack people and be all bad and junk. Missed opportunity, dude, for REAL.
Moonsprout uses Cutting Words on Sparkrender.
((I know this is a reactive roll, but considering this game isn't live, I figured I can substitute it for my roll, instead? Confirm/Deny?))

Anyway, to answer your actual question; It's intended to be used after the roll, but before you know the result, however that's difficult to accomplish when I'm posting everything and there's no time for you to interject.
I think since you're going right after Sparkrender, I'd let you use your Cutting Words to reduce his damage. With what I rolled to hit, I don't even think you hitting a 6 would have made me miss.
So @Smacktard roll me a 1d6 and I'll subtract that from the damage Nac took.))
The dragon snaps out of it and pulls back, seemingly having done slightly less damage than previously though.
((Nac has been healed 3 points, up to 28/39.
Though thinking about it, your reaction doesn't take up your action for your turn. Your cutting words was off of his attack, you still have your action, bonus action, etc. You just can't take another reaction this round.
I'd encourage you to still do that, move, cast a spell, whatever. Do note your cutting words used up your last Bardic Inspiration until you long rest.))
((If anyone could log rest during a battle, it would be Moonsprout))until you long rest
((Brother, he's already done that. Our Fire Drake battle was a thing of beauty.))((If anyone could log rest during a battle, it would be Moonsprout))
((It was marvelous!))((Brother, he's already done that. Our Fire Drake battle was a thing of beauty.))
Moonsprout sidles up to one of the kobolds who has thus far been inactive. He puts his arm around the kobold, and speaks in hushed tones, as he walks the kobold toward the exit.
Hey, uh, if I were you, man, I'd split. Get out of here and start a new life. Maybe volunteer at an orphanage or something. You're gonna get yourself killed here. Just some friendly advice.
Hey, uh, if I were you, man, I'd split. Get out of here and start a new life. Maybe volunteer at an orphanage or something. You're gonna get yourself killed here. Just some friendly advice.
Last edited:
Moonsprout sidles up to one of the kobolds who has thus far been inactive. He puts his arm around the kobold, and speaks in hushed tones, as he walks the kobold toward the exit.
Hey, uh, if I were you, man, I'd split. Get out of here and start a new life. Maybe volunteer at an orphanage or something. You're gonna get yourself killed here. Just some friendly advice.

The air crackles faintly with residual lightning magic, a testament to the wyrmling Sparkrender's presence. The kobolds brandish their weapons warily, their scaled faces twisting between fear and fervent loyalty to their draconic master. Moonsprout pauses, his lute slung across his back, and raises both hands in a gesture of peace, his fingers fluttering as if plucking invisible strings.
"You're brave, no doubt about it," he says, his voice light as a summer breeze yet carrying an undeniable gravity. "But bravery without purpose? Now that's a tale that ends in tragedy. Tell me, does Sparkrender sing songs of your courage? Does he cherish your loyalty as you spill your blood in his name?"
The kobolds blink at him, their reptilian eyes darting toward each other, then back to the halfling. The smallest of the trio hisses uncertainly, but none make a move to attack.
Moonsprout, sensing the hook has caught, steps closer, lowering his voice as though sharing a secret meant only for their ears. "He doesn't care about you. Not truly. You're expendable to him, just like all the others. But you're more than that, aren't you? You've got dreams, stories to tell. Lives to live."
From within his travel-worn pack, Moonsprout produces a trenchcoat with a theatrical flourish, shaking out its dust as if it were a banner of freedom. The kobolds' eyes widen, their scaly necks craning to take in the garment. "A chance, my friends," Moonsprout whispers, his tone conspiratorial. "To leave this ruin, this futile fight, and start anew. The world may question three kobolds, but one towering stranger? They'll let you pass without so much as a second glance."
The tallest kobold snorts, skeptical. "What's stopping Sparkrender from frying us when he finds out?"
Moonsprout grins, his teeth gleaming in the faint moonlight. "It won't matter if we end him. But by the time he'd notice your absence, you'll be far from here, free to write your own story. Isn't that worth a gamble?"
The kobolds hesitate only a moment longer before their resolve crumbles. They nod to one another, then to Moonsprout. Together, they scramble into position, the smallest clambering onto the largest's shoulders while the middle one struggles to pull the trenchcoat up and over their scaly forms. With a bit of fumbling and Moonsprout's deft assistance, the disguise is complete—a towering, if somewhat lumpy, figure wrapped in an oversized coat.

As they attempt to move away, sensing an attack of opportunity Aims'orreh barrels forward from the shadow, his greataxe raised high, his face a mask of righteous fury. His booming voice echoes in the ruined observatory, but his battle cry falters as his crimson eyes lock onto the "stranger" in the trenchcoat. The half-orc halts mid-stride, his brow furrowing in puzzlement.
"Uh… apologies," Aims'orreh rumbles, lowering his weapon awkwardly. His hulking frame shifts uncomfortably as he peers at the towering figure. "Didn't mean to block your path there, sir. Strange to see someone out here. Carry on."
The kobolds, precariously balanced under the trenchcoat, manage a collective grunt of acknowledgment and shuffle past with the awkward gait of an ill-constructed golem. Aims'orreh steps aside, his broad shoulders slumping as the immediate tension bleeds away. He glances around the observatory, his confusion deepening.

"Where'd those kobolds run off to?" he mutters, gripping the haft of his greataxe and scanning the room.
Moonsprout, leaning casually against a crumbled pillar, strums a playful chord on his lute. "Oh, I'm sure they saw the error of their ways. Went to write their own destinies, as it were."
Somewhere in the distance, a trio of kobolds wobble into the distance, whispering excitedly about opening a pie shop.
((@Alu You're up.
Sorry for the 3 month break.

Short Order wakes up from a long and accidental nap...
oh shit that dragon is flying. Hey
Get down here you bastard!
Short Order casts earthbind on Sparkrender
The wyrmling roars, defiance flickering in his electric-blue eyes, and beats his wings to ascend higher. But the golden tendrils are too swift. They wrap around his legs and tail, their touch unnervingly gentle yet inescapable. Sparkrender thrashes, his claws scraping at the luminous bonds, but his efforts are futile. The magic holds firm, anchoring him with an almost tranquil strength ((He rolled a 4+3 and couldn't break free.))
Slowly, inexorably, the wyrmling is drawn downward. His struggles continue as the tendrils guide him to the ground, forcing him to land upon the worn stone floor. There, the golden light tightens its embrace around his wings, locking them in place. Sparkrender lets out a frustrated growl, his wings pinned and unable to fly for the moment.
Sparkrender is temporarily grounded.
((@Jawneh Aims is up.

((Not yet, atleast.))((and it wasn't murder!))
((Murder time! Let's cook something up.))
As the red veil covers Aims' eyes, he blinks... and blinks again, and suddenly his prey wasn't around anymore. The three kobolts, one of which had just ate his mighty ax mere two months ago was not there anymore. Only a puddle of blood on the stone floor. He looks left and right, but he only sees... Moonsprout? He's not a kobolt.
Hey uhhh... Where's the meatbags? They were just here. I know I scared them with my roar, but one of them should be hurting. I'm so confused.
The poor half-orc scratches his head before noticing what's happening slightly further his arms reach and his eyes lock onto Sparkrender again. He sees how Short Order uses some magick shmagick and the large lizard gets dragged down onto the floor. AN OPPORTUNITY! No need to get an owlbear to fly after him or throw his only ax at him.
Hahahaa! I can see you're back to MY eye level again. Don't you dare try to escape again! You either yield, or I will continue chopping you down into Carl-sized bites!
Without wasting another breath, Aims leaps past Moonsprout, and heads to the the south-east side of Sparkrender, and as promised, begins axing the dragon down!
Oh lawd, he axing this bish, yo!
As the red veil covers Aims' eyes, he blinks... and blinks again, and suddenly his prey wasn't around anymore. The three kobolts, one of which had just ate his mighty ax mere two months ago was not there anymore. Only a puddle of blood on the stone floor. He looks left and right, but he only sees... Moonsprout? He's not a kobolt.
Hey uhhh... Where's the meatbags? They were just here. I know I scared them with my roar, but one of them should be hurting. I'm so confused.
The poor half-orc scratches his head before noticing what's happening slightly further his arms reach and his eyes lock onto Sparkrender again. He sees how Short Order uses some magick shmagick and the large lizard gets dragged down onto the floor. AN OPPORTUNITY! No need to get an owlbear to fly after him or throw his only ax at him.
Hahahaa! I can see you're back to MY eye level again. Don't you dare try to escape again! You either yield, or I will continue chopping you down into Carl-sized bites!
Without wasting another breath, Aims leaps past Moonsprout, and heads to the the south-east side of Sparkrender, and as promised, begins axing the dragon down!
Oh lawd, he axing this bish, yo!
((Murder time! Let's cook something up.))
As the red veil covers Aims' eyes, he blinks... and blinks again, and suddenly his prey wasn't around anymore. The three kobolts, one of which had just ate his mighty ax mere two months ago was not there anymore. Only a puddle of blood on the stone floor. He looks left and right, but he only sees... Moonsprout? He's not a kobolt.
Hey uhhh... Where's the meatbags? They were just here. I know I scared them with my roar, but one of them should be hurting. I'm so confused.
The poor half-orc scratches his head before noticing what's happening slightly further his arms reach and his eyes lock onto Sparkrender again. He sees how Short Order uses some magick shmagick and the large lizard gets dragged down onto the floor. AN OPPORTUNITY! No need to get an owlbear to fly after him or throw his only ax at him.
Hahahaa! I can see you're back to MY eye level again. Don't you dare try to escape again! You either yield, or I will continue chopping you down into Carl-sized bites!
Without wasting another breath, Aims leaps past Moonsprout, and heads to the the south-east side of Sparkrender, and as promised, begins axing the dragon down!
Oh lawd, he axing this bish, yo!
Sparkrender thrashes against the golden tendrils that pin its wings, the Earthbind spell holding it grounded in defiance of its nature. Sparks of lightning crackle around its maw, a furious snarl reverberating off the stone walls as its tail lashes against the debris-strewn floor.
With a roar to rival the dragon's, Aims'orreh brings the axe down in a wide, brutal arc. The blade bites deep into the wyrmling's scaled hide, splitting the brilliant sapphire armor and sending a spray of black ichor across the barbarian's face.
Sparkrender takes 8 points of slashing damage.
As the greataxe connects, a burst of radiant light erupts from the blade, illuminating the shattered rotunda in a blinding flash; the divine energy of the Bless spell surges through Aims'orreh's strike, searing Sparkrender's scales and driving the axe deeper with a punishing force.
Sparkrender takes 2 (1d4) radiant damage from the Bless spell active on Aims'orreh.
((I rolled for this after noticing it and got a 2))
Sparkrender screeches, its head snapping toward him with blazing eyes, but the strike—though fierce—is not enough to cripple the creature.
The dragon twists, the motion violent and serpentine, attempting to pivot toward its attacker despite the magical bonds. The golden tendrils pulse, holding fast, even as the rotunda trembles under the battle's fury. Aims'orreh snarls through clenched teeth, wrenching his axe free as Sparkrender's defiant growl fills the air. The half-orc shifts his stance, bracing for the wyrmling's inevitable counterattack, his blood pounding like a war drum in his ears.
((@The Flame Magni is up.

Me too, dude.((I forgot what I was doing and who is alive and who has what statuses... lol))
From the looks of things, you (Jon) had inspiration, and Short Order, kutshort and Aims all have Bless on them. I think that was from one of the dragon statues. So whenever they make an attack roll or a saving throw before the spell ends, they add 1d4 to the attack roll or save.
Your inspiration lets you have advantage on an attack/save.))
((Is Sparkrender or Aims hiding an effigy thing under them or did we get them all?))
I'll head east until I'm within 10 ft of Sparkrender, let out another Draconic Cry with my bonus action to give everyone advantage against him, then scurry to the north wall by Kut and fire off another Eldritch Flame from my statue .
If there's an effigy I'll hit that, otherwise I'll hit Sparky.
I'll head east until I'm within 10 ft of Sparkrender, let out another Draconic Cry with my bonus action to give everyone advantage against him, then scurry to the north wall by Kut and fire off another Eldritch Flame from my statue .
If there's an effigy I'll hit that, otherwise I'll hit Sparky.
((I'm going to assume that you'd gone and used the 'spell slot' for that just now. I can't recall how many times you'd used it previously, but I see it's 2/2 expended now. But, if you'd used it before, fuck it you've mind-rested enough to do it again.))((Is Sparkrender or Aims hiding an effigy thing under them or did we get them all?))
I'll head east until I'm within 10 ft of Sparkrender, let out another Draconic Cry with my bonus action to give everyone advantage against him, then scurry to the north wall by Kut and fire off another Eldritch Flame from my statue .
If there's an effigy I'll hit that, otherwise I'll hit Sparky.

Sparkrender answers with a hiss, lightning crackling along his fanged maw, but Magni is already on the move. He darts to the North wall, his diminutive form a blur of determination. The shattered remnants of the observatory frame him as he raises his statue in his clawed hand, eldritch energy swirling into a roiling sphere of greenish light.

The target stands beneath the wyrmling—the final crumbling stone effigy. Magni focuses his magic, a thin sneer curling his lips as he thrusts his focus forward. The eldritch blast shrieks through the air and slams into the effigy's base.

The effigy collapses in an instant, its remnants clattering to the floor between Sparkrender's taloned feet. The wyrmling flinches, his tail lashing as the debris pelts the ground near him. As the last effigy breaks, it sends a resonant shockwave rippling through the rotunda. As the painted stones clatter to the floor, the maelstrom of magical energy swirling overhead falters. The vibrant, crackling currents of power that had been gathering—feeding off the ritual woven into the effigies—shudder violently before dissipating into thin wisps of light. The oppressive hum of the ritual's magic vanishes, replaced by an eerie silence broken only by the sound of labored breathing. Sparkrender snarls, his wings struggling in frustration, as the ritual's power ebbs, leaving only the fury of the wyrmling and the steel resolve of the party.
((@Nae'blis Nac is up. Sparkyboy is on the ground right in front of you, unable to fly at present.

((Aaaaallrighty then! Let's do this. Booting up Nac.exe.))
Thank ye fer groundin' this flyin' bastard, Shorty! Also, that roar was sumtin' fierce, Magni! Well done! Nac says as he rolls his neck and cracks his neck.
Welcome to Dwarf level, Sparky.
He takes a drunken breath and lets his ki infuse his body.
Nac leaps up an kicks Sparkrender in the head, as he lands he leaps again and uppercuts the dragon and with the third attack he socks him kn the throat.
((Can you jump and uppercut at the same time? Sureyoucan! Silly pun aside, all attacks are with adv. right?))
Thank ye fer groundin' this flyin' bastard, Shorty! Also, that roar was sumtin' fierce, Magni! Well done! Nac says as he rolls his neck and cracks his neck.
Welcome to Dwarf level, Sparky.
He takes a drunken breath and lets his ki infuse his body.
Nac leaps up an kicks Sparkrender in the head, as he lands he leaps again and uppercuts the dragon and with the third attack he socks him kn the throat.
((Can you jump and uppercut at the same time? Sureyoucan! Silly pun aside, all attacks are with adv. right?))
((I do believe I buggered up last round as bless should apply to the hit roll, where I added it to the damage. Not changing it, but it'll be added to the hit/save next time((Aaaaallrighty then! Let's do this. Booting up Nac.exe.))
Thank ye fer groundin' this flyin' bastard, Shorty! Also, that roar was sumtin' fierce, Magni! Well done! Nac says as he rolls his neck and cracks his neck.
Welcome to Dwarf level, Sparky.
He takes a drunken breath and lets his ki infuse his body.
Nac leaps up an kicks Sparkrender in the head, as he lands he leaps again and uppercuts the dragon and with the third attack he socks him kn the throat.
((Can you jump and uppercut at the same time? Sureyoucan! Silly pun aside, all attacks are with adv. right?))
Nac managed to hit with all their attacks though so no point in rolling for it now.))
Sparkrender takes 8 points of bludgeoning damage.
Nac hits the ground in a crouch and is already moving, his muscles coiled like steel springs. His second leap is higher, faster—his fist rockets upward in a brutal arc, slamming into Sparkrender's jaw with a bone-rattling crack. The wyrmling roars in pain, its claws scrabbling for purchase on the shattered stone.
Sparkrender takes 6 points of bludgeoning damage.
As Nac lands, he doesn't pause. His feet plant firmly, and his fist shoots forward with pinpoint precision. It connects with Sparkrender's throat, cutting the roar short and turning it into a strangled, gurgling rasp. The dragon staggers, its wings straining to break free from the golden sinews that restrain them.
Sparkrender takes 8 points of bludgeoning damage. He's looking quite injured.
The rotunda quakes under the combined force of their battle, fragments of shattered stone cascading from the fractured dome above. Nac's breath is steady, his eyes sharp, as he resets his stance, ready for Sparkrender's next move.
((@Jon Zesty and Boltzman are up.

((Ok, let's see if I remember how to do this))
With Sparkrender faltering visibly and the team coming together to end him once and for all, Zesty briefly closes his eyes and drops into a momentary meditative state. The vision of Mek and Min flows into Zesty's mind. Myla's injured body is next. Zesty's eyes snap open just in time to see the acrobatic monk laying the smacketh down on the Big Blue Meanie. Zesty wastes no time, spins his lockbuster on his index finger, and points it at the blue wyrmling's head. ((@Ben - if I need to move Zesty for line of sight because he's grounded, feel free to do so, though I don't think the central object obscures enough. I'll also use the inspiration here because why not?))
This is for Myla! Get him, Boltz!
He unloads the magical bullet. Zesty uses his inspiration and fires his Lockbuster.
As he does, the ever-faithful mecha-pup runs to Sparkrender's right flank. With Nac to the north and Aims' to the south, the wyrmling now seems surrounded by foes. Boltzmann uses his mechanical jaws to take a bite out of Sparkrender.
Boltzmann uses 35 movement and runs to Sparkrender's right, and then uses Force-Empowered Rend.
With Sparkrender faltering visibly and the team coming together to end him once and for all, Zesty briefly closes his eyes and drops into a momentary meditative state. The vision of Mek and Min flows into Zesty's mind. Myla's injured body is next. Zesty's eyes snap open just in time to see the acrobatic monk laying the smacketh down on the Big Blue Meanie. Zesty wastes no time, spins his lockbuster on his index finger, and points it at the blue wyrmling's head. ((@Ben - if I need to move Zesty for line of sight because he's grounded, feel free to do so, though I don't think the central object obscures enough. I'll also use the inspiration here because why not?))
This is for Myla! Get him, Boltz!
He unloads the magical bullet. Zesty uses his inspiration and fires his Lockbuster.
As he does, the ever-faithful mecha-pup runs to Sparkrender's right flank. With Nac to the north and Aims' to the south, the wyrmling now seems surrounded by foes. Boltzmann uses his mechanical jaws to take a bite out of Sparkrender.
Boltzmann uses 35 movement and runs to Sparkrender's right, and then uses Force-Empowered Rend.
((Trying to find time to resolve this, between meetings, but looking it over Boltz should have gotten advantage on his attack roll too. After Magni's roar it'd be anyone attacking Sparky gets advantage, so you can roll the hit d20 for the doggo again.))((Ok, let's see if I remember how to do this))
With Sparkrender faltering visibly and the team coming together to end him once and for all, Zesty briefly closes his eyes and drops into a momentary meditative state. The vision of Mek and Min flows into Zesty's mind. Myla's injured body is next. Zesty's eyes snap open just in time to see the acrobatic monk laying the smacketh down on the Big Blue Meanie. Zesty wastes no time, spins his lockbuster on his index finger, and points it at the blue wyrmling's head. ((@Ben - if I need to move Zesty for line of sight because he's grounded, feel free to do so, though I don't think the central object obscures enough. I'll also use the inspiration here because why not?))
This is for Myla! Get him, Boltz!
He unloads the magical bullet. Zesty uses his inspiration and fires his Lockbuster.
As he does, the ever-faithful mecha-pup runs to Sparkrender's right flank. With Nac to the north and Aims' to the south, the wyrmling now seems surrounded by foes. Boltzmann uses his mechanical jaws to take a bite out of Sparkrender.
Boltzmann uses 35 movement and runs to Sparkrender's right, and then uses Force-Empowered Rend.

Scales crack and splinter under the force, eliciting a shriek of rage from the dragon. Sparkrender thrashes violently, wrenching its arm free and shaking Boltzmann loose.
Sparkrender takes 7 points of force damage.
The dragon's furious eyes narrow as it raises a clawed fist, electricity crackling ominously along its blue scales. Zesty doesn't flinch. With a smooth, practiced motion, he raises the Lockbuster, its intricate brass frame humming with latent energy. The Tiefling squeezes the trigger, and the weapon fires with a sharp, resonant crack. A streak of neon-purple energy pierces the air, skimming through the delicate golden rings of the astronomy model without disturbing them.

The bullet strikes true, slamming into Sparkrender's forehead.
Sparkrender suffers 7 points of piercing damage.
The wyrmling's roar chokes in its throat, its body spasming as the arcs of lightning coursing along its horn sputter and die. For a breathless moment, it stands frozen, then collapses in a heap.
Sparkrender has been killed.
The rotunda falls eerily silent, save for the faint whirring of Boltzmann's servos as it repositions at Zesty's side, its red eyes gleaming with mechanical precision.
Zesty exhales slowly, the faint smoke curling from the Lockbuster's barrel dissipating into the cool air.
((It is done. Sparkyboy survives no longer.
He had exactly 14 HP left, so with Boltz actually hitting on that second attack, that got him. Thematically figured it cooler if Boltz struck first so shifted that around.

No threats remain at the observatory.))
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