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Campaign Stormwreck Isle; Sacrifices Must Be Made (1-5)

D&D Character

Dungeon Master

Blind Guardian

No Problem Thumbs Up GIF

I did not read the monk fine print. Well good job avoiding my crit, Nac is undamaged.))

Zesty Zapcrackle

Diplomatic Immunity
With Sparkrender showing himself, and the party somewhat weakened from the initial fight with the kobolds, Zesty's mind begins to race trying to come to terms with how best to help the situation. He eyes the kobolds and shifts a look to his Lockbuster, knowing he may be able to pick one off. Then he swipes a glance at the new crudely erected effigies, wondering if the whole ritual can be affected if those are destroyed. Then he eyes the blue dragon having landed and the rush of thought to Mek, Minn and Myla and the ire of revenge floods him. But it is the quick glance to his mechanical partner, slightly smoking and twitching from the damage that Zesty understand what he must do.

He begins an elvish chant, trying to Bless his friends with boosted attacks against the creatures they confront, sprinkling a little holy water he collected before the mission as he does.

Zesty casts Bless on Kutshort, Aims' and Short Order.

Boltz, come, heal, we will need you in this fight!

With that, the trust companion moves directly to Zesty's southern flank and casts repair on itself.

((If I did this right, Kutshort, Aims and Short should all get +4 on their next attack or saving throw roll (and this uses a special once per day and not a spell slot) and Boltz should be next to Zesty, NOT creating an attack of opportunity and healing 2d8+2.))

Magni Kragtail

Smart fella by day, fart smella by night
With Sparkrender showing himself, and the party somewhat weakened from the initial fight with the kobolds, Zesty's mind begins to race trying to come to terms with how best to help the situation. He eyes the kobolds and shifts a look to his Lockbuster, knowing he may be able to pick one off. Then he swipes a glance at the new crudely erected effigies, wondering if the whole ritual can be affected if those are destroyed. Then he eyes the blue dragon having landed and the rush of thought to Mek, Minn and Myla and the ire of revenge floods him. But it is the quick glance to his mechanical partner, slightly smoking and twitching from the damage that Zesty understand what he must do.

He begins an elvish chant, trying to Bless his friends with boosted attacks against the creatures they confront, sprinkling a little holy water he collected before the mission as he does.

Zesty casts Bless on Kutshort, Aims' and Short Order.

Boltz, come, heal, we will need you in this fight!

With that, the trust companion moves directly to Zesty's southern flank and casts repair on itself.

((If I did this right, Kutshort, Aims and Short should all get +4 on their next attack or saving throw roll (and this uses a special once per day and not a spell slot) and Boltz should be next to Zesty, NOT creating an attack of opportunity and healing 2d8+2.))
((If you're casting the Bless spell, they roll a d4, but get to do it every time for the next minute or until you lose concentration))


Zesty Zapcrackle

Diplomatic Immunity
((If you're casting the Bless spell, they roll a d4, but get to do it every time for the next minute or until you lose concentration))
((Mmm, yeah, that's what I thought, but with so many creatures and combat being 6 seconds per turn, it's through 10 turns. So in theory, someone like Nac (or Magni) that could benefit from it, the spell would end before it get back around to them. Which is why I chose the three I did. They should still benefit, however. I THINK Short Order rolls attack dies still, so Ice Knife the fuck out of them @Ancle Suck!))
D&D Character

Dungeon Master

Blind Guardian
((Flame screenshot it, but making a note here for myself; "Whenever a target makes an attack roll or a saving throw before the spell ends, the target can roll a d4 and add the number rolled to the attack roll or saving throw."

Kutshort, Aims' and Short Order.))

Quoted Image
Zesty believes he hears Kutshort, Short Order and Aims sneeze, and so he blesses them, as Boltz movesjust South of him and begins repair protocol.

Kutshort, Short and Aims are blessed.

Boltzmann heals 9 points of damage


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The Kobold Scale Sorcerer attempts to hit Aims with a Chromatic Bolt of acid, but the spell misses.


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Kobold Signifer raises its signum and barks something you cannot understand, but both it and the Legionary stand up a little taller.



Kobold Signifer uses Glory to the Legion.

Kobold Signifer regains 4 HP.

Kobold Legionary regains 4 HP.

((@shortkut - kutshort


Zesty Zapcrackle

Diplomatic Immunity
((I THINK you can roll the d4 for the second attack with the short sword too. Because I believe Bless is any time there is an attack or saving throw. I don't think it's limited to once))
D&D Character

Dungeon Master

Blind Guardian
((I THINK you can roll the d4 for the second attack with the short sword too. Because I believe Bless is any time there is an attack or saving throw. I don't think it's limited to once))
((You mean his first gladius roll? He could add the d4 to that. Wouldn't need to add it to the second short sword roll.

EDIT: Oh and it is +d4 to the hit, not the damage.))

Zesty Zapcrackle

Diplomatic Immunity
D&D Character

Dungeon Master

Blind Guardian
((Damnit, I always confuse hit and damage. I wish they'd SAY hit or damage. Attack is misleading. >.> To my stupid brain anyway.

Wouldn't it be on both weapon's to hit rolls, though?))
((It gets me sometimes, too.

As I read it, it would let him add it to both attack rolls if he wanted, being it applies to any attack roll within the 1 minute duration. I guess it was more a "he doesn't need to add it to the second roll".))
D&D Character

Dungeon Master

Blind Guardian
Quoted Image
Kutshort leaps over Zesty's head with his nimble wooden toes and comes down in the space next to the tiefling and Magni.


The rogue's feet connect with the Legionary's shield on the way down and slam it to the ground unexpectedly exposing the kobold. With two deft thrusts, Kutshort stabs forward with both weapons and impales the Legionary in the chest.


Kutshort pulls both weapons to the side and drags the blades out of the kobold's ribcage, splitting open its lungs and heart. The kobold crumples into the pile of bodies on the ground.

Kutshort deals 9 points of slashing damage to Legionary.

Legionary dies.


((Sparkrender's turn is up next, but I figured I'd post this before I sporadically start on that turn.))
  • Shocked
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D&D Character

Dungeon Master

Blind Guardian
Quoted Image
Sparkrender opens his jagged maw and booms "Thurir ekess vosk si tirir di wer idolokir vur kiri wer ir!"

Boltzmann does not have enough time to announce a translation, before the dragon lowers its head and sparks crackle along its teeth. With a heave, Sparkrender shoots a streaming line of electricity straight at the metal sculpture in the middle of the rotunda.


It is now that you notice ((if I did not remember to mention it earlier)) there is a large white egg lodged into the center of the sculpture. The shell looks cold, as if covered in frost, but it's as large as a treasure chest. Sparkrender's bolt focuses on the sculpture cradling the giant egg and both immediately begin to glow red-hot.

The streak of lightning continues past the sculpture and passes over Aims, creating lightning-patterned scars across his skin.

The egg starts to shake just a moment before exploding in a shower of steaming yolk and shell fragments. Most of the shrapnel bounces around inside the metal sculpture and is trapped therein. In the middle of the platform, sagged over one of the metal supports, smokes the small barely-formed body of a baby white dragon, burnt and mangled from the attack.

With a jolt, the effigies surrounding the sculpture pulse and begin glowing. Each emits a light seeming to match how each was painted; brass, gold, blue, red and the bronze one which continues to slowly burn from Magni's attack. Streaks of light coalesce and fly up from the dragon statues towards the ceiling of the rotunda, and begin to orbit the sculpture.

Sparkrender cackles a deep guttural laugh and chides "Vutha! Si mi! Shar wux jacioniv ekess z'ar rinovup wux geou svern vur tir wer darastrixi ui sia!"

Boltzmann bleeps out
"Excellent! Yes! It's only a matter of moments now until their power is mine!"

Sparkrender then flies to the center of the rotunda near the ceiling, where the spirits are forming a vortex.


((@Jawneh Please roll a DEX save, with your +d4. You'll take 1/2 damage on a success.

@Smacktard - Moonsprout is up.


Oh yeah and I hid all the dead bodies so it's not as cluttered.))

Moonsprout Beandirt

Connoisseur of fine video games
((isn't the egg already hatched? I thought it heated up and hatched and exposed the white dragon baby inside?

Also shouldn't I be inside? Maybe nitpicky but when we moved in to the smokey interior, that was the reason for me to light up and smoke some grass))
D&D Character

Dungeon Master

Blind Guardian
((isn't the egg already hatched? I thought it heated up and hatched and exposed the white dragon baby inside?

Also shouldn't I be inside? Maybe nitpicky but when we moved in to the smokey interior, that was the reason for me to light up and smoke some grass))
((Not really hatched so much as exploded. Sparkrender destroyed it. I should have said "embryo" to convey it's not viable to hatch yet. What's flopped over the sculpture is very much dead and that's probably not reversible.

I might have missed you moving, I thought you just plunked down on the bridge. I'll allow a retcon to wherever you think you'd moved to, and you can start from there.))

Moonsprout Beandirt

Connoisseur of fine video games
((Alright, can you teleport me inside to where Zesty is? I know this isn't the most artful of requests, but I assumed I had at least been in the room, and honestly wasn't really paying attention to the map between turns. My bad :E))

Moonsprout looks on aghast at the attempted murder of the baby white dragon. Such a young and innocent life. Seeing the helpless infant dragon attacked in front of him, Moonsprout is reminded of the time he was the caretaker for white snakes at a cave monastery of some small religious sect. Or... upon deeper reflection, Moonsprout realizes that it could've actually been a brothel where he had been tending to the white snakes.

Regardless, Moonsprout is filled with fury.

Here I go again on my own, he sings, to no one in particular.

Zesty, nearby, is filled with bardic inspiration upon hearing this.

Moonsprout rushes ahead to the dying white dragon, using his hafling nimbleness to dodge and move through the area of any combatants. He tenderly picks up the baby dragon, crouches nearby, and tries to use his knowledge of medicine to stabilize its condition.
D&D Character

Dungeon Master

Blind Guardian
Quoted Image
Moonsprout, teleporting out of the fog of his own making, scrambles over to the golden sculpture without regard to his own safety, considering the imposing blue shape of Sparkrender hangs above his head. The halfling hurriedly clambers up onto the base of the sculpture and hastily applies bandages to the small creature.


You feel for a pulse along its exposed vertebrae but cannot seem to find it, and while you believe you detect an elevated temperature this could also be due to the fact its bones are on fire. Alas, the dragon appears far beyond dead and short of a resurrection spell of some flavor, unfortunately is not returning to life.

Your medicine attempt was valiant, but unsuccessful.


((@Ancle Suck -- Short order is up.

Aims is still slightly jittering from the sudden shock of thunder and lighting directly at his person. That moment passes as a waft of a smokey BBQ enters his nostrils from behind his shoulder.

Mmmm! Something smells tasty back there! Remember to leave me a bite or two, hahaa! I'll surely be hungery once I slaughter these ones right here!
Short Order takes the time he has now to get the F off the bridge, running into the room and going to he area southwest of Boltz. ((AKA going to that square, should be 25' from me if each of those boxes is 5').

Not having all the materials needed to cast his new spells, Short decides to go with old faithful, especially since his target is so high in the air that the ricochets won't hurt his friends.

You've made Moonsprout sad you jerk! How long do you think we can listen to the man sing his sad songs over and over? You must pay for this!


Short Order casts Ice Knife on the air bound Sparkrender
D&D Character

Dungeon Master

Blind Guardian
Quoted Image
((I am assuming you meant this square 🤷‍♂️ ))

The gnome slips past the metallic doggo and takes position in the open area away from the others. Planting his feet firmly on the ground, he raises his hand towards Sparkrender and utters his incantation.


The sliver of ice forms between Short's hands and vibrates before rocketing off towards the dragon. The sharp blade hits Sparkrender in the flank, burying itself between the scales. After a moment, the blade fractures and needles of ice pepper the dragon's hide.

Sparkrender takes 6 points of cold damage.

Moonsprout feels the gentle patter of rain hit him, as the exploding slivers melt before reaching the halfling.

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Kobold Tiro moves over, stepping over the body of its fallen comrade, and strikes at Aims.


((I couldn't remember if it was supposed to have disadvantage on attacks or not, so I rolled twice anyway. Still hit.))


The Tiro manages to dig the tip of its pugio into Aims pectoral muscle and for a moment a small drop of blood forms, before Aims flexes his chest and the blood is sucked back in. The blade is repelled away from the half-orc.

Aims takes 1 0 piercing damage.

((The Tiro literally does 1 damage, but Aims has resistance to piercing damage while raged, so... It's not going to do anything.))

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The Dragonshield hefts a spear in each hand and takes aim at Aims.


It makes two attacks at the half-orc, but both spears pass around the hulking green form as it flexes, and it misses both attacks.


((@Jawneh - Aims is up
Aims puffs up his chest in defiance of the kobolds' feeble attempts at hurting him. A wide gleeful grin appears on his rage filled face as he stares down the group of kobolds in front of him.

Bwahahahaa! You call those attacks?! You need to be at least thrice the size and heft to even think about have a mettle with me!

Something lights up behind the eyes of the half-orc. His newly obtained ax is speaking to him through the spilt blood and raging aura. It whispers haunting words, none that bother the barbarian, but ones he can use as a weapon!

He moves past the tiny trio as if it doesn't exist and plants himself squarely in the middle of the three kobolds. There he gathers up the whispers from his ax, building up the pressure in his chest and let's out a horrifying draconian roar!

Aims uses Draconic Roar bonus action.

Without giving the kobolds a moment to react to the horrifying sound they heard, Aims grasps his ax tightly and brings it down at the annoying sorcerer type kobold.

Aims attacks the kobold sorc. RECKLESSLY.
D&D Character

Dungeon Master

Blind Guardian
((Your patience is appreciated as always, my dudes.))

Quoted Image
Aims tramples over the fallen Kobold bodies and shoves past the Tiro, standing tall above the group of irate scaled warriors.


Aims throws his head back and lets out a guttural roar that reverberates off the walls and shakes the stone dust from the masonry.


The Tiro and Scale Sorcerer bark a terrified yelp, but the Dragonshield snarls in defiance, settings its feet and furrowing its brow.

Kobold Tiro and Scale Sorcerer are Frightened

Kobold Dragonshield is fearless.


Immediately the heavy might of Junaar Kriid comes hurtling down towards the Scale Sorcerer. Its eyes lock with Aims, his green face a mask of twisted satisfaction between two bulging biceps. With a snap the axe blurs from above Aims head to the stone floor, slicing across the chest of the Sorcerer. Blood splatters across the wall, as the Sorcerer screams and falls backwards against the cold surface trying to steady itself.


Kobold Scale Sorcerer took 16 points of slashing damage.

((Note to self;
  • A frightened creature has disadvantage on ability checks and attack rolls while the source of its fear is within line of sight.
  • The creature can't willingly move closer to the source of its fear.
@The Flame - Magni is up.


Magni Kragtail

Smart fella by day, fart smella by night
Magni, being pretty frightened himself at the arrival of Sparkrender, glances back and forth between the small kobold threat and the big fucking dragon in the center of the room.

After a few shaky, indecisive kobold grunts,
he panic-casts Create Bonfire dead center of the sculpture where Sparkrender currently sits (hovers?)

((Not exactly sure what the vertical situation is with the sculpture and such, but the goal was to hopefully ignite more effigies while conveniently hitting the dragon if possible))
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D&D Character

Dungeon Master

Blind Guardian
Magni, being pretty frightened himself at the arrival of Sparkrender, glances back and forth between the small kobold threat and the big fucking dragon in the center of the room.

After a few shaky, indecisive kobold grunts,
he panic-casts Create Bonfire dead center of the sculpture where Sparkrender currently sits (hovers?)

((Not exactly sure what the vertical situation is with the sculpture and such, but the goal was to hopefully ignite more effigies while conveniently hitting the dragon if possible))
Surprised Wait What GIF

Gimme a second to think about how that's even going to work.))
D&D Character

Dungeon Master

Blind Guardian
Magni, being pretty frightened himself at the arrival of Sparkrender, glances back and forth between the small kobold threat and the big fucking dragon in the center of the room.

After a few shaky, indecisive kobold grunts,
he panic-casts Create Bonfire dead center of the sculpture where Sparkrender currently sits (hovers?)

((Not exactly sure what the vertical situation is with the sculpture and such, but the goal was to hopefully ignite more effigies while conveniently hitting the dragon if possible))
((Alright, after thinking about it, this won't really accomplish anything.


If you drop a bonfire on that spot, under Sparkrender, the fire 'range' is effectively a 5ft cube. It's not going to touch the remaining effigies around it, and the sculpture itself is metal/stone, so not flammable. At the same time, Sparkrender is 20ft up, so wouldn't take the 1d8 fire damage. Even if it was conjured at the "top" of the sculpture, which is probably about 10ft tall, it wouldn't reach him.

SO if you want to retcon that choice and try something else, I'm fine with that.

I will say that the bronze effigy at the 11 o'clock position is almost destroyed already and will be destroyed if not put out by end of this round.))

Magni Kragtail

Smart fella by day, fart smella by night
((Ah yeah. I read "The bonfire ignites flammable objects in its area that aren't being worn or carried." and assumed that meant it spread, but I guess the area would actually just mean the 5 ft. cube, especially if the sculpture itself isn't flammable. Alright lemme go with my original plan then))

Magni instinctively tries to back up to distance himself from the horrifying draconic presence that has entered the room, but immediately bumps up against the corner of the wall. Hoping not to draw the dragon's ire, he shakes off the nerves and instead focuses on the closer threat, pointing his statuette at the nearby kobold.

He casts Eldritch Flame at the kobold.

D&D Character

Dungeon Master

Blind Guardian
((Ah yeah. I read "The bonfire ignites flammable objects in its area that aren't being worn or carried." and assumed that meant it spread, but I guess the area would actually just mean the 5 ft. cube, especially if the sculpture itself isn't flammable. Alright lemme go with my original plan then))

Magni instinctively tries to back up to distance himself from the horrifying draconic presence that has entered the room, but immediately bumps up against the corner of the wall. Hoping not to draw the dragon's ire, he shakes off the nerves and instead focuses on the closer threat, pointing his statuette at the nearby kobold.
View attachment 21446

He casts Eldritch Flame at the kobold.

View attachment 21447

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With the cold stone against his back, Magni's statue glows malevolently, before a bolt of energy tinged with red flame erupts forth towards the Signifer.


The reflection of the blast glints in the Kobold's wide eyes as the spell hits it directly in the face. There's a "fwoom" and a wet crack as the Signifer's head pops with a spray of blood. The body drops onto its knees and then slumps over into the pile of Kobold cluttering the North West corner.

Kobold Signifer takes 13 points of force damage.

Kobold Signifer dies.


Having been burning quietly, the Bronze dragon effigy crumbles under its own weight, in a small flurry of embers. The bronze effigy has been destroyed.


There is a pulse of magic from the sculpture in the center of the room, and the Golden effigy begins to emanate a radiant light. The thrum of power in the air culminates in a beam of golden light streaks from the effigy directly at Sparkrender.


With a powerful beat of his wings, Sparkrender shifts his mass in the air just enough that the beam of light misses him, instead meeting the stone ceiling beyond where a small explosion cracks the slabs.

The blue dragon hisses and looks down towards the effigies, growling "Clyssavar darastrixi, ugh, svabol vi thurkear di vi aurix darastrix!"

((@Nae'blis - Nac is next.

Just to try to predict what you might try to do, the sculpture is 10 feet high with Sparkrender another 10 feet above that.


Nac McWeeble

Yvan eht nioj
((You know me so well! Unfortunately I don't think the numbers add upp to make something out of it.. Since I'll need a 10ft run-up to get the vertical jump needed to reach Sparky, even with Step of the Wind. So I'll go with plan B, which I'll write up in a bit.))
D&D Character

Dungeon Master

Blind Guardian
((@Ben - how much do the effigies weigh?))
((Uuuuuuuuh... Some big granite chunks bound with rope, probably occupies about 1.5 cubic feet of space.. I'd guess like... 80lbs if you tried to just lift one all together.

They'd look something kind of similar to this, but with 'carving';


EDIT: This one's more what I was thinking, but didn't include some of the important bits.


Takeaway is they're constructed of scavenged granite chunks, held together with rope, and splattered with paint of varying dragon-colors. The bronze one fell apart when the rope burnt, so there remains Gold, Brass, Red and Blue.))
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Zesty Zapcrackle

Diplomatic Immunity
((I was just trying to project if I’d be able to catapult one into another. Short answer is no lol. I wondered if we’d be able to destroy them. Seems clear with the bronze one we can. Was just weighing options. Appreciate you!))

Nac McWeeble

Yvan eht nioj
((Sorry, work got in the way, so here's a bit shortened version of what I meant to write. Also @Ben, when I checked DnDBeyond it says my damage die for unarmed attack is a d6, but according to the Monk table, it doesn't change until level 5, so I went with the usual d4.))

Nac, seeing Sparkrender fly away from him, decides to take it out on the nearest kobold. In his drunken haze he mistakes the effigy in front of him for a kobold. So he runs up to it and punches it twice.
D&D Character

Dungeon Master

Blind Guardian
((Time is an illusion.))

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For a moment, Nac's bleary drunken eyes look towards Magni, him being the closest kobold... But he shakes it off and dances across the floor, past the sculpture, to the smaller group to the south.

Screenshot 2024-10-13 12.36.08 PM.png

Screenshot 2024-10-13 12.39.33 PM.png

The first punch connects and spins the Scale Sorcerer around, but it twists as it falls and the second strike misses.

Kobold Scale Sorcerer takes 5 points of bludgeoning damage.

((@Jon - Zesty is up.

Screenshot 2024-10-13 1.05.58 PM.png))
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