Campaign Stormwreck Isle; Sacrifices Must Be Made (1-5)

D&D Character

Dungeon Master

Tea Wrecks
((Just make sure you don't trip over the mouse cursor in the middle of the clearing, there.

Oh, and @shortkut, you'll need to fix which weapon you actually have equipped. Unless you're an octopus, you aren't going to be able to hold a crossbow, two daggers, scimitar, shortbow and shortsword at the same time.


You can pick whatever is in your hand prior to acting and we'll assume you'd already done that prior to now.))
((Just make sure you don't trip over the mouse cursor in the middle of the clearing, there.

Oh, and @shortkut, you'll need to fix which weapon you actually have equipped. Unless you're an octopus, you aren't going to be able to hold a crossbow, two daggers, scimitar, shortbow and shortsword at the same time.

View attachment 18120

You can pick whatever is in your hand prior to acting and we'll assume you'd already done that prior to now.))
I am groot

It has been a long time since Kutshort traveled with such bloodthirsty warriors… it was invigorating. Thought it feels like a dream, he remembers lots of singing and fun.

With an extra pep in his step and a song singing out, Kutshort moves along side metal-Hopper and attacks Kobold 10 with his scimitar and short sword

Gonna kill some kobolds
Gonna kill them good
Gonna watch where I step
Because my legs are wood
  • This is the Way
Reactions: Jon
D&D Character

Dungeon Master

Tea Wrecks
((For two-weapon fighting, until you have the 'two-weapon fighting style' specifically, you don't add your dex modifier to the damage of the off-hand attack. So that'll just be 3.))

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Round 1 Turn 19 - Kutshort dances up beside the mechanically humming puppy and in a fluid motion slashes forward with his scimitar first, which grazes along the top of the kobold's shield and slices across the end of its snout leaving a gaping wound from nostril to nostril.


Kobold 10 takes 6 points of slashing damage.

Kutshort then steps to the left, bringing his off-hand shortsword up to hook around the kobold's defense and plunges the blade into the creature's side, piercing through the chainmail shirt it wears. It lets out a howl in pain as the blade slides free.

Kobold 10 takes 3 points of piercing damage

Kobold 10 looks very bloodied.

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Round 1 Turn 20 - Kobold 12 rushes forward, and as it rounds the tree you notice that while it's holding a shield like the others, it's dressed in robes rather than the armor of the others in the kobold legion.

The kobold raises its right hand and points a clawed finger at Short Order.

"He use magic! Me get him!"

As the kobold yells, its three fingers glow with a scintillating purple light, and moments later three darts of magical force shoot forward from its claws as it casts Lesser Magic Missile.

The three projectiles spiral around each other, leaving a braided trail of light behind them as they streak across the clearing.


Short cannot avoid the incoming attack in any way. The three small magic missiles hit the gnome squarely in the chest.

Short Order takes 3, 2 and 2 (total 7) force damage.

((@Jon - Zesty and Boltzmann are up.

Kobold 421??Healthy
Kobold 217??Healthy
Kobold 515??Healthy
Kobold 1015??Bloodied
Kobold Minions12??6/8
Kobold 311??Healthy
Kobold 127??Healthy
Kobold 14??Injured


Zesty Zapcrackle

Diplomatic Immunity
((Ok, since I don't have any AOE I'm going to try to help thin the herd on Aims' while Boltz splits movement to help the new folks and Short.))

Zesty knows he has a responsibility to the newcomers and his gnome companion to protect them. Kobolds 10 and 12 pose a large threat to their health. Visually, the nearest Kobold doesn't look like it can take much more.

Boltz, I'm going to go help Aims. You attack this Kobold and protect our smaller friends!

The mechanical wolf nods in understanding and Zesty zips south 25 feet, drawing his new Lockbuster. He raises it and takes aim at the nearest Kobold to him, Kobold 5.

Meanwhile, Boltzmann slides south of Kutshort and stands next to Kobold 10, slashing with a Force-Empowered Rend! After the attack, he slides West into a defensive pattern next to Short Order and Magni.

((@Ben - I'm adding a map for clarity. I don't know if Boltzmann's Deflect attack can trigger on that magic attack from Kobold 12. If so, I would like him placed at marker 2 in red. If not, marker three in red. He should be in range to deflect for both Short and Magni in either spot (if diagonal counts as 5 as well.) Zesty is going to the blue 1.

D&D Character

Dungeon Master

Tea Wrecks
((@Ben - I'm adding a map for clarity. I don't know if Boltzmann's Deflect attack can trigger on that magic attack from Kobold 12. If so, I would like him placed at marker 2 in red. If not, marker three in red. He should be in range to deflect for both Short and Magni in either spot (if diagonal counts as 5 as well.) Zesty is going to the blue 1.

((Haven't gotten to run through everything else, but deflect attack won't help against magic missile. There's literally no roll to hit, no saving throw, nothing for Boltzmann to impose disadvantage on. (Lesser) magic missile just hits regardless. So we'll go for position 3.))
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D&D Character

Dungeon Master

Tea Wrecks
((So, probably my first real instance of "oh shit, that's too OP" as a DM.

Specifically, you sticking your 'repeating shot' infusion onto the Lockbuster wasn't something I thought through and it negates the balancing of making it require an action of loading after 2 shots. I also at this point cannot recall what I'd previously said about proficiency, but given it's your first time using one and you arguably wouldn't be proficient in it.

I'm going to take this turn as is, but going forward I'm going to ask you to take the proficiency bonus off until you get to practice with it over a long rest, and I'm going to have to increase the misfire/jam chance to 15% (a 1, 2 or 3 on the d20 hit roll), up from the 5% it was at to begin with. Still a busted-ass weapon, but you're a busted-ass class, so... I at least won't stop you applying repeating shot to it in this case and removing the need to load it, though.))

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Round 1 Turn 21 - As Zesty moves forwards towards Aims, and raises his newly constructed weapon, the wind blows across the clearing and the group almost perceives the sound of a deity breathing "oh bugger..."

The tiefling's index finger tightens on the trigger and with a loud crack a blast of magical energy collides with Kobold 5's left shoulder, punching a large hole in the scaly warrior. It topples backwards from the force of the attack, but steadies itself against the kobold behind it and does not fall.

Kobold 5 takes 15 points of piercing damage.

Kobold 5 looks bloodied.

Round 1 Turn 22 - Boltzmann dashes up beside the new rogue's wooden legs and growls with an overly compressed .wav file. The mechanical wolf lunges at Kobold 10, but it's head clashes into the shield of the staggering kobold and the attack misses.


Boltzmann then shifts backwards to a position behind Short.


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Round 1 Turn 23 - Kobold 1, eyes still fixed on Aims, lashes forward toward the barbarian with a large hook attached to a chain gripped in its hand.


The hook connects with the half-orc's shoulder and rips a gash across his flesh.

Aims takes 5 points of piercing damage.

With a quick signal, the larger kobold points it's bloodied hook and activates a trap of concealed oil beneath Aims' feet. The oil erupts and a 20 foot long, 15 foot high, 1 foot thick opaque wall of fire blazes into existence.


((@Jawneh -- Make a dexterity saving throw for me, please!

Kobold 421??Healthy
Kobold 217??Healthy
Kobold 515??Bloodied
Kobold 1015??Bloodied
Kobold Minions12??6/8
Kobold 311??Healthy
Kobold 127??Healthy
Kobold 14??Injured

Zesty Zapcrackle

Diplomatic Immunity
Specifically, you sticking your 'repeating shot' infusion onto the Lockbuster wasn't something I thought through and it negates the balancing of making it require an action of loading after 2 shots. I also at this point cannot recall what I'd previously said about proficiency, but given it's your first time using one and you arguably wouldn't be proficient in it.
((Fair enough. I didn't think about it because firearms are listed as proficient on my character sheet, but it does say GM discretion. So I should have confirmed with you first. So until I become proficient at your discretion, it'll be +5 instead of +7 to hit. I had a lot of time to think about my build, so... yeah... I may get op...

Also, completely understand about the misfire part and agree. I still only CRIT fail on a 1 though, right?

Thank you on the repeating shot. I may have just moved back to crossbows if i couldn't because if you think this is broken, you should see the shit i came up with for crossbows :link))
  • Agree
Reactions: Ben
D&D Character

Dungeon Master

Tea Wrecks
((Fair enough. I didn't think about it because firearms are listed as proficient on my character sheet, but it does say GM discretion. So I should have confirmed with you first. So until I become proficient at your discretion, it'll be +5 instead of +7 to hit. I had a lot of time to think about my build, so... yeah... I may get op...

Also, completely understand about the misfire part and agree. I still only CRIT fail on a 1 though, right?

Thank you on the repeating shot. I may have just moved back to crossbows if i couldn't because if you think this is broken, you should see the shit i came up with for crossbows :link))
((👍 Yeah, that's fine with me going forward. +5 instead of +7 is still slightly less borked, and it can go back up after you've had time to practice with it. If we're going for any sense of realism, the first few times you fire it would be "OH SHIT THAT'S LOUD" and "OW MY WRIST HURTS".

And yes, it'll only be a crit fail where you accidentally shoot Aims in the dick on a natural-1. If you hit a 1, 2 or 3, you'll need to spend an action clearing the jam. It's more to just slow you down slightly from becoming John Wick with horns.))
  • 100
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D&D Character

Dungeon Master

Tea Wrecks
((@Ben , is this a trap Aims "sees" being triggered, as I would get advantage on the saving throw if so. I shall roll two die regardless. First one shall be my normal roll, second one just for advantage.))
((I'd say you'd arguably be able to see the kobold activate the trap, so I'll take the advantage roll.

...Fukken barbarians... :shakefist))

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The wall of flames erupts beneath Aims'orreh, but his spidey-sense tingles soon enough for him to clench his butthole and protect against the worst of the burning sensation.


((Since you succeeded the DEX save, you take half that damage.))

Aims' takes 5 points of fire damage.

The wall of flame continues to burn with Aims standing in it.

((Might be guiding you too much, but it feels underhanded to not explain that if you are still within the fire at the end of your next turn, you'll take damage again.

Now Round 2 has started and I feel I don't have to hide my hand so much (as their names kinda give them away a bit), I'm renaming all of the kobold to what they actually are instead of just numbers. That proved pretty annoying to track, so... Not doing it anymore.

Legionary 115??Bloodied
Legionary 215??Bloodied

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Round 2 Turn 1 - The kobold Venator, which slipped into the bushes seconds ago and hid, emerges from around the trunk of the tree Moonsprout reclines against and drops a net over the halfling.



Moonsprout is restrained, though manages to keep his pipe in his mouth.

With a draconic grin across its face, the Venator pulls a lit candle from somewhere about its person, and offers it towards Moonsprout.

"You need light?"

As it gestures the candle towards Moonsprout's pipe, the Venator touches the flame to the netting, which immediately catches ablaze around the bard, then the kobold slips to the other side of the tree trunk while snickering.


((No immediate damage, but Moonsprout will take 1d6 fire damage at the start of each of his turns until freed. Strength check to break free, either rolled by Moonsprout or someone else within range. Dealing 5 slashing damage to the net will also break it.

@The Flame - Magni is up.

Legionary 115??Bloodied
Legionary 215??Bloodied

Magni Kragtail

Smart fella by day, fart smella by night
Magni perks up as he catches sight of fire out of the corner of his eyes. However, his gleeful expression quickly turns to one of annoyance upon seeing the predicament his new ally is in. He grumbles at the kobold and starts running west
((If I'm understanding the diagonal movement rules, that should work? Otherwise just put me one south of there.))

"HEY! You like fire too? Okay, BURN!"

Magni casts another beam of Eldritch Flame at Venator

D&D Character

Dungeon Master

Tea Wrecks
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Round 2 Turn 2 - Magni's beam of flame strikes the Venator just before it clears the trunk, blowing the tip of its tail off. Just the tip.

Kobold Venator takes 6 points of force damage.


((@Nae'blis - Nac is up.

Legionary 115??Bloodied
Legionary 215??Bloodied

Nac McWeeble

Yvan eht nioj
Nac looks at the two grinning kobolds waving their pointy sticks uselessly and shakes his head.

With lightning fast hands Nac snaps out and grabs the heads of Tiro 1 and Tiro 2, slamming them together with all the strength he has, hoping to end them both swiftly.

He then runs under the tree to the east towards the group attacking Aims, and leaps into the air and plants a kick in the side of Veles
D&D Character

Dungeon Master

Tea Wrecks
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Round 2 Turn 3 - The tiro duo's heads crumple as the monk smashes them into one another, momentarily looking like one head with two bodies, before they fall lifelessly to the floor.

Tiro 1 and 2 die.

Running under the boughs of the oak tree, Nac flies through the air in seemingly slow motion towards the kobold Veles, but as his meaty dwarven foot hurtles towards the scaly warrior, it brings its shield up in time to deflect the attack. Nac stubs his toes.


Nac misses the Veles.

((@Smacktard - Moonsprout is up.

Legionary 115??Bloodied
Legionary 215??Bloodied

Moonsprout Beandirt

Connoisseur of fine video games
Moonsprout writhes in pain as the flames lick all over his body in the least sexy way his body has ever been licked. The roar of the flames, however, has nothing on the fire that burns inside of Moonsprout now, fueling his anger.

He shouts out at Venator.

Oh yeah, attack the ONE GUY who's *OW* not even FIGHTING you -- while the rest of your broskis are *YEOWCH* getting obliterated! GREAT strategy there. SUUUUURE to prolong your lives and *OOH* nab you a victory. And not to mention *AH, AH* attacking the one *OOF* peaceful dude is CERTAIN to win you sympathizers and admirers! You dumb lizards *ARGH* have groin-for-brains. You ought to be *EEEEE* a-a-ashamed of yourself! *OOOF*

Moonsprout tries to instill great shame in Venator with his molasses-thick sarcasm.
  • This Close
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D&D Character

Dungeon Master

Tea Wrecks
Moonsprout writhes in pain as the flames lick all over his body in the least sexy way his body has ever been licked. The roar of the flames, however, has nothing on the fire that burns inside of Moonsprout now, fueling his anger.

He shouts out at Venator.

Oh yeah, attack the ONE GUY who's *OW* not even FIGHTING you -- while the rest of your broskis are *YEOWCH* getting obliterated! GREAT strategy there. SUUUUURE to prolong your lives and *OOH* nab you a victory. And not to mention *AH, AH* attacking the one *OOF* peaceful dude is CERTAIN to win you sympathizers and admirers! You dumb lizards *ARGH* have groin-for-brains. You ought to be *EEEEE* a-a-ashamed of yourself! *OOOF*

Moonsprout tries to instill great shame in Venator with his molasses-thick sarcasm.
((Hmm. Let's instead go with Deception for the sarcasm-laden diatribe. Persuasion is generally more for friendly conversation and convincing someone, where as deception is more aligned with hiding the truth, which is essentially the definition of sarcasm.

Also, you seem to have inspiration on your character from somewhere, so you can roll with advantage.

And gimme a strength check on top of that redo, since even your hobbit muscles might be able to break free by yourself. You are use the inspiration on either the deception redo or the strength check.

... Clearly the persuasion roll of 2 still beat my DC, cause I feel bad about setting you on fire.))
D&D Character

Dungeon Master

Tea Wrecks
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Moonsprout takes 2 points of fire damage from the burning net.

As Moonsprout's sarcastic speech echos around the clearing, the kobold Venator meekly peeks its head from behind the trunk of the tree, holding the end of its tail tightly to stem the bleeding.

With a confused look propagating across its scaled face, the kobold begins muttering to itself. "Krix not understand... Krix always do what blue dragon say. He say, "Catch prey, make fire, show strength." But... but why Krix feel bad now?

The flames of the net crackle louder, and Moonsprout's words echo in Krix's mind.

"'Attack the one not fighting, while broskis get obliterated.' Krix not smart, but Krix see something wrong..." The kobold Venator pauses, looking at his hands and then the burning net.

"Dragon always say, 'Strongest survive, make others fear.' But Krix think now... if everyone fear, then who Krix have? Only fear, no friend. Krix make halfling hurt... and Krix hurt too, here." He swallows hard and touches his chest, over his heart.

More animated now, the kobold continues "Dragon say, 'Hurt make strong, win victory.' But... Krix see no victory. Krix see pain, tears. Tribe fight, tribe fall. Halfling say we dumb, Krix feel dumb. Why Krix do this?"

Krix moves closer to the burning net, looking at the bard's pained expression. He starts sobbing, "Krix not want to be dumb. Not want to hurt peaceful. Halfling right... Krix ought to be ashamed. Krix ashamed now. Krix no groin-for-brains, Krix have heart. Krix want better."

The kobold hesitates, then begins to douse the flames with dirt and leaves, struggling but determined. "Krix choose new path. Krix not want fear, not want hurt. Krix want to be different. Strong in heart, not just in claw."

Krix finally extinguishes the flames, freeing Moonsprout from the burning net. He looks up, eyes filled with resolve. Resolutely, he says "Krix promise, no more fire, no more hurt. Krix make tribe see, strength can be kind. Krix show new way. For Krix, for tribe, for all. Krix change, start now."

Moonsprout is no longer restrained.

((Oh right, next round. I'll get on that after I pretend to do more work.

Legionary 115??Bloodied
Legionary 215??Bloodied
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D&D Character

Dungeon Master

Tea Wrecks
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Round 2 Turn 5 - The Kobold Signifer raises its signum above its head and barks "GLORY TO LEGION!". With this bolstering cry, the kobold warriors within 30 feet of it give a barking response and each regain 5 hit points.

Artifex heals 5 damage.

Legionary 1 heals 5 damage.

The Signifer then steps to the West next to Nac, and brings the signum down hard towards the monk's head.


As it does, the adorned metal staff slips from its scaled claws and it drops the battle standard to the ground with a surprised "Oh, shit!".

((Crit failed that one...))

Kobold Signifer is disarmed.

((@Jawneh - Aims is up.

Legionary 115??Injured
Legionary 215??Bloodied
A whole bunch of things were happening around Aims. It wasn't your usual skirmish or small scale ambush that was going on. This was already a battlefield before the murder party even got there. There were traps, there were multiple people laying in wait to attack, and worst of all, Aims didn't see it coming. He was upset. He'd gone too lax from eating and pummeling a few zombies, thinking he was great because he had a shiny new ax now. How foolish was he to think that. You're standing in fire your dumb barbarian!

As any barbarian worth their salt, their emotional chart is fairly simplified. Something hurts you? Get angry. Something makes you sad? Get angry. Something confuses you? Get angry. Something pisses you off? Get angrier. In this specific scenario where Aims is feeling embarrassed AND standing in fire, boy was that embarrassment turning into a lot of angry. So much angry, that
he goes into a fit of RAGE! The red glowing aura starts to engulf him, as he transforms into a dragon-like beast, his mouth enlarges into a maw capable of ripping a clean off. How convenient that there are small heads right next to him.

Without wasting a second,
Aims launches his large toothed maw open at Legionary 1 to bite its head off.

After that he side-steps to the next square west, readies his ax midway, using the extra bit of momentum to launch an attack at Artifex.
True Detective Hbo GIF by True Detective: Night Country
  • Golf Clap
Reactions: Ben
D&D Character

Dungeon Master

Tea Wrecks
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Round 2 Turn 6 - Aims' transformed draconic maw clamps down on the helmet of Legionary 1 and he bites hard. His jaws begin to crumple the metal, crushing it in on the kobold's head painfully and his long teeth puncture through in a few places drawing blood, but he's unable to bite clean through.

Legionary 1 takes 9 points of piercing damage.

Aims heals 2 points of health.

The barbarian then steps out of the wall of flame to the West, but by doing so invokes an attack of opportunity from Legionary 1, which swipes with it's gladius, but misses the half-orc.


Pivoting around the kobold's sword and using the momentum, Aims swings his axe down towards the Artifex, but the weighty blade slips from his hands and clatters to the ground next to the Signifer's battle-standard.

Aims is disarmed.

For a moment, Aims with his draconic face and the Kobold Signifer point at each other past the Veles, each with an expression of "I cannot believe I just did that".

Blaming Spider-Man GIF

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Round 2 Turn 7 - Kobold Legionary 1, blood in its eyes and its helmet crushed up into more of a cone-shape, staggers around the wall of flame towards Zesty.


It slashes out with its gladius again, managing to connect with the tiefling and drawing a gash across his forearm.


Zesty takes 9 points of slashing damage.

A magical shield propagates itself out of Zesty's ass and deflects the attack.

The Legionary attempts to smash Zesty with it's shield, but the attack goes wide and it misses.

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Round 2 Turn 8 - Legionary 2 coughs blood onto the grass, then strikes forward at Kutshort with a short cut.


The blade connects with the rogue's left leg just above the knee, cutting deep just above the wooden prosthesis.


Kutshort takes 7 points of damage

The Legionary brings the gladius down again, attempting to cut off his other leg, but the attack goes wide and it misses.

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Round 2 Turn 17 - ((skipping over the dead Tiro, I'm keeping the turn numbers the same as in my encounter tracker so I don't get confused.))

The Kobold Veles, not being a fan of how close the scary half-orc-half-dragon-not-kobold barbarian is to it's face, pivots and dodges between the two adventurers, then around and away from Aims. ((pivot is its bonus action and invokes no attack of opportunity.))

It then dashes across the clearing towards Short Order and Boltzmann.


It strikes forth with it's pilum, stabbing the javelin into the gnome's side and drawing a spurt of blood.


Short Order takes 3 points of piercing damage.

((@A shortcut - Short is up.

Legionary 115??Bloodied
Legionary 215??Bloodied
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Zesty Zapcrackle

Diplomatic Immunity
((I don't know if I'm supposed to call this out BEFOREHAND, so if I do, please let me know and I'll do so moving forward, @Ben...

It slashes out with its gladius again, managing to connect with the tiefling and drawing a gash across his forearm.



Zesty takes 9 points of slashing damage.

The Legionary attempts to smash Zesty with it's shield, but the attack goes wide and it misses.

This should allow me to use a Reaction, and I have two that CAN trigger in this scenario: Hellish Rebuke and Shield. I'd prefer to use Shield in this instance if I have the choice/option.

It strikes forth with it's pilum, stabbing the javelin into the gnome's side and drawing a spurt of blood.


Short Order takes 3 points of piercing damage.

Since Boltz is standing next to Short Order and isn't the target, shouldn't this also trigger Boltzmann's Deflect Attack?))
D&D Character

Dungeon Master

Tea Wrecks
((I don't know if I'm supposed to call this out BEFOREHAND, so if I do, please let me know and I'll do so moving forward, @Ben...

This should allow me to use a Reaction, and I have two that CAN trigger in this scenario: Hellish Rebuke and Shield. I'd prefer to use Shield in this instance if I have the choice/option.

Since Boltz is standing next to Short Order and isn't the target, shouldn't this also trigger Boltzmann's Deflect Attack?))
Lisa Simpson Car GIF by The Simpsons

Yes and yes.

In regard to Boltzmann imposing disadvantage;


Result still stands as is.

In so far as you using shield, fair enough. The attack would have missed and you took no damage.

Maybe I knew you were going to do that, because I forgot to reduce your HP on the posted tracker anyway.))
  • Hugs
Reactions: Jon

Zesty Zapcrackle

Diplomatic Immunity
Lisa Simpson Car GIF by The Simpsons

Yes and yes.

In regard to Boltzmann imposing disadvantage;

View attachment 18271

Result still stands as is.

In so far as you using shield, fair enough. The attack would have missed and you took no damage.

Maybe I knew you were going to do that, because I forgot to reduce your HP on the posted tracker anyway.))
((Fair enough, lol. Sorry to point all that out... but you know I appreciate you! More than Zesty I had to make sure to try and help our resident murder hobo!))
D&D Character

Dungeon Master

Tea Wrecks
((Fair enough, lol. Sorry to point all that out... but you know I appreciate you! More than Zesty I had to make sure to try and help our resident murder hobo!))
((It's all good. I know around an actual table playing for real it'd be an immediate "ummm ackshually", so even when I have to go back and edit a previous post it's no big deal. You're just all about fucking with timelines, it seems.))
  • This is the Way
Reactions: Jon
((I know I have access to larger creatures now, I just don't know what they are yet, probably should have confirmed all that before coming into battle. I don't see anything new on my character sheet, so I'll just stick with what's in there for now))

Short Order, sick of being so small on the field, decides to call upon an old friend...

It's about time I flip my coin for good luck, eh Boltz?

Short Order flips a coin into the air

Heads I take it easy on 'em, Tails I don't

Before the coin lands, Short Order uses Wild Shape to become Horse Order (riding horse).

Now much larger than his does and with a large reach, Horse Order realizes that he still can't decipher the coin and the choice is up to him entirely

Horse Order rears up and charges over with his hooves to bludgeon Veles

Neigh Neigh. Winnie.

He says, while looking to his allies, as if to imply it's safe to bum a ride if needed.
D&D Character

Dungeon Master

Tea Wrecks
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Round 2 Turn 18 - The small gnome begins to elongate and adopt an equine gait.


Now a large horse, he stomps his hooves at the Kobold Veles, but it dodges out of the way with ease.

((@shortkut - Kutshort is up.

Legionary 115??Bloodied
Legionary 215??Bloodied
Short111125ft21/31Look at my horse, my horse is amazing.

In so far as you riding a bro, yeah that's kosher.
  • It has to be consensual, of course. You can't mount a dude against his will.
  • It costs half your movement speed to mount, or dismount.
  • You can make attacks (or cast spells if you had them) as usual while mounted.
  • Short can still perform actions, bonus actions, and reactions according to his own initiative. You won't actually be controlling him as a mount, just mounted.
  • Kutshort will have advantage on melee attack rolls against unmounted creatures smaller than the mount (so, yes) if Horse Order moves at least 20 feet straight toward the target before the attack.
As for switching to your crossbow, how we've settled on weapon switching is you can either sheathe or unsheathe a weapon as a free action and attack in the same turn, but not both in one turn. So since you have your swords out, you could attack with them and then put them away, but not put them away, draw the bow, and then attack as well. You can drop a weapon and unsheathe another, then attack on the same turn. You'd of course have to then pick it back up later.))

((Ben will probably make something up saying you need mounted fighting specialization or some malarkey that's in the rules.))
((DID NOT. Shows how much you know me. :cry ))
D&D Character

Dungeon Master

Tea Wrecks
((Oh, and if something would knock Horse Order prone, you'll have to succeed on a DEX save or fall prone too within 5ft of the mount. And if his horse dies and/or he reverts back to normal, you'll be dismounted and not getting a piggy-back or something.))
D&D Character

Dungeon Master

Tea Wrecks
I knew that :paranoid
Season 3 Nbc GIF by The Office

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Round 2 Turn 19 - The alcohol from the warm tavern Kutshort was lured from still coursing in his veins, the rogue ambles over towards the suddenly-there horse.


As he leaves the Legionary's reach, it swipes towards the half-elf's ass, but the gladius cuts through the air and misses its mark.


Oblivious to the attempted attack, Kutshort hops up onto the totally consenting horse, and brandishes his weapons towards the Veles next to him. Through a moment of déjà vu, he laughs in the face of divine intervention, and whiffs both attacks against the kobold.


((There's no way for me to adjust the layering priority, so you're just under the horse))

Quoted Image
Round 2 Turn 20 - The Adeptus, watching Zesty pull his magical bullshit and shield against the Legionary's attack, rushes forward with a bark of "I show you magic!"


It skids to a halt next to Legionary 1 and reaches a hand out towards the tiefling. Lightning crackles across it's claws, and much to Zesty's surprise, the claws push straight through his shield spell and the kobold grabs hold of his forearm.



An expression of intense concentration contorts the kobold's features, and it forces the electrical energy through the shield into Zesty's body.

Zesty takes 9 point of lightning damage.

The Adeptus lets go of his forearm.

((I believe this is the dice gods giving me a fist-bump for you negating the earlier attack. :laugh

It's been a while since we had any critical hits, and I can't actually remember how we handled them before, but I know Vash stated he adds the max damage from a weapon/spell on top of the damage roll, so I assume I'd have adopted that from the start. Regardless, it's how we're doing it now.

Legionary 115??Bloodied
Legionary 215??Bloodied
Short111125ft21/31Mounted: Bottom
Kutshort101430ft8/15Mounted: Top

And Zesty's shield breaks at the start of your turn.))

Zesty Zapcrackle

Diplomatic Immunity
((I COULD say I want to trigger Hellish Rebuke, but I won't :link

Could you give me a full map of the area? D&DB does not have one up at the moment and I want to see where I can move to.))
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