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September Debate thread

Did they say what she lied about that they didn't fact check?
Dunno, I was in and out of the room.

Came back in later and they had one of their token black reporters saying you can't distance yourself from Biden while also trying to take credit for anything good that happened in his term. Which I guess would be a good point except literally all she was was "I'm not Biden and I'm not Trump." Which is true. I think she was just saying that she's at the top of the ticket now and she's her own person with her own ideas.
People who are supposed to be decades older and more mature than me think it's fine when guys like him and Trump act like middle school kids or even just disgusting human beings in general.

I want to tell people "you're fifty/sixty/seventy years old, how are you this immature? How do you have worse manners than my eight year old? Why didn't your mother raise you better?"


Blind Guardian
GWF Sponsor
GW Elder
People who are supposed to be decades older and more mature than me think it's fine when guys like him and Trump act like middle school kids or even just disgusting human beings in general.

I want to tell people "you're fifty/sixty/seventy years old, how are you this immature? How do you have worse manners than my eight year old? Why didn't your mother raise you better?"
To be fair, I have to acknowledge that a lot of those old fuckers had horrible parents themselves, who were largely recovering from the World Wars. It's like it's taken humanity this many generations to get past that species trauma. I was going to say we're only just now starting to focus widely on society, rather than being focused inward in a self-concerned way, but painting anyone who fought in a war at any time as self-concerned would be stupid. It just took them forever to shake the PTSD, and stop filtering the army mentality of obedience down into the families.

The internet probably helped make people more "wide-spread" in their thinking. In the 20th century everyone was largely still concerned with their immediate vicinity, they didn't have any kind of exposure to riots going on in other countries over injustices, or visibility onto what corporations were doing in politics. That does something to refocus your anger upward instead of downward in society.

But there are also just some smooth brained mother fuckers of all ages.


No Problem Here
GW Elder
To be fair, I have to acknowledge that a lot of those old fuckers had horrible parents themselves, who were largely recovering from the World Wars. It's like it's taken humanity this many generations to get past that species trauma. I was going to say we're only just now starting to focus widely on society, rather than being focused inward in a self-concerned way, but painting anyone who fought in a war at any time as self-concerned would be stupid. It just took them forever to shake the PTSD, and stop filtering the army mentality of obedience down into the families.

The internet probably helped make people more "wide-spread" in their thinking. In the 20th century everyone was largely still concerned with their immediate vicinity, they didn't have any kind of exposure to riots going on in other countries over injustices, or visibility onto what corporations were doing in politics. That does something to refocus your anger upward instead of downward in society.

But there are also just some smooth brained mother fuckers of all ages.

His money is a factor too...he probably feels untouchable, hell that's the platform he owns...has he ever been accountable for anything? He is surrounded by yes men...that does something to your psyche.

That reminds me, I read something yesterday...the headline was something like, he could become the world's first trillionaire. I think that is using projections that might not come to pass, Tesla isn't doing as well, Twitter is going down...but still, why is it someone like him. A billionaire shouldn't exist, but especially not a trillionaire.
If there's anything I'm happy to do with my first post in a year at this place, it's to come back and shit on Elon Musk. Or any billionaire, honestly. But he's pretty bad.
Musk is an example of someone who's been able to maintain his image as a so-called genius thanks to his PR team. There were glimpses of his dumbassery shown back then, but after the Twitter takeover, it's all come out in full force. He's exposed himself for the piece of trash human being he really is.
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No Problem Here
GW Elder
to talk about the debate again...

I thought she came well-prepared. I was a little worried that she would be over-prepared. I think it can happen where you've got so many statements and facts and pot-shots rolling around in your head that you don't seem genuine. But she is a prosecutor and well-versed in this arena.

She managed to turn her weaknesses into talking points against him. Example is the Ukraine war, a lot of Americans don't want our funding to go to foreign wars. But she managed to turn that around by making the point about Putin having eye on Poland, with all the Polish Americans we have, especially in Pennsylvania. (Also, a huge percentage of me is Polish, my grandmother was 100%).

Edit: Also another great example is when talking about Obamacare and she invoked the name of John McCain. Just a great strategy for pulling people to her side.

She also knew exactly how to bait Trump. The crowd rally thing. Unprompted, he praised the Hungarian guy, and low-key suggested Putin is getting his nuclear weapons ready, and refused to say he wants a Ukrainian victory.

So yeah I am feeling very different from the last debate (which I didn't watch live but heard about afterwards). Very curious to see what will happen after this, if he does another one, and the veep debate.

Also looking forward to all this being over soon. I hate how long our election cycle is and wish we could tamp that down somehow.
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to talk about the debate again...

I thought she came well-prepared. I was a little worried that she would be over-prepared. I think it can happen where you've got so many statements and facts and pot-shots rolling around in your head that you don't seem genuine. But she is a prosecutor and well-versed in this arena.

She managed to turn her weaknesses into talking points against him. Example is the Ukraine war, a lot of Americans don't want our funding to go to foreign wars. But she managed to turn that around by making the point about Putin having eye on Poland, with all the Polish Americans we have, especially in Pennsylvania. (Also, a huge percentage of me is Polish, my grandmother was 100%).

She also knew exactly how to bait Trump. The crowd rally thing. Unprompted, he praised the Hungarian guy, and low-key suggested Putin is getting his nuclear weapons ready, and refused to say he wants a Ukrainian victory.

So yeah I am feeling very different from the last debate (which I didn't watch live but heard about afterwards). Very curious to see what will happen after this, if he does another one, and the veep debate.

Also looking forward to all this being over soon. I hate how long our election cycle is and wish we could tamp that down somehow.
It went better than I expected it would. I was worried about the same thing, but I felt Kamala handled herself well.
to talk about the debate again...

I thought she came well-prepared. I was a little worried that she would be over-prepared. I think it can happen where you've got so many statements and facts and pot-shots rolling around in your head that you don't seem genuine. But she is a prosecutor and well-versed in this arena.

She managed to turn her weaknesses into talking points against him. Example is the Ukraine war, a lot of Americans don't want our funding to go to foreign wars. But she managed to turn that around by making the point about Putin having eye on Poland, with all the Polish Americans we have, especially in Pennsylvania. (Also, a huge percentage of me is Polish, my grandmother was 100%).

Edit: Also another great example is when talking about Obamacare and she invoked the name of John McCain. Just a great strategy for pulling people to her side.

She also knew exactly how to bait Trump. The crowd rally thing. Unprompted, he praised the Hungarian guy, and low-key suggested Putin is getting his nuclear weapons ready, and refused to say he wants a Ukrainian victory.

So yeah I am feeling very different from the last debate (which I didn't watch live but heard about afterwards). Very curious to see what will happen after this, if he does another one, and the veep debate.

Also looking forward to all this being over soon. I hate how long our election cycle is and wish we could tamp that down somehow.
I agree with this. I still don't think she's the strongest debater and it took her a bit of time to warm up, but she prepared very shrewdly and I think it was the most effective debate performance against Trump I've yet seen.


Dumbass Progenitor
GW Elder
People who are supposed to be decades older and more mature than me think it's fine when guys like him and Trump act like middle school kids or even just disgusting human beings in general.

I want to tell people "you're fifty/sixty/seventy years old, how are you this immature? How do you have worse manners than my eight year old? Why didn't your mother raise you better?"

Don’t even waste your breath, dude. You and I have differences of opinions when it comes to politics, and even I could tell you that you’d be wasting your time. People around our age have a different take on politics than people from that era, plain and simple. They treat it like a team sport, while the rest of us just try to get by with the rubble they’ve left in their wake of years of repetitive bullshit. Look no further than their mantras… “pull up your bootstraps” and “go out and get it” and “man up”… all directives, no tangible advice, because there IS none.
Don’t even waste your breath, dude. You and I have differences of opinions when it comes to politics, and even I could tell you that you’d be wasting your time. People around our age have a different take on politics than people from that era, plain and simple. They treat it like a team sport, while the rest of us just try to get by with the rubble they’ve left in their wake of years of repetitive bullshit. Look no further than their mantras… “pull up your bootstraps” and “go out and get it” and “man up”… all directives, no tangible advice, because there IS none.
"Suck it up because that's life". Another expression I've heard from those people, and you have no idea how much I HATED hearing that time & time again. Had to hear it all the time while struggling hard with depression.


Dumbass Progenitor
GW Elder
"Suck it up because that's life". Another expression I've heard from those people, and you have no idea how much I HATED hearing that time & time again. Had to hear it all the time while struggling hard with depression.

It’s because it was that simple for them. No education? Fine, we got mines you can dig and fields to aerate. No car? There’s a place around the corner hiring, no worries. No money for a down payment on a house? No big deal, rent til your parents croak and inherit theirs. Not enough money for a brand new house? That’s fine, take out a mortgage on a fixer-upper, the city will pay you to take it off of their hands and your mortgage costs a quarter of your monthly income. The ONLY thing they didn’t really have an out for was being drafted into the military, and even then… we’ve seen that all it took was rubbing elbows with the right people to make that problem go away.


Blind Guardian
GWF Sponsor
GW Elder
To that, I say fuck the credit score system.
Yep. I imagine "life" like going through a divorce or medical problem, or whatever else could befall someone, didn't sting for so long because you weren't haunted by 3 digits evaluating your decisions. And I'm sure if you're a big enough fraud/con, you could fake what credit-checks they did do way easier.

I bet Trump's businesses were set up before 1989.

Edit; oh yeah, by his dad. 1927.


Orangekat, not Aphrodite
GWF Sponsor
GW Elder
Wooooah okaaay

View attachment 20408

I've been meaning to make a thread about this guy
When I first saw that, I thought it was a fake screenshot. So weird.

Edit: Also another great example is when talking about Obamacare and she invoked the name of John McCain. Just a great strategy for pulling people to her side.
I thought she did that well, too. On some topics, it was enough to put me off a bit (like how they're both gun owners and completely uninterested in taking anyone's guns), but I get it.

She also knew exactly how to bait Trump. The crowd rally thing. Unprompted, he praised the Hungarian guy, and low-key suggested Putin is getting his nuclear weapons ready, and refused to say he wants a Ukrainian victory.
That was sooo funny. He just couldn't accept the insult about people leaving his rallies and completely ignored her statements on policy. Also calling him out on his finances, insinuating he's old and confused, and other things like that.

I'm not sure if that sort of thing really convinces anyone, but IMO it shows he cares more about people's prescription of him than about any policy.

So yeah I am feeling very different from the last debate (which I didn't watch live but heard about afterwards). Very curious to see what will happen after this, if he does another one, and the veep debate.

Also looking forward to all this being over soon. I hate how long our election cycle is and wish we could tamp that down somehow.
Same, I didn't have the heart to watch the first one, but this one obviously went better.

I agree election season here is ridiculous. It needs to be both cheaper and shorter.


Dumbass Progenitor
GW Elder
I like to remember that the FICO credit-scoring system didn't even exist until 1989. Seems a hell of a lot easier to get ahead in life when you're not tied to some fucking worth-score.

Yep. I imagine "life" like going through a divorce or medical problem, or whatever else could befall someone, didn't sting for so long because you weren't haunted by 3 digits evaluating your decisions. And I'm sure if you're a big enough fraud/con, you could fake what credit-checks they did do way easier.

I bet Trump's businesses were set up before 1989.

Edit; oh yeah, by his dad. 1927.

Look, for all of the thousands of cars I repossessed over the years… the vast majority of them were shitty loans on shitty credit or straw purchases. The minority were hard-working people just trying to get by. That tells you something about the level of credit fraud in this country. If everyday people like you or me have to resort to getting a vehicle loan in our spouse’s name or getting together with your relatives to figure out who has the best credit to use for a mortgage, what does that tell you about the state of the credit system? Late-stage capitalism in all its glory. People with no credit use people with shitty credit (I.e., you use your parents) to start their own line of debt, and what starts off as a student loan or a first car note or a security deposit ends up as a cycle of perpetual debt that is instantly magnified the moment that individual has a medical emergency and incurs that form of debt, a repossession, or an eviction.


Blind Guardian
GWF Sponsor
GW Elder
They let just anyone take these polls

View attachment 20445
Screenshots from a Slovenian source seem entirely relevant to US politics...

I guess it could easily be any US citizen's preferred language, but still... Odd.

EDIT: Also that second image is taken before the poll even closed, so... Bad data all around.

Although I get your point that the polls are crap anyway.

The Washington Post surveyed UNDECIDED voters instead of letting randoms on the internet decide polls, and it came out extremely lopsided in favor of Harris.

“I don't think Trump was at his best — too rambly."

"Trump just seems to want to rely on fear-mongering and that doesn't get real things done in people's lives."

One of people who picked Trump stated: “I don't think Harris gave any real answers to any question.”

Neither did Trump, lady....
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