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September Debate thread


Dumbass Progenitor
GW Elder
It's sad that we're at that point right now. It's sad that we look back on people like Bush running the GOP as more favorable.

It is, and that’s why I hope people don’t become desensitized to the politics we’ve seen over the last several years and suddenly become complacent with just about anybody so long as it isn’t this person or that person. That’s why I can’t jump on the Harris bandwagon, I don’t trust her anymore than I trust Trump. We know the deal with Trump and the danger he poses, we can’t say the same about Harris considering how she has flip-flopped on various subjects over the years. That unknown variable potentially makes for its own problem, and realistically… we’re more likely to be disappointed in a politician than thrilled with the job they’re doing.

I doubt anyone went from "I don't care about the election at all" to "I'm voting for Harris because TayTay said so". Maybe they watched the debate after she mentioned it and felt inspired to vote. Maybe they're just registering and will look more into which candidate better speaks to them.

Anything that gets more people to vote is good. We'd have a lot less pandering to extremists if everybody voted.

Luckily, that just means that you’re insulated from mainstream influence if you believe that. Not a bad problem to have by any means, but, that just means that you’d be disgusted at how sheepish the average person is. You know how we crack on certain groups of Trump supporters for fitting into certain stereotypes? The same can be said on the flip side, and the kind of people that would be compelled to register to vote because of a celebrity endorsement are weird in their own ways. For some, it is in fact as simple as you describe. You gotta remember… these are the same people that obsess over Stanley cups and children’s craft bracelets and all kinds of superficial statement pieces. They move on to the next big thing, and quickly. They might contribute to some votes now, but, with the flick of a switch they could move right on to the next trend and forget all about voting come November. Unless Taylor Swift plans on reiterating Harris’ name on social media, or actively campaigning for her, like @shortkut said… this surge of registrations could be for nothing by November, because that’s a long time to keep someone’s attention in this fast-paced news circuit. Look at how quickly we’ve moved beyond a presidential assassination attempt. Even the people that don’t like the guy should have been more than enough to keep that shit in the headlines longer than it was, but, what happened? Onto the next story.


Orangekat, not Aphrodite
GWF Sponsor
GW Elder
I agree, not everyone who registered will vote, but surely some of them will. Where I live, all you have to do is register and your ballot is mailed to you, so registering is the biggest hurdle. I know lots of other places that you have to wait in line for hours, and yeah, somebody not too interested is not likely to do that. (Not that anybody should have to.)

Still, I think this is most likely to get the attraction of people who were considering voting but weren't quite motivated enough to do it. Or maybe it'll speak to people who care about issues that Swift supports (like queer rights), but who didn't feel like voting mattered enough to do it.

My point was just that most people are not going to blindly vote for Harris when they don't agree with her. Her endorsement is more likely to increase voter turnout than actually change minds. Of course, once Republicans start trashing Taylor Swift and her swifties, that will likely convince some of them to support Harris.
It is, and that’s why I hope people don’t become desensitized to the politics we’ve seen over the last several years and suddenly become complacent with just about anybody so long as it isn’t this person or that person. That’s why I can’t jump on the Harris bandwagon, I don’t trust her anymore than I trust Trump. We know the deal with Trump and the danger he poses, we can’t say the same about Harris considering how she has flip-flopped on various subjects over the years. That unknown variable potentially makes for its own problem, and realistically… we’re more likely to be disappointed in a politician than thrilled with the job they’re doing.
I believe we're at that point already, Mark. The fact that both our countries have what is essentially a 2-party system in place on top of that has us locked into a scenario where the majority of the populace are on one side or another. This is where the "anybody but person X" mentality rings true, because you have that situation where people will vote for the party with the better chances of succeeding. Much like how it is here in Canada with people choosing to side with the Tories just because they're hell-bent on wanting Trudeau out of office. Same goes vice-versa with people voting Liberal because it's the best chance of preventing the Tories from taking office.
Speaking of Canadian politics, and apologies for going off-topic for a brief second, there's a possibility we might have an early election, because the NDPs last week ended the Confidence & Supply agreement after being pressured by Pierre Poilevre and the Conservatives. It all now depends on how the vote of confidence goes with the House of Commons.


Dumbass Progenitor
GW Elder
I believe we're at that point already, Mark. The fact that both our countries have what is essentially a 2-party system in place on top of that has us locked into a scenario where the majority of the populace are on one side or another. This is where the "anybody but person X" mentality rings true, because you have that situation where people will vote for the party with the better chances of succeeding. Much like how it is here in Canada with people choosing to side with the Tories just because they're hell-bent on wanting Trudeau out of office. Same goes vice-versa with people voting Liberal because it's the best chance of preventing the Tories from taking office.

You’re not wrong to think that, but, we’re still on the cusp of that “point of no return”, and that’s still infinitely better than being beyond it, I suppose.
OK fine one poll had a 13% margin in favour of an election and the other had a 12% margin against.
Okay that's a bit more unclear. Sounds like it would be good to dig into how they framed the question. I doubt it was a simple yes/no. Could have been:

Do you want to abandon the government and start over?

On one


Do you want to elect new officials early?

On the other for instance.


Orangekat, not Aphrodite
GWF Sponsor
GW Elder
Republicans are fucking stupid. You lose a debate so handedly and now she was wear secret headphone earrings?!

Can we PLEASE get a Democratic supermajority and deport these idiots to Dumbfuckistan where they belong?

Yeah, and her earrings don't even look like the headphone earrings she was supposedly wearing
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