Breaking Satellite Images Show 30% of Gaza Destroyed


Dumbass Progenitor
GW Elder
Th... This is a thing? What the fuck? This is incredibly dystopian and dishonest. How is this even legal? That completely misrepresents the nature of the interview if I'm understanding you right.

That’s what I’m saying… it’s one thing to see news stations repeating verbatim some little short bit about the internet thinking Taylor Swift is a psy-op, it’s another thing to see a major story presented that way. Everybody knows local stations are fed national stories to fill the gaps and cover current events, but it’s pretty obvious when that’s the case. Why even fabricate the interview? Why not just air the original provided from the parent network?
Oh, it ain’t just the right wing, though.
Not expressly, no. Moderate/Liberal-leaning outlets have plenty of conservatives on staff, particularly higher up the chain of command (David Zaslav says hello), and those businesses then begin to operate in similar or exact ways. You couple this with most of the watchdog groups and regulatory agencies being toothless - we can just point to the IRS here, and how they'll go after poor people but won't even look at higher income brackets - and the pursuit of Infinite Growth and, well, there you go.
I will consider myself lucky that I don't know what this Taylor Swift psy-op thing is lol

Liberals and Conservatives aren't that different, which is a big part of the problem. Although it is worth noting that, generally, the biggest difference between those two groups isn't how economically left-right different they are, but how up-down different they are on the authoritarian axis. Which mirrors something like this pretty aptly:

Al Jazeera faces ‘security threat’ ban as Israel passes new law
Benjamin Netanyahu says after approval of bill he will ‘act immediately … to stop channel’s activities’

Israeli legislators have approved a bill paving the way for a ban on Al Jazeera and other international news outlets perceived as posing a threat to security.

After the prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, promised to take prompt measures to force the end of Al Jazeera’s operations within the country, parliament granted senior ministers authority to shut down foreign news networks.

Netanyahu confirmed the decision on social media, declaring that the Qatari satellite television station will no longer be aired in Israel and vowing immediate action under the new law.

“Al Jazeera will no longer be broadcast from Israel,” Netanyahu wrote in a post on X after the law was approved in its final readings on Monday. “I intend to act immediately in accordance with the new law to stop the channel’s activity.”

Ostensibly because they keep showing people things like this:

Qatar is a can of worms all its own but is nevertheless inexorably linked to all of this.
Oh, and, there's that whole little problem with Iran now too.

US on high alert for Iran threat in region after Israeli strike in Syria

WASHINGTON, April 5 (Reuters) - The United States is on high alert and preparing for a possible attack by Iran targeting Israeli or American assets in the region in response to Israel's strike on the Iranian embassy in Syria, a U.S. official said on Friday.

"We're definitely at a high state of vigilance," the official said in confirming a CNN report that said an attack could come in the next week.

Suspected Israeli warplanes bombed Iran's embassy in Damascus on Monday in a strike that killed an Iranian military commander and marked a major escalation in Israel's war with its regional adversaries.

Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps has said that seven Iranian military advisers died in the strike, including Mohammad Reza Zahedi, a senior commander in its Quds Force, which is an elite foreign espionage and paramilitary arm.

Iran has said it reserves the right "to take a decisive response."

U.S. President Joe Biden discussed the threat from Iran in a phone call on Thursday with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

"Our teams have been in regular and continuous contact since then. The United States fully supports the defense of Israel against threats from Iran," a senior Biden administration official said.



Senior Member
GW Elder
Starting to seem like Israel doesn't care about surviving, as long as it takes as many inferiors with it as it can. Kinda Nazish
"In strike on police car"

Fucking imagine your average American's response to reading that on home soil. But they're Palestinian/not white, so crickets.

Israel won't stop until someone makes them or they run out of people to kill. And in the latter I, for one, am not expecting it to just cease after they forcibly take the territory.
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Dumbass Progenitor
GW Elder

Can’t help but notice the domain name… despite the horrible shit going on, would you put it past them to imply more US support more than they are actually getting on those plans? I see media here manipulate the words of politicians all the time, and it would make sense for a media outlet to make that kind of implication when some of the viewers are growing critical of the decisions being made.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying that the US wouldn’t sign off on it, but I also wouldn’t be surprised to see the media exaggerating the degree of support others are giving the “home team” to drum up local support. It’s a shame I gotta ask these questions… but I don’t know what to believe when it comes to reporting.


Senior Member
GW Elder
If it was just for the home team I expect it'd be a Hebrew article, and honestly the amount of fascist shit being served up to the average Israeli is quite sickening, to the point that any question of not receiving support is seen as a separate holocaust. The wording for this is relatively frank, not very self-congratulatory or "it's about damn time," so it seems relatively legit, and it's being copied from a Qatari news outlet. Egypt, the source of this, is a tricky case, because their population is absolutely clamoring for an intervention and their intelligence industry seems to be much more on the side of Palestine than the leaders are, both political and military. I'm guessing they have the magical ability of seeing the coming massacre and ingress into Egypt and do not feel that hundreds of thousands of refugees would help them. Egypt is a shambles though, and entirely subservient to western financial aid, so they'll do what their masters want. At the same time it's quite clear Biden does not give a shit about any of this except how it affects his numbers. It's entirely within the realm of possibility that he was hoping for a way to enable Israel in Rafah's siege, and "compromising" over Iran is perfect because it staves off a direct conflict with them that Israel is doing their damnedest to suck the US into and makes him into a strategic genius. All it cost is massive death!

Your question is totally valid though, the internet especially has laid bare the need for media literacy because basically no major news outlet can be trusted to tell a neutral story. To a degree this has always been the case of course, but it seems like the last 20-30 years the business interests (and national interests linked to that) have taken the wheel much more forcefully, while the reality as shown by nobodies with a camera phone has been able to easily turn that on its head. Hence you see US attempts to control the narrative on FB, Twitter, TikTok, etc.
On the one hand, uh, pinch of salt.

On the other - they don't really deserve the benefit of the doubt.

But also,

But also,

Israel-Gaza live updates: Israelis fired 3 missiles in limited strike
Israel launched a retaliatory strike against Iran early Friday morning.

‘It was a clear message’: Senior US official confirms Israel’s strike against Iran
Sources said an Israeli fighter jet reportedly fired three missiles from outside Iranian territory. The United States said it was not involved in the strike.

(The above blurb naturally doesn't mention any of the events prior to Iran's show of force against the Iron Dome)

But thankfully,

But also,

Parents, please don't let your children play with ballistic missiles. :facepalm


Dumbass Progenitor
GW Elder
On the one hand, uh, pinch of salt.

If this is true… I’d be interested to see if anyone managed to catch it on video. Not that it’s necessary, but I think it could open some people’s eyes if it’s true.

On the other - they don't really deserve the benefit of the doubt.

Kinda hard to give it anymore.

But also,

Israel-Gaza live updates: Israelis fired 3 missiles in limited strike
Israel launched a retaliatory strike against Iran early Friday morning.

‘It was a clear message’: Senior US official confirms Israel’s strike against Iran
Sources said an Israeli fighter jet reportedly fired three missiles from outside Iranian territory. The United States said it was not involved in the strike.

(The above blurb naturally doesn't mention any of the events prior to Iran's show of force against the Iron Dome)

But thankfully,

But also,

Parents, please don't let your children play with ballistic missiles. :facepalm

Where the fuck is Tipper Gore when you need her? NWA couldn’t say “fuck the police” because it encouraged young folks to commit violent acts towards cops, but we have an Iranian foreign minister joking about Iranian kids playing with ballistic missiles and we’re not questioning why these kinda conflicts just go on and on?
If this is true… I’d be interested to see if anyone managed to catch it on video. Not that it’s necessary, but I think it could open some people’s eyes if it’s true.
I just fear that even if there was, the people that would need to see it most would simply say it's doctored/faked. :shake

Still, that's literal comic book villain bullshit. What's next, doing a strike and then circling back to kill the first responders? It beggars belief.

Where the fuck is Tipper Gore when you need her? NWA couldn’t say “fuck the police” because it encouraged young folks to commit violent acts towards cops, but we have an Iranian foreign minister joking about Iranian kids playing with ballistic missiles and we’re not questioning why these kinda conflicts just go on and on?
Never thought we'd come to the day we had to ruefully ask that question, huh? Shit's crazy.


Senior Member
GW Elder
The last official statement I saw out of Iran was that the attack was done with drones so maybe he's talking about that: Israel sent mavics instead of shaheds. Israel claim they launched (possibly lacking warheads) Sparrow II A-A missiles in A-G mode from Iraqi airspace to prove they can reach a lot deeper than their ballistic missiles can? Or maybe he's talking about bottle rockets? It's all a bit vague

There have also been claims that Hamas used sounds of children to bait soldiers, honestly both sound outlandish but it can be easily achieved and probably works quite well for both sides...for different reasons clearly.

There have definitely been more reports of drones with guns and drones playing sounds, e.g. to scare Palestinians out of their house with words and bullets.
We're up to triple taps now I think?
Shocked? Nope.

Disappointed? Hell yes.

Must've missed all that between the other mile long list of atrocities. Not that I make a habit of actively watching; I just make note of whatever pops up in headlines on my phone or in a couple of threads around the internet every now and again. :(
Over 11k Palestinian children have been killed according to Al Jazeera.
Hamas is lesson #IveLostCount in that age old adage of #FuckAroundAndFindOut,
Next thing Israel should do is start moving settlers into the region and effectively dare the rest of the world to do something about it (TL/DR: the world won't do a damn thing about it.).

Yom Kippur Flag GIF

*looks around* Put that in your pipe @Leandros? and smoke it.


Senior Member
GW Elder
Shocked? Nope.

Disappointed? Hell yes.

Must've missed all that between the other mile long list of atrocities. Not that I make a habit of actively watching; I just make note of whatever pops up in headlines on my phone or in a couple of threads around the internet every now and again. :(
I mean the westerner that got murked were hit thrice after helping others but it's happened more often yeah
Hamas is lesson #IveLostCount in that age old adage of #FuckAroundAndFindOut,
Next thing Israel should do is start moving settlers into the region and effectively dare the rest of the world to do something about it (TL/DR: the world won't do a damn thing about it.).

Yom Kippur Flag GIF

*looks around* Put that in your pipe @Leandros? and smoke it.
Angry Season 2 GIF by The Office


Dumbass Progenitor
GW Elder
I just fear that even if there was, the people that would need to see it most would simply say it's doctored/faked. :shake
The worst part is that we allowed this to happen. Clickbait works because people click. If people weren’t so fascinated with death and destruction, the machine would no longer work. Instead of witnessing what we witness everyday and being appalled, we’re just sitting around waiting for the next escalation, because that’s what we’ve been trained to do. Then, when it happens, we sit around foaming at the mouth on our phones watching it unfold or streaming it for the world to see for our own clicks. It’s hard to think back to a time where we were informed of something for the sake of being informed, and not to be manipulated in some fashion.
Still, that's literal comic book villain bullshit. What's next, doing a strike and then circling back to kill the first responders? It beggars belief.
Right? What kinda twisted military strategists are we working with here? The only difference I’m seeing anymore is that they’re not sending the victims by rail to their death… they’re making them walk til they can’t as they’re picked off, and then baiting them like the fish in the barrel that they are in those camps.

The fucking irony here is so irony-y.
That was needlessly antagonistic. If you have problems with specific posts please report them. To try and keep things as civil as they can be I've given Webster a week to cool off from this thread.

I think you can still report posts through a reply ban if you find any offensive.

Let's just move on from there.


Senior Member
GW Elder
There is no strategy to speak of. The IDF have failed in all their objectives and they've been indiscriminately lashing out because there are no repercussions for anyone in the command chain if they even choose to decide on restraint. It's planned by being unplanned and allowing massacre upon massacre to just happen.
The worst part is that we allowed this to happen. Clickbait works because people click. If people weren’t so fascinated with death and destruction, the machine would no longer work.
Pretty much, sadly. The move to the 24-hour news cycle was, obviously, a colossal mistake - and then exacerbated further by the advent of the internet and social media. The fact that "we're" allowing it to happen again to another level with unregulated/unmonitored implementation and advancement with all these AI fields is definitely the final nail in the coffin; truth is just whatever someone wants it to be.

There is no strategy to speak of. The IDF have failed in all their objectives and they've been indiscriminately lashing out because there are no repercussions for anyone in the command chain if they even choose to decide on restraint. It's planned by being unplanned and allowing massacre upon massacre to just happen.
That certainly seems to be the case, yeah. I understand it's potentially FUD, but conflicting reports just paint a picture of a bunch of bloodthirsty murderers running around killing anything that moves - Palestinians, hostages, journalists and medics, humanitarian aides. Whatever.

I think if we look at Israel's current standing, it's... kind of hard to say that Hamas hasn't kind of already accomplished their mission? The US and zealots aside, so many people the world over have a completely different opinion and stance on Israel now. It's not just people super deep in the know familiar with IDF snipers and shit anymore.


Senior Member
GW Elder
Eh Israel seems to be relatively fine in terms of isolation. By the time popular anger translates to political action the conflict could be done and people have short memories.
WRT the brainworms recently posted in a separate thread:

Israel is a trash ass country riling up trash ass people in a different trash ass country and will invariably get people killed. Besides the ones they're actively committing genocide against, I mean.

And I will never let pro-genocide scum forget that this exists. Israel has specifically targeted Columbia University for 6 fucking months, AND they're both incredibly homophobic (lolWebster), transphobic and ableist for good measure:



Senior Member
GW Elder
Yeah the reaction to uni protests was to be expected and is sure to cause some random deaths like e.g. the landlord guy killing a Muslim kid for no reason in October. Planting people is also not new, it happened in NYC and Sydney right when it kicked off too. They used Indian guys back then iirc, the Hindutva guys are so weird.

It seems like the usual strategy of letting protests get taken over by liberals and detoothing them until nothing substantive happens (BLM springs to mind) isn't really working this time because there's not much room for latching on to moderate the debate. Plus the only indictment of the US is its foreign policy, not something difficult for normal Americans to come to terms with in their everyday life. It's quite something because a lot of these students are probably blackballed from working in the American project because of this, government or NGO. Student protests usually accomplish very little but admins + law enforcement invariably manage to turn it into a shitshow. Plus it means the media has something else to focus on than the hundreds of mass graves being uncovered in Gaza :^
I really wonder what would guys think Israel reponse should be/should have been?
Honestly, the question isn't even correct. Palestine should not be in this position in the first place. Gaza was already the largest open air prison in the world.

What Israel should have done was not oppress Palestine, give them their land back, and work towards peace.


Senior Member
GW Elder
Tbf you claimed that Jordan attacked Palestinians first, and he proved that that wasn't true.
No, he didn't. Jordan annexed the west bank, I call that an attack on Palestinians. Just because the month September of "black September" started with an attack on Jordan doesn't mean that's when the conflict began. If we wanna make an arbitrary dividing line of events being part of it or not part of it, the article he cited himself states that hostilities grouped in "black September" are commonly accepted to have started at the plane hijackings (which were western planes) with the Jordanian army attacking the PLO after societal support was expected to be low enough that attacking them would not cause a stir. It states that Hussein knew that Palestinians would be one of the main kingdom's security issues going forward, so clearly he was looking for a way to subdue them for much longer.

Anyway re: student protests, I've seen zionists do Hitler salutes, cops send super obvious plants and an Israeli boxer trying to pick a fight, and annoying influencers try to "ask questions" and the discipline of the protesters has been amazing to watch. They're not budging at all. Feels like the generation that saw the George Floyd protests unfold have learned a thing or two.
There's a new thread for this now folks.
The new thread exists in its own vacuum. What I said explains how discussion of religion IS relevant to Palestinian/Israel coexistence. I think there's a distinction, but maybe in alone on that. Anyway, anything further I'll post in the new thread.
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are commonly accepted to have started at the plane hijackings (which were western planes) with the Jordanian army attacking the PLO after societal support was expected to be low enough that attacking them would not cause a stir. It states that Hussein knew that Palestinians would be one of the main kingdom's security issues going forward, so clearly he was looking for a way to subdue them for much longer.
I would think that seizing plans in a country would be an attack on that country, regardless of where the planes came from, yes. So you're agreeing with him about "who started it"?


ES COO Shitposting Dept. of GWF
10K Post Club
GW Elder
The new thread exists in its own vacuum. What I said explains how discussion of religion IS relevant to Palestinian/Israel coexistence. I think there's a distinction, but maybe in alone on that. Anyway, anything further I'll post in the new thread.
I was simply pointing out that two people have now quoted things that are no longer in this thread.
I was more targeted. Anyway.

The post I was going to quote from is gone, but @aiat_gamer you actually keep addressing the wrong thing with me and claiming victory over it.

You even changed what your initial statement was on the topic to make it more like you were never wrong.

Your initial statement: Palestine had multiple opportunities to be a country but it was never good enough for them.

What you've been saying since then: non-Palestinian Arabs decided to not give Palestinians Arabs their own county out of the goodness of their hearts.

This is not, and will never be, "Palestinians saying it's not good enough for them." If you would like to continue down this line of talk, do not move the goalposts anymore and provide some actual evidence. I'm not arguing about if Palestine ever existed as a county on a map and never have been. There's a group of people who are ethnically Palestinian who do not have a country and are being oppressed.

Do not continue to say there are no Palestinians because there isn't a country called Palestine. Do not tell people, or sarcastically suggest, that they are not as smart as you when you are continuously ignoring what everyone is saying and changing what your original point was.

You may continue to post in this thread, but you have to abide by that. Yes, I am calling you out specifically. It's not because you view the conflict differently, it's because your inciting arguments and offering no defense other than moving the goalposts and telling people they just don't understand.

Everyone else (also aiat): tone down the insults and horrendous snarky behavior or you're all getting temp thread banned. He got called out directly, but all of what I posted applies to everyone.
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