Breaking Satellite Images Show 30% of Gaza Destroyed


Senior Member
GW Elder
My interpretation of your comments, before and this one, are that you are stating most Iranians are only pro-Israel over THIS issue with regards to the Palestinians from Gaza, and not pro-Israel for ALL issues with a goal of having them control the Middle East like @Leandros? seemingly implied you were stating. Is that right, or did I misunderstand parts of your posts?
What exactly is there to imply here?
I know it is extreme, but as far as Iranians are concerned Israel should pretty much take control of the entire region. This is what living under an awful regime for so long does to you.
I'm not going to question how Iranian anyone is or say that I know better about it. I'll just say that I believe aiat when he says at least the people he knows fall into that bucket. Is it the opinion of the rest of Iranians? Could be. Also could be he happens to know more of a specific mindset of people. We see that in the US as well, so either is possible.

However, I would like him to answer my previous question about why they should no longer be considered Palestinians after the Hamas election, as well as digging into this a bit more:

They did try to give "power to the people" in 2006, and they turned around and voted to be governed under Hamas
Who is the first "they" in this statement, and what do you mean by "they tried to give power to the people" in it?

Of note for why I'm asking: fewer than 50% of the people voted for Hamas, they just had a plurality of the vote total in 2006 (44%-41%). Additionally, there are now far more people alive in Gaza now than those who voted for Hamas, and there has not been a subsequent election. The viewpoint that Hamas needs to be destroyed at any costs means that a whole bunch of people who never voted for them have been vilified as "no longer Palestinian" and that getting rid of them is a "necessary evil" to get rid of Hamas...especially since the government of Israel was secretly asking for funding for Hamas for over a decade to keep them in power. From that same article:

As far back as December 2012, Mr. Netanyahu told the prominent Israeli journalist Dan Margalit that it was important to keep Hamas strong, as a counterweight to the Palestinian Authority in the West Bank. Mr. Margalit, in an interview, said that Mr. Netanyahu told him that having two strong rivals, including Hamas, would lessen pressure on him to negotiate toward a Palestinian state.

I get the viewpoint of having a regime in power and wanting that regime to be gone. But Israel was taking advantage of the situation for their own means, and now is using that as a casus belli to take over the full region, and it sounds like at least some of what they were doing has worked to convince people in another Middle Eastern country that they're in the right.


Active Member
GW Elder
I'm not going to question how Iranian anyone is or say that I know better about it. I'll just say that I believe aiat when he says at least the people he knows fall into that bucket. Is it the opinion of the rest of Iranians? Could be. Also could be he happens to know more of a specific mindset of people. We see that in the US as well, so either is possible.

However, I would like him to answer my previous question about why they should no longer be considered Palestinians after the Hamas election, as well as digging into this a bit more:

Who is the first "they" in this statement, and what do you mean by "they tried to give power to the people" in it?

Of note for why I'm asking: fewer than 50% of the people voted for Hamas, they just had a plurality of the vote total in 2006 (44%-41%). Additionally, there are now far more people alive in Gaza now than those who voted for Hamas, and there has not been a subsequent election. The viewpoint that Hamas needs to be destroyed at any costs means that a whole bunch of people who never voted for them have been vilified as "no longer Palestinian" and that getting rid of them is a "necessary evil" to get rid of Hamas...especially since the government of Israel was secretly asking for funding for Hamas for over a decade to keep them in power. From that same article:

I get the viewpoint of having a regime in power and wanting that regime to be gone. But Israel was taking advantage of the situation for their own means, and now is using that as a casus belli to take over the full region, and it sounds like at least some of what they were doing has worked to convince people in another Middle Eastern country that they're in the right.
I am not defending Israel or anything. As you probably know, politics and behind the scenes in these matters are more likely than not extremely corrupted and down right dirty.
However, the reason for me saying what you asked is simply that people of Gaza do not fall under the actual rule of the actual Palestine on the west bank. They chose to be a separate entity under Hamas.

As for less than 50% thing, this is how voting works. Most of the times the ruling party gets less than 50 or even 40% (at least in places like Finland). From what I have seen, barely anyone from Gaza condemns Hamas. If they were really against Hamas rule, they would have done something already. Hamas, with full knowledge from Gaza`s citizens built their strength and those tunnel networks under the city.

If the majority of them are against Hamas, now it would be their best chance to renounce Hamas, help to get rid of them and maybe join the actual Palestine under the same government. Mark my words, as soon as Israel agrees to ceasefire, you will see them dancing in the street, just like when they did when Hamas first initiated their terrorist attack.

Again I have to mention this, but this extreme view coming from at least part of Iran I am familiar with is directly because of the influence of living under the regime. I totally understand how it seems to you guys, but it is what it is. Way too much awful experience with these religious nutjobs.
However, the reason for me saying what you asked is simply that people of Gaza do not fall under the actual rule of the actual Palestine on the west bank. They chose to be a separate entity under Hamas.
This doesn't answer my question though. Voting in a different government doesn't make them no longer Palestinians, it makes them have a different government.

Gaza and the West Bank both consider the other to still be Palestine.


Senior Member
GW Elder
I am not defending Israel or anything. As you probably know, politics and behind the scenes in these matters are more likely than not extremely corrupted and down right dirty.
However, the reason for me saying what you asked is simply that people of Gaza do not fall under the actual rule of the actual Palestine on the west bank. They chose to be a separate entity under Hamas.

As for less than 50% thing, this is how voting works. Most of the times the ruling party gets less than 50 or even 40% (at least in places like Finland). From what I have seen, barely anyone from Gaza condemns Hamas. If they were really against Hamas rule, they would have done something already. Hamas, with full knowledge from Gaza`s citizens built their strength and those tunnel networks under the city.

If the majority of them are against Hamas, now it would be their best chance to renounce Hamas, help to get rid of them and maybe join the actual Palestine under the same government. Mark my words, as soon as Israel agrees to ceasefire, you will see them dancing in the street, just like when they did when Hamas first initiated their terrorist attack.

Again I have to mention this, but this extreme view coming from at least part of Iran I am familiar with is directly because of the influence of living under the regime. I totally understand how it seems to you guys, but it is what it is. Way too much awful experience with these religious nutjobs.
Hamas enjoys support because they are ingrained in Palestinian society as more than the military wing. Its existence is due to a divide-and-conquer strategy by Israel, who did not like that the secular PLO had given the Palestinian cause a less scary and human face. The Palestinian Authority on the other hand is quite corrupt and will basically do nothing while their people are being crushed. The PA government actually resigned just now because they were so incompetent, opening the door for a unity government with Hamas while exiting.

If it isn't clear to you by now that the destruction of Hamas is merely a pretext for Israel to cleanse itself of pesky Palestinians, and that the dissolution of Hamas would not improve circumstances for Palestinians, I don't see any point in continuing this discussion.


Active Member
GW Elder
This doesn't answer my question though. Voting in a different government doesn't make them no longer Palestinians, it makes them have a different government.

Gaza and the West Bank both consider the other to still be Palestine.
I guess. I think you are using Palestine like ethnicity. It is all so messy, since in a way there was never a Palestine country to begin with.


Senior Member
GW Elder

Long but extremely good video on why Israel as envisaged and run fucking sucks big donkey dick and balls concurrently.
Shaun can be a touch dry and verbose at times, but he does good work.

Will definitely watch at some point over the weekend, per usual.

There's been a number of news reports too, of course, but it's ultimately just more of the same and would've drowned out the Iran talk. Which... if the Iranian people are more anti-Hamas than pro-Israel, fine I guess? But it doesn't really matter. "By any means necessary" is universally bad thought though, and there's no way any of this bodes well for the Middle East at large should the ethnic cleansing/genocide continue unabated. Especially if the US keeps funding and endorsing it.

More than 30,000 Palestinians have been killed and over 70,000 wounded in the Gaza Strip since the Israel’s war on Hamas began nearly five months ago, health officials in the territory said.

On Thursday, Palestinian witnesses say Israeli troops opened fire on a crowd of people scrambling for aid in Gaza City. More than 100 people were killed and at least 700 wounded, according to Palestinian witnesses and Gaza’s Health Ministry.

Israel said many of the dead were trampled in a chaotic stampede for the food aid and that its troops only fired when they felt endangered by the crowd.

Israel’s war against Hamas has created a humanitarian catastrophe throughout the Gaza Strip and devastation in northern areas like Gaza City, which are largely cut off from the rest of the territory with little aid entering.

I don't feel like parroting idiots so I took the liberty of striking through the bullshit. You get the idea.


Senior Member
GW Elder
The UN basically whitewashed the same nonsense in their own report on supposed systemic rapes on October 7. They weren't even allowed their own investigation and just regurgitated Israel's "proof":

This Pramila Patten has in the past admitted to not having a mandate to investigate, simply shouting unsubstantiated nonsense into the world. A similar story, about how Russians were supposedly given viagra and instructed to rape Ukrainian women, was delivered by her and covered with much news fanfare, only to be silently walked back.


Senior Member
GW Elder
Not sure if anyone else has raised an eyebrow on the death toll hadly surpassing 30k or so, but this is due to the utter collapse of the Gaza healthcare, not a lack of death.
Ralph Nader estimates some 200k are already dead.
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Senior Member
GW Elder
Also straight up executions are happening:
A survivor who asked to be identified only as "M.K." confirmed that Israeli soldiers repeatedly took prisoners into the hospital's morgue area, that gunshots were then heard, and that the soldiers left without the prisoners. "The soldiers detained me and handcuffed me in the hospital courtyard; I was left undressed for more than nine hours," M.K. stated.

"About four times during that period, I saw soldiers lead groups of detainees—[always] at least three people and [never] more than 10—into the hospital buildings, particularly the morgue building where bodies had previously been kept," added M.K. "Gunshots were heard, with the soldiers then leaving the area to bring another group there.



Dumbass Progenitor
GW Elder
Also straight up executions are happening:

I wonder if that particular morgue would happen to have a crematorium… If so, that would make collecting anything physical of evidentiary value for any future war crime trials pretty difficult.


Senior Member
GW Elder
Probably that the US will increasingly twist itself into admitting it doesn't give a shit about international rules to cover for the genocide Israel has no intention of stopping :)
e: Like they did with the UN resolution:


Senior Member
GW Elder
There is no way in hell somebody is a progressive if they vote for him.
There are certainly arguments to be made as to why he is preferable. He hasn't supercharged any conflicts for US interests nor started new ones, made some kind of attempt at normalising relations with North Korea, he's still fucking over Boeing on the new Air Force One deal he made them sign, he actually had a bill on reducing local police budgets in the face of George Floyd protests, enabled the conditions for the implosion of the occupation of Afghanistan, his administration was basically paralysed from incompetence and unable to enact many of the ghoulish conservative policies the people that got his ear wanted to make. Most of it not intentional mind, but the effect is the same.

But then again Obama and Biden both clearly are also in the pocket of big money and will only do the most watered down progressive policies for votes.

Fire Queen

official GWF wolfmistress (sometimes) | she/they
GW Elder
There are certainly arguments to be made as to why he is preferable.
There are zero.

Somehow even fewer for people that claim to be progressive.

I cannot fathom that there is a single, solitary person that gives a fuck about this genocide that doesn't also care about at least one of reproductive rights and women's bodily autonomy, LGBT+ rights/issues or interracial marriage. Just off the top of my head of dumb shit dumb motherfuckers have been going on about.

Anyway, continued "Fuck Israel and everybody that supports this bullshit" and all that jazz.


Senior Member
GW Elder
I mean yeah if your only reasons for voting are internal he's gonna exacerbate existing divisions in the country. Like I said though, he's the harm reduction candidate because he's incompetent and does not have decades of actual hegemonic thinking imprinted on him. He is pure id, and acts accordingly, even if it doesn't align with what's good for the US in the long run.

Fire Queen

official GWF wolfmistress (sometimes) | she/they
GW Elder
i get what you’re saying but this time around the conservative thinktanks have a 900-page plan for day one changes they’re going to push through the nanosecond trump takes office again. they even have a website for it

so like. yes you are correct in that trump is stupid and incompetent and that those aspects reduced the damage he was capable of doing in his first term. but it’s clear that the shadowy figures behind him are basically going to go full 2nd-term Reagan and puppet him way more effectively than they were able to in his first term
The only response I can genuinely give for Trump not being the literal antithesis to "harm reduction" is:


Even if FQ's linked insanity isn't followed by Trump, we're still not dealing with Round 1 Trump where he's mostly just in it for clout and garnering favor. He was spurned, hard and repeatedly, and has been continuously embarrassed for the last 3 years and change.

Round 2 Trump, as the idiot himself has made clear, is Vengeful Baby Trump. He can, and will, burn down literally anything he can get his hands on out of pure vindictive spite. He will, 100%, take every single opportunity that presents itself to target the state of New York. He will gleefully genocide people internally and externally. He will continue to suck up to other wannabe dictators, Putin in particular; Ukraine is fucked. He's made many anti-NATO comments, lord only knows what will happen if push comes to shove on that front.

The US withdrew from the Iran nuclear deal under Trump. We withdrew from the Paris Climate Accord under/because of Trump. This is me flailing my arms in a ridiculous manner over the entirety of how the US handled the COVID-19 pandemic under Trump. Harm reduction, even through "incompetence," is literal fucking insanity. A child's fantasy. It's fucking hysterical.

These allegedly progressive people allegedly buying into this shit should just be more honest with themselves if you ask me. Which, hey, if Trump is re-elected - I probably won't have to deal with the fallout nearly as long as the rest of the world does. :rolleyes:
The only response I can genuinely give for Trump not being the literal antithesis to "harm reduction" is:


Even if FQ's linked insanity isn't followed by Trump, we're still not dealing with Round 1 Trump where he's mostly just in it for clout and garnering favor. He was spurned, hard and repeatedly, and has been continuously embarrassed for the last 3 years and change.

Round 2 Trump, as the idiot himself has made clear, is Vengeful Baby Trump. He can, and will, burn down literally anything he can get his hands on out of pure vindictive spite. He will, 100%, take every single opportunity that presents itself to target the state of New York. He will gleefully genocide people internally and externally. He will continue to suck up to other wannabe dictators, Putin in particular; Ukraine is fucked. He's made many anti-NATO comments, lord only knows what will happen if push comes to shove on that front.

The US withdrew from the Iran nuclear deal under Trump. We withdrew from the Paris Climate Accord under/because of Trump. This is me flailing my arms in a ridiculous manner over the entirety of how the US handled the COVID-19 pandemic under Trump. Harm reduction, even through "incompetence," is literal fucking insanity. A child's fantasy. It's fucking hysterical.

These allegedly progressive people allegedly buying into this shit should just be more honest with themselves if you ask me. Which, hey, if Trump is re-elected - I probably won't have to deal with the fallout nearly as long as the rest of the world does. :rolleyes:
And the bold is exactly what we'd be dealing with under a second Trump presidency. His first presidency already did a lot of damage during those 4 years. I shudder to think the horrid shit that's going to happen with a vengeful Trump running wild. We're talking years, if not decades of damage, some of which could potentially be irreparable depending on the severity.
We're talking years, if not decades of damage, some of which could potentially be irreparable depending on the severity.
We as a species do not have time from a climate perspective, with the US led by Democrats. A US led by Trump and his MAGA cronies, working for another four years to actively undo the handful of things that have received bandaid fixes and wholly inadequate roadmaps/goals? In and of itself that's complete failure to achieve harm reduction.

Remember, this is who we're talking about:



Senior Member
GW Elder
The only response I can genuinely give for Trump not being the literal antithesis to "harm reduction" is:


Even if FQ's linked insanity isn't followed by Trump, we're still not dealing with Round 1 Trump where he's mostly just in it for clout and garnering favor. He was spurned, hard and repeatedly, and has been continuously embarrassed for the last 3 years and change.

Round 2 Trump, as the idiot himself has made clear, is Vengeful Baby Trump. He can, and will, burn down literally anything he can get his hands on out of pure vindictive spite. He will, 100%, take every single opportunity that presents itself to target the state of New York. He will gleefully genocide people internally and externally. He will continue to suck up to other wannabe dictators, Putin in particular; Ukraine is fucked. He's made many anti-NATO comments, lord only knows what will happen if push comes to shove on that front.

The US withdrew from the Iran nuclear deal under Trump. We withdrew from the Paris Climate Accord under/because of Trump. This is me flailing my arms in a ridiculous manner over the entirety of how the US handled the COVID-19 pandemic under Trump. Harm reduction, even through "incompetence," is literal fucking insanity. A child's fantasy. It's fucking hysterical.

These allegedly progressive people allegedly buying into this shit should just be more honest with themselves if you ask me. Which, hey, if Trump is re-elected - I probably won't have to deal with the fallout nearly as long as the rest of the world does. :rolleyes:
So what you're saying is Trump will accelerate the US empire's decline, oh no
So what you're saying is Trump will accelerate the US empire's decline, oh no
If you honestly think for a second that I give the slightest of fucks about the US, you're not having the right discussion.

There is a radical and profound difference between decline and collapse, though. Collapse creates power vacuums, destabilizes far more than just that country.

But no, please, by all means continue to pretend that this is about harm reduction.

The guys using economic power instead of bombs? Sounds good, let's see how they do
Really not being super convincing that you actually care about the plight of the Palestinian people when you're so eager to throw other groups under the bus because you have a hate boner for Biden.

"Economic power." :chuckle
The guys using economic power instead of bombs? Sounds good, let's see how they do
The guys who oppressed Tibet? The guys orchestrating genocide in Xinjiang? The guys threatening Taiwan? The guys who are crushing their citizens' freedoms with oppressive laws and regulations? The one clashing with India while trying to expand their border territory? The one spying on its citizens and controlling their lives and freedom of movement to an unprecedented degree? The ones infiltrating and interfering in foreign elections in places like Canada and Australia? Yeah, I dunno, man. I'm thinking if they were the sole undisputed superpower, things wouldn't be any better.

Fire Queen

official GWF wolfmistress (sometimes) | she/they
GW Elder
folks we’re arguing in circles again let’s just agree on some basics

- any president is a bad president
- trump presidency would demonstrably be worse domestically not on a civil war level but on a reproductive/lgbtqia+ rights being rolled back level
- we should also stop acting like our votes matter
- cynical i know but washington is powered by lobbyists not people
- (not to mention a lot of the people involved in this discussion aren’t even us citizens lol)
- the sinophobia is also a bad look it sounds like nancy pelosi
- nobody wants to be nancy pelosi


Senior Member
GW Elder
I had a big reply lined up but you're right. This is the Palestine thread.

Netanyahu is going under the knife for a hernia they found last night during a routine checkup on a Saturday. Let's pray he doesn't wake up.
Sinophobia is toothless. Communism killed a hundred million people and capitalism killed 0; why should they be afraid?
I came across a book called Endless Holocausts - Mass Death in the History of the United States Empire and it's not even written like one long story, it's just a giant compiled list of causes of death that can be traced back to the US government lol
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