Ok, Ok, Let's Talk Trans

Ugh. I can't love this kid, it's queer as fuck.

Not your problem, kid, we're all queer as fuck, the odd ones are the assholes who reject kids for being themselves.
They're trying to make it so that it's more likely LGBTQ+ kids end up in homes that aren't welcoming of their identities. Make sure they're raised in a way that forces them to denounce being LGBTQ+.


Formerly Apollo
GW Elder
They're trying to make it so that it's more likely LGBTQ+ kids end up in homes that aren't welcoming of their identities. Make sure they're raised in a way that forces them to denounce being LGBTQ+.
Let's all start a giant kids home and call it Cheshire Place. All are welcome

alice in wonderland cat GIF
Nex Benedict's death being ruled a suicide.

To elaborate a little, this is actually an incredibly fucked up story. The TL;DR is something to the effect of:

- Nex was bullied by a group of girls for over a year
- Nex either poured a water bottle onto or threw a water bottle at one of their bullies last month
- The bullies cornered them in the bathroom and brutally beat Nex, including repeatedly slamming their head into the wall
- The school did not call an ambulance for Nex, and it was students - not faculty - that broke up the fight
- Nex was confronted by police in the hospital (ostensibly the video linked in the article), wherein the officer both-sides the beating
- Nex was released from the hospital, and died the next day
- Police, day of, were running with the overdose claim and said there was "no trauma" involved before backpedaling that shit
- Internet says the "drugs" being claimed responsible are Prozac and Benadryl, but veracity TBD

Even if Nex succumbed to suicide, let's be clear: Nex was murdered. It doesn't matter what that title is within the scope of the law - manslaughter, whatever - 3 cis girls murdered an Indigenous non-binary person, after bullying them for over a year, because of some water.

Every single faculty member, police officer and student responsible for this bullshit needs to be held accountable.

Not a single one will be.

And this is the plight of the trans community. It doesn't fucking matter about hypothetical boogey-people steamrolling a kid in sports. It doesn't matter about trans people being in the "wrong" bathroom to piss and shit.

The only thing that matters is that the perpetuation of all this bullshit is factually getting people within our community murdered by people outside of it. And literally nothing is being done to stop it, including the bare minimum banning of the social media accounts for the right-wing hate group responsible for this and so, so much more.




Formerly Apollo
GW Elder
To elaborate a little, this is actually an incredibly fucked up story. The TL;DR is something to the effect of:

- Nex was bullied by a group of girls for over a year
- Nex either poured a water bottle onto or threw a water bottle at one of their bullies last month
- The bullies cornered them in the bathroom and brutally beat Nex, including repeatedly slamming their head into the wall
- The school did not call an ambulance for Nex, and it was students - not faculty - that broke up the fight
- Nex was confronted by police in the hospital (ostensibly the video linked in the article), wherein the officer both-sides the beating
- Nex was released from the hospital, and died the next day
- Police, day of, were running with the overdose claim and said there was "no trauma" involved before backpedaling that shit
- Internet says the "drugs" being claimed responsible are Prozac and Benadryl, but veracity TBD

Even if Nex succumbed to suicide, let's be clear: Nex was murdered. It doesn't matter what that title is within the scope of the law - manslaughter, whatever - 3 cis girls murdered an Indigenous non-binary person, after bullying them for over a year, because of some water.

Every single faculty member, police officer and student responsible for this bullshit needs to be held accountable.

Not a single one will be.
This. This fucking right here. It's ok to murder someone, to bully them for a fucking year, to smash their head against a wall, because they were different. They weren't a good Christian biggot like their leaders were. Fuck every teacher at that school, fuck every student that participated in the bullying or the assault, and fuck Oklahoma.
And this is the plight of the trans community. It doesn't fucking matter about hypothetical boogey-people steamrolling a kid in sports. It doesn't matter about trans people being in the "wrong" bathroom to piss and shit.

The only thing that matters is that the perpetuation of all this bullshit is factually getting people within our community murdered by people outside of it. And literally nothing is being done to stop it, including the bare minimum banning of the social media accounts for the right-wing hate group responsible for this and so, so much more.
They won't ban accounts on Twitter, that's why Elon bought it, to turn it into a right wing hate jerk-fest. Moral obligations be damned.

The applause. Fuck every person in that room.
To elaborate a little, this is actually an incredibly fucked up story. The TL;DR is something to the effect of:

- Nex was bullied by a group of girls for over a year
- Nex either poured a water bottle onto or threw a water bottle at one of their bullies last month
- The bullies cornered them in the bathroom and brutally beat Nex, including repeatedly slamming their head into the wall
- The school did not call an ambulance for Nex, and it was students - not faculty - that broke up the fight
- Nex was confronted by police in the hospital (ostensibly the video linked in the article), wherein the officer both-sides the beating
- Nex was released from the hospital, and died the next day
- Police, day of, were running with the overdose claim and said there was "no trauma" involved before backpedaling that shit
- Internet says the "drugs" being claimed responsible are Prozac and Benadryl, but veracity TBD

Even if Nex succumbed to suicide, let's be clear: Nex was murdered. It doesn't matter what that title is within the scope of the law - manslaughter, whatever - 3 cis girls murdered an Indigenous non-binary person, after bullying them for over a year, because of some water.

Every single faculty member, police officer and student responsible for this bullshit needs to be held accountable.

Not a single one will be.
Regardless of whether it was a suicide or not, the fact of the matter is they were subjected to violence which ultimately lead to their death. All this goes unaccounted for and it is the LGBTQ+ community that pays the ultimate price.

But they're not gonna hold the staff, police, and students responsible for this. They've made it abundantly clear that violence against the community isn't only allowed, but encouraged. What they're doing is by definition, genocide. Anything to wipe trans people off the face of the Earth. If it wasn't clear before, it sure as hell is now.

Need I say? v

I'll say this right now, and I'm gonna warn you all because this is me being unhinged. This is me seething with anger. There's an old saying and it goes like this: the only good Nazi is a dead one.

They want to advocate genocide? That can go both ways. Eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth, life for a life.
They won't ban accounts on Twitter, that's why Elon bought it, to turn it into a right wing hate jerk-fest. Moral obligations be damned.
Yup. It goes beyond just Twitter, but even then - advertisers should be completely out. The government itself should be stepping in because it's spreading insane amounts of misinformation, it's endless rallying calls for crime and violence that are expressly illegal.

But, nope, let's target TikTok 'cause muh Gynas or whatever.

And these fucking companies and government agencies and stooges can't even be bothered to close or stop using their accounts, anyway. :bah

The applause. Fuck every person in that room.
Yup. It goes beyond just Twitter, but even then - advertisers should be completely out. The government itself should be stepping in because it's spreading insane amounts of misinformation, it's endless rallying calls for crime and violence that are expressly illegal.

But, nope, let's target TikTok 'cause muh Gynas or whatever.

And these fucking companies and government agencies and stooges can't even be bothered to close or stop using their accounts, anyway. :bah
Something needs to be done, and not soon. Right....fucking....now. This has gone on long enough, and the longer it goes on, the worse it's gonna get. Eventually, we're gonna end up with another mass genocide if we're not careful, which is already happening now as we speak.


Formerly Apollo
GW Elder
Alberta, in classic Alberta fashion, is planning to restrict trans healthcare for trans kids, as well as further restrictions being placed upon the trans community.

TLDR version of what's being rolled out this upcoming fall by Alberta's Conservative government.

  • Top and bottom surgeries will be banned for minors aged 17 and under. Doctors say bottom surgeries aren't performed on youth and top surgeries are rare.
  • Puberty blockers and hormone therapies for gender affirmation will not be permitted for children aged 15 and under.
  • Youths aged 16 and 17 will be permitted to start hormone therapies for gender affirmation "as long as they are deemed mature enough" and have parental, physician and psychologist approval.
  • Parental notification and consent will be required for a school to alter the name or pronouns of any child under age 15. Students who are 16 or 17 won't need permission but schools will need to let their parents know first.
  • Parents will have to "opt-in" their children every time a teacher plans to teach about gender identity, sexual orientation or sexuality. Alberta law currently requires parental notification and gives them the option to opt students out.
  • All third-party teaching materials on gender identity, sexual orientation or sexuality will need to be approved in advance by the education ministry.
  • Transgender women will be banned from competing in women's sports leagues. Smith said the government will work with leagues to set up coed or gender-neutral divisions for sports.
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You know, it's fucking sad that people would get so upset over this so as to issue bomb threats and threaten to shoot up schools. Once again, another prime example of what inciting hate & spreading all kinds of misinformation does.


Formerly Apollo
GW Elder
You know, it's fucking sad that people would get so upset over this so as to issue bomb threats and threaten to shoot up schools. Once again, another prime example of what inciting hate & spreading all kinds of misinformation does.
I mean, they threatened to bomb the kids hospital in Boston...people are not stable.


Formerly Apollo
GW Elder
The sad part is that one day, these threats may become reality, and it's not just LGBTQ+ people that are going to be caught in the crosshairs, but other innocent people too.
Oh of course, just think how many horribly sick children were in that hospital on that day, and they had to have their care interrupted, their lives thrown into chaos all over some ignorance.
Oh of course, just think how many horribly sick children were in that hospital on that day, and they had to have their care interrupted, their lives thrown into chaos all over some ignorance.
Yeah, and the most chilling part that comes to mind is that if someone did carry out with the threat, then you have so many children being caught up in a terrorist attack. Just sick stuff.


ES COO Shitposting Dept. of GWF
10K Post Club
GW Elder

Fire Queen

official GWF wolfmistress (sometimes) | she/they
GW Elder
leave it to me to look for “silver” linings in everything, but…

a lot of these news stories, as awful as they are, have one thing in common: the evil specter of libsoftiktok. what’s happening isn’t that a lot of these small communities are suddenly turning on their own queer people, it’s that there’s one utterly deranged person with a platform and a few tens of thousands of keyboard jockeys with so little going on in their loveless lives that they spend their days targeting harmless individuals, giving their employers no recourse but to part ways with them, and making peoples lives a living hell

it’s not exactly “good” news but i just try to remind myself that these people are a very vocal and very small minority that is spread like expired peanut butter across the united states and populating places like 4chan and lolcow, not the grocery store or the park


Formerly Apollo
GW Elder
leave it to me to look for “silver” linings in everything, but…

a lot of these news stories, as awful as they are, have one thing in common: the evil specter of libsoftiktok. what’s happening isn’t that a lot of these small communities are suddenly turning on their own queer people, it’s that there’s one utterly deranged person with a platform and a few tens of thousands of keyboard jockeys with so little going on in their loveless lives that they spend their days targeting harmless individuals, giving their employers no recourse but to part ways with them, and making peoples lives a living hell

it’s not exactly “good” news but i just try to remind myself that these people are a very vocal and very small minority that is spread like expired peanut butter across the united states and populating places like 4chan and lolcow, not the grocery store or the park
Fuck Chaya Raichik. Abusive monster.


Orangekat, not Aphrodite
GWF Sponsor
GW Elder
Then when you got some towns allowing pride/trans flags to be flown for the first time only for them to get defaced or for other towns who used to allow it to suddenly ban it because of new leadership.
I'm sorry, what? Towns in Canada are banning the display of pride flags? That's a thing they can do?
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The town reversed course this year because of the insane backlash - but yeah municipal government is allowed to do shit like that if they choose.

We have the same thing with books being banned in schools and public libraries and also pride events in June being scrapped because they're deemed a threat to public safety.
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Alabama lawmakers expanding their Don't Say Gay law to ban education of sexual orientation & gender in the classrooms for all grades. Also being banned are flags that represent the LGBTQ+community. They went on a spiel claiming it was a necessary proponent to stop students from being indoctrinated.

And if that's not enough, there was yet another death reported within the trans community. A black trans woman in Houston Texas was gunned down on late Saturday morning. A video caught the incident, and the police are searching for the man who killed her.

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I'm sorry, what? Towns in Canada are banning the display of pride flags? That's a thing they can do?
Not just in Canada.

A rider in the spending bill limits displays in foreign embassies now. Which we're supposed to take as a "win" given all the other shit Republicans wanted in there as trojan horses, but honestly... still no. Fuck literally all Republican members of congress, but fuck Joe Biden and his administration too.

Politics are not, and never were, a game. There is no compromise on the rights of human beings, other preachy words, so on, yadda yadda, preaching to the choir here. :giggle
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Not just in Canada.

A rider in the spending bill limits displays in foreign embassies now. Which we're supposed to take as a "win" given all the other shit Republicans wanted in there as trojan horses, but honestly... still no. Fuck literally all Republican members of congress, but fuck Joe Biden and his administration too.

Politics are not, and never were, a game. There is no compromise on the rights of human beings, other preachy words, so on, yadda yadda, preaching to the choir here. :giggle
I know a lot of schools that have barred anything that shows support for the LGBTQ+ community too because people kicked up so much of a stink that they caved in to the pressure.
I know a lot of schools that have barred anything that shows support for the LGBTQ+ community too because people kicked up so much of a stink that they caved in to the pressure.
Mmhm. There's no end to the caving either, but they're too chickenshit to realize it.

Appeasement went real well with Hitler, as we all know.
Mmhm. There's no end to the caving either, but they're too chickenshit to realize it.

Appeasement went real well with Hitler, as we all know.
Yup, and look what that policy eventually led to.

Should also note we've also had entities & businesses officially withdraw their support from the community in the face of backlash, showing us that they never truly supported LGBTQ+ people to begin with.
Should also note we've also had entities & businesses officially withdraw their support from the community in the face of backlash, showing us that they never truly supported LGBTQ+ people to begin with.
Of course, corporations/Captial have no moral compass. Whatever they think will make the most money will be what they do, all else is inconsequential. The public outcry after the horrendous treatment of the AIDS crisis, the largely positive public sentiment regarding gay marriage - the numbers said Rainbow Capitalism was the way to better profits. And they were right.

But Rainbow Capitalism only exists for a short period per year, and given enough pushback - which is to say if someone so much as sneezes in their direction - then they'll just drop all support and probably disavow with some Both Sidesism. With the very real threat of violence in this current atmosphere, which will not be checked nor balanced by anyone within a position of power or authority? Yeah, no, there are very few allies out there.

I'm still okay with Rainbow Capitalism as a largely cringey and obnoxious thing that at least helps remind people about LGBT+ issues that would otherwise just be entirely ignored in favor of 100% aggressive, draconian bullshit.
Of course, corporations/Captial have no moral compass. Whatever they think will make the most money will be what they do, all else is inconsequential. The public outcry after the horrendous treatment of the AIDS crisis, the largely positive public sentiment regarding gay marriage - the numbers said Rainbow Capitalism was the way to better profits. And they were right.

But Rainbow Capitalism only exists for a short period per year, and given enough pushback - which is to say if someone so much as sneezes in their direction - then they'll just drop all support and probably disavow with some Both Sidesism. With the very real threat of violence in this current atmosphere, which will not be checked nor balanced by anyone within a position of power or authority? Yeah, no, there are very few allies out there.

I'm still okay with Rainbow Capitalism as a largely cringey and obnoxious thing that at least helps remind people about LGBT+ issues that would otherwise just be entirely ignored in favor of 100% aggressive, draconian bullshit.
I'd say with the threat of violence becoming more & more ubiquitous, we're gonna being seeing even more corporations distancing themselves from the cause.
I'd say with the threat of violence becoming more & more ubiquitous, we're gonna being seeing even more corporations distancing themselves from the cause.

More a question of what the next target will be. Fucking Joanne and her brainworms delving into Holocaust Denialism paints a fairly clear picture of where those bigots will wind up, and I'll be curious to hear about the many ways the Jewish communities push back or pretzel themselves into agreeing with it.

But that's political poison, so I don't know where the influencers and politicians will point their ire. :shrug

More a question of what the next target will be. Fucking Joanne and her brainworms delving into Holocaust Denialism paints a fairly clear picture of where those bigots will wind up, and I'll be curious to hear about the many ways the Jewish communities push back or pretzel themselves into agreeing with it.

But that's political poison, so I don't know where the influencers and politicians will point their ire. :shrug
It's abundantly clear the direction they're headed in. The fact that it's so eerily similar to what went down almost 100 years ago is what's scary about it.
Well, as you would expect, no charges are being placed upon those responsible for Nex Benedict's death. A shame these things are allowed to happen without consequence.

In the absence of justice, the only remaining path is violence. Violence becomes not just a solution, but the solution. Fascists and Liberals alike have long forgotten that the social contract is only valid whilst agreed upon by all parties - if parties break the contract, or otherwise fail to uphold them, then the entire thing is null and void.

Declining to prosecute people that contributed, via abuse, to a suicide speaks volumes for the state of Oklahoma and will have repercussions that extend far beyond the LGBT community. This is especially telling in light of the recent conviction of Jennifer Crumbley:

Do not ever allow someone to tell you (or in this case specifically, children in your circles) to not defend yourselves. Never. If a bully comes at you, you take that bully the fuck down or get hurt trying. Your school record doesn't mean a fucking thing, there is nothing a school can teach or offer you that isn't more readily available - and better fucking taught - through other means! Often through the teacher(s) themselves without the fucking education system being in the way.
In the absence of justice, the only remaining path is violence. Violence becomes not just a solution, but the solution. Fascists and Liberals alike have long forgotten that the social contract is only valid whilst agreed upon by all parties - if parties break the contract, or otherwise fail to uphold them, then the entire thing is null and void.

Declining to prosecute people that contributed, via abuse, to a suicide speaks volumes for the state of Oklahoma and will have repercussions that extend far beyond the LGBT community. This is especially telling in light of the recent conviction of Jennifer Crumbley:

Do not ever allow someone to tell you (or in this case specifically, children in your circles) to not defend yourselves. Never. If a bully comes at you, you take that bully the fuck down or get hurt trying. Your school record doesn't mean a fucking thing, there is nothing a school can teach or offer you that isn't more readily available - and better fucking taught - through other means! Often through the teacher(s) themselves without the fucking education system being in the way.

I'm not one to condone violence against others, but you are 100% correct. When there is no justice and these deeds are allowed to go unpunished, what other solution is there other than to fight fire with fire? As I said before, if they want to play that game, then all bets are off. That's where the "eye for an eye" expression full should apply. No one should take this lying down. This is where the community and people who support them fully needs to band together.
And especially after this, I don't want to hear anymore bullshit from them about "protecting the youth". One just tragically died and they DID NOTHING about it, all because Nex being trans doesn't fit their narrative.

This will for sure open up the floodgates for LGBTQ+ people being persecuted & abused without consequence. I can guarantee you this ruling will give way to a lot more of this happening. The fact that those girls got off scott-free means they can freely do whatever nasty things they want to do to trans people and get away with it.
There's a certain charm to how dumb that walking douchebag is.

In that he's so dumb he managed to simultaneously misgender her, but also acknowledge that he needs to transition before it's "okay" to hit her since she is, in fact, a woman.

...But I mean primarily he's a dumb, hateful bigot within the sphere of Dana White whom is also a dumb, hateful bigot so news at eleven and all that I suppose. :shrug
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