• This News Doesn't Suck!

    Everyone stop what you're doing! It's happening! GW's own Alu is having a baby!! Come and congratulate him here: Need some help identifying this picture.

    We're so happy for you, Alu!

VTS Mafia Mafia Legacy Year 2 (Night 3/Day 3)

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How is that odd? Local essentially said he was a seer and Zell was guilty. Why do we accept that as gospel in wolf but are skeptical during mafia?

First I have not played wolf YET

Second it just strikes me as odd that you would be so eager to convict Zell

This tells me you are not mafia because you should know the other mafia peeps and you would not vote so quickly against your own

And you know very well how this game is played so if you were a citizen you would know that putting Zell on the stand now is not beneficial when citizens have lost as many as we have

Even if he is a mafia the goal right now has to be rooting out the bomber

Convicting and killing another mafia member now gets the bomber one step closer to winning

So in my eyes unless you are the bomber rooting out another mafia member right now on trial is not beneficial to us as a whole and I would rather KNOW and IDENTIFY other roles to get the bomber

In other words only the bomber benefits from immediately putting Zell on trial

Hence my current vote to arrest you but I am fine being wrong
So far, these are the only animal names used. Which were both "wolf".

Jon is already identified as Mafia with no punctuation as a tell.

Shortkut posted no animal names (that I saw) day 1 or 2


Diplomatic Immunity
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Also, as to @Jon - he's claiming to know there's a conman in the game, but no one else is claiming that. Jon's tell is almost certainly seems to be that every new sentence needs to be a new paragraph, or something about not being allowed to use punctuation to separate sentences. I haven't seen any posts where he has actual punctuation.

I will not deny this at all

Here are a few recent examples where he uses punctuation. I think he's Mafia 100%

You would be wrong and making a mistake

I have divulged why I have done what I am doing and it is up to you to believe that or not

Jon -- there's a logic to him claiming there is a con man, in order to hide behind his tell. It's a very obvious tell now that we know what it is, so it makes sense he'd want to play defense. He could be telling the truth. But even if he is telling the truth, that doesn't exempt him from being the bomber.

I have no reason to allude to a con man being in the game other than for my own benefit


CFO of Shitposting, Head of Data & Insights
GW Elder
Mainly because it lines up. You had more posts that the first victim, then you were confined to 1 post and the only person possible died next.

Obviously, someone else could have picked Joseph to frame you, but it's all I have to go on.

Plus, you haven't made any hints of any other role, that I've seen.
Read my response to you asking for a hint earlier and then read the role list
Ok here are some of the notes I have compiled and I can identify the four mobsters in the game

The Mob
  • The Don
  • The Consigliere who was Benzine and is now deceased
  • The Button Man because they killed Jawneh
  • The Con Man because I know

This means there is no Cleaner or Mob Lawyer in the game

  • Lawyer was Joseph Snapple now deceased
  • Gumshoe was TD now deceased
  • The Clairvoyant was Dean now deceased
  • The Angry Man was Jawneh now deceased
  • The Librarian we know is in the game and I suspect this to be canadaguy
  • The Peeping Tom is suspected in the game and was alluded to be FR
  • The Snitch is suspected in the game and is alluded to be Local Hero
That is seven of the eleven citizen roles

Zell is suspected to have an animal tell which would link him to one of the three remaining mob roles

I think I missed where Tommy mentioned a clue and humbly request someone point me to it

This strikes me as odd behavior

Reserving the right to change later I am going to submit my arrest request for shortkut
This is your first mention of con man, which was today.

Your very first post from day 1 through now has been punctuationless. Why not mention con man until today?
Read my response to you asking for a hint earlier and then read the role list

Well someone wants me to take the fall for something I didn't do
season 14 episode 10 GIF
Well idk wtf to do. I have a seriously hard time believing anybody right now. I think Jon was conned at the very least. If not, his claim was the only one that stood out. Nobody mentioned it before hand. Unless he IS the con man and fooling us.
Or clearing only yourself (understandable) as Tommy could be playing 4D chess.
As Kelly said, I'm not vicious enough for this lol.
I'm not sure what my vote for Local should be and I feel like I need some help.

Also, I'm trying to make sure I can get more than 12 posts in today and not use any dashes to further eliminate any suspicion. But as it stands, I'm pretty much the only one who has reasonably come forward with information and it would be silly to cast doubt on me at this point. Zell has not posted any animal names today and has gone entirely on the defensive, which is appropriate. Local has not posted any alcoholic references today. Fools Requiem has been dealing with real life stuff today and hasn't mentioned food. The only obvious tell happening today is Jon's which we're not sure if that's a con or he is the con. So that's four people with obvious, suspected tells. I feel like it's worth paying attention to anyone that wants to get rid of the bomber before eliminating confirmed Mafia members - not saying Bomber isn't a huge threat, but Mafia can also keep killing every night and if we have no solid leads on the bomber, I feel it might be worse to start accusing people without obvious tells of this role.
Jury Selection
Tommy Boy
Fool's Requiem
Zell 17
By the way, I do think it's a bit hilarious that I've blatantly accused 3 of the 5 of my jurors of being evil.

Very interesting that no one has voted yet.

I just wanted to reiterate that I'm the snitch. I posted obvious tells, in an obvious way, to get arrested on purpose, so I could reveal my clue. I've known details that only one who received the clue could know. No one else is coming forward as the snitch to discredit me.

I am so clearly innocent that it really makes everyone on the jury look guilty.

After crawling through the threads only Zell has fit the bill the first 2 days (though admittedly not today).

If you do vote guilty, please suspect, at minimum, Zell and Kelly highly.

If I'm bored not guilty, please suspect Zell and Kelly highly.

(Especially Zell lol)
What's the actual arrest warrant tally?
I haven't voted away from you, btw. I think it's safe to do so as no one else has come forward about who you might be hinting.

I think we should vote for either Jon, Alu, or Smacktard. Edit: of yeah, maybe Shortkut.

Even if Jon is not Mafia, and got conned, he could still be mad bomber, right?



CFO of Shitposting, Head of Data & Insights
GW Elder
I haven't voted away from you, btw. I think it's safe to do so as no one else has come forward about who you might be hinting.

I think we should vote for either Jon, Alu, or Smacktard. Edit: of yeah, maybe Shortkut.

Even if Jon is not Mafia, and got conned, he could still be mad bomber, right?

From my understanding he could be the mad bomber if conned yes.

I'm personally of the mind that Jon is the better vote of those 4, I don't fully believe the conning story and he is either mafia or the bomber potentially.
Also not sure why people are saying Jon only brought up the conman today (including Jon). FR brought it up yesterday if I remember correctly and Jon mentioned we should all be looking out for people who could be conned if we caught his drift.
I looked through his posts and missed it. Good catch. Also funny that Jon didn't point that out, like you said.

Although he still didn't fully come out and say it.


Dumdum McGee
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CFO of Shitposting, Head of Data & Insights
GW Elder
Given LH does also have until end of day to post his tell there is no guarantee he's not mafia (not accusing just theorising). I assume he's of the mind he's going to be found guilty today so is unconcerned about being shushed?

Alternatively, confident that if still alive he doesn't need more than 1 post to hide a tell, (not mafia) or is confident that the mafia will be close to winning by then?
@Local Hero

A Baby Maker

puppy haver
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I will admit that was a slip on my part, as I should be staying very far away from that subject.

It is, however, a made up tell. Why else would I start my first post of day 1 the way I did?
To try and be too obvious about it? Also not sure how you couldn't have noticed the guy giving cheers with booze. It's literally what the gif is.
To try and be too obvious about it? Also not sure how you couldn't have noticed the guy giving cheers with booze. It's literally what the gif is.
I was looking for a "you're screwed" gif.

@Tubby23 , I'm just not concerned with being shushed. Also, yes, there's a chance I'm getting* voted* guilty and want to try and push as many people out in the open as possible.


idea man
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idea man
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