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Campaign Lost Mines of Phandelver (Chapter 1)

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Jawneh is possibly The Sorcerer
T'anks looks at the drawing, the crude craftsmanship serving to obfuscate the exact nature of its meaning. She glances down at Other Goblin's corpse and then back to the drawing. She distractedly begins to follow Dragmire towards Dude's location, mulling things over in her head...

If your friends have truly been captured by these Goblins, then time is not on their side. But I have no objections to a short rest.

[History/Religion] Check to glean insight into the sketch found on Other Goblin.
((We'll go with History in this case))

T'anks recalls hearing stories about how some goblin tribes, especially on the Sword Coast, have had tales passed down over the years that are used to scare their children into following instruction. These tales include unnerving stories of goblin tribes falling under the control of malevolent beings far more sinister than themselves, and how these evil beings would warp and twist these fallen tribes into something wrong, changed in various ways to mindlessly do the bidding of their new masters.

This drawing could likely be the result of a goblin who grew up traumatized by these stories and has recurring nightmares about these twisted, evil goblins.

That would seem a best case scenario.


ES COO Shitposting Dept. of GWF
A few drops of sweat drop down Dude's face.

Dragmire, come rest. I suspect we may need the Eldritch Blast soon...

T'anks Kiraine

Chief Liquid Officer, Shitposting Dept.
T'anks rests upon the ground and relays the history she recalls to her companions, handing the drawing to Dude as she begins to do so.


Haha! Of course, nobody actually believes in such things. They tell their children the stories so they avoid perils, the way a Human mother keeps her children inside at night with tales of wolves.

"Or tales of my kind, perhaps..." she thinks, smiling ruefully. If the Goblin drew this themselves, it's hard to imagine them doing so out of fear. Reverence, perhaps. Fanaticism. But not fear. It wouldn't do to scare off the others at this juncture, though, so she plays it off.

Would certainly explain why he was so terrified of me, though. Poor bastard.

T'anks closes her eyes and takes a Short Rest .
Kutshort stands at a distance watching the mouth of the cave. He remained within earshot of the tiefling’s “history lesson.” Her words sound vaguely familiar, the knowledge seems to be trapped in one of the holes in his memory

Kutshort searches his memory banks to see if he remembers anything to add


ES COO Shitposting Dept. of GWF
As T'anks drifts asleep - Dude recalls stories of the devil. Growing ever paranoid as time goes on, Dude heeds the words of T'anks for tales of her kind. He observes her with eyes closed, wondering what her true intent might be by these words.

Dude tries to learn more of what T'anks meant by her choice of words..


Jawneh is possibly The Sorcerer
Kutshort stealthily enters the cave and walks a short distance inside to see what awaits them

((First one is stealth +5))
Just inside the cave mouth, a few uneven stone steps ascend to a small, dank chamber on the east side of the passage. The cave narrows to a steep fissure at the far end and is filled with the stench of animals. Three chained wolves snarl and rattle their chains as you approach the cave mouth. Each wolf's chain leads to an iron rod driven into the base of a stalagmite.


The main passage from the cave mouth climbs steeply upward, the stream plunging and splashing down its west side. In the shadows, a side passage leads west across the other side of the stream.

((was I able to discern what was behind the wolves? Does that section end there or is theee a path behind what looks like rubble? Is that section of the cave essentially a kennel?))
Debbie Downer Doctor GIF by Team Coco
I figure we have 2 choices… tame the wolves to be our pets and guardians, or kill them before they kill us. Feeding them will help to make them like us or distract them so we can defeat them before they get us.

Now which of you knows how to cook? We’re going to give those wolves the best meal they ever had


ES COO Shitposting Dept. of GWF
What if they don't like goblin? What if they like.. music?

Dude goes wide eyed and lifts his lute up for all to see.


ES COO Shitposting Dept. of GWF
Dude smiles.

...exactly. And if it goes horribly wrong...

Dude lifts his sword that was gifted to him by his grandtorty that he just demonstrated such proficient swordsmanship with.

T'anks Kiraine

Chief Liquid Officer, Shitposting Dept.
...Disgusting. I'll leave that in your very capable hands.

How was the lighting inside the cave? Could you see how deep it goes?

T'anks equips and readies the Shortbow she recently acquired, for when things invariably go awry.


ES COO Shitposting Dept. of GWF
What's wrong, devil? Never had...

Dude reaches into his backpack and pulls out an iron pot.

Goblin stew? ...wait, this is for us, right?
What's wrong, devil? Never had...

Dude reaches into his backpack and pulls out an iron pot.

Goblin stew? ...wait, this is for us, right?
If there’s extra. Dude, I need you to be focused, you’re the best animal handler I know ((+2)) so you’re going to try to help me tame these wolves with this food
  • Hmm
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ES COO Shitposting Dept. of GWF
Dude looks the goblin boss that Kutshort chopped up and down. His grandtorty ate goblin all the time. Dude can do this.

Dude checks the anatomy of the goblin boss for the most delicious pieces to cook.


ES COO Shitposting Dept. of GWF
Feed the wolves, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo
Feed the wolves, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo
Feed the wolves, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo
Don't eat me!

After Dude cuts up the goblin boss he prepares to go feed the wolves..


Jawneh is possibly The Sorcerer
The wolves happily ignore the Tortle and immediately set in on the pot of Dubious Stew.

As the clearly famished wolves get closer and closer to the bottom of the pot, they start sneaking glances at the Bard to try and decide his intentions and whether they should attempt to augment the soup with a bit more protein...
  • This Is Fine
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ES COO Shitposting Dept. of GWF
Dude starts to sweat a little but now it's time for him to do what he does best. He whips out his lute, maybe he can distract the wolves long enough for someone to do something.

Don't eat me, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo
Don't eat me, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo
Don't eat me, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo
Don't eat me!


Jawneh is possibly The Sorcerer
The wolves, their hunger sated, their bellies full, their mood chilled by the Bard's new #1 hit single, and now calmed by the confident ease of Kutshort...lay down and each decide now is the perfect time to take a nap, giving the party the opportunity to better search this part of the cave.


Jawneh is possibly The Sorcerer
A narrow opening in the east wall leads to a natural chimney that looks to go upwards about 30 feet or so to another chamber. At the base of the fissure is rubbish that's been discarded down the hole from that chamber above.

You think with some effort you could possibly climb up the natural chimney into that next chamber, one party member at a time. But the refuse that's been tossed down the hole makes you think you'd likely not be alone in that new part of the cavern.
  • Cheers!
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Jawneh is possibly The Sorcerer
Judging by the overall appearance of the wolves, you get the distinct impression that they are completely wild animals and have not been domesticated by the goblins in any way. You feel that they are basically prisoners here, but being wild abused animals, you cannot predict how they would act if set free.
  • Hmm
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Judging by the overall appearance of the wolves, you get the distinct impression that they are completely wild animals and have not been domesticated by the goblins in any way. You feel that they are basically prisoners here, but being wild abused animals, you cannot predict how they would act if set free.
((Would keeping them on the chains as leashes count as setting them free or would it provide some measure of control over them?))

T'anks Kiraine

Chief Liquid Officer, Shitposting Dept.
With a sigh, T'anks approaches the natural chimney.

My... skillset may prove more useful here. Assuming I can manage the climb with my arm in this condition. Give me a moment.

Athletics Check >> Climbing the natural chimney.

Stealth Check >> Remaining undetected whilst doing so.
  • Seen
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T’anks, wait, there was another passageway before the kennel.

Dude, do you think you can keep playing that song a little longer?

Kutshort, releases the chain of the wolf he pet, and holds it like a leash

who’s a good boy?


ES COO Shitposting Dept. of GWF
Think I can? I know I can!

Dude whips out his lute again, nothing could possibly go wrong playing the same song again. It worked once, not like anything else might hear us either Dude guesses.

Don't eat me, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo
Don't eat me, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo
Don't eat me, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo
Don't eat me!


ES COO Shitposting Dept. of GWF
Tortle Dude, watching Kutshort leave the wolves to save the devil attempts to keep the wolves calm.
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