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Breaking Joe Biden drops out of 2024 presidential race

The Dems' border policy has been a fucking disaster.
I wasn't talking about expelling them, but I also don't have data to counter and I'm too lazy to find any (I tried for 2 minutes lol). I swear I read an article recently that there wereless migrants per day under Biden than Trump. >>Shrug<<

So, what I'll say is, I don't disagree it's been a disaster. But remember that Trump and the Reps also killed a potentially helpful bill because it would have hurt the Rep talking points.


No Problem Here
GW Elder
I think it would be nice to have more info than just that graph. Because I remember some really barbaric stories coming from the border during Trump. Sheer numbers are not my only concern. "Disaster" is probably who you ask.

Now that said, I know the border and immigration is also one of our weaknesses.

We'll see. I personally see his ego being too fragile. But you aren't wrong. I can easily see it going both ways.

I love seeing the "He shouldn't be president" schtick. Like... does he not realize how stupid he sounds? Biden is essentially a lame duck president now. He hasn't had enough time to write his elementary school insults about Harris yet.

Yes I love how her name isn't lending to one of his classic rhyme or alliterative insults. "Laffin Kamala Harris?" Seriously?
But remember that Trump and the Reps also killed a potentially helpful bill because it would have hurt the Rep talking points.
That's a good point. Hopefully she holds Republicans feet to the fire on that whenever they try to hammer her on immigration. It may be her only real counterpoint, but still a good one.
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Dumbass Progenitor
GW Elder
Y’all remember how I said I didn’t wanna talk about my FB feed?

This is why:


Two posts apart from:


If this election is decided by memes… we’re fucked, because the ones we’ve seen here clean up the ones on mainstream social media.
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Because I remember some really barbaric stories coming from the border during Trump.
Like the "kids in cages" policy, which actually started under Obama? Honestly, I think deterrence is an important part of border control. There are economic migrants illegally entering into the US from Bangladesh, India, and Africa, via Mexico. That shouldn't be as commonplace as it is.

I'm not saying the Reps get it right on border control, but when they're not playing dumb political games, they get it right more often than Dems IMO


Dumbass Progenitor
GW Elder
Like the "kids in cages" policy, which actually started under Obama? Honestly, I think deterrence is an important part of border control. There are economic migrants illegally entering into the US from Bangladesh, India, and Africa, via Mexico. That shouldn't be as commonplace as it is.

I'm not saying the Reps get it right on border control, but when they're not playing dumb political games, they get it right more often than Dems IMO

Correct me if I’m wrong… but wouldn’t it be virtually impossible for me as an American citizen to do the very same thing in any of the countries you listed? One reoccurring thing I keep hearing from the right is that because of Democrat border policy, it has become easier for an illegal immigrant to gain access to federal benefits than it is for American citizens, and that it’s easier for a foreigner to come here than it would be for an American citizen to get those same benefits elsewhere. I’m not a traveler, so I have no idea how much basis in reality that holds.
Correct me if I’m wrong… but wouldn’t it be virtually impossible for me as an American citizen to do the very same thing in any of the countries you listed? One reoccurring thing I keep hearing from the right is that because of Democrat border policy, it has become easier for an illegal immigrant to gain access to federal benefits than it is for American citizens, and that it’s easier for a foreigner to come here than it would be for an American citizen to get those same benefits elsewhere. I’m not a traveler, so I have no idea how much basis in reality that holds.
Yeah, migration policy into the western countries is pretty lax comparatively, but vice-versa is harsh. That said, plenty of people come to Saudi for Hajj, for example, and illegally overstay their visas and remain here working under-the-table.

It does happen outside of the US, Canada, and Europe, but not on the same scale... although Saudi might actually be the unique exception in terms of non-western illegal immigrant inflow, now that I think about it!

But yeah, illegally immigrating into ANY of these other non-western countries and trying to get any form of government assistance would be impossible.


Dumbass Progenitor
GW Elder
Yeah, migration policy into the western countries is pretty lax comparatively, but vice-versa is harsh. That said, plenty of people come to Saudi for Hajj, for example, and illegally overstay their visas and remain here working under-the-table.

It does happen outside of the US, Canada, and Europe, but not on the same scale... although Saudi might actually be the unique exception in terms of non-western illegal immigrant inflow, now that I think about it!

But yeah, illegally immigrating into ANY of these other non-western countries and trying to get any form of government assistance would be impossible.

Which is part of the issue the right has with how the left is handling it… They’re giving out cell phones, bus fare, chartered commercial airliners to urban destinations, prepaid VISA cards, cash assistance, hotel accommodations, etc. That’s not even speculation, it has been proven. Meanwhile, there are tons of people homeless and struggling in those cities people are being shipped to. It’s not that the right isn’t compassionate (…right… that was a struggle to type), it’s that the Dems are looking out for those people before the people in the blue cities all the while criticizing the right for their lack of compassion.

I’ve seemingly leaned towards the right on border policy… not so much in the isolationist aspect of it, but in the sense that “you can’t help anyone unless you help yourself first”, and we have so many homeless out there, and so many of our own citizens out there doing without that it’s insulting to see others come in and receive the help immediately. I have a cousin with cerebral palsy who had to fight tooth and nail to prove that he’s disabled enough for government assistance, but we have people coming over here illegally getting the help much, much quicker. It shows that the resources are there… just not for the American people in those democratic cities. I’m all for helping refugees, political prisoners, and the like… but, who’s gonna take us in when shit hits the fan? It can’t be a parasitic relationship, if it’s not symbiotic… it’s destined to destroy America no different than what would happen if we entered into a dictatorship like the left fears. There has to be more of a balance than this seesaw act we’ve been seeing term after term.


Dumbass Progenitor
GW Elder
The left has tried and tried and tried to get those things for our own citizens.

And the right isn’t solely to blame for its failures, either, because Maryland has been a blue and red state in my lifetime while Baltimore has consistently remained blue, and not a damn thing has ever improved in that city… it has continually gotten worse. The left in cities like that have just as many deep ties to corruption as the right does, and while a blue governor may lend favor to blue cities that a red governor of the same state won’t, if the local administration is corrupted at its core… it doesn’t matter how much money the state or federal government throws at the problem. The only difference I see is that the left prefers more of a slight-of-hand approach to their deception, while the right is more in-your-face with it.
Which is part of the issue the right has with how the left is handling it… They’re giving out cell phones, bus fare, chartered commercial airliners to urban destinations, prepaid VISA cards, cash assistance, hotel accommodations, etc.

What do you mean? It's been the likes of Abbott and DeSantis putting them on busses and shipping them off


Dumbass Progenitor
GW Elder
What do you mean? It's been the likes of Abbott and DeSantis putting them on busses and shipping them off

Which, is wrong, but… because of rationale. They’re doing it as a “fuck you” to the cities that declared themselves sanctuary cities (a couple of which were here in Maryland), and using human beings to send a message like that is wrong. Period. I’ll never condone that kind of bullshit game-playing. They wanted to prove that cities couldn’t handle the same degree of influx that they were being asked to accommodate, and if anything, they proved that neighborhoods will band together to take care of people in those kinda environments unlike over there… where they’re just holed up in a detention center somewhere. That doesn’t mean that cities like NYC are not realizing the scale of the migrations that Texas was referring to… because officials there have admitted defeat, they can’t handle their own homeless population AND the increase in migrant population. So, they did prove their point that it’s a heavy burden to carry at that scale, but they also proved themselves to be less directly compassionate while playing dirty using people as props to prove that point.
$82 million raised in a day. That basically closed the fundraising gap with Trump.

The enthusiasm so far is insane. If it keeps up for longer than a couple weeks then this election will become a coin flip that favors Harris over a probable Trump win.

Also apparently Trump wanted nothing more than Biden to stay in and had basically 0 plans on how to campaign against anyone else, hoping to just say Biden old and bad and not expecting that he'd actually take a step back.
Starship Troopers GIF
Which, is wrong, but… because of rationale. They’re doing it as a “fuck you” to the cities that declared themselves sanctuary cities (a couple of which were here in Maryland), and using human beings to send a message like that is wrong. Period. I’ll never condone that kind of bullshit game-playing. They wanted to prove that cities couldn’t handle the same degree of influx that they were being asked to accommodate, and if anything, they proved that neighborhoods will band together to take care of people in those kinda environments unlike over there… where they’re just holed up in a detention center somewhere. That doesn’t mean that cities like NYC are not realizing the scale of the migrations that Texas was referring to… because officials there have admitted defeat, they can’t handle their own homeless population AND the increase in migrant population. So, they did prove their point that it’s a heavy burden to carry at that scale, but they also proved themselves to be less directly compassionate while playing dirty using people as props to prove that point.

Migrants are important though to the economy

Harsh anti immigration laws backfired in Alabama

And looks like it will be the same in Florida

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Dumbass Progenitor
GW Elder
Migrants are important though to the economy

Because they do the labor for cheaper than those homeless folks? Or because they’re easier to exploit because they need to do their part for the economy? I have quite a few friends who are here illegally, and lemme tell you… it comes at a price, dude. This newer generation coming through receiving all these benefits? Ask an old-school illegal immigrant what they think… outside of a “I wish it was that easy for me…” the most you can expect would be the same problem you or I would have with anyone else that carries themselves with a sense of entitlement. The only way they’re stimulating the economy is with the money they’re given by the federal government… which… sounds a lot like money laundering with extra steps.

Harsh anti immigration laws backfired in Alabama

That’s Alabama, dude… didn’t they just drop the rebel flag? You can’t be surprised.

And looks like it will be the same in Florida


‘Nuff said. (Sorry, @VashTheStampede and @Jon , but y’all know your state sucks)


No Problem Here
GW Elder
Like the "kids in cages" policy, which actually started under Obama? Honestly, I think deterrence is an important part of border control. There are economic migrants illegally entering into the US from Bangladesh, India, and Africa, via Mexico. That shouldn't be as commonplace as it is.

I'm not saying the Reps get it right on border control, but when they're not playing dumb political games, they get it right more often than Dems IMO

The cages were horrible and I can call my own party out. But Trump took it a step further in a lot of ways. I would rather not go back to those times.

And yes, we have a strange duality in this country where we need immigrants to do our jobs we don't want to do, for low pay. Our pop is also not as dire as other countries because of immigrants. I feel a lot of empathy with people who escape horrible situations. I believe we should have our borders and enforce policies but it's also not a top of mind thing for me, compared to what else is happening.
So we switch from talking about broad federal policy to local anecdotes
When you say something like "Democrats have been trying to solve these issues", you can't do a shocked pikachu when someone brings up the most populous state and Democrat stronghold for the past 15 years (almost) failing catastrophically to deal with those same exact issues.

It's not like I'm using Podunk, Arizona as an example.
Because they do the labor for cheaper than those homeless folks?

Because no one else will do it....they arent taking our jobs, it some boogey man Republicans have been spouting out about for years

And cant pass up an opportunity to post this from south park

Ask an old-school illegal immigrant what they think… outside of a “I wish it was that easy for me…”

Ah, so the old "I suffered so everyone else has to suffer too"

The only way they’re stimulating the economy is with the money they’re given by the federal government…
If they are illegal, how are they getting money from the government?
The issue isn't immigration. It's illegal immigration.

But Reps don't differentiate. They are making broad and incorrect claims that ALL immigrants coming in from insane asylums and are rapists, murderers and criminals.

It's patently false and designed to create fearmongering to galvanize the rednecks in the border states.

Reality is, illegal immigration is always a problem and will always be a problem. But we also can't shut the borders down completely. There needs to be a balance.

Problem is all these things take bi partisanship... which no longer exists in this country.
The cages were horrible and I can call my own party out. But Trump took it a step further in a lot of ways. I would rather not go back to those times.

And yes, we have a strange duality in this country where we need immigrants to do our jobs we don't want to do, for low pay. Our pop is also not as dire as other countries because of immigrants. I feel a lot of empathy with people who escape horrible situations. I believe we should have our borders and enforce policies but it's also not a top of mind thing for me, compared to what else is happening.
I 100% get where you're coming from, and I don't think either of us is going to convince the other. I feel bad for people escaping those situations as well, but for every case of genuine desperation, there is another case of economic opportunity. I don't think it should be America's obligation to open its doors to just anyone who wants or needs to come in, but I can understand the desire to open the doors to those less fortunate. I just don't know that this solves any issues long-term.
If they are illegal, how are they getting money from the government?
They cross the border illegally, many of them ditch any identification, and then they claim asylum. While their asylum claims are processed, they're given money, flight tickets, a cell phone + data plans, etc. This is very well documented.
When you say something like "Democrats have been trying to solve these issues", you can't do a shocked pikachu when someone brings up the most populous state and Democrat stronghold for the past 15 years (almost) failing catastrophically to deal with those same exact issues.

It's not like I'm using Podunk, Arizona as an example.
I'm saying your argument sucks. Pointing out one example where they failed or haven't tried, doesn't change what I said. It doesn't mean they never tried or succeeded anywhere, just because they haven't everywhere.


Dumbass Progenitor
GW Elder
So we switch from talking about broad federal policy to local anecdotes

It isn’t just California. Ask any east to west or west to east transplant and they’ll tell you. If you’ve been to one urban wasteland, you’ve been to ‘em all. I’ve worked out of Alexandria, DC, Baltimore, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Newark, Jersey City, NYC, and a couple smaller areas in-between… and the common problems are all the same.

Because no one else will do it....they arent taking our jobs, it some boogey man Republicans have been spouting out about for years

No, Americans have become lazy, and want to pass off the dirty work to the cheapest labor possible. That’s all there is to that.

And cant pass up an opportunity to post this from south park

It’s funny you quote South Park, because they fire shots at both parties accordingly.

Ah, so the old "I suffered so everyone else has to suffer too"

No, it’s “I had to struggle to get here JUST to work, and these guys are coming in with nothing to offer and reaping the benefits”, which is fair. If you had to bust your ass and break laws to get somewhere safe for you and your family and make an honest living, wouldn’t you feel slighted by someone else doing the same thing just because they know what waits on the other side?

If they are illegal, how are they getting money from the government?

Did you miss the part where I mentioned the free cell phones, prepaid debit cards, travel and lodging accommodations, etc.? That’s more than what our homeless veterans, homeless, and impoverished are offered.
I'm saying your argument sucks. Pointing out one example where they failed or haven't tried, doesn't change what I said. It doesn't mean they never tried or succeeded anywhere, just because they haven't everywhere.
I viewed that more as corroborating evidence to his standpoint, not the end all be all of his point. It's good to have supporting evidence to your claims, but did you want/expect him to pull stories from 100 places to prove the point? I get where he is coming from and saw that as a "and here's an example of what I'm talking about."


Caterpillar Accountant
Mr. Queen of the Dead
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GW Elder
No, Americans have become lazy, and want to pass off the dirty work to the cheapest labor possible. That’s all there is to that.

I'm not gonna wade too deep into this discussion other than to say this:

I dislike the notion that Americans are getting lazier.

Tough jobs done by the cheapest labor possible is what this country was built on. We had a whole war about it, and it wasn't very civil.
It isn’t just California. Ask any east to west or west to east transplant and they’ll tell you. If you’ve been to one urban wasteland, you’ve been to ‘em all. I’ve worked out of Alexandria, DC, Baltimore, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Newark, Jersey City, NYC, and a couple smaller areas in-between… and the common problems are all the same.
I never claimed all democrats everywhere have 100% all the time fought for these things. There have been plenty of times when Democrats tried to pass laws that were filibustered or otherwise blocked. You throwing out examples doesn't make those things not-happened.


Dumbass Progenitor
GW Elder
I'm not gonna wade too deep into this discussion other than to say this:

I dislike the notion that Americans are getting lazier.

Tough jobs done by the cheapest labor possible is what this country was built on. We had a whole war about it, and it wasn't very civil.

Lemme rephrase… Americans don’t wanna do shitty work for shitty pay, they want a wage that they can live on, and they’re not getting it, so the next option is to exploit those that have no choice but to work for what they can.

…but some Americans are still lazy as fuck.
Did you miss the part where I mentioned the free cell phones, prepaid debit cards, travel and lodging accommodations, etc.? That’s more than what our homeless veterans, homeless, and impoverished are offered.
This is something I agree with wholeheartedly (that it's wrong), but this also isn't something isolated to Biden or the last few years either.

Things like this have existed for years. I grew up in MA, most of you know that. COMPLETELY different political atmosphere than present day Florida. I grew up in a predominantly Spanish influx city. Puerto Ricans and Dominicans became the majority. When I was just a kid the argument was how "these people could come in and get welfare just because their name is Rodriguez."

Yes, that was a racist mindset, but it was true at its core. If you were Hispanic in ethnicity, it was MUCH simpler to get welfare. Have a kid? Even easier. Have multiple kids with multiple fathers and never get married? Forget it, it was more than working.

Point is, this type of thing has existed forever. And will exist forever until this country gets its head out of its ass and WORKS TOGETHER.
No, Americans have become lazy, and want to pass off the dirty work to the cheapest labor possible. That’s all there is to that.

When places start paying liveable wages maybe more people will work. Trickle down economics has failed and the gap between the very wealthy and the not continues to grow and basically eradicating the middle class
No, it’s “I had to struggle to get here JUST to work, and these guys are coming in with nothing to offer and reaping the benefits”, which is fair. If you had to bust your ass and break laws to get somewhere safe for you and your family and make an honest living, wouldn’t you feel slighted by someone else doing the same thing just because they know what waits on the other side?

Nope, its like student loans. I paid mine off, and Im happy for any and all student loan forgiveness. A rising tide lifts all boats, I want the world and others to be better off than my generation.
Did you miss the part where I mentioned the free cell phones, prepaid debit cards, travel and lodging accommodations, etc.? That’s more than what our homeless veterans, homeless, and impoverished are offered.

We have the money to do both. This isnt a this or that. We can fund both.
I'm saying your argument sucks. Pointing out one example where they failed or haven't tried, doesn't change what I said. It doesn't mean they never tried or succeeded anywhere, just because they haven't everywhere.
My point is that California -- with its Democrat governor, supermajorities in the state senate and assembly, and with the largest economy in the US -- is in the BEST position to fix these issues, and yet they're getting worse.

Also, saying "your argument sucks" is not a counter-argument. Name some successes.
Tough jobs done by the cheapest labor possible is what this country was built on. We had a whole war about it, and it wasn't very civil.
This ignores skill labor though. And I'm someone personally suffering from this. Partly due to living in Florida and partly due to that VERY conservative mindset.

I have a master's degree and I'm barely making more than livable wage working over 40 hours a week doing glorified support. How is that fair? Because that Master's Degree? It's what's holding me back because my job can be done by John Doe for half the price. There's no incentive to pay me. And I can't provide them with proof I'm worth more.

This is the mentality that led to exporting jobs to China and overseas. And it's an elitist top 1% view. So they can line their pockets more.

Fair pay is a dream most of us can't have because the elite 1% don't pay their fair share but make 1000% more than us doing the work. It's capitalism at it's worst and, I've said this before, but capitalism is the worst thing in this country right now.
My point is that California -- with its Democrat governor, supermajorities in the state senate and assembly, and with the largest economy in the US -- is in the BEST position to fix these issues, and yet they're getting worse.

Also, saying "your argument sucks" is not a counter-argument. Name some successes.
"Successes"? I started with the word "Tried". There have been countless times where bills have been balked by the opposition. That is what I've been referring to.
Point is, this type of thing has existed forever. And will exist forever until this country gets its head out of its ass and WORKS TOGETHER.
Pretty much, also need to get corporations out of politics. We give billions in bailouts but act like we cant take care of our own citizens. We have the money to take care of just about everyone. The gap gets bigger every year we get away from Regan and his bull shit economics.
Nope, its like student loans. I paid mine off, and Im happy for any and all student loan forgiveness. A rising tide lifts all boats, I want the world and others to be better off than my generation.
Try having over 150k in student loans you can NEVER pay off because you decided to try to better your education. Then having Reps say "nope, pay your bills asshole" not realizing I can't pay to live because of those loans. So I don't. Then they destroy my credit and make it impossible for me to better myself.

Sorry, those loans can go fuck themselves and companies like Navient should be put down like a dog in Kristy Noem's house.
Fair pay is a dream most of us can't have because the elite 1% don't pay their fair share but make 1000% more than us doing the work. It's capitalism at it's worst and, I've said this before, but capitalism is the worst thing in this country right now.

Yep! At least unregulated capitalism, there is a balance, but the government is too corrupt and corporations have their hands too deep into politics.

The fuckers want to get rid of the national weather service and privatize it! Like WTF

I genuinely think that both parties are shit, but that one is just way worse than the other. I don't think either party gives a shit about improving things for the average American. I think they're both more interested in pretending or appearing like they want to improve things for the average American, while defending the interests of corporations and their fellow elites, and either resurrecting old -- or conjuring up new -- culture wars that only serve to keep people divided while they gnaw away at their freedoms and well-being -- their economic freedoms, their right to privacy, their right to healthcare, etc.

Sure, the government has done some good in the past. National parks, EPA, the FDA... but I think the state of politics in the US right now is completely rotten to its core. Go ahead and call me a cynic, but you'd only be half-right at best.
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Dumbass Progenitor
GW Elder
I never claimed all democrats everywhere have 100% all the time fought for these things. There have been plenty of times when Democrats tried to pass laws that were filibustered or otherwise blocked. You throwing out examples doesn't make those things not-happened.

It doesn’t, but, on the same token… presenting solutions to problems that they created and crying foul when everybody else doesn’t want to foot the bill for it isn’t exactly fair, either. It isn’t Texas’ fault that Baltimore city is a shit show. Why should the federal government and by extension the other 49 states be responsible for helping fix it? It isn’t necessarily Maryland’s fault that the city is a shit show, either, when the state has thrown billions towards various causes and programs designed to help people and in the end the only people they helped were the politicians that campaigned on those causes or programs. That’s where the division in this country comes in… because we’re divided, there’s no sense of teamwork to get things back on track.

That's the real American dream though

…you ain’t wrong, but goddamn you, I’m being cereal.

al gore internet GIF

This is something I agree with wholeheartedly (that it's wrong), but this also isn't something isolated to Biden or the last few years either.

Things like this have existed for years. I grew up in MA, most of you know that. COMPLETELY different political atmosphere than present day Florida. I grew up in a predominantly Spanish influx city. Puerto Ricans and Dominicans became the majority. When I was just a kid the argument was how "these people could come in and get welfare just because their name is Rodriguez."

Yes, that was a racist mindset, but it was true at its core. If you were Hispanic in ethnicity, it was MUCH simpler to get welfare. Have a kid? Even easier. Have multiple kids with multiple fathers and never get married? Forget it, it was more than working.

Point is, this type of thing has existed forever. And will exist forever until this country gets its head out of its ass and WORKS TOGETHER.

The thing is… it’s not necessarily a racist mindset, it’s a matter of fact mindset that people have been told makes you racist to think. It’s simply not true. I’m all for helping immigrants, but the people here first should be our priority… and look at how we treated the natives when it came time to give them their fair shake. It should be no surprise that we’ve reached a point where the current generations of Americans are chopped liver compared to the next generation. We all want better for the generation after us, but we shouldn’t have to appease politicians and shoot ourselves in the feet to do it.

When places start paying liveable wages maybe more people will work. Trickle down economics has failed and the gap between the very wealthy and the not continues to grow and basically eradicating the middle class

No disagreement here.

We have the money to do both. This isnt a this or that. We can fund both.

Then why the hell aren’t we? It was THAT easy to book planes and grab up a bunch of burner phones and gift cards, where the hell have they been for that Vietnam vet I’ve seen at the corner of MLK Jr. Blvd and Pratt St. since I was a kid? You know how he’s still surviving? Collecting cans and taking them to the recycling yard. Helping with chores that he can do from a wheelchair. He’s being fed by the generous and poor people around him that can barely get by themselves.
Try having over 150k in student loans you can NEVER pay off because you decided to try to better your education. Then having Reps say "nope, pay your bills asshole" not realizing I can't pay to live because of those loans. So I don't. Then they destroy my credit and make it impossible for me to better myself.

Sorry, those loans can go fuck themselves and companies like Navient should be put down like a dog in Kristy Noem's house.

And it is so predatory. First Regan cuts funding to college students, combine that with student loans being made where people couldnt file for bankruptcy, colleges saw an unlimited cash cow

On top of that you go tell 18 year olds hey college is the only way to make it, its a recipe for fucking over millions of people. An 18 year old cant (likely) get approved for a mortgage, but sure here is $200,000+ in loans
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I genuinely think that both parties are shit, but that one is just way worse than the other. I don't think either party gives a shit about improving things for the average American. I think they're both more interested in pretending or appearing like they want to improve things for the average American, while defending the interests of corporations and their fellow elites, and either resurrecting old -- or conjuring up new -- culture wars that only serve to keep people divided while they gnaw away at their freedoms and well-being -- their economic freedoms, their right to privacy, their right to healthcare, etc.

Sure, the government has done some good in the past. National parks, EPA, the FDA... but I think the state of politics in the US right now is completely rotten to its core. Go ahead and call me a cynic, but you'd only be half-right at best.
I can agree with that, with the caveat that there may actually be a few in one party who are genuine. There just aren't enough of them.
That's the plan, yeah.
The plan is, IMO, to appear like they're doing, while maintaining the status quo I mentioned above. Hence Manchin and Sinema halting all progress when Dems had the Senate. If they were +3, I'm sure another Democratic Senator would've stepped up to be the token obstructionist.
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