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Breaking Joe Biden drops out of 2024 presidential race

Word from the Trump camp is that the September debate won't happen because Trump is going to go with the idea that Kamala is an illegitimate candidate.
Which won't work well because the Dems don't officially have a candidate yet and him refusing to debate the real candidate will come across as cowardly, the thing he hates most.
Word from the Trump camp is that the September debate won't happen because Trump is going to go with the idea that Kamala is an illegitimate candidate.
Won't matter if the narrative turns to he's petrified to face her. "You can face down an assassin but you are too scared to face Harris?"

Trump's a narcissist. Hitting his ego will work.
Won't matter if the narrative turns to he's petrified to face her. "You can face down an assassin but you are too scared to face Harris?"

Trump's a narcissist. Hitting his ego will work.
"Even Mike Pence was man enough to debate her. Hell, Joe Biden BEAT her in debates in 2020"

There's so many ways to call him a coward
Obama is ineligible. The VP has to be eligible for the Presidency. As he served two terms, he is ineligible. Michelle Obama has been a popular name bandied about, but she's not a politician and I wouldn't want her to have to face Vance because Vance is a moron.
Yeah, I was hoping there was a loop hole there, I had seen others throw it out there but cant.

Does this also mean Obama couldnt be chosen as speaker of the house?
Trump literally mentioned running for a third term on multiple occasions.
I will deny he ever said it, then call it fake news when linked an article about it, then say he was joking when shown video evidence of him saying it, then support it and say Obama tried to do the same thing when Trump inevitably tries to do it


Dumbass Progenitor
GW Elder
Y’all went a different route with that than I expected… I wasn’t expecting anyone to credit him with the knowledge that he knew he could only serve twice.
the staggering number of Dems who were supporting Biden staying in the race suddenly doing an about-face and suggesting that it's fair game to go after Trump for his age is disgusting tbh politics really is just a team sports gotcha game for everyone

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I see it two ways. One is it could just be wanting the other side to be held to the same rules that they are, which is completely fair. The other is like you said where it's all about wanting my guy to win no matter what.
the staggering number of Dems who were supporting Biden staying in the race suddenly doing an about-face and suggesting that it's fair game to go after Trump for his age is disgusting tbh politics really is just a team sports gotcha game for everyone

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Echoing what Ants said. The media (including "left wing" media) went after Biden's "cognitive decline" and age non stop for months.

Meanwhile, there was near radio silence on Trump's mental state or age.

A lot of people have been calling out this hypocrisy and are continuing to do so.
Echoing what Ants said. The media (including "left wing" media) went after Biden's "cognitive decline" and age non stop for months.

Meanwhile, there was near radio silence on Trump's mental state or age.

A lot of people have been calling out this hypocrisy and are continuing to do so.
I dunno, seemed like every day the media was mocking him for bragging about passing a dementia test, and forgetting various people's names, and lying nonstop.

The media largely covered for Biden's mental decline too until the debate showcased how far gone he was. Biden was different, but Trump was still being Trump. The difference vs expectations is what was such a shock to so many people.


Dumbass Progenitor
GW Elder
the staggering number of Dems who were supporting Biden staying in the race suddenly doing an about-face and suggesting that it's fair game to go after Trump for his age is disgusting tbh politics really is just a team sports gotcha game for everyone

Pic related:

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I’m not surprised by this in the least considering half of politics is deflection.

I see it two ways. One is it could just be wanting the other side to be held to the same rules that they are, which is completely fair. The other is like you said where it's all about wanting my guy to win no matter what.

I’d agree with the first way if the whole premise of “rules for thee and not for me” wasn’t so prevalent in Washington, but I think you nailed it on the second part.

Echoing what Ants said. The media (including "left wing" media) went after Biden's "cognitive decline" and age non stop for months.

Meanwhile, there was near radio silence on Trump's mental state or age.

A lot of people have been calling out this hypocrisy and are continuing to do so.

You’re not wrong, but, in Trump’s defense being only a few years younger… it makes the cognitive decline of Biden’s that much more pronounced, because there’s clearly a medical condition at play when Trump seems more coherent with such a small age gap.

I dunno, seemed like every day the media was mocking him for bragging about passing a dementia test, and forgetting various people's names, and lying nonstop.

The media largely covered for Biden's mental decline too until the debate showcased how far gone he was. Biden was different, but Trump was still being Trump. The difference vs expectations is what was such a shock to so many people.

I think that’s partly to do with Trump exaggerating, bragging, or outright lying as opposed to stumbling his way through… even lying and manipulation take a degree of mental acuity that someone in the midst of dementia (or at a minimum, mental decline) may not have the faculties to do. However, on the flip side, Biden’s failing mental capabilities could also be played on… as a form of plausible deniability… he’s a frail old man, he couldn’t possibly know any better type shit.

I dunno, guys… it’s a fucking mess all the way around. I don’t really see a clean out for any of us, I just feel like we’re simply Biden (get it?!) our time before the shit show in November through January and beyond.
Trump has definitely made his own gaffs and shown his age at times too. The difference is that people make narratives for prominent politicians and that was the one that they came up with for Biden, probably helped along by his stutter. Yall defending Trump for being more coherent (for now) is baloney because Sanders is pretty coherent too but that didn't stop people giving him this same narrative before Biden took the spotlight and inherited it in his stead.

These people are old. If it's fair game to go against one of them for their age, then saying it's not the same for others just sounds like excuses.


Dumbass Progenitor
GW Elder
Trump has definitely made his own gaffs and shown his age at times too. The difference is that people make narratives for prominent politicians and that was the one that they came up with for Biden, probably helped along by his stutter. Yall defending Trump for being more coherent (for now) is baloney because Sanders is pretty coherent too but that didn't stop people giving him this same narrative before Biden took the spotlight and inherited it in his stead.

These people are old. If it's fair game to go against one of them for their age, then saying it's not the same for others just sounds like excuses.

You ain’t wrong, because Sanders would have cleaned up the debate stage with Trump’s hairpiece, but you’re mistaken if you think I’m defending Trump. I’m just saying that I can see why people would think he’s more coherent, but, by no means does that say I agree with it. It’s just easy to come across more composed than a corpse propped up on Adderall, Trump shouldn’t take it as a compliment that’s he’s faring better in that regard. That’s you or I winning out over a mannequin debate. No shit, we performed better than something without a pulse. Personally, I think if Trump dodges the next debate, it’s gonna show evidence that he knows he can’t put his opponent on the ropes as easily as he could Biden, which could be the turning point the Dems need to shore up their victory.
$82 million raised in a day. That basically closed the fundraising gap with Trump.

The enthusiasm so far is insane. If it keeps up for longer than a couple weeks then this election will become a coin flip that favors Harris over a probable Trump win.

Also apparently Trump wanted nothing more than Biden to stay in and had basically 0 plans on how to campaign against anyone else, hoping to just say Biden old and bad and not expecting that he'd actually take a step back.


Dumbass Progenitor
GW Elder
$82 million raised in a day. That basically closed the fundraising gap with Trump.

That’s insane to me, on a Sunday, when banks are closed. Makes you wonder how long this was actually in the air before it became official… I mean, we’ve been talking about him stepping down for a minute here.

The enthusiasm so far is insane. If it keeps up for longer than a couple weeks then this election will become a coin flip that favors Harris over a probable Trump win.

My concern is that the novelty could wear off within a few weeks. They can’t get complacent with just catching up on donations, it has to be full-throttle clear on through November… a coin flip isn’t going to cut it with the crowd on the right, because then it’ll be Jan 6th all over again if it’s even remotely close. A decisive victory could be the only positive outcome we could hope for.

Also apparently Trump wanted nothing more than Biden to stay in and had basically 0 plans on how to campaign against anyone else, hoping to just say Biden old and bad and not expecting that he'd actually take a step back.

I’m sure a shocked Pikachu gif would look real nice right here.
The enthusiasm so far is insane. If it keeps up for longer than a couple weeks then this election will become a coin flip that favors Harris over a probable Trump win.
Yeah I gotta say the sudden enthusiasm for Kamala shocked me a bit, but in a good way. Seems like people are more ready to rally around her than they were Biden. Already I'm feeling more hopeful, even though her polling up until now hasn't been stellar. Positive messaging and her destroying Trump in a debate will help tilt it in her favor.

feelsgoodman niccage GIF by FirstAndMonday


Dumbass Progenitor
GW Elder
Yeah I gotta say the sudden enthusiasm for Kamala shocked me a bit, but in a good way. Seems like people are more ready to rally around her than they were Biden. Already I'm feeling more hopeful, even though her polling up until now hasn't been stellar. Positive messaging and her destroying Trump in a debate will help tilt it in her favor.

feelsgoodman niccage GIF by FirstAndMonday

But, on the flip side, it shows how fickle people are. That’s dangerous in its own respect.

I think the timeline is short enough to keep the enthusiasm up. There's still the VP pick, and the convention, possibly a debate, and Harris revealing what her planned policies will be, all within four months.

That’s a good point. It makes me wonder… how much of this do you think will come down to strategic scheduling to maintain interest in the campaign?
Yeah I gotta say the sudden enthusiasm for Kamala shocked me a bit, but in a good way. Seems like people are more ready to rally around her than they were Biden. Already I'm feeling more hopeful, even though her polling up until now hasn't been stellar. Positive messaging and her destroying Trump in a debate will help tilt it in her favor.

feelsgoodman niccage GIF by FirstAndMonday
To be honest I never understood why people have been so negative of her in the past. I've always kind of liked her even since the start of the 2020 primaries. And I'm far more excited about having her as first woman president than Hilary.


Dumbass Progenitor
GW Elder
When to announce a VP pick has always been a point of strategy.

Yeah, I get that, but the timeline kinda shifted with the sudden changes, so I was curious how people think this would accelerate or hinder things in that respect.

Either that or they really weren't kidding when they said "literally anyone but Trump or Biden"

No kidding.

To be honest I never understood why people have been so negative of her in the past. I've always kind of liked her even since the start of the 2020 primaries. And I'm far more excited about having her as first woman president than Hilary.

I touched on it in the other thread, but a lot of that stems from her pre-Washington career. It’s kinda hard to campaign for the black vote and campaign under the black woman banner after you’ve spent the first 2/3 of your career almost exclusively putting black fathers, sons, and brothers in prison. It’s hard to campaign to women voters when you’ve contributed to their hardships at home. She doesn’t have the same broad appeal that someone like Obama or Sanders had… where neither really had a history of stepping over their constituents, or at the very least negatively impacting families such as her.
Enthusiasm from donors perhaps, but from the general public? We'll see.

Harris is not particularly popular and polls no better than Biden does. I agree that she does potentially have a bigger upside if she campaigns well and/or wins a debate with Trump, but I'm guessing Trump's initial strategy at least will be to go hard at her on border security given it's been her focus as VP.
Does this also mean Obama couldnt be chosen as speaker of the house?
Speaker doesn't actually have to be a member of Congress, so no, he could be elected Speaker. He would simply be passed over in succession talks. As someone else mentioned.

There is a loophole where if your Vice President runs after your second term and wins, you can run for a third term. However I'm not sure if that goes away when they wait another term before running, like Biden did.
Though further to my last post, whilst the 22nd prohibits someone being elected more than twice to the presidency it says nothing about someone actually serving. So I'm not sure Obama would be prohibited in any case.
The loophole is simply if a President dies and a VP ascends, then the VP is eligible to run for 2 full terms. As dimmerwit mentioned, the restriction is on being elected president more than twice. Which hasn't happened since FDR.

There likely wont be an election in 4 years if Trump wins this year
This. This is the real fear. He's a wannabe dictator and autocrat that will find a way to remain in power then pass power directly to his offspring or candidate ofchoice when he'sno longer capable. No election in 4 years is a VERY real threat. Especially since he owns the SCOTUS.

$82 million raised in a day. That basically closed the fundraising gap with Trump.

The enthusiasm so far is insane. If it keeps up for longer than a couple weeks then this election will become a coin flip that favors Harris over a probable Trump win.

Also apparently Trump wanted nothing more than Biden to stay in and had basically 0 plans on how to campaign against anyone else, hoping to just say Biden old and bad and not expecting that he'd actually take a step back.
Either that or they really weren't kidding when they said "literally anyone but Trump or Biden"
Combining these, but it's what Kelly said. There was literally no support, REAL support towards Biden. Especially after the debate. That's why there is Rep talk of suing the Dems now for the change. They won't win because you cannot FORCE someone to run for president... I mean they are more idiotic than usual if they think that. But in reality, Trump wanted Biden because he knows he had him. I'm not sure he can beat anyone.

I'm not a Harris fan, I've said as much multiple times, but it's her over Trump 100% of the time. She can at least speak and as a former AG, she is capable of quick thinking. We saw that in her court cases often. Trump isn't going to be able to confuse her like he did Biden.

What she really needs to do, as soon as she's locked up as candidate, is demand a debate. She needs to put Trump on the coward block or force him to debate her so she can expose his lies real time. She just has to ensure he agrees to the same rules as Biden. Time cut off and no audience. Those two things worked EXACTLY for what they were... to expose Trump. Biden just couldn't capitalize.

But she needs to keep in the news cycle to keep pushing the excitement. Without it, Trump tries to pivot.

Of course, this is when he starts crying rigged and delegitimizes when he loses in November, but small things.


No Problem Here
GW Elder
the VP pick is going to take time. Normally you would have had primary data to sift through, you don't have to pick a primary candidate of course but some pre-vetting would have already happened and you could look at how they did with certain states, demographics, etc etc. You need to figure out who even is interested in being the VP. Probably some of the people had presidential ambitions. Do they sign up for VP or do they make a play at the convention? She still needs to be formally nom'ed. I don't think it is anyone else except Harris at this point but the rest are being robbed of a primary process.

As for enthusiasm I honestly haven't felt anything since I voted for Obama. He was my first presidential vote. He had that charisma and a sense of change. I was okay with Hillary, especially because of Trump. Same with Biden. Harris is making me start to feel a little of that again. We'll see though.
Enthusiasm from donors perhaps, but from the general public? We'll see.

Harris is not particularly popular and polls no better than Biden does. I agree that she does potentially have a bigger upside if she campaigns well and/or wins a debate with Trump, but I'm guessing Trump's initial strategy at least will be to go hard at her on border security given it's been her focus as VP.
She is polling 1-2 points higher than Biden. And the donors drying up was the biggest concern. So they will work hand in hand with the gen pop to increase enthusiasm. Party uniting would be the biggest slide upwards.

Difference now is she has the ABILITY to counter his points on immigration. Remember, the migrant issue is a major fabrication on the right. Migrants are LOWER under Biden than Trump. And crime is down overall. Biden was incapable of countering it. But this country was BUILT on the backs of immigrants. Almost every one of us traces our lineage to outside the US. INCLUDING TRUMP. She has a real chance to gain back black and Latino votes that Biden lost because his inability to communicate.
I don't see the "coward" tactic working with Trump at all. He's notorious for declining debates when he's doing well, it's seen as a power move. Usually the person demanding a debate is seen as desperate.
While you aren't wrong, this is a candidate he's not faced. Ever. So, the overwhelming majority will be that he's ducking her. Which he'll try. But his ego is too fragile. Remember, this is a little man who has a woman following him with a portable printer to show him all the good things said about him... If bad press follows, his ego won't let him stay away. Remember, it'll become about how HE'S the old, unintelligible, rambling, incoherent candidate now.

And if he let's her run roughshod with her campaign unabated? That hurts him perhaps even more. He HAS to debate the new candidate. Because he can't ignore it.
Enthusiasm from donors perhaps, but from the general public? We'll see.

Harris is not particularly popular and polls no better than Biden does. I agree that she does potentially have a bigger upside if she campaigns well and/or wins a debate with Trump, but I'm guessing Trump's initial strategy at least will be to go hard at her on border security given it's been her focus as VP.
40,000 black women joined a grassroots call yesterday for their support.

SEIU already endorsed her.

Trump's campaign had literally no plan to campaign against anyone but Biden, otherwise he'd have done more than complain about Biden since the announcement. Right now it's all "He shouldn't be President!" and "It's unfair that he dropped out!"
Sure that's what we want, but I just don't see that happening.
We'll see. I personally see his ego being too fragile. But you aren't wrong. I can easily see it going both ways.

Trump's campaign had literally no plan to campaign against anyone but Biden, otherwise he'd have done more than complain about Biden since the announcement. Right now it's all "He shouldn't be President!" and "It's unfair that he dropped out!"
I love seeing the "He shouldn't be president" schtick. Like... does he not realize how stupid he sounds? Biden is essentially a lame duck president now. He hasn't had enough time to write his elementary school insults about Harris yet.
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