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Breaking Joe Biden drops out of 2024 presidential race

in all seriousness, this is exactly what I was talking about in that other thread when Harris was floated as the option. She's not without problems. We'll see what moves she makes here. So far a lot of this is playing out how I thought it would if he did this.

Sadly just about every candidate will have "problems" for someone. They can dislike her and the gaza stuff is fair to not like about the current administration, but their individual rights are in jeopardy and likely gone if Trump is elected


No Problem Here
GW Elder
to me it's not about the "number" it's about is that a hot-button problem for you. To the point you would stay home. Genocide is up there for a lot of people. Her past as a DA is another. I'm not saying that's a great stance, just that these are real voters out there who think like this. There is a reason she made no progress in her primary years ago for president. Though, that was then, and this is now as the VP.
to me it's not about the "number" it's about is that a hot-button problem for you. To the point you would stay home. Genocide is up there for a lot of people. Her past as a DA is another. I'm not saying that's a great stance, just that these are real voters out there who think like this.

Right and maybe in a normal election and if the Republicans had a McCain or even Romney I wouldnt get it, but I wouldnt look down upon them, but if they stay home in 2024 and Trump wins, shame on them

There is a reason she made no progress in her primary years ago for president. Though, that was then, and this is now as the VP.
A lot can change, Biden never made it far until after becoming VP. Also her opponents are no longer people somewhat on the same side of the isle, her opponent is wanna be dictator


Dumbass Progenitor
GW Elder
All joking aside though, they said flat out on NPR that her running mate "is going to be a white male".

Kinda wish the focus would drop off of race when we’re at the doorstep of a world war. Most of us are already mutts to begin with, and those of us that aren’t are a few generations removed from being one. “American” will just be an amalgamation of other ethnicities soon enough, and most of the people that seem to have a problem with it have been busy wading in their corner of the gene pool for too long.
Kinda wish the focus would drop off of race when we’re at the doorstep of a world war. Most of us are already mutts to begin with, and those of us that aren’t are a few generations removed from being one. “American” will just be an amalgamation of other ethnicities soon enough, and most of the people that seem to have a problem with it have been busy wading in their corner of the gene pool for too long.

I agree, but I bet some are worrid about some of the older School southern democrats, those that got Bill elected, I hate that that is still something that could be an issue in 2024


Dumbass Progenitor
GW Elder
I agree, but I bet some are worrid about some of the older School southern democrats, those that got Bill elected, I hate that that is still something that could be an issue in 2024

Dude, it wasn’t until the last couple presidential cycles that I realized how big race was for some people still. Thankfully, I don’t come from a predominantly white area, because I’d hate to have grown up with some of the ideals people from some of those areas have. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not racist towards my own race, but, I’m smart enough to know that the issues that matter aren’t racially exclusive. Bad people are bad people, regardless of what they look like.
Kinda wish the focus would drop off of race when we’re at the doorstep of a world war. Most of us are already mutts to begin with, and those of us that aren’t are a few generations removed from being one. “American” will just be an amalgamation of other ethnicities soon enough, and most of the people that seem to have a problem with it have been busy wading in their corner of the gene pool for too long.
I think that's the idea. They are focusing on who is more likely to help her win, sad to say.
Also, "can we stop focusing on race" is something you only hear white people say. I wonder why that is.
white GIF by hero0fwar


Dumbass Progenitor
GW Elder
I think that's the idea. They are focusing on who is more likely to help her win, sad to say.

Which is sad. I don’t like her, but I’d rather see her win or lose on her own merit than it come down to whether or not she has a white dude on her side. We’ve had plenty of idiot white dudes to prove that we’re not exactly the master race… so when is it not gonna matter if one is on the ticket?

Also, "can we stop focusing on race" is something you only hear white people say. I wonder why that is.

You gotta broaden your scope of who you’re hearing from, then, because I’ve heard plenty of people say it for a long time. It says a lot when you’re only hearing of white people saying something others have been saying for years, and it’s not your fault, it’s because we live in a place where certain voices are still heard louder than others in certain parts of the country. It doesn’t mean that they don’t exist, though. It just means you’re more likely to hear it from a white person than someone else, so you’d have to “listen harder” to pick up on it. It’s a sad reality, but, it’s gradually turning around, and eventually it won’t be an issue.
Which is sad. I don’t like her, but I’d rather see her win or lose on her own merit than it come down to whether or not she has a white dude on her side. We’ve had plenty of idiot white dudes to prove that we’re not exactly the master race… so when is it not gonna matter if one is on the ticket?

You gotta broaden your scope of who you’re hearing from, then, because I’ve heard plenty of people say it for a long time. It says a lot when you’re only hearing of white people saying something others have been saying for years, and it’s not your fault, it’s because we live in a place where certain voices are still heard louder than others in certain parts of the country. It doesn’t mean that they don’t exist, though. It just means you’re more likely to hear it from a white person than someone else, so you’d have to “listen harder” to pick up on it. It’s a sad reality, but, it’s gradually turning around, and eventually it won’t be an issue.
I call BS on that. Like 99% of comments on Facebook confirm what I said.


Dumbass Progenitor
GW Elder
I call BS on that. Like 99% of comments on Facebook confirm what I said.

Comments on Facebook don’t equate to black people out in your neighborhood or at your work, dude. I couldn’t tell you how many people I remember throwing a fit when Biden announced he was likely going to chose a POC for a running mate. If I offer you a job based solely on the color of your skin and not your resume, you’re gonna feel some kinda way about your resume being irrelevant/overlooked and another way about your skin color being the deciding factor in the offer. That’s where the working class black people I know come from… there’s no victory in being picked for something based on your skin color. There’s no “we finally did it” when it’s a white dude that picked a black running mate. Yes, it’s progress comparatively, but, most black people I know that aren’t Trump supporters were strongly against Kamala for her previous history and the premise that she was picked for being a black/Asian woman. The problem is… you’re not necessarily gonna hear from those working class black people on Facebook, or NPR, or any other medium like that… they’re gonna be busy surviving instead of playing Facebook debate club with the people privileged enough to have the idle time to spend questioning the government. You gotta remember, where I’m from, people are so burnt out from that affirmative action-type stuff, they’re ready for true equality… not to be pandered to once every four years. Does that mean the rest of the country follows the same mentality? Absolutely not, but, that doesn’t mean people here that I’ve had the opportunity to talk to feel that way.

You on the ticket would make for a wild debate against Mr. Pringles Can Lover.


Dumbass Progenitor
GW Elder
So long as there's no wildcard VP pick, this is going to be the first presidential election without one of these 3 last names since 1976:

Bush, Clinton, or Biden.

(Bush, Bush, Bush/Clinton, Clinton, Bush, Bush, Biden, Biden, Clinton, Biden)

That’s wild when you put it like that… really puts into perspective “democratic process” when it’s the same three names throughout our entire lives.

Makes you wonder what’s up for the next debates that were already tentatively scheduled.
There is only one more. In September. The other Presidential ones both Biden and Trump already said they wouldn't attend. That won't change now.

if there is a debate

Like why would he debate lol

50/50 chance on it happening

Oh yeah and who exactly is going to be the VP
Because Trump HAS to debate the Dem candidate now. He'll be made to look like he's ducking whoever it is. Likely Harris. And that will play right into the criminal ducking the ex-prosecutor. Trump loses a LOT of face if he doesn't agree to face whoever it is.

Trump will now be the oldest presidential nominee for a major party in history.
And the Dems should ABSOLUTELY flip this script on him. They no longer have Biden or his age as a crutch (the Reps that is). Now flipping this to Trump being old and start showing all his clips. "Our candidate knew when it was time to step aside. Now this old forgetful fuck is trying to lure you into his mental stability." It's an easy target now, and Trump has done nothing to prove to his non-cult followers that he's not lost his mind too.

She sucked in the primary debates but did great against Mike Pence. Besides all she has to do literally is fact check her opponent. She's also good about optics, which is what's most important apparently these days.
She's always been a good orator. But she LITERALLY just has to be alive and real time fact check his lies. In the same format as the first debate, Harris mops the floor with Trump.

I still want to see Obama as VP, the right would lose their mind. Shows up to first debate in a Tan suit
Obama is ineligible. The VP has to be eligible for the Presidency. As he served two terms, he is ineligible. Michelle Obama has been a popular name bandied about, but she's not a politician and I wouldn't want her to have to face Vance because Vance is a moron.

@Jon use this thread
I know I know... I was getting here!


Caterpillar Accountant
Mr. Queen of the Dead
10K Post Club
GWF Sponsor
GW Elder
There is only one more. In September. The other Presidential ones both Biden and Trump already said they wouldn't attend. That won't change now.

Word from the Trump camp is that the September debate won't happen because Trump is going to go with the idea that Kamala is an illegitimate candidate.
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