GW presents: The Amazing Race Sign Ups

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My mind remains unchanged
I think from what I've seen this may be hard to do. Some have been easier for people than others and there doesn't seem to be a pattern yet.

It's likely due to level of knowledge of any specific topic.
Just like jeopardy. More difficult questions in one category might be easier for you than easy ones in another
The route will involve guessing the location that you need to "travel" to from a Google Maps screenshot (similar to GeoGuessr but without the required sign up), teams will then be timed on how long it takes them to complete the route for a given round. Rounds may focus on one or more countries and may have themes. There will be Clues available to help you guess where you need to go however these will have time penalties attached. There will be elimination and non-elimination rounds

No. I'm not a big fan of playing Pokémon Go. :shrug
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