Wolf 15 signup

I’ll just have my proxy play for me.
Tom Hanks Space GIF by TV4
Hey guys, I'm back from my trip away...

What the hell happened here and how do I need to update my list. Are we even still playing? Can I get shortkut-style cliff's notes
We need an aftercare thread for this thread so we can sign up properly

Ants does not want to play
Ben does not want to play
99% sure TD is also sitting out, but since Ants was the one that had a problem with his playstyle and isn’t playing, I don’t know if TD changed his mind
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Reactions: TD
We need an aftercare thread for this thread so we can sign up properly

Ants does not want to play
Ben does not want to play
99% sure TD is also sitting out, but since Ants was the one that had a problem with his playstyle and isn’t playing, I don’t know if TD changed his mind
I don't believe TD is backing out because Ants had a problem with the play style. He's backing out because he felt singled out when Ants agreed with Ben about reasons for not wanting to play.

We need to stop tagging everyone who has said they no longer want to play is one thing. Another is people might end up needing a bit of a break period here.
  • Disagree
Reactions: TD
I don't believe TD is backing out because Ants had a problem with the play style. He's backing out because he felt singled out when Ants agreed with Ben about reasons for not wanting to play.

We need to stop tagging everyone who has said they no longer want to play is one thing. Another is people might end up needing a bit of a break period here.

These cliff notes are accurate. Ben, TD, Cole, Ants, at minimum, wish to stop being tagged for all wolf styled games until they decide to come back on their own.
I mentioned this before, but I’ll say it again:

I explicitly give anyone and everyone permission to tag me as much as they like. Doesn’t mean I’ll play, but I might pop in and say something, and I appreciate knowing that yall continue to think about me 😘


Caterpillar Accountant
Mr. Queen of the Dead
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GW Elder
A follow-up on our lead story, TD is taking a break from wolf games.

A highly placed source in the Shitposting Department has told us that he is going to "bow out" and "stick to the corners of GWF where he doesn't need to consistently deal with this."

Another source close to TD adds "lol jon sucks"

We will continue to follow this new development.


Orangekat, not Aphrodite
GWF Sponsor
GW Elder
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