What are all the names you're known by?

Real name is Jake.
When I joined I was Flaming Chao. I was usually going by Flame online at the time, but that name was already taken by a mod, so early on I switched to The Flame, which became my main. There's a long list of goofy ass names that I used briefly, but the only ones I can currently remember are Haunter, Doctor Zoidberg, The Narwhalrus, and *. On Steam and such my username is usually Inebriated Moose, which has been my default ever since the PS3 days. Been wanting to switch it to something else because I've grown tired of it, but could never come up with anything that sticks.
Had a feeling that was you. Saw you around the Sonic forum every now and then
Real name: Max

I've always been Nae'blis here, but in the beginning I had it as -=Nae'blis=- because 14-15 year old me thought it looked cool. :cool2

Funny(?) story: I actually thought about chaging my username to Blind Guardian before Ben did! Back when he was bentalbot.. and for some reason I always read his name as bental bot.. weird robot.
Honestly I still read it ad bental bot.


Orangekat, not Aphrodite
GWF Sponsor
GW Elder
we overlapped a very little bit, yeah. I got modded in early 2005. towards the end of 2005 is when Ben decided to "shake things up" and removed you, Tommy and Kat (this is my recollection maybe I'm mistaken) and held a vote for the new smods. once I became smod unchanged my own name to Coleman.
IIRC, I got booted for, uh, "delegating" name changes (you might know it better as "account sharing"). I would've gotten away with it too if he hadn't had an alt somebody did an IP check on to figure out the identity of it, and it matched both of our accounts.

I know I had a bunch of other usernames, but I can't remember any of them. They were probably so dumb I just blocked them all out.


GW Elder
IIRC, I got booted for, uh, "delegating" name changes (you might know it better as "account sharing"). I would've gotten away with it too if he hadn't had an alt somebody did an IP check on to figure out the identity of it, and it matched both of our accounts.

I know I had a bunch of other usernames, but I can't remember any of them. They were probably so dumb I just blocked them all out.
I do remember that! hahaha

I know GW was wild west internet days, and with the size we needed formal rules, but God sone of them were dumb


Orangekat, not Aphrodite
GWF Sponsor
GW Elder
I do remember that! hahaha

I know GW was wild west internet days, and with the size we needed formal rules, but God sone of them were dumb
I mean, that's a pretty fair rule honestly, so I can't be mad. It was my fault for being both lazy and so greedy with post count that I made him still post after doing the name change. It was hilarious how serious of an offense "leaking" was considered though. (I did that too, but never got formally busted for it.)
I mean, that's a pretty fair rule honestly, so I can't be mad. It was my fault for being both lazy and so greedy with post count that I made him still post after doing the name change. It was hilarious how serious of an offense "leaking" was considered though. (I did that too, but never got formally busted for it.)
Leaking is serious business


Formerly Apollo
GW Elder
Leaking is serious business
Images Boat GIF by getflexseal

Lunar Kreskents

noping in a corner near you
GW Elder
IIRC, I got booted for, uh, "delegating" name changes (you might know it better as "account sharing"). I would've gotten away with it too if he hadn't had an alt somebody did an IP check on to figure out the identity of it, and it matched both of our accounts.

I know I had a bunch of other usernames, but I can't remember any of them. They were probably so dumb I just blocked them all out.
😆 That's hilarious. I never knew you were such an outlaw! To be fair, those name changes were brutal.....ly mind numbing and endless.


Orangekat, not Aphrodite
GWF Sponsor
GW Elder
😆 That's hilarious. I never knew you were such an outlaw! To be fair, those name changes were brutal.....ly mind numbing and endless.
The best part is I originally got some recognition for being so much faster to do them than everyone else, hahaha. I blame school for having us read The Adventures of Tom Sawyer.
Okay...time to start this. Will add more if I remember (feel free to add any you remember as well):

  • Alu15
  • Shiva_God (Amber/ @Vampyra and I got matching names at this point for a bit)
  • Alu
  • Al
  • A
  • å
  • General Alu Ackbar
  • Admiral Alu Ackbar
  • Admiral Maggot
  • Alyssa Milano
  • Alu Zer
  • Ampersand
  • Alukut
  • Achy Breaky Heart
  • A/S/L?
  • A Super Moderator

Gotta think of more...

(for reference: I had 50 names overall...so still missing out on 34)
Thanks to @Jawneh I now have 3 more to add here:

  • Alu15
  • Shiva_God (Amber/ @Vampyra and I got matching names at this point for a bit)
  • Alu
  • Al
  • A
  • å
  • General Alu Ackbar
  • Admiral Alu Ackbar
  • Admiral Maggot
  • Alyssa Milano
  • Alu Zer
  • Ampersand
  • Alukut
  • Achy Breaky Heart
  • A/S/L?
  • A Super Moderator
  • Alaska
  • Al Is My Savior
  • Allah Is My Toilet
  • Alu Sucks
  • Astroglide
Last edited:
Thanks to @Jawneh I now have 3 more to add here:

  • Alu15
  • Shiva_God (Amber/ @Vampyra and I got matching names at this point for a bit)
  • Alu
  • Al
  • A
  • å
  • General Alu Ackbar
  • Admiral Alu Ackbar
  • Admiral Maggot
  • Alyssa Milano
  • Alu Zer
  • Ampersand
  • Alukut
  • Achy Breaky Heart
  • A/S/L?
  • A Super Moderator
  • Alaska
  • Al Is My Savior
  • Allah Is My Toilet
You were Alu sucks at the time GW died according to my screenshots


Dumbass Progenitor
GW Elder
I mean, that's a pretty fair rule honestly, so I can't be mad. It was my fault for being both lazy and so greedy with post count that I made him still post after doing the name change. It was hilarious how serious of an offense "leaking" was considered though. (I did that too, but never got formally busted for it.)

The wild thing about the whole leaking thing is from BEFORE I became a mod I knew what everyone was saying in my instamod thread. Same for VMG. Same for smod. The admin spot was strictly between Al and I via email… it was the only way we could get answers outta him.

Leaking was a REGULAR thing, from the top down. As much shit that we had to go through to even be promoted to admins, you better believe if we trusted you enough to fill one of our spots you already knew what was going on.

Leaking is serious business

Back then it was. When there were 100+ mods, 12 VMG, 4 smods, and 4 admins anything could have turned into a shit show in the mod forum… if something got out of there, it caused a shit show wherever it landed because there were always a bunch of names associated with any leak.

It was never about the leaks themselves. It was about WHO was leaked to that caused a problem, because there was a lot of people not backing up what they’d say in private in public.


Cleverly disguised as a responsible adult
GW Elder
Hello! I am me, I believe I also went by originalxboxer once upon a time. Glad to be back and look forward to seeing you all again


GWPS Mascot
GW Elder
Wow, so many old names in this thread. Great to see so many familiar faces that I haven't seen since the facebook days, haha. I originally joined as Volleyballchika6934 or something along those lines. I then changed to Ashlee, my name. Some other names from other games/discord are Aliella and Ashandrae as well.


Formerly Apollo
GW Elder
Wow, so many old names in this thread. Great to see so many familiar faces that I haven't seen since the facebook days, haha. I originally joined as Volleyballchika6934 or something along those lines. I then changed to Ashlee, my name. Some other names from other games/discord are Aliella and Ashandrae as well.
It's great to have you here, our little slice of nostalgia :D


Full-time time waster
GWF Sponsor
GW Elder
Wow, so many old names in this thread. Great to see so many familiar faces that I haven't seen since the facebook days, haha. I originally joined as Volleyballchika6934 or something along those lines. I then changed to Ashlee, my name. Some other names from other games/discord are Aliella and Ashandrae as well.
There's a person I know. Why hellooo.


GW Elder
Wow, so many old names in this thread. Great to see so many familiar faces that I haven't seen since the facebook days, haha. I originally joined as Volleyballchika6934 or something along those lines. I then changed to Ashlee, my name. Some other names from other games/discord are Aliella and Ashandrae as well.
well hey it's ash. mascot of the gwps


Destroy what destroys you
GW Elder
BigDaddyDragon (First name, was playing Legend of Dragoon at the time)
RequiemOfEternity (Stuck the most. Influenced later name.)
Requiem (Mostly referred to as Req.)

OH and Murdoch

You guys feel free to call me JW :)

I'm PrisonWaffles on literally everything, and almost was here, but I thought I'd just go with Requiem since I'm pretty sure that was the last name
Last edited:


Mew is a fkn cat
GW Elder
Real name: Ryan
OG username: I think it was Hawk2k5
Last username: Ryan!

I'm also known as The Coffee Guy as I always bring nurses those giant Tim Hortons coffee things


Sad, lumpy oatmeal that used to be Xellos
GW Elder
Hmmm... Long list. I don't remember most.

I was Xellos, King Kimahri, Xellos again, got permabanned as Xellos, and came back as Black Phoenix

There were others in between, but there isn't enough truth serum in the world that can get me to remember them.
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